72 research outputs found

    Birds of the Arvoredo Marine Biological Reserve, southern Brazil

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    The Arvoredo Marine Biological Reserve (RBMA) is a protected area in southern Brazil created in 1990 to safeguard the marine biodiversity of the Arvoredo Archipelago. There are only few studies about bird assemblage in most of the Brazilian coastal islands, including this protected area. Therefore, this paper presents the first complete list of birds for RBMA based on data from literature and surveys between 1986 and 2012 on islands and surrounding waters. Birds were recorded during captures using mist-nets and opportunistic observations on land in January 2012, as well as in monthly strip-transects and sectors on sea between 2010 and 2012. The present list includes 84 species (15 captured) from primary data and 22 species from other sources, totaling 106 species from 37 families. Bird assemblage in the RBMA is composed by 44 aquatic birds and 62 landbirds, whereas 13 are endemic to the Atlantic Forest and 12 are threatened. As expected due to the diversity of habitats, Arvoredo and Galé Islands supported the richest assemblages in the RBMA. The number of species in the whole RBMA is smaller than bigger islands elsewhere in the Atlantic Forest domain, but similar to same-sized and same-habitat ones. Our results highlight the importance of this reserve as a suitable and isolated habitat to forest species. Deserta Island is an important site for nesting, resting, and foraging seabirds

    Remediación de efluentes provenientes de feedlots mediante el uso de plantas acuáticas

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    Feedlots have increased in several regions of Argentina, particularly in the Pampas. The absence of adequate treatments of the effluents produced in these establishments creates serious problems to the society. Phytoremediation can be defined as inexpensive and environmentally sustainable strategy used to remove pollutants by plants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the remediation potential of two macrophyte species (Eichhornia crassipes and Hydrocotyle ranunculoides) on a feedlot effluent. This effluent was treated with these species for 31 days. Control and macrophyte treatments decreased dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), Kjeldahl nitrogen (Kj N), biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total dissolved salts (TDS), total phosphorus (TP), Pb, Zn and Cr levels. At macrophyte treatments, relatively constant pH levels were kept and decreased EC and TDS values were obtained compared to control, mitigating the release of contaminants and potential greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Moreover, significant increases in biomass were obtained, being higher in E. crassipes. The results allow concluding that the presence of aquatic plants increases the removal rates of nutrients, organic matter and heavy metals from wastewater in approximately 10-17 days for a feedlot effluent with high organic load.En diversas regiones de la Argentina, en particular en la región Pampeana, se han incrementado los sistemas de engorde a corral (feedlots). La ausencia de tratamientos adecuados de los efluentes producidos por estos establecimientos crea severos problemas para la sociedad. El uso de plantas nativas para la remediación de sistemas contaminados es una tecnología de muy bajo costo y ambientalmente sustentable. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el potencial de remediación de dos especies de plantas acuáticas (Eichhornia crassipes e Hydrocotyle ranunculoides) sobre un efluente de feedlot. Este efluente fue tratado con estas especies durante 31 días. Tanto el tratamiento control como los tratamientos con macrófitas disminuyen los niveles de nitrógeno inorgánico disuelto, nitrógeno Kjeldahl, demanda bioquímica de oxígeno, demanda química de oxígeno, sales totales disueltas (STD), fósforo total, Pb, Zn y Cr. El uso de macrófitas mantuvo relativamente constante los niveles de pH, disminuyendo CE y STD respecto del control, pudiendo mitigar la liberación de contaminantes hacia la atmósfera. Además se alcanzaron incrementos significativos de biomasa, siendo mayores en E. crassipes. Los resultados permiten concluir que la presencia de plantas acuáticas incrementan las tasas de remoción de nutrientes, material orgánico y metales pesados en aproximadamente 10-17 días desde un efluente con alta carga orgánica.Fil: Rizzo, Pedro Federico. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (Argentina). Instituto de Microbiología y Zoología Agrícola. Laboratorio de Transformación de ResiduosFil: Arreghini, Silvana. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Serafini, Roberto José María. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Bres, Patricia Alina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (Argentina). Instituto de Microbiología y Zoología Agrícola. Laboratorio de Transformación de ResiduosFil: Crespo, Diana Elvira. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (Argentina). Instituto de Microbiología y Zoología Agrícola. Laboratorio de Transformación de ResiduosFil: Fabrizio de Iorio, Alicia Rosa. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomí

    Birds of Estação Ecológica de Carijós, southern Brazil

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    Estação Ecológica de Carijós, southern Brazil, was created to protect biodiversity found in mangrove areas, restingas, and swamps of Santa Catarina Island. This paper presents an updated bird list of this protected area based on different surveying methods between 2009 and 2012. Thirty new species were recorded to Estação Ecológica de Carijós. Among 227 species known to occur in the area, 6 are threatened and 5 are highly dependent on mangrove areas or restingas. Study area has great importance, once it holds 64% of all bird species recorded in Santa Catarina Island, and 32% of those found in the state of Santa Catarina. High richness that was observed can be due to complex mosaic of natural habitats. Results show this protected area should be expanded to include not only nearby areas of restinga, but also the marine portion of Ratones Bay


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    As propriedades rurais por muitos anos negligenciaram a importância da gestão como um instrumento de eficiência e eficácia, levando em consideração apenas fatores técnicos. Seguindo essa lógica, muitos agricultores não tem o hábito de anotar seus gastos, suas rotinas técnicas e administrativas. A presente pesquisa buscou fazer um estudo de caso específico em uma unidade de produção agropecuária, com a recuperação de dados do último ano agrícola a partir de uma enquete. O objetivo principal foi realizar uma análise econômica de todas as atividades, tanto comerciais, quanto de subsistência; a demanda de mão de obra, entrada e saída de dinheiro da UPA e demais aspectos que servem de subsídio para a tomada de decisão do agricultor. A partir dessa pesquisa constatou-se que a propriedade rural analisada encerrou o ciclo agrícola com uma renda agrícola de R$ 887.022,63, considerado um valor importante, que permite o aumento de capital e reprodução da família. Análises como essa, auxiliam o agricultor na gestão de sua propriedade, especialmente no que se refere à tomada de decisão, já que oferece subsídios quantitativos e qualitativos para observação da UPA. O método permite visualizar as atividades de modo individual, bem como observar os resultados da propriedade como um todo, na tentativa de identificar os gargalos e as potencialidades

    Métodos para Evaluar la Exposición a Contaminantes Plásticos en Procellariiformes: Revisión y Estandarización de Protocolos

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    A presença de resíduos antropogênicos em águas oceânicas e sua ingestão por aves marinhas tem sido alvo de um crescente número de estudos. Os Procellariiformes são particularmente suscetíveis à ingestão de plástico, uma vez que se alimentam preferencialmente de pequenas presas na superfície da água, onde os plásticos tendem a flutuar e se acumular. Após revisão bibliográfica e aplicação prática de técnicas em campo e laboratório, apresentamos um protocolo padronizado de amostragem para a avaliação da ingestão de plásticos por Procellariiformes que inclui recomendações para opções de tipos e fontes de amostras, além de adaptações à coleta para atender a diversos objetivos de pesquisa. As amostras podem ser coletadas de animais mortos oriundos da captura incidental em atividades de pesca; encalhes de praia; aves mortas nas colônias ou centros de reabilitação; animais vivos em colônias ou centros de reabilitação; ou amostragem não invasiva por meio das fezes, bolos alimentares e ovos não eclodidos. Além disso, sugerimos tipos de análises possíveis, materiais necessários e rotinas de limpeza para evitar a contaminação durante a coleta e processamento. O uso de protocolos padronizados aumenta a consistência, comparabilidade e a reprodutibilidade, permitindo comparações entre estudos em escalas temporais e espaciais diferenciadas.The presence of anthropogenic debris in oceanic waters and their ingestion by seabirds has been the subject of a growing number of studies. Procellariiformes are particularly susceptible to plastic ingestion, since they feed preferably on small prey on the waters’ surface, where plastics tend to float and accumulate. Following an extensive literature review and practical application of techniques in the field and laboratory by the authors, we present a set of guidelines for sampling Procellariiformes to assess plastic ingestion. The guidelines suggest several sample type and sample source options, offering ways to approach different research objectives and overcome logistics constraints. Samples may be collected from dead beach-cast birds or those caught incidentally by fisheries. It is also possible to collect samples from live or dead animals in their breeding sites, rehabilitation centers, or noninvasively through feces, boluses and non-hatched eggs. In addition, we recommend analysis methods, necessary materials and cleaning routines to avoid contamination during collection and processing. The use of standardized protocols increases consistency and repeatability, allowing comparisons between investigations for a number of species, as well as the detection of large-scale spatiotemporal patterns.Los estudios sobre la presencia de residuos antropogénicos en el mar y su ingesta por aves marinas se han incrementado en las últimas décadas. Los Procellariiformes son particularmente susceptibles a la ingesta de plásticos debido a que se alimentan preferentemente de presas sobre la superficie del mar, donde los plásticos tienden a flotar y acumularse. Luego de una extensa revisión bibliográfica y la aplicación práctica de técnicas en el laboratorio y el campo, presentamos protocolos estandarizados para la colecta de muestras para evaluar la ingesta de plásticos en Procellariiformes. Estos protocolos sugieren una variedad de tipos y fuentes de muestras y metodologías de colecta de acuerdo a diferentes objetivos de investigación. Las muestras pueden ser colectadas de aves muertas encontradas en la playa o capturadas incidentalmente en pesquerías; de aves vivas o muertas en colonias reproductivas y centros de rehabilitación; o de manera no-invasiva en el caso de fecas, bolos y huevos no eclosionados. Además, recomendamos métodos de análisis, insumos necesarios y rutinas de limpieza para evitar la contaminación durante la colecta y procesamiento de muestras. La implementación de protocolos estandarizados para la colecta y el análisis de muestras favorece la consistencia y repetibilidad de los estudios, permitiendo la comparación de los resultados y la detección de patrones espacio-temporales a gran escala.Fil: Gallo, Luciana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto de Biología de Organismos Marinos; Argentina. Ministerio de Produccion y Trabajo. Secretaria de Gobierno de Agroindustria. Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria. Oficina de Senasa. Centro Regional Patagonia Sur.; ArgentinaFil: Uhart, Marcela María. University of California at Davis; Estados UnidosFil: Pereira, Alice. Projeto Albatroz; BrasilFil: Pereira Serafini, Patricia. Centro Nacional de Pesquisa e Conservação de Aves Silvestres; Brasil. Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade; Brasi

