406 research outputs found

    Striatin, a novel protein involved in the nongenomic/rapid action of steroids

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    Tese de doutoramento, Bioquímica (Bioquímica Clínica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2013The cellular responses to steroids are mediated by two general mechanisms: genomic and rapid/nongenomic effects. Identification of the mechanisms underlying aldosterone’s rapid versus their genomic actions have been difficult to study and are not clearly understood. I explored the hypothesis that striatin is a critical intermediary of the rapid/nongenomic effects of aldosterone and that striatin serves as a novel link between the actions of the mineralocorticoid and estrogen receptors. In human and mouse endothelial cells, aldosterone promoted an increase in pERK that peaked at 15 minutes. Striatin is a critical mediator in this process as reducing striatin levels with siRNA technology prevented the rise in pERK levels. In contrast, reducing striatin did not significantly affect two well-characterized genomic responses to aldosterone. Down regulation of striatin with siRNA produced similar effects on estrogen’s actions – reducing nongenomic, but not the genomic actions investigated. Aldosterone, but not estrogen, increased striatin levels. When endothelial cells were pre-treated with aldosterone, the rapid/nongenomic response to estrogen on peNOS/eNOS ratio was enhanced and accelerated significantly. Importantly, pretreatment with estrogen did not enhance aldosterone’s nongenomic response on pERK. In conclusion, these results indicate that striatin is a novel mediator for both aldosterone’s and estrogen’s rapid and nongenomic mechanisms of action on pERK and peNOS, respectively, thereby providing evidence for a synergistic effect between the mineralocorticoid receptor and the estrogen receptor. Furthermore, these results suggest a unique level of interactions between steroids on the cardiovascular system that may have broad application for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT, SFRH /BD/28601/2006 - POPH (QREN) - Formação Avançada), comparticipação do FSE e do MCTES e de subsídios do NHLBI/NIH USA: R01HL090632, R01HL094452 e R01HL09651

    A perspective on ICT Portuguese teacher’s lifelong training

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    "7th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain. 4-5 March, 2013"This paper reports the findings of a study conducted on an interactive whiteboards lifelong training program. A questionnaire evaluating ICT literacy, as well as the level of satisfaction of teachers regarding the type of training program they had attended was driven at the end of the training program. After nine months of its implementation, twenty Mathematics teachers were contacted again to conduct another survey on the applicability of the training program they had attended in order to know/understand the possible changes in their teaching practices. The goal of the study was to investigate the influence of ICT training in changing the teachers' practices in primary and secondary education, analyzing the effectiveness of the program in the integration of technologies as learning tools in the classroom. This study aims at an improvement of the practices adopted by trainers and the search for effective training models implemented in the lifelong education of teachers. We conclude that most teachers without specific training according TPACK's model only used interactive whiteboard as supported didactic, replicating the more traditional education. As main reasons reported for not using ICT in the classroom relate to inadequate training in the use of technology, lack of technical knowledge and lack of time to plan activities which integrate ICT. Teachers pointed very high theoretical component and after-work schedule as the most significant disadvantages for lifelong training. After this experience, teachers reported as useful or very useful the training, an increase in their self-esteem to use educational technologies and it was reported a small increase in the number of teachers who always use ICT in the classroom

    Promoting student questioning in the learning of natural sciences

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    This work aims to analyze the written questions asked by 9th grade students in three different question-promoting strategies in the subject of Natural Sciences, in order to assess the cognitive level and the functions of these questions. For this purpose, a qualitative research was implemented. Students’ written questions posed in the three strategies were collected. A close relationship was not found between the type of strategy and the cognitive level of the students’ questions. Nevertheless, the percentage of closed questions decreased throughout the three strategies while the percentage of open questions increased

