24 research outputs found

    Knockout of the Complex III subunit Uqcrh causes bioenergetic impairment and cardiac contractile dysfunction

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    Ubiquinol cytochrome c reductase hinge protein (UQCRH) is required for the electron transfer between cytochrome c1 and c of the mitochondrial cytochrome bc1 Complex (CIII). A two-exon deletion in the human UQCRH gene has recently been identified as the cause for a rare familial mitochondrial disorder. Deletion of the corresponding gene in the mouse (Uqcrh-KO) resulted in striking biochemical and clinical similarities including impairment of CIII, failure to thrive, elevated blood glucose levels, and early death. Here, we set out to test how global ablation of the murine Uqcrh affects cardiac morphology and contractility, and bioenergetics. Hearts from Uqcrh-KO mutant mice appeared macroscopically considerably smaller compared to wildtype littermate controls despite similar geometries as confirmed by transthoracic echocardiography (TTE). Relating TTE-assessed heart to body mass revealed the development of subtle cardiac enlargement, but histopathological analysis showed no excess collagen deposition. Nonetheless, Uqcrh-KO hearts developed pronounced contractile dysfunction. To assess mitochondrial functions, we used the high-resolution respirometer NextGen-O2k allowing measurement of mitochondrial respiratory capacity through the electron transfer system (ETS) simultaneously with the redox state of ETS-reactive coenzyme Q (Q), or production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Compared to wildtype littermate controls, we found decreased mitochondrial respiratory capacity and more reduced Q in Uqcrh-KO, indicative for an impaired ETS. Yet, mitochondrial ROS production was not generally increased. Taken together, our data suggest that Uqcrh-KO leads to cardiac contractile dysfunction at 9 weeks of age, which is associated with impaired bioenergetics but not with mitochondrial ROS production. Graphical abstract: Global ablation of the Uqcrh gene results in functional impairment of CIII associated with metabolic dysfunction and postnatal developmental arrest immediately after weaning from the mother. Uqcrh-KO mice show dramatically elevated blood glucose levels and decreased ability of isolated cardiac mitochondria to consume oxygen (O2). Impaired development (failure to thrive) after weaning manifests as a deficiency in the gain of body mass and growth of internal organ including the heart. The relative heart mass seemingly increases when organ mass calculated from transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) is normalized to body mass. Notably, the heart shows no signs of collagen deposition, yet does develop a contractile dysfunction reflected by a decrease in ejection fraction and fractional shortening. [Figure not available: see fulltext.].publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Mutation in the mouse histone gene Hist2h3c1 leads to degeneration of the lens vesicle and severe microphthalmia

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    During an ENU (N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea) mutagenesis screen, we observed a dominant small-eye mutant mouse with viable homozygotes. A corresponding mutant line was established and referred to as Aey69 (abnormality of the eye #69). Comprehensive phenotyping of the homozygous Aey69 mutants in the German Mouse Clinic revealed only a subset of statistically significant alterations between wild types and homozygous mutants. The mutation causes microphthalmia without a lens but with retinal hyperproliferation. Linkage was demonstrated to mouse chromosome 3 between the markers D3Mit188 and D3Mit11. Sequencing revealed a 358 A- > C mutation (I1e120Leu) in the Hist2h3c1 gene and a 71 T- > C (Val24Ala) mutation in the Gja8 gene. Detailed analysis of eye development in the homozygous mutant mice documented a perturbed lens development starting -from the lens vesicle stage including decreasing expression of crystallins as well as of lens-specific transcription - factors like PITX3 and FOXE3. In contrast, we observed an early expression of retinal progenitor cells characterized by several markers including BRN3 (retinal ganglion cells) and OTX2 (cone photoreceptors). The changes in the retina at the early embryonic stages of E11.5-E15.5 happen in parallel with apoptotic processes in the lens at the respective stages. The excessive retinal hyperproliferation is characterized by an increased level of Ki67. The hyperproliferation, however, does not disrupt the differentiation and appearance of the principal retinal cell types at postnatal stages, even if the overgrowing retina covers finally the entire bulbus of the eye. Morpholino-mediated knock-down of the hist2h3ca1 gene in zebrafish leads to a specific perturbation of lens development. When injected into zebrafish zygotes, only the mutant mouse mRNA leads to severe malformations, ranging from cyclopia to severe microphthalmia. The wild-type Hist2h3c1 mRNA can rescue the morpholino-induced defects corroborating its specific function in lens development. Based upon these data, it is concluded that the ocular function of the Hist2h3c1 gene (encoding a canonical H3.2 variant) is conserved throughout evolution. Moreover, the data highlight also the importance of Hist2h3c1 in the coordinated formation of lens and retina during eye development

