315 research outputs found

    La influencia de la publicidad en la tolerancia social hacia noticias sobre agresiones sexuales

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    Los medios de comunicación son canales cuyo principal objetivo consiste en transmitir información de forma masiva a la sociedad y son capaces de modificar la opinión de los perceptores (Rodríguez, 2013). Uno de los medios más poderosos y con mayor capacidad de persuasión es la publicidad (Del Moral, 2000). La publicidad depende en gran medida de las imágenes que presenta ya que están diseñadas para organizar e influir en nuestros comportamientos, actitudes y valores (Kang, 1997). Uno de los tipos de publicidad más conocidos y criticados por su perjuicio social es la publicidad sexista. Este tipo de publicidad representa a las mujeres de forma degradante y contribuye al mantenimiento de estereotipos y falsas creencias sobre las mujeres así como de la violencia que se ejerce contra ellas. Desde el ámbito psicosocial y de la comunicación se sugiere analizar la influencia que ejercen los medios de comunicación en la sociedad, especialmente el relacionado con problemas de gran calado social. En este sentido, la violencia contra las mujeres, especialmente la violencia de tipo sexual, es un grave problema social en el que pueden influir numerosos factores y que requiere un análisis interdisciplinar para su estudio y erradicación. El objetivo principal de esta Tesis Doctoral consiste en analizar experimentalmente el impacto de la publicidad sobre la percepción social de noticias de violencia sexual hacia la mujer. Se estudia el impacto de la publicidad (impresa y televisiva) en las creencias y mitos relacionados con la violencia sexual, así como en las reacciones sociales y juicios de responsabilidad hacia víctimas y perpetradores de agresiones sexuales aparecidas en noticias de prensa. La muestra de participantes de los estudios empíricos que componen la Tesis está formada por jóvenes estudiantes universitarios de diferentes titulaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla que, tras ser expuestos a anuncios publicitarios sexistas (o neutros) leían noticias periodísticas y emitían sus juicios sobre la responsabilidad de la víctima y el agresor de situaciones de violencia sexual relatadas en las noticias periodísticas. Los resultados de los análisis estadísticos efectuados apoyan las principales hipótesis de esta Tesis Doctoral, poniendo de manifiesto que la exposición a publicidad sexista ejerce un papel importante tanto en el nivel de aceptación de mitos y falsas ideas sobre las agresiones sexuales como en los juicios y valoraciones de los jóvenes acerca de la responsabilidad de víctimas y perpetradores de casos de violencia sexual recogidos en noticias de prensa. Los resultados de esta Tesis Doctoral tienen aplicaciones teóricas y prácticas importantes, y contribuyen al conocimiento de los factores que influyen en las reacciones sociales negativas hacia las víctimas de agresión sexual, mostrando que la publicidad de tipo sexista es un potente factor que modifica y sesga la percepción social objetiva de casos de violencia sexual aparecidos en noticias periodísticas

    Twenty years of energy policy in Europe: achievement of targets and lessons for the future

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    The different energy transition efforts in the EU-27 countries are analysed, paying special attention to the achievement of set energy targets and the real influence on energy dependence and GHG reduction. Various methodologies were used, ranging from construction of timelines to geo-statistical analysis using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the implementation of machine learning techniques and models, using R. The results show how different modifications of the energy saving and efficiency targets, along with lower power consumption due to the COVID pandemic, resulted in that although most of the EU-27 countries have achieved their saving and efficiency targets, this has not been reflected in a real reduction in consumption (compared to 1990 levels). In addition, the fulfilment of the objectives has not resulted in a reduction in energy dependence, generating a false sense of security and satisfaction in the fulfilment of the targets. Concerning GHGs, almost all EU-27 countries decrease their GHG emissions per capita compared to 2000 (with the exception of Lithuania, Bulgaria, Croatia and Latvia), with this decrease being mainly related to the fulfilment of renewable energy targets in transport. The conclusion highlights the need to make greater efforts to achieve saving and efficiency in the near future; otherwise, higher power consumption via renewable energy sources, while helping meet future increases in energy demand, will not impact the reduction in energy dependence compared to current levels.MAPER@I project TED2021- 129484A-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033The European Union “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR

