754 research outputs found

    The use of a non-absorbable membrane as an occlusive barrier for alveolar ridge preservation: A one year follow-up prospective cohort study

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    The aims of this study were to obtain preliminary data and test the clinical efficacy of a novel nonporous dense-polytetrafluoroethylene (d-PTFE) membrane (permamem®, botiss) in alveolar ridge preservation (ARP) procedures with a flapless approach. A traumatic extraction was performed in the premolar maxillary area, and a d-PTFE membrane was used to seal the alveolar cavity: no biomaterial was used to graft the socket and the membrane was left intentionally exposed and stabilized with sutures. The membrane was removed after four weeks and dental implants were placed four months after the procedure. The primary outcome variables were defined as the dimensional changes in the ridge width and height after four months. A total of 15 patients were enrolled in this study. The mean width of the alveolar cavity was 8.9 ± 1.1 mm immediately after tooth extraction, while four months later a mean reduction of 1.75 mm was experienced. A mean vertical reduction of 0.9 ± 0.42 mm on the buccal aspect and 0.6 ± 0.23 mm on the palatal aspect were recorded at implant placement. Within the limitations of this study, the d-PTFE membrane proved to be effective in alveolar ridge preservation, with the outcomes of the regeneration not affected by the complete exposure of this biomaterial

    Duchenne muscular dystrophy: From diagnosis to therapy

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an X-linked inherited neuromuscular disorder due to mutations in the dystrophin gene. It is characterized by progressive muscle weakness and wasting due to the absence of dystrophin protein that causes degeneration of skeletal and cardiac muscle. The molecular diagnostic of DMD involves a deletions/duplications analysis performed by quantitative technique such as microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH), Multiple Ligation Probe Assay MLPA. Since traditional methods for detection of point mutations and other sequence variants require high cost and are time consuming, especially for a large gene like dystrophin, the use of next-generation sequencing (NGS) has become a useful tool available for clinical diagnosis. The dystrophin gene is large and finely regulated in terms of tissue expression, and RNA processing and editing includes a variety of fine tuned processes. At present, there are no effective treatments and the steroids are the only fully approved drugs used in DMD therapy able to slow disease progression. In the last years, an increasing variety of strategies have been studied as a possible therapeutic approach aimed to restore dystrophin production and to preserve muscle mass, ameliorating the DMD phenotype. RNA is the most studied target for the development of clinical strategies and Antisense Oligonucleotides (AONs) are the most used molecules for RNA modulation. The identification of delivery system to enhance the efficacy and to reduce the toxicity of AON is the main purpose in this area and nanomaterials are a very promising model as DNA/RNA molecules vectors. Dystrophinopathies therefore represent a pivotal field of investigation, which has opened novel avenues in molecular biology, medical genetics and novel therapeutic options

    Structural connectivity and functional properties of the macaque superior parietal lobule

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    Despite the consolidated belief that the macaque superior parietal lobule (SPL) is entirely occupied by Brodmann’s area 5, recent data show that macaque SPL also hosts a large cortical region with structural and functional features similar to that of Brodmann’s area 7. According to these data, the anterior part of SPL is occupied by a somatosensory-dominated cortical region that hosts three architectural and functional distinct regions (PE, PEci, PEip) and the caudal half of SPL by a bimodal somato-visual region that hosts four areas: PEc, MIP, PGm, V6A. To date, the most studied areas of SPL are PE, PEc, and V6A. PE is essentially a high-order somatomotor area, while PEc and V6A are bimodal somatomotor–visuomotor areas, the former with predominant somatosensory input and the latter with predominant visual input. The functional properties of these areas and their anatomical connectivity strongly suggest their involvement in the control of limb movements. PE is suggested to be involved in the preparation/execution of limb movements, in particular, the movements of the upper limb; PEc in the control of movements of both upper and lower limbs, as well as in their interaction with the visual environment; V6A in the control of reach-to-grasp movements performed with the upper limb. In humans, SPL is traditionally considered to have a different organization with respect to macaques. Here, we review several lines of evidence suggesting that this is not the case, showing a similar structure for human and non-human primate SPLs

    Characterisation of wine yeasts isolated at different temperatures using the enrichment technique

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    Research NoteSaccharomyces cerevisiae strains isolated from fermenting grape must incubated at extreme fermentation temperatures (40 and 5 degrees C) were oenologically characterised. These cultures compared with S. cerevisiae wine strains, show a wider optimum temperature for growth and can ferment vigorously in a wider temperature range (27 to 35 degrees C)

    A Traffic Merging and Generation Framework for Realistic Synthesis of Network Traffic

