1,816 research outputs found

    Learning divides across the Italian regions: Some evidence from national and international surveys

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    Student performance has been tested by various surveys at the international level in recent years, using different aims and methodologies. On the basis of a comparative analysis, this paper aims to describe the differences in performance between Italian regions, subjects and ages or grades. All the surveys revealed significant gaps in performance across the Italian regions, with students in the South being far behind those in the North in all the subjects surveyed (reading, mathematics, science). This gap is particularly marked in technical (“istituti tecnici”) and vocational (“istituti professionali”) schools. Also the degree of disparity in scores is higher in the South. The geographical divides increase with grade: the gaps between North and South are more mitigated at the earlier grades and concentrated among students with a low parental background. Student achievement is strongly correlated with the socio-cultural and economic conditions of the family. However, this relationship seems to be sharper at the earlier grades, while it vanishes at the upper secondary school level, when the type-of-program and school effects have much greater impact. Finally, this paper also suggests that marks (or final grades) given internally by schools do not reflect the real levels of proficiency, and do not, therefore, distinguish good students from bad ones.quality of education, international assessments, regional disparities

    Improving water management through the IWRM approach in the Mediterranean countries

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    The paper is aimed to analyze the importance of water reuse within a strategy of integrated water resources management. Using an integrated systemic approach, the role of water in the set of relations which constitute a valuable source for the Mediterranean countries will be analyzed. The paper also aims to demonstrate how a correct management of water resources, have a positive impact on the socio-economic aspects of the area. At the Mediterranean regions the management of water appears to be complex, due to inhomogeneity of water availability. This should prompt to rethink the means of intervention in these countries, considering structural investments in order to ensure a fair exploitation of water resources

    Dynamic macroeconomic effects of public capital: evidence from regional Italian data

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    This paper assesses the effects of public capital in Italy on the main macroeconomic aggregates: GDP, private capital and labour. A cointegrated vector autoregressive (VAR) model, in line with recent advancements in the field, allows us to take into account the complex nexus of direct and indirect links between the variables. We find a persistent increase in GDP in response to a positive shock to public capital; this result is mainly attributable to a strong stimulus exerted by public infrastructures on private capital (crowding in). The positive effects of public capital are quite pervasive across Italy, albeit to differing extents. In particular, a higher elasticity of GDP to public capital is estimated for the South, whereas marginal productivity turns out to be higher in the Centre-North. This suggests that public capital has a lower economic return in the South, bearing out the existence of a potential conflict between equity and efficiency goals. Finally, we indirectly document the existence of positive spillover effects at the regional level, allowing individual regions to benefit from the endowment of public capital in the rest of the country.public capital, crowding in effects, Italian regional divides, VAR models

    Cynara cardunculus as an alternative crop for biodiesel production.