    Large-Scale Phenotyping of an Accurate Genetic Mouse Model of JNCL Identifies Novel Early Pathology Outside the Central Nervous System

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    Cln3Δex7/8 mice harbor the most common genetic defect causing juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (JNCL), an autosomal recessive disease involving seizures, visual, motor and cognitive decline, and premature death. Here, to more thoroughly investigate the manifestations of the common JNCL mutation, we performed a broad phenotyping study of Cln3Δex7/8 mice. Homozygous Cln3Δex7/8 mice, congenic on a C57BL/6N background, displayed subtle deficits in sensory and motor tasks at 10–14 weeks of age. Homozygous Cln3Δex7/8 mice also displayed electroretinographic changes reflecting cone function deficits past 5 months of age and a progressive decline of retinal post-receptoral function. Metabolic analysis revealed increases in rectal body temperature and minimum oxygen consumption in 12–13 week old homozygous Cln3Δex7/8mice, which were also seen to a lesser extent in heterozygous Cln3Δex7/8 mice. Heart weight was slightly increased at 20 weeks of age, but no significant differences were observed in cardiac function in young adults. In a comprehensive blood analysis at 15–16 weeks of age, serum ferritin concentrations, mean corpuscular volume of red blood cells (MCV), and reticulocyte counts were reproducibly increased in homozygous Cln3Δex7/8 mice, and male homozygotes had a relative T-cell deficiency, suggesting alterations in hematopoiesis. Finally, consistent with findings in JNCL patients, vacuolated peripheral blood lymphocytes were observed in homozygous Cln3Δex7/8 neonates, and to a greater extent in older animals. Early onset, severe vacuolation in clear cells of the epididymis of male homozygous Cln3Δex7/8 mice was also observed. These data highlight additional organ systems in which to study CLN3 function, and early phenotypes have been established in homozygous Cln3Δex7/8 mice that merit further study for JNCL biomarker development

    In-depth phenotyping reveals common and novel disease symptoms in a hemizygous knock-in mouse model (Mut-ko/ki) of mut-type methylmalonic aciduria

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    Isolated methylmalonic aciduria (MMAuria) is primarily caused by deficiency of methylmalonyl-CoA mutase (MMUT or MUT). Biochemically, MUT deficiency results in the accumulation of methylmalonic acid (MMA), propionyl-carnitine (C3) and other metabolites. Patients often exhibit lethargy, failure to thrive and metabolic decompensation leading to coma or even death, with kidney and neurological impairment frequently identified in the long-term. Here, we report a hemizygous mouse model which combines a knock-in (ki) missense allele of Mut with a knock-out (ko) allele (Mut-ko/ki mice) that was fed a 51%-protein diet from day 12 of life, constituting a bespoke model of MMAuria. Under this diet, mutant mice developed a pronounced metabolic phenotype characterized by drastically increased blood levels of MMA and C3 compared to their littermate controls (Mut-ki/wt). With this bespoke mouse model, we performed a standardized phenotypic screen to assess the whole-body impairments associated with this strong metabolic condition. We found that Mut-ko/ki mice show common clinical manifestations of MMAuria, including pronounced failure to thrive, indications of mild neurological and kidney dysfunction, and degenerative morphological changes in the liver, along with less well described symptoms such as cardiovascular and hematological abnormalities. The analyses also reveal so far unknown disease characteristics, including low bone mineral density, anxiety-related behaviour and ovarian atrophy. This first phenotypic screening of a MMAuria mouse model confirms its relevance to human disease, reveals new alterations associated with MUT deficiency, and suggests a series of quantifiable readouts that can be used to evaluate potential treatment strategies

