224 research outputs found

    Tendencias regulatorias en seguridad de materiales a escala nanométrica utilizados en cosmética

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    Esta revisión bibliográfica desarrolla tres temas principales en un orden lógico para la interpretación de la misma: la seguridad de los materiales a escala nanométrica utilizados en cosméticos, la normativa aplicable a dichos materiales y los productos cosméticos que los contienen en las de acuerdo con las disposiciones regulatorias principales en el mundo y el caso particular de las nanopartículas sólidas lipídicas (NSL) como sistemas de liberación promisorios en productos cosméticos y de cuidado personal. Se describen brevemente las generalidades de los materiales a escala nanométrica utilizados en el campo cosmético, describiendo sus aplicaciones, propiedades y clasificación para enfocarse en sus aspectos de seguridad e indicar los métodos para su evaluación. Sobre esta base se reseña la normativa aplicable en los tres principales frentes de legislación mundiales que generan las directrices para la utilización de estos materiales en los productos cosméticos: La Unión Europea, Estados Unidos y Japón, brindando una perspectiva actual del avance de cada uno de ellos. Por último se revisó el caso particular de las nanopartículas sólidas lipídicas en términos de la información reportada en cuento a su seguridad teniendo en cuenta que en los últimos años se han perfilado como sistemas de liberación prometedores en la industria cosmética por los atributos característicos que presentan.Abstract. This review develops three main topics in a logic order for its interpretation: The safety of nano-scaled materials used in cosmetic industry, its regulation and the regulation related to finished cosmetic products involving them in its formulation for the main global regulatory frameworks and the particular case of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (SLN) as delivery systems with high potential in cosmetic and personal care products. The general aspects of nano-scaled materials used in cosmetic field are described in terms of its applications, properties and classification to focus on the aspects of safety addressing testing methods for its evaluation. With this background there were outlined the applicable regulations in the three main legislation fronts that develop the guidelines for the use of these materials in cosmetics: European Union, United States and Japan, providing a current perspective of each one. Finally the particular case of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles was reviewed in terms of their safety taking into account that these delivery systems are promising in cosmetics industry due to its characteristic attributes.Otr

    Comportamento alimentar materno na relação com os lanches escolares em alunos do 1º ciclo

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    Tese de mestrado, Doenças Metabólicas e Comportamento Alimentar, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2021A alimentação da criança em idade escolar possui um papel fundamental na sua competência intelectual e cognitiva, sendo os lanches escolares fundamentais para este melhor desempenho e para a adequação nutricional da sua alimentação. A alimentação da mãe, durante a gravidez e posteriormente na amamentação, é um fator de possível influência no paladar das crianças, podendo afetar as preferências alimentares e o desenvolvimento do comportamento alimentar das crianças. Em contrapartida, o tempo que a criança passa na escola faz com que a influência dos professores e dos colegas na sua alimentação ganhe força. O objetivo deste estudo, passou por avaliar o comportamento alimentar materno e as práticas de controlo alimentar das mesmas e a sua influência nos lanches escolares e comportamento alimentar dos seus filhos. Para a dimensão da amostra, foram contactadas 374crianças, tendo sido autorizadas a participar 304, e após aplicação de critérios de inclusão e exclusão obteve-se a amostra finalde 211 alunos de Escolas Básicas públicas do 1ºciclo do concelho da Guarda. A realização deste estudo dependeu da recolha de questionários preenchidos pelas mães dos alunos e da avaliação dos lanches e antropométrica das crianças. Como resultados, os produtos alimentares mais disponíveis para consumo nos lanches foram o grupo do pão e equivalentes, mas também o grupo dos bolos e pastéis. O valor energético médio dos dois lanches juntos foi de 531kcal. A