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    The Internet is steadily growing and is of increasing importance for our economy and society. Due to this increased importance it is also in the focus of attacks, e.g. distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. As attackers dynamically change their attack behaviour, novel detection approaches that are able to automatically adjust to these dynamic attacks are needed. To train and test such network anomaly detection systems, it is necessary to provide realistic data. As of today, this area of research suffers from the lack of publicly available datasets that can be used to train and test anomaly detection systems and are exchangeable to allow reproducible research. Therefore, we propose a novel framework that enables researchers and developers to generate customizable synthetic datasets. It not only allows to generate fully-synthetic network traffic, but also to generate semi-synthetic network traffic by merging of multiple network captures from reallive environments. Further, it allows the mapping of IP addresses as well as the modi﬿cation of other header ﬿elds, if desired. This enables researchers and developers to exchange network traces from sensitive environments without revealing any sensitive end-user related information, while perceiving the relevant characteristics of the network(s) and attack(s). In the following, we provide a description of, the problem, our concept and the features of our solution, the architecture and functional model and ﬿nally provide a short summary together with an outlook for future work

    HDL: the yin-yang of cardiovascular disease

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    Estudos epidemiológicos mostram relação inversa entre níveis plasmáticos de HDL-colesterol (HDL-C) e incidência de doença cardiovascular (DCV). O papel antiaterogênico da HDL é atribuído às suas atividades anti-inflamatória, antitrombótica e antioxidante, além de sua participação no transporte reverso de colesterol (TRC), processo pelo qual a HDL remove colesterol dos tecidos periféricos, incluindo macrófagos da íntima arterial, e o transporta para o fígado para ser excretado pela bile. Com base nesses fatos, o HDL-C tornou-se alvo atrativo para a prevenção da DCV. No entanto, o fracasso do torcetrapib, droga que aumenta substancialmente os níveis de HDL-C, em prevenir DCV, além do conhecimento gerado por estudos de modelos animais e doenças monogênicas que afetam a concentração de HDL-C, tem suscitado questionamentos sobre o papel antiaterogênico da HDL. Esta revisão tem como objetivo abordar aspectos atuais do conhecimento da HDL, baseando-se nessas recentes controvérsias.Epidemiological studies demonstrate an inverse correlation between plasma HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) concentration and incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The antiatherogenic role of HDL has been attributed to its anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic and antioxidant properties, besides its participation in the reverse cholesterol transport (RCT), whereby cholesterol from peripheral tissues (including macrophages of the arterial intima) is delivered to the liver for excretion in bile. Due to these actions, HDL-C has evolved as an attractive target for prevention of CVD. However, the failure of torcetrapib, drug that substantially increases HDL-C levels, in preventing CVD and data from studies with animal models and with carriers of monogenic disorders affecting HDL-C levels in humans provide conflicting data about HDL being antiatherogenic. This review addresses the current state of knowledge regarding HDL based on these recent controversies

    Consumo Exacerbado de Sal Pela População brasileira: um fator de risco cardiovascular modificável e de relevância para controle da pressão arterial

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    A hipertensão arterial sistêmica é uma condição clínica multifatorial caracterizada por níveis elevados e sustentados de pressão arterial. Associa-se frequentemente a alterações funcionais e/ou estruturais dos órgãos-alvo e a alterações metabólicas, com consequente aumento do risco de eventos cardiovasculares fatais e não fatais. No Brasil, a hipertensão afeta mais de 30 milhões e é o mais importante fator de risco para o desenvolvimento das doenças cardiovasculares, com destaque para o AVC e o infarto do miocárdio, as duas maiores causas isoladas de mortes no país. O diagnóstico deverá ser sempre validado por medidas repetidas, em condições ideais, em pelo menos três ocasiões. Por tratar-se de uma doença assintomática, são diversos os fatores de risco ao aumento do nível de pressão arterial, tais como: idade, gênero e etnia, genética, excesso de peso e obesidade, ingestão de sal, ingestão de álcool, sedentarismo e até mesmo fatores socioeconômicos. A necessidade diária de sódio para os seres humanos é a contida em 5 g de cloreto de sódio ou sal de cozinha. O consumo médio do brasileiro corresponde ao dobro do recomendado. Nessa perspectiva, o seguinte projeto de revisão de artigos abordará a influência do sal dentro dos mecanismos de controle da PA, bem como seus aspectos epidemiológicos, patogênicos e restrições na dieta repercutindo em efeitos neuro-humorais e metabólicos

    Análise dos petrotramas de eixos-C de quartzo: Zona de Cisalhamento Major Gercino (SC)

