324 research outputs found

    Training for happiness: the impacts of different positive exercises on hedonism and eudaemonia

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    Theoretical conceptions on happiness have generally considered two broad perspectives: hedonic enjoyment and eudaemonia. However, most research on how to improve people’s happiness has focused primarily on the enhance‑ ment of hedonic happiness. In this longitudinal experimental study we test the differential impact of two positive exercises—Best Possible Selves and the Lottery Question—on hedonic and eudaemonic happiness. The hypothesis that the practice of the Best Possible Selves exercise would increase hedonic happiness was confirmed. This effect was immediate and maintained a week after the exercise. Furthermore, this exercise also increased eudaemonic happiness. However, its effect decreased after a week. Contrary to what was expected the Lottery Question exercise decreased both eudaemonic happiness and hedonic happiness over time. We discuss implications of this study for the literature on positive psychological and behavioral interventions to increase happiness.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Infraestruturas abertas em ação: DataCite e ORCID

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    Openness, reliability, identifiability and interoperability of scientific information are increasingly relevant aspects for the scientific community and open research infrastructure. Within open research infrastructure, one of the pillars of Open Science, persistent identifiers are established as a main building block, enabling interoperability between entities such as authors, outputs and institutions. To consolidate and maintain best practices around them, DataCite and ORCID have worked together since their early days and have fostered the development of communities of practice in the adoption of open persistent identifiers. This text frames identifiers within the framework of Open Science and the FAIRification of scientific information. It also presents the joint trajectory of DataCite and ORCID and the concept of communities of practice applied to open persistent identifiers. Finally, it explores the work developed in Ibero-America and possible future scenarios.La apertura, fiabilidad, identificación e interoperabilidad de la información científica son aspectos cada vez más relevantes para la comunidad científica y la infraestructura abierta de investigación. Dentro de la infraestructura abierta de investigación, uno de los pilares de la Ciencia Abierta, los identificadores persistentes se establecen como un bloque principal, permitiendo la interoperabilidad entre entidades como autores, producción e instituciones. Para consolidar y mantener buenas prácticas en torno a ellos, DataCite y ORCID han trabajado conjuntamente desde su creación y han fomentado el desarrollo de comunidades de práctica en la adopción de identificadores persistentes abiertos. Este texto encuadra los identificadores dentro del marco de la Ciencia Abierta y la FAIRificación de la información científica. Asimismo, presenta la trayectoria conjunta de DataCite y ORCID y el concepto de comunidades de práctica aplicado a identificadores persistentes abiertos. Por último, explora el trabajo desarrollado en Iberoamérica y posibles escenarios futuros.A abertura, confiabilidade, identificabilidade e interoperabilidade das informações científicas são aspectos cada vez mais relevantes para a comunidade científica e para a infraestrutura aberta de pesquisa. Dentro da infraestrutura aberta de pesquisa, um dos pilares da Ciência Aberta, os identificadores persistentes são estabelecidos como um bloco de construção principal, permitindo a interoperabilidade entre entidades como autores, produção e instituições. Para consolidar e manter boas práticas em torno deles, DataCite e ORCID têm trabalhado juntos desde seu início e fomentado o desenvolvimento de comunidades de prática na adoção de identificadores persistentes abertos. Este texto enquadra os identificadores no âmbito da Ciência Aberta e da FAIRificação da informação científica. Também apresenta a trajetória conjunta de DataCite e ORCID e o conceito de comunidades de prática aplicado a identificadores abertos persistentes. Finalmente, explora o trabalho desenvolvido na Ibero-América e os possíveis cenários futuros

    “Bolsonaro tem razão”: Um parasita intracelular obrigatório

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    Este artigo apresenta um estudo feito no grupo de WhatsApp intitulado Direita do Rio Grande do Norte, cujo objetivo foi investigar como as subjetividades desenvolvidas neste aplicativo condicionam o modo de perceber os acontecimentos. Com enfoque no fato do presidente Jair Bolsonaro se posicionar na contramão das recomendações da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) e não reconhece a gravidade relativa à pandemia da Covid-19, investigamos como os seus apoiadores propagam e interpretam essas informações, bem como isso se relaciona com o processo de desinformação e circulação de conteúdos falsos no WhatsApp