    Remediación de efluentes provenientes de feedlots mediante el uso de plantas acuáticas

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    Feedlots have increased in several regions of Argentina, particularly in the Pampas. The absence of adequate treatments of the effluents produced in these establishments creates serious problems to the society. Phytoremediation can be defined as inexpensive and environmentally sustainable strategy used to remove pollutants by plants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the remediation potential of two macrophyte species (Eichhornia crassipes and Hydrocotyle ranunculoides) on a feedlot effluent. This effluent was treated with these species for 31 days. Control and macrophyte treatments decreased dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), Kjeldahl nitrogen (Kj N), biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total dissolved salts (TDS), total phosphorus (TP), Pb, Zn and Cr levels. At macrophyte treatments, relatively constant pH levels were kept and decreased EC and TDS values were obtained compared to control, mitigating the release of contaminants and potential greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Moreover, significant increases in biomass were obtained, being higher in E. crassipes. The results allow concluding that the presence of aquatic plants increases the removal rates of nutrients, organic matter and heavy metals from wastewater in approximately 10-17 days for a feedlot effluent with high organic load.Feedlots have increased in several regions of Argentina, particularly in the Pampas. The absence of adequate treatments of the effluents produced in these establishments creates serious problems to the society. Phytoremediation can be defined as inexpensive and environmentally sustainable strategy used to remove pollutants by plants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the remediation potential of two macrophyte species (Eichhornia crassipes and Hydrocotyle ranunculoides) on a feedlot effluent. This effluent was treated with these species for 31 days. Control and macrophyte treatments decreased dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), Kjeldahl nitrogen (Kj N), biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total dissolved salts (TDS), total phosphorus (TP), Pb, Zn and Cr levels. At macrophyte treatments, relatively constant pH levels were kept and decreased EC and TDS values were obtained compared to control, mitigating the release of contaminants and potential greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Moreover, significant increases in biomass were obtained, being higher in E. crassipes. The results allow concluding that the presence of aquatic plants increases the removal rates of nutrients, organic matter and heavy metals from wastewater in approximately 10-17 days for a feedlot effluent with high organic load

    The aqueous Triton X-100 – dodecyltrimethylammonium bromidemicellar mixed system. Experimental results and thermodynamic analysis