    Make robots Be Bats: Specializing robotic swarms to the Bat algorithm

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    Bat algorithm is a powerful nature-inspired swarm intelligence method proposed by Prof. Xin-She Yang in 2010, with remarkable applications in industrial and scientific domains. However, to the best of authors' knowledge, this algorithm has never been applied so far in the context of swarm robotics. With the aim to fill this gap, this paper introduces the first practical implementation of the bat algorithm in swarm robotics. Our implementation is performed at two levels: a physical level, where we design and build a real robotic prototype; and a computational level, where we develop a robotic simulation framework. A very important feature of our implementation is its high specialization: all (physical and logical) components are fully optimized to replicate the most relevant features of the real microbats and the bat algorithm as faithfully as possible. Our implementation has been tested by its application to the problem of finding a target location within unknown static indoor 3D environments. Our experimental results show that the behavioral patterns observed in the real and the simulated robotic swarms are very similar. This makes our robotic swarm implementation an ideal tool to explore the potential and limitations of the bat algorithm for real-world practical applications and their computer simulations.This research has been kindly supported by the Computer Science National Program of the Spanish Research Agency (Agencia Estatal de Investigación) and European Funds, Project #TIN2017-89275-R (AEI/FEDER, UE), the project EVOLFORMAS Ref. #JU12, jointly supported by public body SODERCAN of the Regional Government of Cantabria and the European funds FEDER, the project PDE-GIR of the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions grant agreement #778035, Toho University (Funabashi, Japan), and the University of Cantabria (Santander, Spain). The authors are particularly grateful to the Department of Information Science of Toho University for all the facilities given to carry out this work. Special thanks are also due to the Editors and the three anonymous reviewers for their encouraging and constructive comments and very helpful feedback that allowed us to improve our paper signi cantly

    Knowledge of Peruvian nursing students about the Human Papilloma Virus

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    Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de conocimiento de las estudiantes de enfermería sobre el Virus del Papiloma Humano en una universidad privada en el norte del Perú. Método: Cuantitativa, descriptivo, transversal; la muestra fue censal constituida por 90 estudiantes de enfermería del final de la carrera universitaria, se aplicó un instrumento ya validado internacionalmente con un Alpha de Cronbach de 0,76 de 15 preguntas aplicadas vía cuestionario Google por la emergencia sanitaria; se tuvo en consideración los criterios de inclusión y exclusión establecidos. Resultados: El nivel de conocimiento general de los estudiantes universitarios de enfermería fue muy bueno (43.3%). el 92.2% del total fueron mujeres y el 7.8% fueron varones; el 71.4% de varones y 41.0% de mujeres han tenido más de una pareja sexual. El 75% de estudiantes de enfermería que fueron de la selva reportan más de una pareja sexual, contrario al 33.8% de estudiantes de enfermería de la costa reportan más de una pareja sexual. Conclusión: El conocimiento que predominó entre las estudiantes universitarias de enfermería fue bueno y muy bueno; sin embargo, llama la atención que la mayoría tuvo más de una pareja sexual situación que conlleva a desarrollar programas para fomentar la concientización de la salud sexual responsable y libre de riesgos entre las futuras enfermeras.Objective: To determine the level of knowledge of nursing students about the Human Papilloma Virus in a Private University in northern Peru. Method: Quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional; the sample was census constituted by 90 nursing students at the end of the university career, an instrument already validated internationally was applied with a Cronbach's Alpha of 0.76 of 15 questions applied via Google questionnaire for the health emergency; the established inclusion and exclusion criteria were taken into consideration. Results: The level of general knowledge of the university nursing students was very good (43.3%). 92.2% of the total were women and 7.8% were men; 71.4% of men and 41.0% of women have had more than one sexual partner. 75% of nursing students who went from the jungle report more than one sexual partner, contrary to 33.8% of nursing students from the coast report more than one sexual partner. Conclusion: The knowledge that prevailed among the university nursing students was good and very good; however, it is noteworthy that the majority had more than one sexual partner, a situation that leads to the development of programs to promote awareness of responsible and risk-free sexual health among future nurse

    Hey children! Do you feel listened by your politicians? Evaluating a participative democratic programme