    Liquid hydrogen thermal energy storage unit for future ESA science missions

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    The X-IFU instrument for X-ray observation on ESA’s new ATHENA satellite will employ a complex cryogenic chain for detector cooling down to 50mK. The existence of heat peaks during the recycling stages of a 300mK cooler can compromise the stability of the entire chain; this issue can be solved by using large cryogenic liquid reservoirs or by over-dimensioning the system. However, these solutions are either costly or temporary, as cryogenic liquids will eventually run out. An Energy Storage Unit (ESU) using liquid hydrogen has been developed as a solution for absorbing 400 J of thermal energy in 30 min between 15K and 16K by taking advantage of the liquid-to-vapour latent heat of hydrogen in a closed system. The ESU is composed of a low temperature liquid hydrogen reservoir, two intermediate interfaces for gas pre-cooling and a hydrogen storage vessel at room temperature. This vessel can either be a 56-litre expansion volume (for ground testing) or a canister filled with a metal hydride, LaNi4:8Sn0:2, that chemically absorbs hydrogen in its atomic form. The latter largely reduces the volume of the vessel and enables working at near-constant pressure and temperature. Two devices have been developed for this project: a Development Model breadboard device used for preliminary testing and the Engineering Model, the final model of the ESU that is to be delivered to ESA and that was subjected to severe mechanical testing in order to comply with strict requirements. Results obtained with both models show that 400 J can be absorbed with a temperature increase of 2K when a 56-litre expansion volume is used, while results using metal hydrides show that the same heat load can be absorbed between 15K and 16:5K, where the cold cell temperature is above 16K for less than 10 min. Full regeneration of the ESU can be achieved in under 24 h without exceeding the cooling power available at the different temperature stages. Experimental results are discussed and suggestions for further improvement are proposed

    Probióticos – revisão bibliográfica e perspetivas futuras

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    O microbiota intestinal, conjunto de comunidades microbianas que colonizam o trato gastrointestinal, mantém uma relação de simbiose com o hospedeiro e está envolvido em processos essenciais para a manutenção da sua saúde. Alterações na composição e função deste complexo sistema resultam no desenvolvimento de patologias. Assim, a modulação do microbiota pode ser importante para a prevenção da doença e mesmo ser utilizada como adjuvante em terapêutica. A evolução tecnológica permitiu investigar com mais detalhe a composição do microbiota e a sua relação com o hospedeiro, permitindo desenvolver novas abordagens terapêuticas para o tratamento de doenças multifatoriais e emergentes. De acordo com a Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) e a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), os probióticos são “microrganismos vivos que, quando administrados em quantidades adequadas, conferem benefícios à saúde do hospedeiro”. Os efeitos benéficos dos probióticos são diversos. Através da modulação do microbiota, modulam a resposta imunitária, são responsáveis pelo reforço da barreira epitelial intestinal e têm influência noutros órgãos do organismo. A sua administração tem uma vasta utilização no tratamento e prevenção de patologias gastrointestinais, podendo também ser utilizada no contexto de patologias em diferentes sistemas. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo realizar uma revisão bibliográfica do conhecimento científico atual sobre o papel dos probióticos na saúde humana, relacionando-o com a composição do microbiota e abordando os mecanismos pelos quais exercem efeitos benéficos em patologias diversas.The intestinal microbiota, a group of microbial communities that colonize the gastrointestinal tract, maintains a symbiotic relationship with the host and is involved in essential processes for maintaining health. Changes in the composition and function of this complex system result in the development of diseases. So, microbiota modulation may be important for disease prevention and also be used as a therapeutic adjuvant. Technical advances allowed to investigate in more detail the composition of the microbiota and its relationship with the host, resulting in the development of new therapeutic approaches for the treatment of multifactorial and emerging diseases. Probiotics, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), are “live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer benefits to the host”. The beneficial effects of probiotics are diverse. Through modulation of the microbiota, probiotics modulate the immune response, are responsible for strengthening the intestinal epithelial barrier and also impact the function of diverse organs of the body. Its administration has a wide use in the treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal pathologies and may also be used for the treatment pathologies that affect other systems. The aim of this dissertation is to carry out a bibliographic review of the current scientific knowledge on the role of probiotics in human health, relating it to the microbiota composition and also approach the mechanisms by which they exert beneficial effects in different pathologies

