120 research outputs found

    Oblique didactics: Innovating the ludic experience in kindergarten to promote pedagogical training

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    The ludic experience through the discovery of body and movement in kindergarten is represented by an experience of fundamental importance for the pedagogical development of children. Also, in this case, it is necessary to research for innovative didactic proposals that motivate the children and lay the foundations for an effective training course. The purpose of this paper is to analyse, with a sample of children aged between 4 and 6 years, oblique-type didactics that can be used to evaluate the training progress obtainable through this innovative approach, and to hypothesize its use in kindergarten

    La pedagogia nell’era digitale: il ruolo dei social media nella promozione dell’attività motoria

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    The literature of different areas of study reports that social media, especially new social media (Facebook), plays an important role for society in the third millennium: consequently, this issue requires the continuous attention of the pedagogical community as well. Facebook has had great potential to increase knowledge and perception of the concept of well-being and motor education, but its role is still being defined. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate, through an online survey, how and how much Facebook promotes well-being by encouraging the practice of motor activity. Statistical data analysis, used in an integrated and complementary approach, was multiple match analysis, cluster analysis, and cross-tabs. The final sample consisted of 1,820 Facebook users. Social media websites are widely used not only by the younger generation, but also by the adult and elderly population to find information regarding well-being and motor activity. Starting from the results of the research, it can be argued that Facebook users would like to have more “certified information” on the education of motor practice through social media.La letteratura di diverse aree di studio riporta che i social media, in particolare i new social media (Facebook), svolgono un ruolo importante per la societĂ  nel terzo millennio: di conseguenza, questo tema richiede l’attenzione continua anche della comunitĂ  pedagogica. Facebook ha avuto un grande potenziale per aumentare la conoscenza e la percezione del concetto di well-being e di educazione motoria, ma il suo ruolo è ancora in via di definizione. I siti Web di social media sono ampiamente utilizzati non solo dalle giovani generazioni, ma anche dalla popolazione adulta e anziana per trovare informazioni relativamente al  benessere e all’attivitĂ  motoria. L’obiettivo del paper è dimostrare, mediante una survey online, come e quanto Facebookpromuova il benessere incoraggiando la pratica dell’attivitĂ  motoria. L’analisi statistica dei dati, utilizzata in un approccio integrato e complementare, è stata l’analisi della corrispondenza multipla, l’analisi dei cluster e le tabulazioni incrociate. Il campione finale era composto da 1.820 utenti di Facebook. Partendo dai risultati della ricerca, si può sostenere che gli utenti di Facebook vorrebbero avere piĂą “informazioni certificate” sull’educazione della pratica motoria attraverso i social media

    Technology and sport for health promotion: A bibliometric analysis

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    The world of sport is continually changing and the use of technology is one of those areas that has made an impact on many sports and on health promotion. The aim of this work is to establish, through a bibliometric analysis, whether and how technology can change the way of doing sport, favouring health promotion. The study develops a bibliometric overview of all the journals that are currently indexed in Web of Science (WoS) database in any of the categories connected health-technology-sport research. The research has studied the influential concepts and themes in the field of health promotion through technological innovations in sport. The analysis was conducted using the frequency of keywords and citations from the articles published between 2000 and 2018. The work identifies the leading journals in health research through a bibliometric approach. The analysis shows a deep overview of the results of health journals. It is worth noting that many journals have entered the WoS database during the last years, in many cases to fill some specific niche that has emerged in the literature, although the most popular ones have been in the database for a long time

    Educational innovation in physical education

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    The concepts of Education and Didactics in the field of Motor Activities are part of the process of social integration that allows the educator to create links with the outside world. Through movement the subject has the opportunity to integrate his gaps, learning to develop his potential, promoting new relationships with the body. The analysis of the most recent national guidelines for the school curriculum shows a particular attention to Physical Education as a vehicle of wide-ranging social values (Frabboni, F.,2015). The educational and social value of the movement is recognized and promoted internationally and is accompanied by a reconsideration of the concepts of health and well-being, becoming increasingly important in the lives of all human beings with or without disabilities. One of the main objectives of an inclusive learning approach is the need to ensure that all students achieve the highest possible level of learning and social participation. Motor activities represent the tool used for this purpose in compliance with the principles of innovative teaching actions

    Educational innovation in physical education

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    The concepts of Education and Didactics in the field of Motor Activities are part of the process of social integration that allows the educator to create links with the outside world. Through movement the subject has the opportunity to integrate his gaps, learning to develop his potential, promoting new relationships with the body. The analysis of the most recent national guidelines for the school curriculum shows a particular attention to Physical Education as a vehicle of wide-ranging social values (Frabboni, F.,2015). The educational and social value of the movement is recognized and promoted internationally and is accompanied by a reconsideration of the concepts of health and well-being, becoming increasingly important in the lives of all human beings with or without disabilities. One of the main objectives of an inclusive learning approach is the need to ensure that all students achieve the highest possible level of learning and social participation. Motor activities represent the tool used for this purpose in compliance with the principles of innovative teaching actions.I concetti di Educazione e Didattica nell’ambito delle Attività Motorie si inseriscono nel processo di integrazione sociale che consente all’educatore di creare legami con il mondo esterno. Attraverso il movimento il soggetto ha la possibilità di integrare le sue lacune, imparando a sviluppare le sue potenzialità, promuovendo nuove relazioni con il corpo. Dall’analisi delle più recenti indicazioni nazionali per il curricolo scolastico si evince un’attenzione particolare all’Educazione Motoria quale veicolo di valori sociali di grande respiro (Frabboni, F.,2015). Il valore educativo e sociale del movimento è riconosciuto e promosso a livello internazionale e si accompagna ad una riconsiderazione dei concetti di salute e benessere rivestendo sempre più una crescente importanza nella vita di tutti gli esseri umani con o senza disabilità. Uno dei principali obiettivi di un approccio di apprendimento inclusivo è rappresentato dalla necessità di far sì che tutti gli studenti raggiungano il più alto livello possibile di apprendimento e partecipazione sociale. Le attività motorie rappresentano lo strumento utilizzato a tal scopo nel rispetto dei principi delle azioni di didattica innovativa