    Multidisciplinary and multi sector lighthouses | case studies | Deliverable D2.2

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    RES4CITY is a 36-month project funded by the European Commission, initiated in October 2022. Its primary objective is to advance the development of sustainable renewables and fuel technologies within cities. This is achieved by collaborative efforts in designing innovative educational micro-programmes involving various stakeholders. The project also emphasizes the promotion of sustainability and circularity, bridging the knowledge and skills gaps essential for a successful energy transition. This deliverable, designated as D.2.2 RES4CITY multidisciplinary and multi sector lighthouses, is developed under task T2.2 Lighthouse case studies development of the RES4CITY project during M12 (September 2023). Task T2.2 builds upon the energy-related urban challenges identified in T2.1 Innovative sustainable strategies for carbon neutral smart cities. In essence, task T2.2 focuses on creating lighthouse case studies that address these identified challenges. To ensure a comprehensive and effective approach, task T2.2 collaborates closely with task T3.2, actively engaging the community of stakeholders. The culmination of these collaborative efforts results in the production of pre-feasibility analyses tailored to the specific urban context under consideration. The document comprises three chapters. The first chapter introduces task T2.2, which involved the development of ten lighthouse case studies by project partners, along with their corresponding HUBs. This chapter describes the approach to ensuring clarity and enhancing reader comprehension, thereby amplifying the impact and dissemination of these case studies. To achieve this, the case studies followed a predefined template designed with a structure like that of a scientific article. This structure encompasses not only an introductory section addressing the challenge under scrutiny and introducing the case study but also includes sections dedicated to presenting results, recommendations, and conclusions. In the second chapter, the ten lighthouse case studies are compiled and presented individually. This set of lighthouse case studies contributes to fulfilling the RES4CITY’s Milestone 11 Lighthouse available for case study education. Each case study is accompanied by an executive summary, which complements the existing Abstract and Graphical Abstract elements that are part of the case study structure. The objective of creating this executive summary is to provide an additional resource that can be examined independently of the complete case study. Its purpose is to facilitate an understanding of the subject matter and the case study itself while highlighting key results and conclusions. This approach enables the case studies to be used independently. Within the framework of this Deliverable, the executive summary serves as tool for readers to grasp the key points of each case study swiftly and concisely. This empowers readers to determine, based on their interests and requirements, whether they want to delve deeper into the individual case studies for more detailed analysis. In the third and concluding chapter, each lighthouse case study developed by the project partners is presented in a straightforward and concise manner. Furthermore, this chapter highlights key concluding remarques derived from each of the case studies. Lastly, it emphasizes the dual purposes for which these case studies were developed: as learning tools in the RES4CITY learning and upskilling programs and as multipliers for replication in other contexts. The Deliverable 2.2 was concluded and submitted in September 2023 by (UCOI) with the support of the partners listed in Table 1


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    This study aimed to evaluate trunk control, sitting and handgrip strength of children and adolescents with Cerebral Palsy (CP) and characterized the movement of rowing. The study included children and adolescents aged 8 to 18 years, diagnosed with CP, GMFCS III and IV diparetic spastic type. The respective assessment instruments were used: for trunk control, the Segmental Assessment of Trunk Control (SATCo-Br); for the evaluation of sitting, the Gross Motor Function Measurement scale-66 (GMFM-66); and for the evaluation of the handgrip strength measurement we will use a dynamometer. Correlation analysis of right muscle strength (R) and movements during rowing revealed a moderate correlation between handgrip strength to R in individuals with diparetic spastic CP, regardless of GMFCS classification and knee extension during rowing action (r = -0.510; p = 0.044). There was no correlation between FPM R and other movements during the rowing action. The present study characterized the rowing movement in children and adolescents with CP classified in GMFCS III and IV. These data may be useful in directing and planning the clinical interventions of rowing practitioners with CP. Received on: 11/10/2019 Accepted: 01/12/2019Este estudo objetivou avaliar o controle de tronco, o sentar e a força de preensão manual de crianças e adolescentes com Paralisia Cerebral (PC) e caracterizou o movimento de remar. Participaram do estudo crianças e adolescentes com idade entre 8 e 18 anos, com diagnóstico de PC, do tipo espástica diparética GMFCS III e IV. Foram utilizados os respectivos instrumentos de avaliação: para o controle do tronco - Avaliação Segmentar do Controle de Tronco (SATCo-Br); para a avaliação do sentar, a escala Medida da Função Motora Grossa-66 (GMFM-66) e para avaliação da medida de força de preensão manual utilizaremos um dinamômetro. A análise de correlação da força muscular direita (D) e os movimentos durante a ação de remar revelou correlação moderada entre a força de preensão manual a D nos indivíduos com PC espástica diparética, independente da classificação pelo GMFCS e o movimento de estender os joelhos durante a ação de remar (r=-0,510; p=0,044). Não houve correlação da FPM D com os demais movimentos durante a ação de remar. O presente estudo caracterizou o movimento de remar em crianças e adolescentes com PC classificadas no GMFCS III e IV. Esses dados podem ser úteis no direcionamento e planejamento das intervenções clínicas de indivíduos com PC praticantes de remo. Recebido em: 11/10/2019Aceito em: 01/12/201


