88 research outputs found

    Avaliação do processo ensino-aprendizagem de estudantes da área da saúde: manobras de ressuscitação cardiopulmonar

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    OBJECTIVETo evaluate the skills and knowledge of undergraduate students in the health area on cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers with the use of an automatic external defibrillator.METHODThe evaluation was performed in three different stages of the teaching-learning process. A theoretical and practical course was taught and the theoretical classes included demonstration. The evaluation was performed in three different stages of the teaching-learning process. Two instruments were applied to evaluate the skills (30-items checklist) and knowledge (40-questions written test). The sample comprised 84 students.RESULTSAfter the theoretical and practical course, an increase was observed in the number of correct answers in the 30-items checklist and 40-questions written test.CONCLUSIONAfter the theoretical class (including demonstration), only one of the 30-items checklist for skills achieved an index ≥ 90% of correct answers. On the other hand, an index of correct answers greater than 90% was achieved in 26 (86.7%) of the 30 items after a practical training simulation, evidencing the importance of this training in the defibrillation procedure.OBJETIVOAvaliar o desempenho da habilidade e do conhecimento nas manobras de ressuscitação cardiopulmonar com o uso do desfibrilador externo automático, realizadas pelos estudantes de graduação da área da saúde em três etapas diferentes do processo ensino aprendizagem.MÉTODOFoi aplicado um instrumento de avaliação da habilidade, caracterizado por um modelo padrão "checklist", composto de 30 itens e outro para a avaliação do conhecimento, caracterizado por uma prova escrita composta de 40 questões objetivas. A amostra contou com 84 estudantes.RESULTADOSVerificou-se que após o curso teórico-prático, na habilidade houve um aumento no número de acertos nos 30 itens e no conhecimento um aumento no número de acertos nas 40 questões.CONCLUSÃOApós a aula teórica com demonstração, na habilidade, somente um dos itens atingiu o índice de acerto ≥ 90%. Já após o treino prático simulado na habilidade, 26 dos itens apresentaram índice de acertos superior a 90%, evidenciando a importância do treino prático no procedimento em pauta.OBJETIVOEvaluar el desempeño de la habilidad y el conocimiento en las maniobras de resucitación cardiopulmonar con el uso del desfibrilador externo automático, llevadas a cabo por los estudiantes de pregrado del área de salud en tres etapas distintas del proceso enseñanza aprendizaje.MÉTODOSe aplicó un instrumento de evaluación de la habilidad, caracterizado por un modelo estándar "checklist", compuesto de 30 ítems y otro para la evaluación del conocimiento, caracterizado por una prueba escrita compuesta de 40 cuestiones objetivas. La muestra contó con 84 estudiantes.RESULTADOSSe verificó que, tras el curso teórico-práctico, en la habilidad hubo un incremento del número de aciertos en los 30 ítems y, en el conocimiento, un incremento del número de aciertos en las 40 cuestiones.CONCLUSIÓNTras la clase teórica, con demostración, en la habilidad solo uno de los ítems alcanzó el índice de acierto ≥ 90%. Después del entrenamiento práctico simulado en la habilidad, 26 de los ítems presentaron índice de aciertos superior al 90%, evidenciando la importancia del entrenamiento práctico en el procedimiento en cuestión

    Estudo da estabilidade química, nutricional e microbiológica durante o processo tradicional de preparação do bacalhau salgado seco para congelação

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    Dissertação de Mestrado na área da Tecnologia alimentar, apresentada na Escola Superior Agrária de Santarém, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém.O bacalhau salgado seco é utilizado regularmente pelo povo português na sua gastronomia, o que deu a este produto um estatuto privilegiado na dieta Portuguesa, comparativamente a qualquer outro alimento. Assim, pretendeu-se com este trabalho fornecer uma contribuição para o conhecimento sobre o bacalhau salgado seco, demolhado e congelado em termos da sua composição química, nutricional e microbiológica. Avaliaram-se as características químicas, nutricionais e microbiológicas de uma amostra (cinco unidades) de um lote de bacalhau salgado seco em venda no comércio, que foram submetidos a demolha a duas temperaturas (6ºC e 20ºC) e, depois, sujeitos a um processo de congelação a -20ºC, durante cinco semanas. Os resultados evidenciaram um elevado teor de proteína e um baixo teor de lípidos. Quanto à avaliação microbiológica os resultados evidenciaram a estabilidade e segurança do bacalhau salgado seco, demolhado a 6ºC e congelado, sendo de salientar a prevalência de leveduras Candida polymorpha/Yamadzyma triangularis.The dried salt cod is used regularly by the Portuguese people in its gastronomy, which gave this product a privileged status in the Portuguese diet, compared to any other food. Thus, it was intended with this work provide a contribution to the knowledge of dried salted cod, soaked and frozen in terms of their chemical composition, nutritional and microbiological. Evaluated the chemical, nutritional and microbiological characteristics of a sample (five pieces) of a batch of dried salted cod commercially available, they were subjected to soaking at two temperatures (6°C and 20°C) and then subjected to a process freezing at -20°C for five weeks. The results showed a high protein content and low fat content. As for microbiological evaluation results showed the stability and security of dried salted cod, soaked to 6°C and frozen, emphasizing the prevalence of Candida yeast polymorpha / Yamadzyma triangularis.info:eu-repo/semantics/draf