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    Biodiesel is a renewable fuel obtained from vegetable oils or animal fats, with similar propertiesto fossil diesel fuel. It is obtained from the transesterification of the triglycerides with a shortchain alcohol in the presence of a catalyst, giving biodiesel and glycerol in two separated phases.Traditional raw materials for biodiesel production are the oils of rapeseed, sunflower, soybeanand palm. However, some alternative raw materials such as animal fats, recycled oils and nonconventional crops, are also used.This thesis is focused on the use of Cynara cardunculus oil for the production of biodiesel. Cynaracardunculus is a wild cardoon from the family of artichoke that is well adapted to theMediterranean weather. The maximum production reaches 2 tons/ha per year of seeds thatcontain up to 25 % oil, with a similar composition to sunflower oil. Thus, Cynara cardunculuscultivation may represent an alternative for abandoned cropland and a good candidate asrenewable energy source and biodiesel production.In the first part of the work, the reaction conditions where optimised for the transesterificationof unrefined Cynara cardunculus oil. The product obtained was characterised. The acid value of theoriginal oil (11.8 mgKOH/g) was higher than the values recommended for alkalinetransesterification (1-2 mgKOH/g) resulting in the formation of soaps and gels. For some of thereaction conditions, the ester and glycerol phases were not clearly separated, reflecting the needof a preesterification step in order to reduce the acid value of the oil. The preesterification stepwas optimised using different reaction temperatures, catalyst and methanol concentrations andreaction times. The best results were obtained for the reactions conducted at 60ºC, using a 6:1methanol to oil molar ratio and 0.5% sulphuric acid as catalyst. Finally, the oil was pre-treatedusing the best conditions for the preesterification, with an additional degumming step. Thetransesterification of the pre-treated oil was optimised and the results were compared to theprevious ones. The ester yield increased with the pre-treatment and the ester and glycerol phaseswere clearly separated in most of the cases, showing the advantages of the degumming andpreesterification steps.The second part of the work was the characterisation of the mixtures of biodiesel and diesel fuel.European specific normatives for both biodiesel (EN 14214) and fossil diesel fuel (EN 590) weredetailed, together with their requirements and test methods. Mixtures of both fuels at differentproportions, were analysed according to EN 590. Correlations for the mixtures were determinedwith experiments or mass balances, according to each case. There are some properties than canlimit the amount of biodiesel allowed in the mixture in order to satisfy the specifications fordiesel fuel, such as density, viscosity, distillation, oxidative stability and cold weather properties. Itwas detected the need of specific analytical methods and requirements for some of the properties.The third part of the work was the analysis of the biodegradability of mixtures of biodiesel andfossil derived fuels, such as heavy fuel oil, diesel fuel and gasoline. The CO2 evolution test wasused to analyse the biodegradation behaviour of the mixtures. In all the cases cometabolicbiodegradation was observed demonstrating that biodiesel enhances the degradation of the threefossil derived fuels analysed. The physical properties of the mixtures were also analysed.UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA I VIRGILICYNARA CARDUNCULUS AS AN ALTERNATIVE CROP FOR BIODIESEL PRODUCTION.Jorgelina Cecilia PasqualinoEl biodiesel es un combustible de origen renovable que se obtiene a partir de aceites vegetales ygrasas animales y posee propiedades similares a las del gasoil. Se produce mediante latransesterificación de los triglicéridos con un alcohol de cadena corta, en presencia de uncatalizador, obteniendo biodiesel y glicerol en dos fases separadas. Los aceites más utilizados en laproducción de biodiesel son los de soja, colza, girasol y palma, aunque existen alternativas comolos aceites de fritura reciclados, las grasas animales y algunos cultivos no convencionales.En este trabajo se utilizó el aceite de Cynara cardunculus para producir biodiesel. Cynaracardunculus es un cardo silvestre de la familia de la alcachofa, que se encuentra adaptado al climaMediterráneo. Su producción máxima alcanza las 2 toneladas de semilla por hectárea al año, quecontienen hasta un 25 % de aceite, con una composición similar al aceite de girasol. De estemodo, el Cynara cardunculus puede representar un cultivo alternativo para la producción debiodiesel, pudiéndose cultivar en tierras abandonadas.En la primera parte del trabajo se optimizaron las condiciones para la transesterificación de aceitede Cynara cardunculus sin refinar y se caracterizó el producto obtenido. El índice de acidez delaceite original (11.8 mgKOH/g) fue mayor al recomendado para la transesterificación alcalina (1-2 mgKOH/g), resultando en la formación de gel y jabón. En algunos casos no se produjo unaseparación clara de las fases, reflejando la necesidad de una etapa de preesterificación para reducirel índice de acidez. La preesterificación fue optimizada utilizando diferentes temperaturas,concentraciones de metanol y catalizador, y tiempos finales de reacción. Las mejores condicionesde operación se obtuvieron para la reacción realizada a 60ºC, utilizando metanol en una relaciónmolar de 6:1 con respecto al aceite, y un 0.5% de H2SO4 como catalizador. Finalmente, el aceitefue pre-tratado bajo las condiciones óptimas de preesterificación, con una etapa adicional dedegomado. La reacción de transesterificación del aceite pre-tratado fue optimizada y losresultados comparados con los de la reacción del aceite crudo. El contenido en metilésteres fuesuperior al utilizar aceite pre-tratado, y las fases de metilésteres y glicerol se separaron confacilidad en la mayoría de los casos, demostrando la utilidad de las etapas de pretratamiento.La segunda parte fue la caracterización de las mezclas de biodiesel con gasoil. Las normativaseuropeas para el biodiesel (EN 14214) y para el gasoil (EN 590) fueron detalladas junto con susrequisitos y métodos de ensayo. Las mezclas de ambos combustibles en diferentes proporcionesse analizaron de acuerdo a la norma EN 590. Las correlaciones para el comportamiento de lasmezclas se determinaron mediante experimentación y balances de materia, según el caso. Sedeterminó que algunas propiedades como la densidad, la viscosidad, la destilación, la estabilidad ala oxidación y las propiedades en frío pueden limitar la cantidad de biodiesel permitida en lamezcla para que esta cumpla con la normativa vigente para el gasoil. Se detectó la necesidad demétodos específicos de análisis y requisitos para algunas de las propiedades.La tercera parte de este trabajo consistió en el análisis de la biodegradabilidad de las mezclas debiodiesel con combustibles de origen fósil, como fuel pesado, gasoil y gasolina. Labiodegradación se determinó mediante el método de evolución de CO2. En todos los casos seobservó la presencia de cometabolismo, demostrando que el biodiesel incrementa labiodegradabilidad de los tres combustibles fósiles examinados. Se analizaron además laspropiedades físicas de las mezclas.UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA I VIRGILICYNARA CARDUNCULUS AS AN ALTERNATIVE CROP FOR BIODIESEL PRODUCTION.Jorgelina Cecilia Pasqualin

    Impact of Nitrogen Availability on the Accumulation of Vegetative Lipids in Sorghum

