98 research outputs found

    Allostasis and organizational excellence

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    Organizational excellence is critical towards the development of organizations and, considering organizations’ role in the modern world, for societies’ economic and social development. The ability of organizations to adapt and adjust to the contingencies of the change and recover the stability of organizational systems through organizations’ own dynamic process is known as allostasis. This research focuses on the relationship between allostasis and organizational excellence. Based on a sample of 205 firms from Portugal and Spain, and resorting to fuzzy-set QCA (fsQCA), this research reveals that there are different combinations (equifinality) of conditions inherent to allostasis (adaptive capacity, feedback capacity, stigmergy capacity and integration intensity) leading to sustainable high outcomes (employee satisfaction, stakeholder satisfaction and organizational performance, jointly selected as proxies for organizational excellence). The analysis also shows that organizations that match those combinations simultaneously achieve high employee satisfaction, stakeholder satisfaction and organizational performance (multifinality), which is aligned with the premises of organizational excellence. Finally, the results reveal that in the different contexts (countries) analyzed, the combinations leading to high outcomes differ, thus supporting the idea that the ability to adapt and adjust that characterizes allostasis is critical towards organizational excellence.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perfil Multivariante de las mujeres empleadas en el Servicio Doméstico

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    This paper reports the results of a study of women employed in the domestic help area that aims to identify the socioeconomic profiles of the women employed in this kind of activity. Four well differentiated groups were identified: one composed of regularized domestic-help workers working in the domestic area; another group formed by immigrant women, and a further two groups made up of women of Spanish nationality, in an irregular working situation, differentiated above all by their marital status.En este trabajo presentamos los resultados de un estudio realizado sobre las mujeres empleadas en el servicio doméstico, cuyo objetivo es conocer e identificar los perfiles socioeconómicos y laborales de las mujeres que se dedican a dicha actividad. En el análisis se han encontrado cuatro grupos bien diferenciados: uno formado por las mujeres empleadas de hogar regularizadas; otro constituido por mujeres inmigrantes y dos grupos más constituidos por mujeres de nacionalidad española, en situación laboral irregular diferenciados sobre todo en función de su estado civil

    Identity profile of young people experiencing a sense of risk on the internet: a data mining application of decision tree with CHAID algorithm

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    [EN]Social media, interactive games, and digital platforms are just some of the ways in which the internet has become part of our lives, and more specifically so among young people. Among other things, this technology is the reason young people are spending increasingly more time online than offline, prompting numerous risks that they are sometimes unaware of. The following quantitative research is based on this premise, and it pursues two objectives, namely, to discover whether or not young people experience a sense of risk linked to their use of the internet and identify the kind of young people that say they do or do not perceive any such risk. A total of 1991 young people answered the Technology Use Studies questionnaire. The classification tree technique based on the Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detector (CHAID) was applied to identify the predictive variables associated with the sense of risk in young people. Two highly significant results have been forthcoming: firstly, we present the factors with the biggest impact on a young person's internet-related sense of risk, involving isolation when they cannot go online, followed by variables such as gender, the use of TikTok, and videogames, the consumption of pornography, and distraction from study time. Secondly, our results indicate that the young people that feel isolated when they cannot go online are precisely the ones that do not experience a sense of online risk. It is therefore of vital importance for education to generate and provide young people with strategies that allow them to establish a healthy and responsible relationship with technologies such as the internet

    Complications Associated with Enteral Nutrition: CAFANE Study

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    [EN] Objectives: To determine the association between home enteral nutrition (HEN) administration modality and its complications in patients. Methods: This is a prospective multicenter longitudinal study including 15 Spanish hospitals, from April 2015 to March 2017. A 4-month follow-up period was conducted for each patient by home visit. The study subjects were adult patients who began their nutrient intake by tube feeding, known as HEN, during the recruitment period. The variables studied included the type and modality of HEN administration and its related complications, such as vomiting, regurgitation, constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal distention. Mechanical complications and bronchoaspiration were also evaluated. Descriptive variables were used for fitting. Results: The study consisted of 306 patients; 4 were lost due to death. Specific HEN modalities protected against constipation (odds ratio (OR) = 0.4) and regurgitation (OR = 0.4). The use of a nasogastric tube (NGT) resulted in a lower risk of diarrhea compared to percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) (OR = 0.4) but resulted in a higher risk of tube obstruction (OR = 7.4). The use of intermittent gravity versus bolus feeding was a protection factor against vomiting (OR = 0.4), regurgitation (OR = 0.3), constipation (OR = 0.3), diarrhea (OR = 0.4) and abdominal distension (OR = 0.4). The increase in the number of doses was a risk factor for the incidence of regurgitation (OR = 1.3). Conclusions: Gastrointestinal complications were the most frequent problems, but an adequate choice of the formula, route, feeding modality, number of doses, administration time, and dose volume can reduce the risk of these complications

    Effectiveness of a multifactorial intervention in increasing adherence to the mediterranean diet among patients with diabetes mellitus type 2: a controlled and randomized study (EMID Study)

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    The Mediterranean diet (MD) is recognized as one of the healthiest dietary patterns and has benefits such as improving glycaemic control among patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Our aim is to assess the effectiveness of a multifactorial intervention to improve adherence to theMD, diet quality and biomedical parameters. The EMID study is a randomized and controlled clinical trial with two parallel groups and a 12-month follow-up period. The study included 204 subjects between 25–70 years with T2DM. The participants were randomized into intervention group (IG) and control group (CG). Both groups received brief advice about healthy eating and physical activity. The IG participants additionally took part in a food workshop, five walks and received a smartphone application for three months. The population studied had a mean age of 60.6 years. At the 3-month follow-up visit, there were improvements in adherence to the MD and diet quality of 2.2 and 2.5 points, compared to the baseline visit, respectively, in favour of the IG. This tendency of the improvement was maintained, in favour of the IG, at the 12-month follow-up visit. In conclusion, the multifactorial intervention performed could improve adherence to the MD and diet quality among patients with T2DM.Regional Health Management through the 2016 grants to carry out research projects in biomedicine, health management and socio-health care (GRS 1276/B/16), the 2016 program for the professional development of nurses in their research activity (BOCYL-D-11022016-2) and the 2015 incentive program for nurses who have completed their residency (ORDER SAN / 360/2015). The study was also co-financed by the Carlos III Health Institute and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (RD 16/0007/0003)