maioria dos lanches provinha de casa e era preparado pelas mães. A principal razão para a omissão do lanche foi o facto de não ser habitual a criança lanchar. A percentagem de crianças que consumiram leite escolar no lanche da manhã foi de 44% e no lanche da tarde foi de 21%. Foram verificadas várias relações no que diz respeito ao comportamento alimentar da criança, tais como a relação entre o consumo de leite escolar e o consumo de refrigerantes, sumos e néctares, a associação entre o estatuto socioeconómico e o lanche, e também a associação entre o IMC da mãe e o lanche escolar. Foram encontradascorrelações estatisticamente significativas entre a alimentação da mãe e a alimentação dos filhos, e entre o controlo alimentar materno e a alimentação dos filhos. Concluindo, os objetivos do presente estudo foram atingidos, não tendo sido muitas das hipóteses delineadas confirmadas, uma vez que o lanche por si só não é um bom indicador para avaliar o comportamento alimentar materno. O estudo dos lanches escolares fornece informação importante e útil para o desenvolvimento de programas de Educação Alimentar, em que o seu sucesso depende do envolvimento partilhado da escola com a família e com a comunidade. O papel do professor tem revelado ser importante para a qualidade dos lanches, assim como o pai deveria estar mais envolvido na alimentação dos filhos de forma a que estes programas ganhem maior eficiência na vida das crianças.Schoolchildren's nutrition plays a fundamental role in their intellectual and cognitive competence, being school snacks fundamental for this better performance and the nutritional adequacy of their food. The mother's diet, during pregnancy and later breastfeeding, is a factor of possible influence on children's taste, which can affect how food is allowed and the development of children's eating behavior. On the other hand, the time a child spends at school makes the influence of teachers and colleagues in their food gain strength. Thus, it becomes the principle of this study to investigate the maternal food influence in the snacks of children in the 1st cycle of education. The objective of the study is to evaluate maternal eating behavior and their food control practices and their influence on school snacks and their child's eating behavior. About the sample dimension, 211 children from the 2nd and 3rd year of education of public Basic Schools of the 1st cycle of the municipality of Guarda participated in the study. The realization of this study depended on the collection of questionnaires completed by the students' mothers and on the assessment of snacks and anthropometric assessment of the children. Of 374 children contacted, 304 were authorized to participate in the study, having been the final sample of 211 students (authorized students present on the day of the anthropometric assessment and the snack). As results, the food products most available for consumption in snacks were the group of bread and equivalents, but also the group of cakes and pastries. The average energy value of the two snacks together was 531kcal. Most snacks came from home and were prepared by the mothers. The main reason for the omission of the snack was the fact that it is not usual for the child to snack. The percentage of children who consumed school milk in the morning snack was 44% and in the afternoon snack it was 21%. Several fundamental relationships were verified in what is moldable in the child's eating behavior, such as the relationship between the consumption of school milk and the consumption of soft drinks, juices and nectars, the association between socio-economic status and snacks, and also the association between the mother's BMI and the school lunch. Statistically significant correlations were found between the mother's food and the children's food, and between the maternal food control and the children's food. The objectives of the present study have been achieved, but many of the outlined hypotheses have not been confirmed, since snacking alone is not a good indicator for assessing maternal eating behavior. The study of school snacks provides important and useful information for the development of Food Education programs, where their success depends on the school's shared involvement with the family and the community. The teacher's role has proven to be relevant to the quality of snacks, just as the father should be more involved in feeding his children in a way and that these programs gain greater efficiency in the children's lives