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    Foram analisadas sementes de castanhas-do-pará sem casca adquiridas a granel no comércio varejista de Curitiba. Os teores de umidade, lipídios e minerais foram determinados de acordo com a metodologia proposta pelo Instituto Adolfo Lutz. O teor de carboidratos foi obtido por diferença.  As quantidades de proteínas, fibra alimentar, selênio e aflatoxinas totais foram determinadas segundo metodologia da Association of Official Analytical Chemists. As determinações analíticas mostraram que 100g de sementes de castanha-do-pará contêm elevado valor calórico (691 kcal),  14,28g  ± 0,08 de proteínas, 67,52g ± 0,45 de lipídeos, 6,56g de carboidratos, 3,64g de fibra alimentar, 3,65g ± 0,03 de minerais e 0,425mg de selênio. O teor de aflatoxinas totais inferior a 1,00µg/kg indicou a segurança da amostra em relação a este metabólito tóxico. A ingestão diária recomendada de selênio é de 0,034mg; 7g da amostra de castanha-do-pará (2 unidades) correspondem a 87,65% das necessidades diária

    Histological evidence of wound healing improvement in rats treated with oral administration of hydroalcoholic extract of Vitis labrusca

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    Plant extracts rich in phenolic compounds have been demonstrated to accelerate wound healing, but their use by oral route has been poorly studied. The leaves of Vitis labrusca are rich in phenolic acids and flavonoids. The goal of this study was to assess the healing properties of the oral administration of hydroalcoholic extract of V. labrusca leaves (HEVL) in a murine model. HEVL was obtained by Soxhlet and dynamic maceration, and their yield and phenolic acids and flavonoid contents were determined. For the wound healing assay, 8 mm wounds were performed on the back of 48 Wistar rats, assigned into four groups (n=12): CTR (distilled water), HEVL100, HEVL200, and HEVL300 (HEVL at 100, 200, and 300 mg/kg, respectively). On days 7 and 14, wound closure rates were assessed, and the healing wounds were subjected to histological analysis. Soxhlet-obtained extract was selected for the wound healing assay because it provided a higher yield and phenolic acid and flavonoid contents. HEVL significantly reduced leukocytosis in the peripheral blood (p < 0.05), accelerated wound closure (p < 0.05), and improved collagenization (p < 0.05) on day 7, as well as enhanced the epidermal tissue thickness (p < 0.001) and elastic fiber deposition on day 14 (p < 0.01). Furthermore, HEVL promoted an increase in the histological grading of wound healing on both days 7 and 14 (p < 0.01). The doses of 200 and 300 mg/kg provided better results than 100 mg/Kg. Our data provide histological evidence that the oral administration of HEVL improves wound healing in rodents. Therefore, the extract can be a potential oral medicine for healing purposes.Brazilian Council for Research Support (CNPq) and the Foundation of research and technological innovation of Sergipe/Brazil (FAPITEC), and by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT/MCT), European Funds (PRODER/COMPETE)– project UIDB/04469/2020 (strategic fund), co-financed by FEDER, under the Partnership Agreement PT2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reflexões sobre a identidade do coordenador pedagógico: Seu papel enquanto agente da formação continuada / Reflections on the identity of the pedagogical coordinator: His role as an agent of continuing education

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    Este estudo traz uma discussão acerca da identidade do coordenador pedagógico (CP) e o seu papel enquanto agente da formação docente. Discutimos que o acumulo de funções acabam comprometendo a identidade do CP, gerando algumas consequências como: frustrações e/ou comodismos, fazendo com que seu verdadeiro papel de gestor seja comprometido com a formação do coletivo escolar negligenciado. Utilizamos como metodologia a revisão de literatura, segundo alguns referenciais teóricos: OLIVEIRA (2011), PIMENTA (2002), GARRIDO (2000), PLACCO (2012), PRADO (2012).  Nosso estudo aponta para a necessidade de repensar as práticas gestoras, estudar para compreender o verdadeiro papel do CP, definindo uma identidade profissional coerente preocupada com o espaço escolar em sua totalidade, mas sobretudo com a capacitação docente