    Impact of 13valent vaccine for prevention of pneumococcal diseases in children and adults at risk: possible sceneries in Campania region

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    Pneumonias are the most frequent infectious disease, characterized by a high prevalence especially among children and adults at risk. The socio-economic impact caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae is evaluated in terms of morbidity, death rate and hospitalizations

    Confiscated Assets and School: From the Narration to the Experiences of Pathways for Soft Skills and Orientation

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    Today, after the family, the school is the first institution in which children experience the implementation of social rules and the behaviors that follow from them. It is useful, therefore, to insert paths that favor the consolidation of a system made up of rules, inspired by the principles of transparency, fairness and solidarity, which can be the first and most effective lesson of democratic legality. In this perspective, teaching activities can appropriately refer to the programmatic contents of the disciplines which, not only with regard specifically to civic education and law, but also with regard to other cultural areas, are bearers of explicit information and formative experiences. Particular attention is paid today to the planning of “Percorsi per le Competenze Trasversali e l’Orientamento” [Paths for Soft Skills and Guidance] (PCTO), which will also have an implicit educational value, that consisting in showing, through field experiences, the convergence of multiple cultural interests towards the purpose of education to legality

    La valutazione della soddisfazione del lavoro in ambito educativo: uno studio empirico

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    Job satisfaction is an emotional state resulting from a personal evaluation of one's work or experience. This document reports a study concerning the satisfaction of teachers' work, in particular a sample of 362 teachers from secondary schools of the province of Naples was examined. A questionnaire, the "Common Assessment Framework & Education" (CAF) was used for data collection, while for the processing of the same, a structural equation model was used to identify the factors that most influence satisfaction on the teaching staff work. The results obtained, following a statistical modeling, underline a significant difference between male teachers and female teachers.La soddisfazione del lavoro è uno stato emotivo derivante da una valutazione personale del proprio lavoro o della propria esperienza. Questo documento riporta uno studio avente ad oggetto la soddisfazione del lavoro degli insegnanti, in particolare è stato esaminato un campione di 362 docenti delle scuole secondarie di secondo grado della provincia di Napoli. Per la raccolta dati è stato utilizzato un questionario, il “Common Assessment Framework & Education” (CAF), mentre per la elaborazione degli stessi, si è fatto ricorso ad un modello di equazione strutturale atto ad identificare i fattori che influenzano maggiormente la soddisfazione sul lavoro del corpo docente. I risultati ottenuti, a seguito di una modellizzazione statistica, sottolineano una differenza significativa tra insegnanti di sesso maschile e insegnanti di sesso femminile

    Multicomponent Antibiofilm Lipid Nanoparticles as Novel Platform to Ameliorate Resveratrol Properties: Preliminary Outcomes on Fibroblast Proliferation and Migration

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    : The well-being of skin and mucous membranes is fundamental for the homeostasis of the body and thus it is imperative to treat any lesion quickly and correctly. In this view, polyphenols might assist and enhance a successful wound healing process by reducing the inflammatory cascade and the production of free radicals. However, they suffer from disadvantageous physico-chemical properties, leading to restricted clinical use. In this work, a complex mixture of PEGylated lipid, Glyceryl monoester, 18-β-Glycyrrhetinic Acid and Menthol was designed to entrap Resveratrol (RSV) as the active ingredient and further produce lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) by homogenization followed by high-frequency sonication. The nanosystem was properly characterized in terms of particle size (DLS, SEM), zeta potential, drug loading, antioxidant power (DPPH), release behaviour, cytocompatibility, wound healing and antibiofilm properties. The optimized lipid mixture was homogeneous, melted at 57-61 °C and encapsulated amorphous RSV (4.56 ± 0.04% w/w). The RSV-loaded LNPs were almost monodispersed (PDI: 0.267 ± 0.010), with nanometric size (162.86 ± 3.12 nm), scavenger properties and suitable DR% and LE% values (96.82 ± 1.34% and 95.17 ± 0.25%, respectively). The release studies were performed to simulate the wound conditions: 1-octanol to mimic the lipophilic domains of biological tissues (where the First Order kinetic was observed) and citrate buffer pH 5.5 according to the inflammatory wound exudate (where the Korsmeyer-Peppas kinetic was followed). The biological and microbiological evaluations highlighted fibroblast proliferation and migration effects as well as antibiofilm properties at extremely low doses (LNPs: 22 μg/mL, corresponding to RSV 5 µM). Thus, the proposed multicomponent LNPs could represent a valuable RSV delivery platform for wound healing purposes
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