    Implementação de serviços de saúde em empresas de economia social com apoio social para pessoas com deficiência

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    As empresas de economia social prestam um serviço fulcral às pessoas em situação de fragilidade social, económica e de saúde, disponibilizando para tal diversos serviços aos seus clientes. Para a prestação desses serviços as empresas de economia social dispõem de diversos técnicos, designadamente da área da saúde. No entanto, um dos principais problemas que se coloca a estas organizações prende-se com a sua sustentabilidade, seja económica, ambiental ou social. Assim, o presente estudo dedicou-se à verificação da existência de recursos de saúde nas empresas de economia social com apoio social para pessoas com deficiência, e tentou perceber se esses recursos poderiam ser rentabilizados no âmbito do sistema nacional de saúde proporcionando uma fonte de sustentabilidade para estas organizações. Para tal, realizou-se um estudo quantitativo a nível nacional com estas empresas, aplicando um inquérito por questionário, no sentido de verificar que recursos de saúde existem nestas organizações. Foi ainda realizado um estudo qualitativo – estudo de caso com uma empresa de economia social com apoio social para pessoas com deficiência – que pretendeu verificar se a rentabilização dos recursos de saúde existentes seria uma via de sustentabilidade para essa organização. Concluiu-se com este estudo que existem diversos técnicos de saúde nas empresas de economia social com apoio social para pessoas com deficiência, e que a rentabilização dos recursos de saúde existentes pode ser um fator de sustentabilidade destas organizações

    Villa de Noheda (Cuenca, Spain): a multi-analytical approach for mortar characterization

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    Villa de Noheda (Cuenca, Spain): a multi-analytical approach for mortar characterization Cristina Galacho(1), Patrícia Moita(2), Miguel Tévar(3), António Candeias(1) José Mirão(2) (1) Laboratory Hercules, Dpt. of Chemistry, Univ. of Évora, Portugal ([email protected]) (2) Laboratory Hercules, Dpt. of Geosciences, Univ. of Évora, Portugal . (3) Universidad de Castilla la Mancha, Spain The Roman architectural ensemble of Noheda, known by the fantastic dimensions of the tile panels have been classified as Cultural Heritage in 2012 and open to the public since 2015. Located at 500m of the homonymous village in Spain, corresponds to a roman Villa, dated from 4th to 5th century, which evidences an agricultural use trough a constructive complex with several functions. Until now there are two exhumed areas of the rural complex: some structures belonging to the pars rustica and on the other hand, a sector of the pars urbana, composed of some balneary outbuildings and various rooms of the residential building. It is in this last one that stands out the so-called Triabsid Room, not only for its imposing dimensions of 290.64m2, and its extraordinary pavements, but also for its complex architectural articulation and its careful walls decoration composed by marble plaques and mural painting. Under the framework of a bilateral Iberian project, several mortar samples were analysed for their compositional and textural characterization. The studied mortars cover a wide spectrum of architecture contexts (triclinium and its access areas, octagonal room and baths), inside and outside walls, and also later added walls. The data acquisition techniques consisted of X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), scanning electron microscopy coupled to energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDS) and thin-section optical microscopy. The mortars are mainly composed by quartz aggregates, with semi-angular to semi-rounded grains, and very small amounts of K-feldspars. A generalized feature is the presence of numerous lime nodules, sometimes of centimeter-size, with calcitic composition. Lithic, ceramic and coal were occasionally observed. According to XRD analyses, the raw materials are very similar between samples suggesting a similar provenance, probably a river sand. The binder is an aerial calcite lime that was used mainly with a binder:aggregate ratio of 1:2 as determined by TG-DTA. The mortar from the baths have a smaller amount of binder (1:4) as well as an external wall (1:3) interpreted as a late enlargement after abandonment of the Villa. The results obtained point out to a considerable similarity not only at the level of the raw materials but also in the production technique used in the different areas of the residential building of the pars urbana, which would not have been altered in subsequent interventions. Differences were found only for the different functionalities; whether in the baths or when dealing with external walls

