155 research outputs found

    Embracing multilingualism to enhance complexity sensitive research

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    Academics who engage with local stakeholders to develop their research processes often find themselves spanning between the local language in which the research process takes place and English, the undisputed lingua franca in academia. In this post, Patricia Canto, Susana Franco and Miren Larrea argue that embracing the coexistence of different languages in all the stages of the research cycle fosters inclusion and pluralism, helping to develop complexity sensitive research

    Conditioned hedonic responses elicited by contextual cues paired with nausea or with internal pain

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    Pairing a taste with either internal pain or nausea, despite equivalent effects on voluntary consumption, has dissociable effects on hedonic responses: Only pairing with nausea results in the production of disgust reactions, while pairing with internal pain results in conditioned fear as indicated by immobility. Here, we use orofacial reactions to examine the hedonic responses elicited by contextual, nonflavor, cues paired with nausea produced by injection of lithium chloride (LiCl) or internal pain caused by injection of hypertonic saline. In Experiment 1, aversive orofacial responses were the specific context-elicited behaviors in the rats injected with LiCl, whereas immobility was seen in the animals injected with hypertonic saline. In Experiment 2, rats first received discriminative training with two contexts, where one context was paired with LiCl or hypertonic saline, and the other context with isotonic saline. After this, rats were intraorally infused with a flavor (conditioned stimulus (CS) +) in the paired context, and with a different flavor (CS−) in the unpaired context. Second-order conditioning was then examined in a test conducted in the unpaired context. The infusion of the CS + flavor produced aversive orofacial responses in the rats injected with LiCl but immobility in the subjects injected with hypertonic saline. The results suggest that nonflavor cues support conditioned hedonic responses in the same way as flavor cues, which implies that the quality of aversion learning (conditioned nausea vs. fear) is primarily determined by the nature of the aversive event and not the type of conditioned cue

    Celos y emociones : factores de la relación de pareja en la reacción ante la infidelidad

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    Esta investigación está orientada a conocer las diferencias entre hombres y mujeres en las situaciones desencadenantes de celos y cómo estas reacciones son afectadas por ciertas características de las relaciones de pareja. 372 personas (250 mujeres y 122 hombres) que han participado en esta investigación responden ante una hipotética infidelidad de su pareja (infidelidad emocional e infidelidad sexual) con un supuesto rival y a un cuestionario sobre ciertos aspectos de su relación de pareja. Los resultados revelan que las mujeres experimentan una mayor intensidad emocional que los hombres cuando piensan sobre la infidelidad de su pareja, ya sea emocional o sexual. No hay diferencias importantes entre hombres y mujeres en cuanto al tipo de infidelidad que más les molesta: la infidelidad emocional. Además se ha analizado la influencia del tipo de relación de pareja que mantienen los participantes en la experiencia emocional provocada por la infidelidad.This present study explores the differences between women's and men's responses to (hypothetical) infidelity, and how these responses are influenced by the characteristics of the couple's relationship. 372 subjects completed questionnaires (a) itemising their jealous reaction to a partner's hypothetical infidelity (emotional or sexual); and (b) the state of their relationship. A survey of 250 women and 122 men revealed that the women reported higher intensity of emotional distress than the men. in regard to both emotional and sexual infidelity. There were no significant differences between men and women in their reports of which infidelity troubled them more: both genders are troubled more by emotional infidelity. We also report the influence that the type of relationship has on the emotions provoked by the infidelity

    Functional brain networks underlying latent inhibition of conditioned disgust in rats

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    The present experiment examined the neuronal networks involved in the latent inhibition of conditioned disgust by measuring brain oxidative metabolism. Rats were given nonreinforced intraoral (IO) exposure to saccharin (exposed groups) or water (non-exposed groups) followed by a conditioning trial in which the animals received an infusion of saccharin paired (or unpaired) with LiCl. On testing, taste reactivity responses displayed by the rats during the infusion of the saccharin were examined. Behavioral data showed that preexposure to saccharin attenuated the development of LiCl-induced conditioned disgust reactions, indicating that the effects of taste aversion on hedonic taste reactivity had been reduced. With respect to cumulative oxidative metabolic activity across the whole study period, the parabrachial nucleus was the only single region examined which showed differential activity between groups which received saccharin-LiCl pairings with and without prior non-reinforced saccharin exposure, suggesting a key role in the effects of latent inhibition of taste aversion learning. In addition, many functional connections between brain regions were revealed through correlational analysis of metabolic activity, in particular an accumbens-amygdala interaction that may be involved in both positive and negative hedonic responses