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    The micellization process of the aqueous mixed system triton X-100 (TX100) – dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB) has been studied with a battery of techniques: surface tension, static and dynamic light scattering and ion-selective electrodes. Results have been also analysed with two thermodynamic procedures: the Regular Solution Theory or Rubingh's model and the recently developed Equation Oriented Mixed Micellization Model (EOMMM). For α DTAB ≤ 0.40 (α DTAB : total molar fraction of the system without considering the water), the micelles are predominantly TX100 with scarce solubilized DTA + ions, with TX100 acting as a nearly ideal solvent. In the range 0.50 ≤ α DTAB ≤ 0.75, it seems that none of the components acts as a solvent. Above α DTAB ≈ 0.75 there are noticeable changes in the size and electrophoretic mobility of the micelles. These phenomena have been interpreted in the light of the thermodynamic results and literature on some TX100-ionic surfactant mixtures. The case under study is an almost ideal but very asymmetric mixed surfactants system, what is very interesting in view of the very different nature and structures of the components.Fil: Serafini, Patricio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Física del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Física. Instituto de Física del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Fernández Leyes, Marcos Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Física del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Física. Instituto de Física del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Sánchez Morales, Jhon Freddy. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Física del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Física. Instituto de Física del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Pereyra, Romina Belén. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Química del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Química. Instituto de Química del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Schulz, Erica Patricia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Química del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Química. Instituto de Química del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Durand, Guillermo Andrés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Planta Piloto de Ingeniería Química. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Planta Piloto de Ingeniería Química; ArgentinaFil: Schulz, Pablo Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Química del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Química. Instituto de Química del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Ritacco, Hernán Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Física del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Física. Instituto de Física del Sur; Argentin

    Effect of spironolactone and potassium canrenoate on cytosolic and nuclear androgen and estrogen receptors of rat liver

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    Spironolactone and potassium canrenoate are diuretics that are used widely for management of cirrhotic ascites. The administration of spironolactone frequently leads to feminization, which has been noted less frequently with the use of potassium canrenoate, a salt of the active metabolite of spironolactone. The use of these two drugs has been associated with decreases in serum testosterone levels and spironolactone with a reduction in androgen receptor (AR) activity. This decrease in AR has been cited as the cause of the antiandrogen effect of these drugs. We therefore assessed the effect of both drugs on levels of androgen and estrogen receptors (ER) in the liver, a tissue that is responsive to sex steroids. Three groups of male rats (n = 12 rats each) were studied. Group 1 (control) received vehicle only; group 2 received spironolactone (5 mg/day); group 3 received potassium canrenoate (5 mg/day). After 21 days of treatment, the animals of all groups were killed and liver tissue was assayed for nuclear and cytosolic AR and ER, and for male specific estrogen binder (MEB), an androgen-responsive protein. Both drugs drastically decreased the nuclear AR content, as compared with the control group, but only spironolactone decreased cytosolic AR. When the total hepatic content of AR is considered, a highly significant decrease is observed only in rats treated with spironolactone. This reduction in hepatic AR content suggested loss of androgen responsiveness of liver. We confirmed this by assessing levels of MEB, and found that livers from group 2 animals had no detectable MEB activity, whereas livers from both group 1 and 3 had normal MEB activity. No changes were observed in nuclear ER and cytosolic ER of group 3 as compared with group 1. Nuclear estrogen receptor decreased and cytosolic ER increased in group 2, but with no change in total ER content. These results indicate that (a) only spironolactone appears to act as an antiandrogen in liver, resulting in a decrease in both AR and male specific estrogen binder content, and (b) neither drug results in elevated hepatic ER content, although spironolactone-treated animals show an altered subcellular localization. © 1987

    Avian influenza virus (H11N9) in migratory shorebirds wintering in the Amazon region, Brazil

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    Aquatic birds are the natural reservoir for avian influenza viruses (AIV). Habitats in Brazil provide stopover and wintering sites for water birds that migrate between North and South America. The current study was conducted to elucidate the possibility of the transport of influenza A viruses by birds that migrate annually between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. In total, 556 orotracheal/cloacal swab samples were collected for influenza A virus screening using real-time RT-PCR (rRT-PCR). The influenza A virus-positive samples were subjected to viral isolation. Four samples were positive for the influenza A matrix gene by rRT-PCR. From these samples, three viruses were isolated, sequenced and characterized. All positive samples originated from a single bird species, the ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres), that was caught in the Amazon region at Caeté Bay, Northeast Pará, at Ilha de Canelas. To our knowledge, this is the first isolation of H11N9 in the ruddy turnstone in South America. (Résumé d'auteur