1,126 research outputs found

    The Dark Side of the Self-Determination Theory and Its Influence on the Emotional and Cognitive Processes of Students in Physical Education

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    Amongst the main objectives of physical education (PE) classes is the consolidation of healthy lifestyle habits in young people and adolescents. Nonetheless, these classes can also provide the basis from which adverse experiences are generated which affect students’ perceptions of these classes. Previously conducted studies have focused on motivational processes and not on emotional processes, nor on the way in which students learn. The objective of the present study was to explore the dark side of the self-determination theory, its influence on emotional intelligence and the meta-cognitive strategies of students. Methodology: A total of 1602 young people undertaking secondary education participated, with self-reported ages between 13 and 19 years. The following questionnaires were utilized: Controlling Coach Behaviors Scale, Frustration of Psychological Needs in PE classes Scale, Emotional Intelligence in PE Scale and Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire. A structural equation model was developed which explained causal associations between the study variables. Results: Psychological control positively predicted each one of the sub-factors of frustration of psychological needs. Frustration of psychological needs negatively predicted emotional intelligence. Finally, emotional intelligence positively predicted meta-cognitive thinking. Conclusions: The influence and importance of the teaching style adopted by teachers is indicated, in addition to the effect of students’ psychological experiences on emotions and learning strategie

    Technological Advances in the Diagnosis and Management of Tinnitus

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    Tinnitus disorder is a bothersome perception of a composite noise or tone in the ears in the absence of an external source, associated with emotional distress, cognitive dysfunction, and/or autonomic arousal. Tinnitus frequently occurs as a symptom together with other hearing disorders (high-frequency hearing loss, Meniere’s disease, vestibular schwannoma), auditory pathway disorders (hyperacusis), mental disorders (anxiety, depression), vascular risk factors (high blood pressure, dyslipidemia), or neurological disorders (intracranial hypertension, migraine).La Caixa Foundation 100010434 LCF/PR/DE18/52010002European Commission 848261Andalusian Health Government RH-0150-202

    Simulación de una Unidad Hospitalaria de Urgencias y su USO Potencial Para la Gestión

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    ResumenEn este trabajo se modeliza la Unidad de Urgencias del Hospital Ntra. Sra. del Pino como un sistema de colas y se diseñan y analizan mediante técnicas estadísticasde simulación con el lenguaje de programación SIMSCRIPT II.5 estructuras organizativas alternativas encaminadas a tres objetivos fundamentals: cómo se puede mejorar la eficiencia técnica de la Unidad a través de la reorganización y reasignación de la fuerza de trabajo actual; cómo reacciona el sistema ante cambios en las tasas de afluencia de los pacientes; y qué decisiones sobre asignación adicional de recursos serían más eficientes. Los cuellos de botella actuales son el Servicio de Clasificación, el Laboratorio de Analítica y el Servicio de Radiodiagnóstico, con tiempos medios de espera de 11, 31 y 12 minutos respectivamente. Algunos de los diseños alternativos pueden mejorar esta situación con un coste social que se cuantifica en el trabajo.SummaryWe developed a computer simulation model of Emergency Department Operations of the Hospital Ntra. Sra. del Pino as a queue system. We designed and analyzed alternative functional structures of the Department and their implications on resources organization and reallocation. We programmed the operations, relations and flows between the components of the system with the simulation language SIMSCRIPT II.5. We have designed alternative configurations to assess how technical efficiency could be improved through the reallocation of human resources; how the system react would to interarrival time of patients changes; and what decisions must be taken about resources allocation in order to improve efficiency. Triage, Emergency Laboratory and radiology have the maximum average waiting times (11,31 and 12 minutes, respectively). Some alternative organization patterns may improve this problem. Their social cost is also quantified in this work

    Image from literature to big screen in L’écume des jours: “paraadaptation”