    Mapeo de Actores y Necesidades de Información Agroclimática en los Cultivos de Maíz y Frijol en sitios piloto - Colombia

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    Este trabajo presenta los resultados del mapeo de actores y necesidades de información agroclimática en los cultivos transitorios de seguridad alimentaria: maíz y frijol arbustivo en sitios piloto en Colombia. A través del mapeo de los actores que transmiten información a los agricultores, la confianza en la información proporcionada, y las necesidades de información para la toma de decisiones, logramos entender el ancho espectro de problemas y prioridades a tomar en cuenta en la producción de estos cultivos, y proponer soluciones útiles, relevantes, confiables, sostenibles y aplicables. Con este enfoque, se llevaron a cabo 27 entrevistas semi-estructuradas con informantes clave y 12 grupos focales con un total de 151 agricultores en los departamentos de Córdoba y Santander. Los resultados evidencian que una de las prioridades de los agricultores es recibir información agroclimática confiable a escala local, que permita tomar mejores decisiones de siembra, variedades, insumos y manejo de suelos y cultivos ante eventos de variabilidad climática. Se evidencia una desconfianza en las instituciones oficiales que transmiten información climática y un sentimiento difuso de falta de interés de las instituciones hacia los pequeños agricultores. Los agricultores se endeudan para lograr producir fríjol arbustivo y maíz o subsidian la producción por otros cultivos, mientras el acceso a un seguro agrícola es limitado. El formato preferido para recibir información climática es a través de mensajes de texto (celular) y mensajes en la radio local. Grupos de interacción presencial o virtual entre agricultores y expertos parecen una alternativa útil y confiable para recibir y compartir información en tiempo real. Sin embargo, los agricultores están interesados en adoptar el manejo agrícola tras un pronóstico si: a) la información es local, b) proviene de una fuente considerada confiable como expertos u otros agricultores, c) se transmite en el momento adecuado para la toma de decisiones y d) si sus efectos son medibles, verificables y validados, por ejemplo, a través de resultados de pilotos o parcelas experimentales en dos años consecutivos. ENGLISH This working paper presents the results of the mapping of actors and of agroclimatic information needs in pilot sites in Colombia for two annual crops, fundamental for food security: maize and bush beans. The mapping of the actors that transmit information to farmers, the confidence the latter have in the information provided, and their information needs for decision-making, allows us to understand the broad spectrum of issues and priorities to be taken into account in the production of these crops, and suggest solutions that are useful, relevant, reliable, sustainable and applicable. Under this assumption, we conducted 27 semi-structured interviews with key informants and 12 focus groups with a total of 151 farmers in the departments of Córdoba and Santander. Results show that one of the priorities of farmers is to receive reliable local agroclimatic information that enables them to take decisions on planting, varieties, inputs, soil and crop management, that address climate variability. We find a generalized distrust of official institutions that transmit weather information, and a feeling that institutions are not interested in smallholders. Farmers resort to indebtedness to produce beans and maize, or subsidize production with cash crops, while access to agricultural insurance is limited. The format preferred to receive weather information is text messages (phone) and information through the local radio. The creation of groups of farmers and experts who interact in person or virtually seem a useful and reliable alternative to receive and share information in real time. However, farmers are only interested in adopting farm management changes after a forecast if: a) the information is local, b) the information is given by a trusted source such as experts or other farmers, c) the information is transmitted at the right time for decision-making d) the effects of taking these decisions are measurable, verifiable and validated, for example, through pilots or results from experimental plots in two consecutive years

    Partial reinforcement and conditioned taste aversion: No evidence for resistance to extinction