    Palaeomagnetism in the Sines massif (SW Iberia) revisited: evidences for Late Cretaceous hydrothermal alteration and associated partial remagnetization

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    This study revisits the palaeomagnetism of the Sines massif (∼76 Ma) in the southwestern Iberian Margin (Portugal). The palaeomagnetic analysis was complemented by a comprehensive study of the magnetic mineralogy by means of rock magnetic measurements and petrographic observations. The overall dispersion of palaeomagnetic directions (declination ranging between ∼N0º and ∼N50º) and their migration observed during stepwise demagnetizations have revealed the superposition of remanence components. We interpret this complex palaeomagnetic behaviour as related to the regional hydrothermalism associated with the last stages of Late Cretaceous magmatic activity. This environment favoured mineralogical alteration and a partial chemical remagnetization, giving in most samples a composite magnetization, which has been erroneously interpreted as the primary one in a previous study, then leading to a questionable model for Cretaceous Iberia rotation. Nonetheless, for some samples a single component has been isolated. Interesting rock magnetic properties and microscopic observations point to a well-preserved magnetic mineralogy for these samples, with magnetite clearly of primary origin. The associated ChRM mean direction (D/I = 3.9◦/46.5◦, α95 = 1.7◦, N = 31 samples) then represents the true primary magnetization of the Sines massif. This new palaeomagnetic direction and the corresponding palaeomagnetic pole (long = 332.0◦, lat=−79.5◦, A95 = 1.7◦) agrees with those from the other palaeomagnetic works for the same period and region (e.g. the Sintra and Monchique massifs), yielding a lack of significant rotation of Iberia relative to stable Europe since the uppermost Late Cretaceous (Campanian–Maastrichtian)

    Adsorbed water clusters in garnet cracks detected by impedance and Raman spectroscopies at the supercooled water phase transition

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    The combination of electric impedance and Raman spectroscopies at the analysis of the supercooled water phase transition enables the detection of adsorbed water clusters in garnet minerals of leucogranite samples. This transition is revealed by a change in the parameters measured by both techniques at low temperatures, Tc ∼ 220 K, and it is attributed to adsorbed water clusters in the walls of garnet cracks. The study of this transition gives important insights into thewater-rock interaction, one of the most important points in the study of rock alteration. The dielectric spectra were fitted to the Havriliak-Negami model of dielectric relaxation and enabled the estimation of the activation energy of the dielectric relaxation process as Ea ∼ 76 3 kJmol−1, which is higher than the energy attributed to water molecule reorientation in bulk ice. We determined that this energy should be related with the interaction forces between the adsorbed water clusters and the crack walls that hinder the reorientation of those molecules. The logarithmic frequency dependence of the critical transition temperature was also verified. Raman spectra allowed the identification of the water cluster vibration band, ∼3680 cm−1, in the garnet minerals. The band disappears for temperatures around 423 K where the joint action of the laser beam and the temperature evaporates the adsorbed water clusters. This excludes the possibility that the observed supercooled phase transition could be related with structural water in chlorite minerals. The samples had low apparent porosity ∼1.29%, specific surface area, and adsorption average crack width (using the Brunauer- Emmett-Teller method) of ∼0.18 m2 g−1 and ∼7.92 nm, respectively

    A Multi-Analytical Characterization of Mortars from Kathmandu (Nepal) Historical Monuments

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    The historical monuments of the ‘City of Temples’ (Kathmandu) represent an intrinsic component of Nepal’s cultural heritage. The 2015 devastating Gorkha earthquake, besides human casualties, has led to a widespread demolition or partial damage of monuments at UNESCOWorld Heritage Sites, including the ones in Durbar squares. This study, through an integrated material characterization of masonry binders, used in four case monuments from Hanuman Dhoka and Patan Durbar squares, intends to contribute to the knowledge of the technological know-how of the past in order to maintain as much as possible the original traditions and to provide appropriate conservation strategies. The analytical characterization of the ancient mortars was carried out by means of X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Attenuated Total Reflectance–Fourier Transform-Infrared Spectroscopy (ATRFTIR), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), petrographic analysis, X-ray Fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) and Pyrolysis–Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry (Py-GC-MS). The composition of the mortars has been determined and is in accordance with previous research in traditional materials used in the Nepalese architecture. Chromatographic techniques proved to be particularly important in the analysis of mortars with organic binders as they revealed the possible composition of the binding media, providing additional information valuable for the future conservation/restoration of the stone monuments of the ‘City of Temples’
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