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    Muchos han sido los términos utilizados para hacer referencia a la adaptación cinematográfica en las últimas décadas y muy variadas las definiciones de cada uno de ellos. En obras literarias con rasgos surrealistas como L’écume des jours, de Boris Vian, llevar determinadas imágenes a la gran pantalla hace necesario un replanteamiento de los términos y, quizás, la creación de uno nuevo que englobe todo lo que esa traslación recoge. Para lograr este propósito, este artículo comienza, de manera general, con un análisis de la imagen y de los elementos que la componen, tanto en el cine como en la literatura, y continúa con las distintas acepciones del hecho de llevar una obra literaria al cine. Posteriormente, aplica dicha teoría a la mencionada obra de Boris Vian y a las “adaptaciones” de Charles Belmont y Michel Gondry. Como resultado de todo ello, se expondrá la importancia que tienen los contextos de producción en la creación de cada una de las obras y se propondrá una mención que se considera más apropiada para los casos estudiados.Many terms have been used in recent decades to refer to film adaptation, and the definitions of the terms themselves vary considerably. When literary works of a surrealist nature, such as L’écume des jours, by Boris Vian, are produced for the cinema, these terms need to be revisited, and a new one may be required to encompass everything that this transposition refers to. To achieve this aim, this article begins with an analysis of the image and the elements that compose it, both in cinema and in literature, and follows with the different meanings of the act of bringing a literary work to the cinema. This theoretical approach is then applied to the aforementioned work by Boris Vian and to the "adaptations" of Charles Belmont and Michel Gondry.  As a result, the importance of the contexts of production in the creation of each of the works will be presented, and a more appropriate mention will be proposed for the cases studied

    Film adaptation and translation into Spanish of religious references in L’écume des jours, by Boris Vian

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    En este artículo nos proponemos mostrar cómo se recoge la crítica social en la traducción y en la adaptación cinematográfica de obras literarias. Detrás de la riqueza léxica se encuentra un enfoque social que, a veces, parece escapar a los traductores y directores. Más que un olvido, puede incluso tratarse de un tipo de censura. Es el caso que observamos en L’écume des jours, de Boris Vian, a través de una investigación que nos ha permitido contrastar las traducciones de la obra al castellano y analizar sus adaptaciones al cine centrándonos, principalmente, en las referencias religiosas en cada caso.This article aims at showing how social critique is presented in the translated versions and film adaptations of literary works. Beyond lexical wealth, translators and film directors tend to forget the importance of the social approach of the writers. They might even not simply oversee it, but get involved in a kind of censorship. It is precisely what we perceive in L’écume des jours by Boris Vian. This research helped us to contrast the translations of the book in Spanish and to analyse its adaptations to the cinema, focusing mainly on religious references

    Approach to managing the Freiberg’s disease

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    La enfermedad de Freiberg, descrita por Albert H. Freiberg en 1914, es una osteocondrosis que se presenta en los metatarsianos y con mayor frecuencia en la segunda cabeza metatarsal. La carencia de consenso en relación a la etiología multifactorial que presenta esta afección y la prevalencia de esta enfermedad a nivel del pie, sobre todo en la adolescencia y en deportistas, nos lleva a mejorar los conocimientos existentes en lo que se refiere a su clasificación, diagnóstico y tratamiento en la búsqueda de actualizar los conceptos relacionados con esta patología del pie.Freiberg’s disease, described by Albert H. Freiberg in 1914, is presented in osteochondrosis metatarsals and more frequently in the second metatarsal head. The lack of consensus regarding the multifactorial etiology has this condition and the prevalence of this disease at the foot, especially in adolescence and athletes, leads us to improve existing knowledge in regard to their classification, diagnosis and treatment in the quest to update the concepts related to this foot disorders

    Licenciatura en administración : casos para el curso de mercadotecnia III

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    59 p.Este documento "trata de [la] Mercadotecnia Internacional, campo que requiere de recurrir a información diversa de muchas naciones. Los autores, consideran que el estudio de caso es una estrategia didáctica de enseñanza-aprendizaje, que tiene como objetivo motivar e involucrar a los estudiantes; así como desarrollar en ellos, niveles superiores de aprendizaje. Esta manera de prácticas, ha sido ampliamente desarrollada en la formación de profesionales, teniendo una notable aplicación en el ámbito de las ciencias sociales, por lo cual se pueden anotar las reflexiones siguientes: El estudio de caso, consiste en proporcionar una serie de situaciones problemáticas de la vida real para que se estudien y analicen. De esta manera, se pretende que los estudiantes aprendan a generar soluciones. Se tiene como eje central al alumno y busca que éste aprenda mediante su participación activa, ya que será él quien tendrá que buscar más información para dar soluciones, o según el caso, justificar las respuestas. El caso se presenta con una narración, se describe cómo aconteció el suceso. Al elegir un caso para el desarrollo de un tema en una disciplina o área de conocimiento, se pudieran involucrar aspectos de otras disciplinas o áreas de conocimiento. Ya que los problemas o los hechos de la realidad, difícilmente se pueden circunscribir a un campo del conocimiento. Por lo tanto, los casos son esencialmente interdisciplinarios. Los casos presentan dilemas, situaciones problemáticas de difícil o compleja resolución, lo que estimula el pensamiento y la reflexión y hace comprensible la enseñanza de los diferentes temas de una unidad de enseñanza-aprendizaje (UEA). No se trata solamente de elegir una estrategia, sino de plantear verdaderos problemas."Tema I. Las tendencias de los mercados internacionales como oportunidades comerciales -- Tema II. La mercadotecnia internacional -- Tema III. El entorno de los mercados internacionales -- Tema IV. Sistema de Información de Mercadotecnia Internacional -- Tema V. Estrategias para operar en segmentos de mercados internacionales