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate a participative democracy programme called Ágora infantil, carried out with students between the ages of 10 and 12. As in participatory budgets, the process is based on the research-action model (Lewin, 1946) and consists of the city council opening up decision-making on a part of the municipal budget or a concrete policy to the children of the municipality. This process of diagnosis, prioritization and decision-making was completed over the course of 5 to 7 sessions during school hours and implemented by the Coglobal association. Once the participants make a decision, the city council carries out the project selected in the municipality (the decision made is binding). The main goal of Ágora Infantil is to generate psychological empowerment and wellbeing amongst its participants, and to measure the effects of this programme on children’s psychological empowerment. To this end, we used Zimmerman´s model (Zimmerman, 1995; Zimmerman, 2000). The operationalization of the strengthening was based on: 1) knowledge of local politics (as a component of the interactional dimension of psychological empowerment) and 2) the self-perception of being able to influence the future of the municipality (component of the intrapersonal dimension of psychological empowerment). In addition, wellbeing was evaluated through the perception of being heard (Casas y Bello, 2012) and trust in the city council.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    “Marketing mix y captación de clientes en la empresa Consultora Jacval S.A.C., Ate, 2018”

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre el marketing mix y la captación de clientes en la empresa consultora Jacval S.A.C., Ate, 2018, el cual dará respuesta a la interrogante si existe relación entre el marketing mix y la captación de clientes en la empresa consultora Jacval S.A.C., Ate, 2018. Este proyecto se realizó mediante el método hipotético deductivo con enfoque cuantitativo, el nivel efectuado fue descriptivo correlacional, el tipo de desarrollo fue aplicada y técnica, y se utilizó para su propósito el diseño no experimental y de corte transversal. Por ello se tomó una muestra censal conformada por 30 empresas manufactureras que producen cueros y calzado, y textiles del segmento empresarial micro y pequeña empresa, en el distrito de Ate, para la obtención de datos se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta y como instrumento el cuestionario, que estuvo compuesto por 17 preguntas en medición de la escala de Likert, luego de ello se midió el nivel de confiabilidad con el Alfa de Cronbach, teniendo como resultado aceptable. La investigación continuo desarrollándose, obteniendo en la prueba de normalidad de Saphiro – Wilk un valor de significancia de 0.000, por lo tanto, los datos no tienen contribución normal; finalmente para medir el nivel de correlación de las V1 y V2, se usó la prueba de Rho de Spearman, teniendo como resultado la correlación de 0,373, por lo tanto la investigación concluye dando a conocer que existe una correlación positiva media entre las variables marketing mix y la captación de clientes en la empresa consultora Jacval S.A.C., Ate, 2018

    Empowering children in politics: evaluating a participative democratic programme

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate a participative democracy programme called Ágora infantil, carried out with students between the ages of 10 and 12. As in participatory budgets, the process is based on the research-action model (Lewin, 1946) and consists of the city council opening up decision-making on a part of the municipal budget or a concrete policy to the children of the municipality. This process of diagnosis, prioritization and decision-making was completed over the course of 5 to 7 sessions during school hours and implemented by the Coglobal association. Once the participants make a decision, the city council carries out the project selected in the municipality (the decision made is binding). The main goal of Ágora Infantil is to generate psychological empowerment and wellbeing amongst its participants, and to measure the effects of this programme on children’s psychological empowerment. To this end, we used Zimmerman´s model (Zimmerman, 1995; Zimmerman, 2000). The operationalization of the strengthening was based on: 1) knowledge of local politics (as a component of the interactional dimension of psychological empowerment) and 2) the self-perception of being able to influence the future of the municipality (component of the intrapersonal dimension of psychological empowerment). In addition, wellbeing was evaluated through the perception of being heard (Casas y Bello, 2012) and trust in the city council.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Propuesta de acompañamiento parental para mejorar el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de grado sexto de la Institución Educativa Departamental Enrique Pardo Parra de Cota, Cundinamarca: relación pautas de crianza y rendimiento escolar.