    A imagem e a produção oral em Línguas Estrangeiras

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    Mannoni Laurent. The Magic Lantern Society Convention (Londres, 16-18 avril 1993). In: 1895, revue d'histoire du cinéma, n°14, 1993. pp. 119-120

    Ensinar Matemática com TIC: em busca de um referencial teórico

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    A integração da tecnologia no processo de ensino/aprendizagem não tem trazido grande sucesso educativo, tendo-se constatado que o apetrechamento das escolas com ferramentas educativas não é uma solução por si só. Tornase necessário refletir sobre esta integração, surgindo um modelo teórico que interliga três componentes (pedagogia, tecnologia e conteúdo) com o contexto em que se está inserido. No caso particular da Matemática, este referencial denomina-se de TPACK matemático e desenvolve-se em torno de quatro grandes áreas: conceção e desenvolvimento de experiências e ambientes digitais de aprendizagem; ensino, aprendizagem e currículo matemático; análise e avaliação; produtividade e prática profissional. No entanto, não há uma aquisição imediata do TPACK por parte dos professores de Matemática, precisando de passar por um processo de cinco etapas para enfrentarem a decisão final de aceitar ou rejeitar uma tecnologia específica para o ensino da Matemática.The integration of technology in the teaching/learning process hasn’t brought great success to education because it was found that the equipment of schools with educational tools is not a solution in itself. It is necessary to reflect about this integration, emerging a theoretical model that links three components (pedagogy, technology and content) to the context in which it is inserted. In the particular case of Mathematics, this reference is called Mathematics TPACK and is developed around four major areas: designing and developing digital-age learning environments and experiences; teaching, learning and the mathematics curriculum; assessment and evaluation; productivity and professional practice. However, there isn’t an immediate acquisition of TPACK by Mathematics teachers; they need to go through a five step process to face the final decision to accept or reject a particular technology for Mathematics teaching.L’intégration de la technologie dans le processus d’enseignement/apprentissage n’a pas apporté beaucoup de succès à l’éducation, on constate que l’équipement des écoles des outils pédagogiques n’est pas une solution en soi. Il est nécessaire de tenir compte de cette intégration, ayant émergé un nouveau modèle théorique qui lie trois composantes (la pédagogie, la technologie et le contenu) au contexte dans lequel elle est insérée. Dans le cas particulier de la Mathématique, cette référence est appelé le TPACK de la mathématique qui se développe autour de quatre grands domaines: l›expérience de conception et de développement de ressources éducatifs digitales et d›environnements numériques de l›apprentissage; l›enseignement, l›apprentissage des programmes de mathématiques; l›analyse et l›évaluation; et la pratique et la productivité professionnelle. Toutefois, l` acquisition du TPACK par les enseignants de mathématique n´est pas immédiate, il faut besoin de passer par un processus en cinq étapes pour faire face à la décision finale d›accepter ou de rejeter une technologie particulière pour l›enseignement des mathématiques.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    O blog do curso profissional de Terras de Bouro: painel da estatística

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    Uma cultura de projectos conduz a escola a assumir o papel duma organização com identidade própria. Um currículo uniforme, igual para todos os alunos do país, não responde às especificidades de cada comunidade educativa. Surgindo então a necessidade de uma gestão flexível do currículo. Neste artigo, temos como propósito evidenciar a importância da cultura de projectos, começando por definir um projecto, quais as principais características do trabalho de projecto, apresentar o projecto em causa desenvolvido numa turma do 10º ano do curso profissional de Terras de Bouro intitulado “Painel da Estatística”, evidenciar a interdisciplinaridade do mesmo e a cooperação presente, assim como mostrar os produtos finais desenvolvidos pelos alunos (poster a ser divulgado à comunidade educativa) e reflectir sobre a utilização do blog em todo este processo