    AOX delays the onset of the lethal phenotype in a mouse model of Uqcrh (complex III) disease

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    The alternative oxidase, AOX, provides a by-pass of the cytochrome segment of the mitochondrial respiratory chain when the chain is unavailable. AOX is absent from mammals, but AOX from Ciona intestinalis is benign when expressed in mice. Although non-protonmotive, so does not contribute directly to ATP production, it has been shown to modify and in some cases rescue phenotypes of respiratory-chain disease models. Here we studied the effect of C. intestinalis AOX on mice engineered to express a disease-equivalent mutant of Uqcrh, encoding the hinge subunit of mitochondrial respiratory complex III, which results in a complex metabolic phenotype beginning at 4–5 weeks, rapidly progressing to lethality within a further 6–7 weeks. AOX expression delayed the onset of this phenotype by several weeks, but provided no long-term benefit. We discuss the significance of this finding in light of the known and hypothesized effects of AOX on metabolism, redox homeostasis, oxidative stress and cell signaling. Although not a panacea, the ability of AOX to mitigate disease onset and progression means it could be useful in treatment.Peer reviewe

    Characterising a homozygous two-exon deletion in UQCRH : comparing human and mouse phenotypes

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    Mitochondrial disorders are clinically and genetically diverse, with isolated complex III (CIII) deficiency being relatively rare. Here, we describe two affected cousins, presenting with recurrent episodes of severe lactic acidosis, hyperammonaemia, hypoglycaemia and encephalopathy. Genetic investigations in both cases identified a homozygous deletion of exons 2 and 3 of UQCRH, which encodes a structural complex III (CIII) subunit. We generated a mouse model with the equivalent homozygous Uqcrh deletion (Uqcrh−/−), which also presented with lactic acidosis and hyperammonaemia, but had a more severe, non-episodic phenotype, resulting in failure to thrive and early death. The biochemical phenotypes observed in patient and Uqcrh−/− mouse tissues were remarkably similar, displaying impaired CIII activity, decreased molecular weight of fully assembled holoenzyme and an increase of an unexpected large supercomplex (SXL), comprising mostly of one complex I (CI) dimer and one CIII dimer. This phenotypic similarity along with lentiviral rescue experiments in patient fibroblasts verifies the pathogenicity of the shared genetic defect, demonstrating that the Uqcrh−/− mouse is a valuable model for future studies of human CIII deficiency.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Deep phenotyping and lifetime trajectories reveal limited effects of longevity regulators on the aging process in C57BL/6J mice

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    Current concepts regarding the biology of aging are primarily based on studies aimed at identifying factors regulating lifespan. However, lifespan as a sole proxy measure for aging can be of limited value because it may be restricted by specific pathologies. Here, we employ large-scale phenotyping to analyze hundreds of markers in aging male C57BL/6J mice. For each phenotype, we establish lifetime profiles to determine when age-dependent change is first detectable relative to the young adult baseline. We examine key lifespan regulators (putative anti-aging interventions; PAAIs) for a possible countering of aging. Importantly, unlike most previous studies, we include in our study design young treated groups of animals, subjected to PAAIs prior to the onset of detectable age-dependent phenotypic change. Many PAAI effects influence phenotypes long before the onset of detectable age-dependent change, but, importantly, do not alter the rate of phenotypic change. Hence, these PAAIs have limited effects on aging