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    TablasLa presente investigación se realizó con el fin de ayudar a los padres y adultos responsables de un grupo de niños/as del grado 6º, quienes mostraban bajo rendimiento académico, a mejorar dicho rendimiento. Se realizó la investigación sobre la influencia de las pautas de crianza de los padres en la actitud y el desempeño académico de los menores; resultados que llevaron al planteamiento de 8 talleres de acompañamiento parental que efectivamente lograron impactar en las formas de crianza de dichos padres. Los resultados de la investigación fueron los siguientes: no hay presencia masculina en el proceso de crecimiento y desarrollo de loa hijos; padres que asumen su paternidad a muy temprana edad; padres con nivel educativo de básica primaria; las principales actividades laborales son el servicio doméstico y la agricultura; la mayoría de los progenitores tienden a demostrar afecto con cosas materiales; niños/as que perciben falta de confianza para expresar sus problemas; Padres que no aportan tiempo para compartir con sus hijos; padres despreocupados (con estilo de crianza permisivo); niños que consideran que son un estorbo para sus padres; padres que se alteran con mucha frecuencia y niños/as que les gustaría ser diferentes como hijos.The present investigation was done in order to help parents and adults responsible of a group of children from sixth grade, who showed a low academic level, with the purpose to improve. The research was held on the influence of the childhood rising patterns of the parents on the attitude and academic performance of the children. The results conduced to the development of eight workshops of parental companionship which affected the childhood rising patterns effectivel

    Longitudinal Study of the Psychosocial Efects of Political Participation by Children: the ‘Ágora Infantil’ Programme

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    The objective of this paper is to evaluate the efect of participation-based democratic innovations on psychological empowerment and group identifcation of children. To do so, it analyses the impact on the participants of a participatory democracy programme for groups of schoolchildren, ‘Ágora Infantil’ (AI). Evaluation is performed via a longitudinal study carried out over two years, with pre and post quantitative measurements of the target and control group. The sample consisted of 182 boys and girls. The data were gathered via a questionnaire made up of items prepared by a group of experts for the current study based on Zimmerman’s empowerment theory (American Journal of Community Psychology, 23(5), 581–599, 1995, 2000). Items were also taken from other authors, for example afective links, which were used as an indicator to measure group identifcation (Gaviria et al. International Journal of Social Psychology, 30(3), 531–562, 2015). The results show that institutional political participation generates positive changes in the participants. More specifcally, the children improved in the two components of psychological empowerment (intrapersonal and interactional), with an intensifcation of relationship links with the group (the class). These fndings demonstrate the political and psychosocial importance of these participatory innovations being introduced and their medium-term efects.Project PAIDI (HUM-590). Universidad de Málaga / CBUA. This research project was made possible by the research agreement Ref. 8.07/5.38.4408 between the social agency Coglobal and the universities of Malaga, Huelva and Cádiz. Coglobal was responsible for the design and execution of the democratic initiative studied. We would also like to highlight the key role of the children that participated in the study and the invaluable support of the participating schools. Finally, we would like to thank the local councils that have promoted these types of experimental policies

    Nintedanib decreases muscle fibrosis and improves muscle function in a murine model of dystrophinopathy

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    Duchenne muscle dystrophy (DMD) is a genetic disorder characterized by progressive skeletal muscle weakness. Dystrophin deficiency induces instability of the sarcolemma during muscle contraction that leads to muscle necrosis and replacement of muscle by fibro-adipose tissue. Several therapies have been developed to counteract the fibrotic process. We report the effects of nintedanib, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, in the mdx murine model of DMD. Nintedanib reduced proliferation and migration of human fibroblasts in vitro and decreased the expression of fibrotic genes such as COL1A1, COL3A1, FN1, TGFB1, and PDGFA. We treated seven mdx mice with 60 mg/kg/day nintedanib for 1 month. Electrophysiological studies showed an increase in the amplitude of the motor action potentials and an improvement of the morphology of motor unit potentials in the animals treated. Histological studies demonstrated a significant reduction of the fibrotic areas present in the skeletal muscles. Analysis of mRNA expression from muscles of treated mice showed a reduction in Col1a1, Col3a1, Tgfb1, and Pdgfa. Western blot showed a reduction in the expression of collagen I in skeletal muscles. In conclusion, nintedanib reduced the fibrotic process in a murine model of dystrophinopathy after 1 month of treatment, suggesting its potential use as a therapeutic drug in DMD patients.España, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BFU2016-74975-PEspaña, Instituto Ramón y Cajal PI13/0134