    Standardized Clinical Profiling in Spanish Patients with Chronic Tinnitus

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    J.A.L.-E. and V.U. have received funds from H2020 Research and Innovation Program, Grant Agreement Number 848261 (UNITI). J.A.L.-E. has also received funds from the Andalusian Health Government (Grant PI-0027-2020). P.P.-C. has received funds from the Andalusian Health Government (Grant RH-0150-2020).Background: Tinnitus is a heterogeneous condition. The aim of this study as to compare the online and hospital responses to the Spanish version of European School for Interdisciplinary Tinnitus Research screening-questionnaire (ESIT-SQ) in tinnitus individuals by an unsupervised age clustering. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed including 434 white Spanish patients with chronic tinnitus to assess the demographic and clinical profile through the ESIT-SQ, with 204 outpatients and 230 individuals from an online survey; a K-means clustering algorithm was used to classify both responses according to age. Results: Online survey showed a high proportion of Meniere’s disease (MD) patients compared to both the general population and the outpatient cohort. The responses showed statistically significant differences between groups regarding education level, tinnitus-related hearing disorders (MD, hyperacusis), sleep difficulties, dyslipidemia, and other tinnitus characteristics, including duration, type of onset, the report of mitigating factors and the use of treatments. However, these differences were partially confirmed after adjusting for age. Conclusions: Self-reported tinnitus surveys are a low confidence source for tinnitus phenotyping. Additional clinical evaluation is needed for tinnitus research to reach the diagnosis. Age-based cluster analysis might help to better define clinical profiles and to compare responses in ESIT-SQ among subgroups of patients with tinnitus.H2020 Research and Innovation Program, Grant Agreement Number 848261 (UNITI)Andalusian Health Government (Grant PI-0027-2020)Andalusian Health Government (Grant RH-0150-2020

    Estudio Sobre La Relación Entre Mobbing Y La Satisfacción Laboral En Docentes De Instituciones De Educación Superior En México

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    Currently, the technological and administrative modernity has revolutionized the dynamics of work in organizations. In recent years, the existence of mobbing has been pointed out, which represents an obstacle to the integral development of workers; therefore, job satisfaction plays a fundamental role in the quality of life of people. In the present work a quantitative research was carried out, a transversal-correlational design was used, to determine if there is a statistically significant relationship between the mobbing variables and job satisfaction of the teachers of the Higher Education Institutions (HEI). The sample consisted of 248 teachers from four HEI in central Mexico. The hypotheses were evaluated through the chi-square statistical test. The results reveal the dependence between the dimensions of the variables analyzed


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    Pyrolysis of peanut shells was carried out using stepwise isothermal fast pyrolysis (SIFP). SIFP consists of successive isothermal fast pyrolysis reactions, where solid products obtained in the previous isothermal fast pyrolysis become the substrate of the subsequent reaction at a higher temperature. This article reports results obtained from SIFP of peanut shells between 200 and 300°C using 100°C intervals under vacuum (0.2 mm). The maximum yield of liquid products was obtained at 300°C, giving around 30% of bio-oil, which contained mainly phenols and furan derivatives. On the other hand, since previous papers have reported fungicidal activity of phenols derivatives from lingo-cellulosic biomass pyrolysis, we carried out antifungal activity tests of bio oil obtained from peanut shells SIFT at 300 °C. Results seem promising, at least on Sclerotium rolfsii