    Estudio de los enfoques de aprendizaje en estudiantes universitarios de ciencias sociales y ciencias de la salud de la Universidad de Salamanca. Una visión multivariante a través de manova-biplot

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    Several studies have contributed to promoting research on learning approaches at the university level. The approach taken by the students can be surface or deep and can change depending on different contextual variables. The main goal of this work was to study the type of learning approach presented by students from the areas of Social and Legal Sciences and Health Sciences at the University of Salamanca. The samples under study were 518 students from the area of Social and Legal Sciences and 300 students from Health Sciences. The R-SPQ-2F questionnaire was analyzed and the differences between the learning approaches and the areas of knowledge studied were measured using the Mann-Whitney U test for independent samples. To visualize the relationships between learning approaches and knowledge areas, the Manova-Biplot multivariate analysis was carried out. The findings found that the deep approach and superficial approach are practically independent. The deep approach predominates in the area of Health Sciences and there are significant differences in this approach between students from Health Sciences and students from Social and Legal Sciences.Numerosos estudios han contribuido a impulsar la investigación sobre enfoques de aprendizaje en el ámbito universitario. El enfoque adoptado por los estudiantes frente a la realización de la tarea puede ser superficial o profundo y tiende a cambiar en función de diferentes variables contextuales. El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue estudiar el tipo de enfoque de aprendizaje que presentan los estudiantes de las áreas de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas y Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad de Salamanca. La muestra objeto de estudio estuvo compuesta por 518 alumnos del área de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas y 300 alumnos de Ciencias de la Salud. Se utilizó el cuestionario R-SPQ-2F yse midieron las diferencias entre los enfoques deaprendizajeylasáreas de conocimiento estudiadas a través de la prueba U de Mann-Whitney para muestras independientes. Para visualizar las relaciones entre los enfoques de aprendizaje y las áreas de conocimiento, se llevó a cabo el análisis multivariante Manova-Biplot. Los hallazgos obtenidos muestran que el enfoque profundo y el enfoque superficial son prácticamente independientes. El enfoque profundo predomina en el área de ciencias de la salud y se constatan diferencias significativas en este enfoque entre los estudiantes de Ciencias de la Salud y los estudiantes de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas

    Perfil Multivariante de las mujeres empleadas en el Servicio Doméstico

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    En este trabajo presentamos los resultados de un estudio realizado sobre las mujeres empleadas en el servicio doméstico, cuyo objetivo es conocer e identificar los perfiles socioeconómicos y laborales de las mujeres que se dedican a dicha actividad. En el análisis se han encontrado cuatro grupos bien diferenciados: uno formado por las mujeres empleadas de hogar regularizadas; otro constituido por mujeres inmigrantes y dos grupos más constituidos por mujeres de nacionalidad española, en situación laboral irregular diferenciados sobre todo en función de su estado civil

    Estudio de los enfoques de aprendizaje en estudiantes universitarios de ciencias sociales y ciencias de la salud de la Universidad de Salamanca. Una visión multivariante a través de manova-biplot

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    [ES] Numerosos estudios han contribuido a impulsar la investigación sobre enfoques de aprendizaje en el ámbito universitario. El enfoque adoptado por los estudiantes frente a la realización de la tarea puede ser superficial o profundo y tiende a cambiar en función de diferentes variables contextuales. El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue estudiar el tipo de enfoque de aprendizaje que presentan los estudiantes de las áreas de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas y Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad de Salamanca. La muestra objeto de estudio estuvo compuesta por 518 alumnos del área de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas y 300 alumnos de Ciencias de la Salud. Se utilizó el cuestionario R-SPQ-2F y se midieron las diferencias entre los enfoques de aprendizaje y las áreas de conocimiento estudiadas a través de la prueba U de Mann-Whitney para muestras independientes. Para visualizar las relaciones entre los enfoques de aprendizaje y las áreas de conocimiento, se llevó a cabo el análisis multivariante Manova-Biplot. Los hallazgos obtenidos muestran que el enfoque profundo y el enfoque superficial son prácticamente independientes. El enfoque profundo predomina en el área de ciencias de la salud y se constatan diferencias significativas en este enfoque entre los estudiantes de Ciencias de la Salud y los estudiantes de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas. [EN] Several studies have contributed to promoting research on learning approaches at the university level. The approach taken by the students can be surface or deep and can change depending on different contextual variables. The main goal of this work was to study the type of learning approach presented by students from the areas of Social and Legal Sciences and Health Sciences at the University of Salamanca. The samples under study were 518 students from the area of Social and Legal Sciences and 300 students from Health Sciences. The R-SPQ-2F questionnaire was analyzed and the differences between the learning approaches and the areas of knowledge studied were measured using the Mann-Whitney U test for independent samples. To visualize the relationships between learning approaches and knowledge areas, the Manova-Biplot multivariate analysis was carried out. The findings found that the deep approach and superficial approach are practically independent. The deep approach predominates in the area of Health Sciences and there are significant differences in this approach between students from Health Sciences and students from Social and Legal Sciences