    Propuesta de un modelo de diseño del servicio de referencia virtual para una biblioteca universitaria

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    El presente trabajo da a conocer un diseño que sirva de modelo donde se muestren los parámetros a tener en cuenta para crear el Servicio de Referencia Virtual (SRV) en una biblioteca universitaria, dando las pautas y procedimientos tanto de hardware, software y recurso humano para aclarar y dar opciones de solución a las necesidades de adquisición y puesta en marcha del nuevo servicio. Dado el desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías de información y comunicación (TICs) el acceso electrónico a la información se ha convertido en una necesidad, llevando a las bibliotecas universitarias a posicionarse en el mundo competitivo ante la demanda de información.The present work will make known the design that will serve as the model where needed parameters for the university library's Service of Virtual Reference (SRV) will be shown, giving the guidelines and procedures of the hardware as well as the software and human resources to clarify and give options and solutions to the needs of acquisition and implement the new service. Given the current development of new information and communication technologies, electronic access to information has become a necessity, making university libraries position themselves in the competitive world given the current demand for information.Profesional en Ciencia de la Información - Bibliotecólogo (a)Pregrad

    Médicos em Lisboa: alunos da Escola Médico-Cirúrgica de Lisboa – 1837-1889

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    O estudo pretende compreender os percursos profissionais dos alunos da Escola Médico-Cirúrgica de Lisboa que defenderam o Ato Grande no período de 1837 a 1889. O estudo procurará aventar respostas para a constatação da predominância dos “Filhos” da Escola Médico-Cirúrgica de Lisboa nos finais da década de oitenta do século XIX, nos principais cargos de saúde pública do poder central e das instituições no âmbito das ciências médicas. Em simultâneo analisar-se-ão as razões de uma posição de predominância na cidade de Lisboa no âmbito do exercício clínico, nos empregos públicos e na nomeação em cargos institucionais e administrativos no âmbito da saúde pública. No decurso da análise emergiram questões que foram consideradas relevantes na compreensão do tema proposto. Assim, o estudo mostrou que não existiu nenhuma rutura epistemológica entre a Real Escola de Cirurgia de Lisboa criada em 1825 e a Escola Médico-Cirúrgica de Lisboa fundada pelo governo setembrista a 29 de dezembro de 1836. A segunda questão estudou a importância da legislação de 24 de abril de 1861 e de 20 de junho de 1866 que permitiu aos cirurgiões o livre exercício da medicina, anulando a diferenciação administrativa existente entre médicos e cirurgiões. Finalmente, a análise dos dados dos facultativos de Lisboa evidenciou que os médicos-cirurgiões eram em maior número e não necessariamente naturais da cidade. As hipóteses enunciadas levar-nos-ão a concluir que formaram uma elite em Portugal, surgindo comunidades epistémicas e grupos influenciadores como a criação da revista Medicina Contemporânea e o surgimento dos “Vencedores da Medicina”, determinantes nas orientações políticas de saúde pública nas duas últimas décadas do regime monárquico.This study intends to understand the professional paths of the students from the Medical-Surgical School of Lisbon who defended the “Ato Grande” between 1837 and 1889. The study will seek to find answers to the predominance of former students of the Medical-Surgical School of Lisbon in the late eighties of the nineteenth century, in the main positions of public health of the central power and medical sciences institutions. Simultaneously, the reasons for a position of predominance in the city of Lisbon will be analyzed, within the scope of clinical practice, in public employment and in the appointment of institutional and administrative posts in the scope of public health. During the analysis, several questions emerged that were considered relevant in the understanding of the proposed theme. The present study shows that there was no epistemological rupture between the Royal School of Surgery of Lisbon created in 1825 and the Medical-Surgical School of Lisbon founded December 29th 1836, by the “setembrista” government. The second question examined the importance of the legislation of April 24th 1861 and June 20th 1866, which allowed surgeons the free exercise of medicine, therefore canceling the administrative differentiation between physicians and surgeons. Finally, the analysis of the data of the physicians and surgeons of Lisbon showed that the surgeons were in greater numbers and not necessarily natural of the city. The hypotheses enunciated will lead to conclude that they have formed an elite in Portugal, forming epistemic communities and influential groups such as the creation of the journal Medicina Contemporânea e and the emergence of the Vencedores da Medecina who were decisive in the public health policy orientations in the last two decades of the monarchical regime

    Submandibular glands and the regulation of gastric proliferation and TGFα distribution during rat postnatal development

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    Rodent gastric mucosa grows and differentiates during suckling-weaning transition. Among the molecules in rat milk, EGF and TGFβ are important peptides in the control of cell proliferation, and together with TGFα, they are also produced by submandibular glands. We aimed to determine the effect of saliva and milk on epithelial cell proliferation in the stomach of rat pups. We also examined the distribution of TGFα in the gastric mucosa after sialoadenectomy (SIALO) and fasting in order to determine whether this growth factor is affected by the deprivation of molecules derived from saliva and milk. SIALO was performed at 14 days and fasting was induced 3 days later. Cell proliferation was evaluated through metaphasic index and TGFα was detected by immunohistochemistry. We observed that whereas SIALO did not alter cell division, since the metaphasic index (MI) was unchanged, fasting stimulated cell proliferation (P < 0.05). After SIALO and fasting, MI was reduced when compared to the fasted group (P < 0.05). We found that TGFα is distributed along gastric gland and SIALO did not interfere in the localization and number of immunolabeled cells, but fasting increased their density when compared to the control (P < 0.05). The association of SIALO and fasting reduced TGFα immunostaining (P < 0.05). Therefore, during fasting, high MI was parallel to increased TGFα in gastric epithelium, but interestingly, this effect was found only in the presence of submandibular glands. We suggest that during suckling, peptides derived from saliva and milk are important to regulate gastric growth.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    The activity of heterotrophic bacteria on the DOM - metal complex affects copper speciation and bioavailability in aquatic ecosystem

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    Metals are mainly released into the environment by industrial processes where dissolved organic materials (DOM) are present.  This investigation focused on modification of copper species in the presence of aquatic heterotrophic bacteria assemblage and natural dissolved organic materials. Copper dynamics during bacteria growth was evaluated through the determination of dissolved and particulate copper. The results showed a reduction of organic carbon, an increase of free Cu2+ ions followed by adsorbed and internalized copper. This study demonstrated a relevant environmental consequence of heterotrophic bacteria activity related to copper speciation in aquatic ecosystem suggesting that as a result of heterotrophic bacteria activity upon DOM,  more toxic copper species were released into the environment

    Elaboración de la planeación estratégica y cuadro de mando integral para la empresa El Sauzalito Ltda