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    Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) is a versatile and prosperous feedstock crop for renewable energy production. With the increase in bioenergy demand, the production of higher oil content per biomass in a feedstock crop is a highly desirable trait for the biofuel conversion process yield. Especially if this outcome can be achieved using fewer inputs in the field, such as nitrogen. In microalgae species, nitrogen limitation has been associated with changes in the carbon storage metabolic pathway favoring triacylglycerol (TAG) accumulation. In this context, this study aimed to assess whether nitrogen starvation would result in a similar outcome in higher plants. Nitrogen limitation\u27s impact on sorghum vegetative lipids accumulation was investigated in two sorghum genotypes. In a soilless trial, greenhouse-grown plants were submitted to three levels of nitrogen supply: 0.0 mM, 0.75 mM, and 15 mM KNO3 delivered in nitrogen-free Hoagland\u27s liquid solution. Total fatty acids (TFA), TAG and biomass were analyzed in three developmental stages (7-leaf, flowering, and post-flowering). At the 7-leaf stage, lower nitrogen availability resulted in significantly higher TAG content, where the values for 0.0, 0.75, and 15 mM N treatments were 0.97, 0.72, and 0.44 TAG %DW, respectively (P=0.04). The same results pattern was observed at the flowering stage, where lower nitrogen resulted in 1.24 TAG %DW, while higher nitrogen resulted in 0.78 TAG %DW. Post-flowering TAG content did not present a significant difference across nitrogen treatments. The TFA content increased with nitrogen availability, and the nitrogen treatment effect was significant at the flowering (PP=0.02) stages. Across all stages, biomass was significantly higher with increased nitrogen availability. The research findings are initial steps in comprehending the impact of nitrogen availability on sorghum vegetative lipids and provide valuable insights for optimizing the balance of nitrogen application and biomass yield ratio to achieve valuable and sustainable sorghum production for biofuel feedstock. Advisors: Thomas Clemente and Jeffrey Mowe

    Spontaneous sealing of a type Ia endoleak after ovation stent graft implantation in a patient with on-label aortic neck anatomy

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    We report a case of an early type Ia endoleak after endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) of an abdominal aortic aneurysm by Ovation Stent Graft implantation and spontaneously resolved without further reintervention. The patient presents a conical aortic neck, but EVAR was performed within the instruction for use proposed by manufactory. At completion angiography, a low-flow type Ia endoleak was present and left untreated. Computed tomographic angiography performed on the third postoperative day showed infolding of the 2 sealing rings. The patient was dismissed without further treatment. At 3-month follow-up, the leak appeared spontaneously sealed with partial expansion of the 2 rings.We report a case of an early type Ia endoleak after endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) of an abdominal aortic aneurysm by Ovation Stent Graft implantation and spontaneously resolved without further reintervention. The patient presents a conical aortic neck, but EVAR was performed within the instruction for use proposed by manufactory. At completion angiography, a low-flow type Ia endoleak was present and left untreated. Computed tomographic angiography performed on the third postoperative day showed infolding of the 2 sealing rings. The patient was dismissed without further treatment. At 3-month follow-up, the leak appeared spontaneously sealed with partial expansion of the 2 rings

    Open conversion after aortic endograft infection. Caused by colistin-resistant, carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae

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    A 62-year-old man presented with fever, abdominal pain, and malaise 13 months after emergency endovascular aortic repair. Computed tomographic angiograms showed a periprosthetic fluid and gas collection, so infection was diagnosed. Open conversion was performed, involving endograft explantation and in situ aortic reconstruction. Cultures and the explanted prosthesis were positive for carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae, resistant to colistin. Because of the sparse data on endograft infections caused by this pathogen, we placed the patient on an empiric double-carbapenem regimen for 4 weeks. Symptomatic recovery occurred after 21 days. On the 30th day, we deployed a stent to treat a new pseudoaneurysm. Three years later, the patient had no signs of persistent or recurrent infection. We think that this is the first report of aortic endograft infection caused by colistin-resistant, carbapenemase-producing K. pneumoniae.A 62-year-old man presented with fever, abdominal pain, and malaise 13 months after emergency endovascular aortic repair. Computed tomographic angiograms showed a periprosthetic fluid and gas collection, so infection was diagnosed. Open conversion was performed, involving endograft explantation and in situ aortic reconstruction. Cultures and the explanted prosthesis were positive for carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae, resistant to colistin. Because of the sparse data on endograft infections caused by this pathogen, we placed the patient on an empiric double-carbapenem regimen for 4 weeks. Symptomatic recovery occurred after 21 days. On the 30th day, we deployed a stent to treat a new pseudoaneurysm. Three years later, the patient had no signs of persistent or recurrent infection. We think that this is the first report of aortic endograft infection caused by colistin-resistant, carbapenemase-producing K. pneumoniae

    Does defensive medicine change the behaviors of vascular surgeons? a qualitative review

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    Although in literature few successful claims have been shown in comparison with other medical specialties such as gynaecology and orthopaedics, vascular surgery is included among high-risk specialties. The high-risk of receiving medical claims may lead vascular surgeons to practice defensive medicine, as is normal in several other areas of clinical practice. No studies are available to our knowledge of the incidence of defensive medicine in the field of vascular surgery. Taking into consideration the scarce amount of information, the authors provide a critical discussion regarding the application of defensive medicine behaviour among vascular surgeon