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    The partial reinforcement extinction effect (PREE) is the observation that, following training in which a response is followed by reward on only a subset of trials, the response is more resistant to extinction following the total removal of reward than it is after training in which reward is presented on all trials. The PREE is almost ubiquitous in instrumental conditioning procedures but only inconsistently observed in Pavlovian conditioning. In his classic review of animal learning, Mackintosh attributes the bulk of the PREE to generalisation decrement relating to the fact that partial reinforcement typically ensures that acquisition of responding has taken place in conditions similar to that of extinction (e.g., in the absence of the reinforcer). We report here that extinction of a conditioned taste aversion is not retarded by partial reinforcement in terms of either consumption of the taste or hedonic reactions to it (assessed through the analysis of licking microstructure). These results are consistent with Mackintosh’s analysis of the PREE and the way in which it might differ between instrumental and Pavlovian conditioning

    Engaging for Sustainable Development and Transformation – exploring the concept of Transformative Academic Institutions

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    Universities are increasingly being seen as a positive vehicle for territorial development and regional transformation, with an important role in enhancing Social, Economic and Sustainable Development of territories. The world’s sustainability challenges are listed in the United Nation’s Agenda 2030, that includes Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) as actors that can work in partnership with others in collaborative processes leading to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, it can be challenging to balance priorities and resources to actively engage with external actors to address societal challenges. This exploratory research brings together five academic partners (3 in Europe, 1 in North America, and 1 in South America) to understand their experiences of genuine societal engagement and collaborative partnership for sustainable development within their regions. The research followed an iterative process that started with exploratory and sharing workshops, developed case studies and engaged in a collaborative workshop to identify challenges and opportunities. Findings point to a more strategic partnering with external (non-academic) actors in order to contribute to (longer-term) change processes that address regional sustainability challenges. This can take universities beyond their existing roles in collaborative production and dissemination of knowledge towards new roles in curating collective knowledge and catalysing and facilitating change. Future lines of research include further work on embedding and scaling up to wider university structures and overall culture

    Description of a utrophin associated protein complex in lipid raft domains of human artery smooth muscle cells

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    AbstractThe dystrophin-associated protein complex (DAPC) is a multimeric complex that links the extracellular matrix to the actin cytoskeleton, and in some cases dystrophin can be substituted by its autosomal homologue utrophin to form the utrophin-associated protein complex (UAPC). Both complexes maintain the stability of plasma membrane during contraction process and play an important role in transmembrane signaling. Mutations in members of the DAPC are associated with muscular dystrophy and dilated cardiomyopathy. In a previous study with human umbilical cord vessels, we observed that utrophin colocalize with caveolin-1 (Cav-1) which proposed the presence of UAPC in the plasma membrane of vascular smooth muscle (VSM). In the current study, we demonstrated by immunofluorescence analysis, co-immunoprecipitation assays, and subcellular fractionation by sucrose gradients, the existence of an UAPC in lipid raft domains of human umbilical artery smooth muscle cells (HUASMC). This complex is constituted by utrophin, β-DG, ε-SG, α-smooth muscle actin, Cav-1, endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and cavin-1. It was also observed the presence of dystrophin, utrophin Dp71, β-SG, δ-SG, δ-SG3 and sarcospan in non-lipid raft fractions. Furthermore, the knockdown of α/β-DG was associated with the decrease in both the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO) and the presence of the phosphorylated (active) form of eNOS; and with a reduction in the downstream activation of some cGMP signaling transduction pathway components. Together these results show the presence of an UAPC complex in HUASMC that may participate in the activity regulation of eNOS and in the vascular function

    Local, reliable and timely agro-climatic information: a requirement of Colombian farmers

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    Awareness of climatic information relevant for future decisions through climatic forecasts is not enough to support farmer’s decision-making. It is necessary to look for agricultural management alternatives that allow farmers to adapt to climatic conditions and implement efficient and sustainable management systems, within a framework of effective communication with farmers (Jones, 2003; Pulwarty et al., 2003). In Latin America are very few the initiatives related to climatic forecasts. The Project “Agroclimatic services and food security information for improved decision-making – AgroClimas” aims to support private and public sector actors in Colombia, Guatemala and Honduras to implement and use agro-climatic risk management tools, validated and adjusted to the needs of final users. This info note presents results from a mapping of actors and agro-climatic information needs in crops important for food security (maize and bush beans), in pilot sites of the project in Colombia. The hypothesis underlying the study is that through mapping actors who transmit information (climatic, prices, technical and financial) to farmers, knowing if this information is considered reliable, identifying unattended information needs and preferred formats to receive it that would support production decisions, one can devise useful, relevant, reliable, sustainable applicable solutions