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    xi, 106 páginas : ilustraciones (algunas color), fotos, tablas, figuras.La planeación estratégica, para el mercado cambiante, resulta una herramienta fundamental para las pequeñas y medianas empresas. La empresa EL SAUZALITO LTDA, perteneciente a la industria manufacturera se estructuro un proyecto que contemplo la elaboración de direccionamiento, diagnostico, formulación y auditoria estratégica en conjunto con el Cuadro de Mando Integral, de igual manera al realizar la planeación estratégica se toma como referencia, el punto de inicio de la empresa y a donde se quiere llegar con la misma, identificando cual es la importancia que tiene el desarrollo del cuadro de mando integral (Balanced Score Card) como herramienta de control en el proceso administrativo y por ende en la toma de decisiones, teniendo en cuenta las estrategias que la organización propone y los indicadores a los cuales se deben dar cumplimiento.Bibliografía y webgrafía : páginas 69-70PregradoAdministrador de Empresa

    Intrauterine Undernourishment Alters TH1/TH2 Cytokine Balance and Attenuates Lung Allergic Inflammation in Wistar Rats

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    IL-4 produced by Th2 cells can block cytokine production by Th1 cells, and Th1 IFN-gamma is known to counterregulate Th2 immune response, inhibiting allergic eosinophilia. As intrauterine undernutrition can attenuate lung inflammation, we investigated the influence of intrauterine undernourishment on the Th1/Th2 cytokine balance and allergic lung inflammation. Intrauterine undernourished offspring were obtained from dams fed 50% of the nourished diet of their counterparts and were immunized at 9 weeks of age. We evaluated the cell counts and cytokine protein expression in the bronchoalveolar lavage, mucus production and collagen deposition, and cytokine gene expression and transcription factors in lung tissue 21 days after ovalbumin immunization. Intrauterine undernourishment significantly reduced inflammatory cell airway infiltration, mucus secretion and collagen deposition, in rats immunized and challenged. Intrauterine undernourished rats also exhibited an altered cytokine expression profile, including higher TNF-alpha and IL-1 beta expression and lower IL-6 expression than well-nourished rats following immunization and challenge. Furthermore, the intrauterine undernourished group showed reduced ratios of the IL-4/IFN-gamma and the transcription factors GATA-3/T-Bet after immunization and challenge. We suggest that the attenuated allergic lung inflammation observed in intrauterine undernourished rats is related to an altered Th1/Th2 cytokine balance resulting from a reduced GATA-3/T-bet ratio. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, BaselConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundo de Auxilio aos Docentes e Alunos (FADA-UNIFESP)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Inst Ciencias Ambientais Quim & Farmaceut, BR-09972270 São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Inst Ciencias Biomed, Dept Imunol, Lab Imunol Transplantes, BR-05508 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Div Nefrol, Lab Imunol Clin & Expt, BR-09972270 São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Inst Ciencias Biomed, Dept Farmacol, BR-05508 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Inst Ciencias Ambientais Quim & Farmaceut, BR-09972270 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Div Nefrol, Lab Imunol Clin & Expt, BR-09972270 São Paulo, BrazilFAPESP: 07/07139-3FAPESP: 09/09849-3FAPESP: 09/52119-6FAPESP: 10/01404-0FAPESP: 12/02270-2Web of Scienc

    Economia da cultura: a oportunidade de um novo vetor de desenvolvimento

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    Bibliografia: p. 134-135A Região Sudeste foi a líder e a mais beneficiada no processo de industrialização brasileiro do século passado. No atual cenário, a Região Sudeste encontra na indústria do conhecimento e da criatividade uma janela de oportunidade para a transição para uma economia pós-industrial, tanto pelo dinamismo intrínseco desses setores quanto pelo impacto da produção de conteúdo cultural e construção de ativos intangíveis na diferenciação e identidade da produção de bens e serviços nos mais diversos setores. Nesse contexto, o BNDES tem se colocado como parceiro das empresas na transição da matriz econômica brasileira, por meio de sua atuação direta nos vários segmentos e especialmente por seu apoio à economia da cultura, envolvendo desde apoio ao restauro do patrimônio histórico até o financiamento ao setor audiovisual. O objetivo do presente capítulo é apresentar e analisar o apoio do Banco à economia da cultura na Região Sudeste, embora tal atuação possa ser exemplo e modelo para o Brasil.The Southeast region was the leader and that which most benefitted in Brazil’s industrialization process throughout the past century. In the current scenario, the Southeast region has found a window of opportunity in the knowledge and creativity industry so as to make the transition to a post-industrial economy, not only due to the intrinsic dynamics in such sectors but also to the impact from producing cultural content and building intangible assets by differentiating and identifying the production of goods and services in the most diversified sectors. Within this context, the BNDES has taken on the role of a partner in companies during the transition of Brazil’s economic matrix by directly operating in a wide array of sectors and especially by supporting the cultural economy. The latter ranges from support to recover historical heritage to financing the audiovisual sector. The aim of this chapter is to present and analyze the Bank’s contribution to the cultural economy in the Southeast Region, not to mention that such a role serves as an example and model for the whole country