4,349 research outputs found

    Workshop on the Polar Regions of Mars: Geology, Glaciology, and Climate History, part 1

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    Papers and abstract of papers presented at the workshop are presented. Some representative titles are as follows: Glaciation in Elysium; Orbital, rotational, and climatic interactions; Water on Mars; Rheology of water-silicate mixtures at low temperatures; Evolution of the Martian atmosphere (the role of polar caps); Is CO2 ice permanent; Dust transport into Martian polar latitudes; Mars observer radio science (MORS) observations in polar regions; and Wind transport near the poles of Mars (timescales of changes in deposition and erosion)

    Suprathermal plasma observed on STS-3 Mission by plasma diagnostics package

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    Artificially produced electron beams were used extensively during the past decade as a means of probing the magnetosphere, and more recently as a means of actively controlling spacecraft potential. Experimentation in these areas has proven valuable, yet at times confusing, due to the interaction of the electron beam with the ambient plasma. The OSS-1/STS-3 Mission in March 1982 provided a unique opportunity to study beam-plasma interactions at an altitude of 240 km. On board for this mission was a Fast Pulse Electron Generator (FPEG). Measurements made by the Plasma Diagnostics Package (PDP) while extended on the Orbiter RMS show modifications of the ion and electron energy distributions during electron beam injection. Observations made by charged particle detectors are discussed and related to measurements of Orbiter potential. Several of the PDP instruments, the joint PDP/FPEG experiment, and observations made during electron beam injection are described

    Derandomized Construction of Combinatorial Batch Codes

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    Combinatorial Batch Codes (CBCs), replication-based variant of Batch Codes introduced by Ishai et al. in STOC 2004, abstracts the following data distribution problem: nn data items are to be replicated among mm servers in such a way that any kk of the nn data items can be retrieved by reading at most one item from each server with the total amount of storage over mm servers restricted to NN. Given parameters m,c,m, c, and kk, where cc and kk are constants, one of the challenging problems is to construct cc-uniform CBCs (CBCs where each data item is replicated among exactly cc servers) which maximizes the value of nn. In this work, we present explicit construction of cc-uniform CBCs with Ω(mc1+1k)\Omega(m^{c-1+{1 \over k}}) data items. The construction has the property that the servers are almost regular, i.e., number of data items stored in each server is in the range [ncmn2ln(4m),ncm+n2ln(4m)][{nc \over m}-\sqrt{{n\over 2}\ln (4m)}, {nc \over m}+\sqrt{{n \over 2}\ln (4m)}]. The construction is obtained through better analysis and derandomization of the randomized construction presented by Ishai et al. Analysis reveals almost regularity of the servers, an aspect that so far has not been addressed in the literature. The derandomization leads to explicit construction for a wide range of values of cc (for given mm and kk) where no other explicit construction with similar parameters, i.e., with n=Ω(mc1+1k)n = \Omega(m^{c-1+{1 \over k}}), is known. Finally, we discuss possibility of parallel derandomization of the construction

    Iterated Conformal Dynamics and Laplacian Growth

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    The method of iterated conformal maps for the study of Diffusion Limited Aggregates (DLA) is generalized to the study of Laplacian Growth Patterns and related processes. We emphasize the fundamental difference between these processes: DLA is grown serially with constant size particles, while Laplacian patterns are grown by advancing each boundary point in parallel, proportionally to the gradient of the Laplacian field. We introduce a 2-parameter family of growth patterns that interpolates between DLA and a discrete version of Laplacian growth. The ultraviolet putative finite-time singularities are regularized here by a minimal tip size, equivalently for all the models in this family. With this we stress that the difference between DLA and Laplacian growth is NOT in the manner of ultraviolet regularization, but rather in their deeply different growth rules. The fractal dimensions of the asymptotic patterns depend continuously on the two parameters of the family, giving rise to a "phase diagram" in which DLA and discretized Laplacian growth are at the extreme ends. In particular we show that the fractal dimension of Laplacian growth patterns is much higher than the fractal dimension of DLA, with the possibility of dimension 2 for the former not excluded.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    A unified approach to combinatorial key predistribution schemes for sensor networks

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    There have been numerous recent proposals for key predistribution schemes for wireless sensor networks based on various types of combinatorial structures such as designs and codes. Many of these schemes have very similar properties and are analysed in a similar manner. We seek to provide a unified framework to study these kinds of schemes. To do so, we define a new, general class of designs, termed “partially balanced t-designs”, that is sufficiently general that it encompasses almost all of the designs that have been proposed for combinatorial key predistribution schemes. However, this new class of designs still has sufficient structure that we are able to derive general formulas for the metrics of the resulting key predistribution schemes. These metrics can be evaluated for a particular scheme simply by substituting appropriate parameters of the underlying combinatorial structure into our general formulas. We also compare various classes of schemes based on different designs, and point out that some existing proposed schemes are in fact identical, even though their descriptions may seem different. We believe that our general framework should facilitate the analysis of proposals for combinatorial key predistribution schemes and their comparison with existing schemes, and also allow researchers to easily evaluate which scheme or schemes present the best combination of performance metrics for a given application scenario

    Host-pathogen wars: new weapons from biotechnology and genomics.

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    Pathogens are imminent threats to crop production. Among the management tools available to protect crops from diseases, the use of host-plant resistance had been hindered by a lack of tools and resources to identify resistance genes (R-genes). Genomic technologies have empowered acquisition of a new level and quality of information on plant-pathogen interactions. Next generation sequencing, differential transcriptome analysis, gene editing, and use of bioinformatics have greatly expanded the numbers of R-genes identified, enriched understanding of R-avirulence gene interactions, and disease diagnosis. In this review, we highlight the application of genomic technologies to identification of pathogen machinery for future improvement of host plant resistance

    Divergence in Dialogue

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    Copyright: 2014 Healey et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.This work was supported by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC; http://www.esrc.ac.uk/) through the DynDial project (Dynamics of Conversational Dialogue, RES-062-23-0962) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC; http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/) through the RISER project (Robust Incremental Semantic Resources for Dialogue, EP/J010383/1). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    From Social Democracy back to No Ideology? - The Scottish National Party and Ideological Change in a Multi-level Electoral Setting

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    This article examines the development of ideology in the Scottish National Party since its formation in 1934, focusing on the recent period of the party’s history. It examines ideological development within the context of the party’s adaptation to multi-level elections and party system, especially in the decade since devolution began in 1999. It also provides a brief consideration of the party’s office success and governmental performance since 2007 to examine the effect of office on the SNP and its autonomy goal of Scottish independence

    A New Class of Nonsingular Exact Solutions for Laplacian Pattern Formation

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    We present a new class of exact solutions for the so-called {\it Laplacian Growth Equation} describing the zero-surface-tension limit of a variety of 2D pattern formation problems. Contrary to common belief, we prove that these solutions are free of finite-time singularities (cusps) for quite general initial conditions and may well describe real fingering instabilities. At long times the interface consists of N separated moving Saffman-Taylor fingers, with ``stagnation points'' in between, in agreement with numerous observations. This evolution resembles the N-soliton solution of classical integrable PDE's.Comment: LaTeX, uuencoded postscript file