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    The analysis of quartz c-axis improved the kinematic characterization of the Major Gercino Shear Zone (MGSZ) in the Canelinha - Garcia area in central-eastern Santa Catarina State. This shear zone is one of the major lineaments that affect ali southern Brazilian and Uruguaian precambrian terrains. In Santa Catarina the MGSZ separates supracrustal rocks of the Brusque Group (northern part) from the Granitoid-Migmatitic Complex to the south. This zone is characterized by a regional NE trend, a dextral sense of movement, and predominantly ductile-brittle structures. The MGSZ is composed of two mylonitic belts to the northwest and southeast, respectively, separated by granitoid rocks probably associated with the development of the shear zone. Both shear zones have cataclastic to ultramylonitc rocks, but mylonites and protomylonites predominate. Most of the mylonitic rocks were produced under greenschist facies metamorphic conditions and a high strain rate. Although sinistral displacement is often observed, most of the mesoscopic structures and kinematic indicators show a predominance of dextral movement with an important oblique component. The results of c-axis analyses in quartz-rich rocks are in good agreement with this interpretation and also indicate a coaxial deformation produced by pure shear strain as can be seen in the symmetric pattern of the prefered orientations of the c-axis in many of the diagrams obtained in the MGSZ, as well as indicated by the presence of local sinistrai shear movements. The mylonitic rocks of the MGSZ have crystallographic orientations developed at relatively low temperatures, as confirmed by the low-grade metamorphic conditions. In spite of the low temperatures, the orientation developed under a high strain rate as shown by the deformed and stretched minerais and the commom parallelism of S and C surfaces.Este trabalho visa apresentar as principais conclusões obtidas da utilização de petrotramas de eixos-c de quartzo, aplicadas ao estudo da Zona de Cisalhamento Major Gercino (ZCMG), no trecho Canelinha - Garcia, região centro-leste do Estado de Santa Catarina. Este lineamento faz parte do importante sistema de cisalhamento de direção NE-SW que afeta a região sul-brasileira e uruguaia. Ao longo de toda sua extensão, a ZCMG separa duas áreas geologicamente diferentes que correspondem, em Santa Catarina, aos domínios interno (granitóides) e intermediário (supracrustais) do Cinturão Dom Feliciano (CDF). Esta zona de cisalhamento possui estruturação geral NE, características dúcteis-rúpteis e movimentação predominantemente dextral. A geração das rochas miloníticas deu-se, principalmente, no grau metamórfico xisto-verde. Na região estudada, a ZCMG caracteriza-se por duas faixas miloníticas onde predominam rochas com texturas protomiloníticas e miloníticas. Entre essas faixas ocorre um conjunto de granitóides associado ao desenvolvimento da ZCMG. A faixa milonítica norte limita os metassedimentos do Grupo Brusque a noroeste dos granitóides centrais e a faixa milonítica sul faz o contato entre esses granitóides e as rochas do Complexo-Granito-Migmatítico (Domínio Interno do CDF). A componente coaxial é sugerida nos petrotramas de eixos-c de quartzo por concentrações simétricas em relação à foliação milonítica, bem como pela existência de porfiroclastos simétricos em seções delgadas. A componente da deformação por cisalhamento puro pode ter acarretado, em inflexões locais, movimentações sinistrais. As rochas milomticas da ZCMG apresentam orientação cristalográfica desenvolvida sob temperaturas relativamente baixas, indicada pelo metamorfismo no fácies xisto-verde e pelos petrotramas. Apesar da baixa temperatura, o processo de cisalhamento ocorreu em condições de alta taxa de deformação, evidenciada pela presença de minerais deformados e estirados e pela geração de rochas milomticas e ultramiloníticas, onde comumente ocorre total paralelização das superfícies S e C

    Multivariate analysis of 3D ToF-SIMS images: method validation and application to cultured neuronal networks

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    Advanced data analysis tools are crucial for the application of ToF-SIMS analysis to biological samples. Here, we demonstrate that by using a training set approach principal components analysis (PCA) can be performed on large 3D ToF-SIMS images of neuronal cell cultures. The method readily provides access to sample component information and significantly improves the images’ signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)

    Microbiological profiles of dental implants in metabolic syndrome patients: a case-control study

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    There is a lack of knowledge on the possible influence of systemic conditions on peri-implantitis. The aim of this case-control study is to evaluate the difference in terms of oral patho-gens’ concentrations in the peri-implant sulcus of a group of patients affected by metabolic syndrome (Mets) compared to healthy subjects. For each patient, peri-implant sulcular biofilm samples were obtained by inserting two sterile endodontic paper points in the deepest aspect of the peri-implant sulcus for 30 s. The quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction was performed to evaluate total bacterial counts of six pathogens. Patients were screened for peri-implant diseases and clinical and radiographic parameters were recorded. A total of 50 patients was enrolled in the study, 25 affected by Mets and 25 healthy. Significantly higher bacterial counts were discovered for Aggregatibacter Actinomycetemcomitans (p = 0.0008), Prevotella Intermedia (p = 0.0477) and Staphylococ-cus Aureus (p = 0.034) in MetS patients compared to healthy subjects. Performing a sub-group anal-ysis, considering peri-implant status and dividing patients by MetS diagnosis, no statistically sig-nificant (p < 0.05) differences were found. For the first time, a correlation between MetS presence and a greater prevalence of some bacterial species in the peri-implant sulcus was reported, irrespec-tively from peri-implant status (health vs disease)
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