4,088 research outputs found

    Propositio super altercatione praeminentiae sedium inter oratores regum castellae et angliae in concilio Basilensi o los argumentos de Alfonso de Cartagena por la preeminencia de España.

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    Análisis del discurso de Alfonso de Cartagena Propositio super Altercatione Praeminentiae, en el que el prelado de Burgos, recurriendo a fuentes y citas de gran autoridad, realiza una apasionada defensa de España, para demostrar la preeminencia de este reino sobre el inglés.Analysis of speech made by Alfonso de Cartagena, Propositio super Altercatione Praeminentiae, in which the bishop of Burgos, according to authoritative sources and quotations, makes an impassioned defense of Spain in order to show the pre-eminence of the Spanish kingdom upon the England one

    Advanced Congestion Control Mechanisms for Internet of Things

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    The number of IoT devices is growing at high speed, around 18 billion devices are forecast by 2022. Many of these devices are implemented with simple hardware, with low specifications and low resources. Taking into account the limited hardware resources and the huge network formed by IoT devices, CoAP was born as a lighter application protocol than HTTP. One important task for this scenario is the congestion control of huge networks using simple hardware devices. CoAP implements a simple congestion control solution, but many research articles show that this solution is not very efficient and it could be improved using other congestion control algorithms. CoCoA was born with the aim of being the standard congestion control algorithm for CoAP and has been proven through many studies, that it improves CoAP default performance in several scenarios. However, some research articles show that CoCoA offers low performance in bufferbloat scenarios. This thesis evaluates CoCoA in bufferbloat scenarios and introduces changes on CoCoA algorithm, achieving an improvement on its performance

    Assessing the potential for reopening a building stone quarry : Newbigging Sandstone Quarry, Fife

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    Newbigging Sandstone Quarry in Fife is one of a number of former quarries in the Burntisland- Aberdour district which exploited the pale-coloured Grange Sandstone from Lower Carboniferous rocks. The quarry supplied building stone from the late 19th century, working intermittently from 1914 until closure in 1937, and again when reopened in the 1970s to the 1990s. The stone was primarily used locally and to supply the nearby markets in the Scottish Central Belt. Historical evidence indicates that prior to sandstone extraction, the area was dominated by largescale quarrying and mining of limestone, and substantial sandstone quarrying is likely to have begun after the arrival of the main railway line in 1890. It is probable that removal of the sandstone was directly associated with limestone exploitation, and that the quarried sandstone was effectively a by-product of limestone production. Sandstone extraction was probably viable due to the existing limestone quarry infrastructure (workforce, equipment, transportation) and the high demand for building stone in Central Scotland in the late 19th century. The geology within Newbigging Sandstone Quarry is dominated by thick-bedded uniform sandstone with a wide joint spacing, well-suited for obtaining large blocks. However, a mudstone (shale) band is likely to be present within a few metres of the principal (north) face of the quarry, around which the sandstone bed thickness and quality is likely to decrease. The mudstone bed forms a plane sloping at a shallow angle to the north, so that expansion of the quarry in this direction is likely to encounter a considerable volume of poor quality stone. Additionally, an east-west trending fault is present approximately 100 metres north of the quarry face, which is also likely to be associated with poor quality (fractured) stone

    When omnigeneity fails

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    A generic non-symmetric magnetic field does not confine magnetized charged particles for long times due to secular magnetic drifts. Stellarator magnetic fields should be omnigeneous (that is, designed such that the secular drifts vanish), but perfect omnigeneity is technically impossible. There always are small deviations from omnigeneity that necessarily have large gradients. The amplification of the energy flux caused by a deviation of size ϵ\epsilon is calculated and it is shown that the scaling with ϵ\epsilon of the amplification factor can be as large as linear. In opposition to common wisdom, most of the transport is not due to particles trapped in ripple wells, but to the perturbed motion of particles trapped in the omnigeneous magnetic wells around their bounce points.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Load testing and recommended repairs for dailey branch bridges - milepost 1.4 to 5.8

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    The West Virginia Department of Transportation State Rail Authority sponsored a study to evaluate the condition of the railroad bridges on the Dailey Branch in Elkins, WV. The evaluations included field inspections, load rating, load testing, and a repair plan. A total of 2 steel bridges and 3 timber bridges were part of the study. The repair plan focused on identifying deteriorated timber bridge members for potential Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) wrap repair. Information on dimensions and deterioration was gathered through field inspections. A timber specialist determined the species and grade of the timber bridges, finding most members to be Select Structural lumber of Southern Pine species. A preliminary analysis was performed to ensure that the bridges would withstand a hi-rail dump truck and a locomotive during load testing. A total of 76 strain gages were installed on all 5 bridges to record bending, shear, and axial compression data. Steel Bridge 1.4 is a 2 span steel through-girder bridge with spans of roughly 98 feet, and the measured field strains correlated well to those predicted through load rating analysis. The other steel bridge, Bridge 5.8, had field measurements of about 1.5 times lower than theoretical predictions, likely due to the contribution of the track structure on the 20’ span. The field measured strains for the timber bridges were always less than theory for bending and shear, typically by a factor of about 2, due to the extra stiffness added through composite action between the ties and track together with the stringers, as evident through the shifting of the neutral axis. Field compression strains in the posts were typically higher than predicted, except for two cases, which are most likely due to the section losses in the instrumented posts and uneven bearing conditions. All bridges were load rated using AREMA standard Cooper E 80, a 286K freight railcar, and GP 38 locomotive with the analysis assumptions verified during the field load testing process. Under normal rating conditions, the bridges do not meet Cooper E 80 rating, but they can safely carry all other equipment. Recommendations for maintenance were made for the steel bridges. A cost-benefit analysis on timber bridge repair was used to recommend stringers to be replaced, and substructure members to be wrapped with GFRP, and filled with resin and bulk filler

    Diez Años de La Cátedra-Empresa Cemex de La E.T.S. de Ingenieros de Minas de Madrid

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    La Cátedra CEMEX de Tecnología de Cementos, Hormigones y Morteros es una de las Cátedras Universidad-Empresa de la E.T.S de Ingenieros de Minas de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Fue creada hace diez años y está patrocinada por CEMEX España. En estos diez cursos ya cumplidos de vida la Cátedra ha llevado a cabo diversas actividades, entre las que destaca la organización de un curso de formación para estudiantes de la ETSI Minas, en cuya impartición participan diversas entidades, además de técnicos de la propia empresa. Asimismo, se han realizado proyectos de investigación aplicada, algunos muy innovadores, con participación de los estudiantes, en el marco de su política de facilitar prácticas en empresa y en muchos casos la realización de proyectos fin de carrera. Todo lo anterior ha permitido la incorporación en estos años a la plantilla de CEMEX España de numerosos profesionales formados en la ETSI Minas, los cuales se han integrado en diversos departamentos de la empresa

    Human activity recognition on smartphones using a multiclass hardware-friendly support vector machine

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    Activity-Based Computing aims to capture the state of the user and its environment by exploiting heterogeneous sensors in order to provide adaptation to exogenous computing resources. When these sensors are attached to the subject’s body, they permit continuous monitoring of numerous physiological signals. This has appealing use in healthcare applications, e.g. the exploitation of Ambient Intelligence (AmI) in daily activity monitoring for elderly people. In this paper, we present a system for human physical Activity Recognition (AR) using smartphone inertial sensors. As these mobile phones are limited in terms of energy and computing power, we propose a novel hardware-friendly approach for multiclass classification. This method adapts the standard Support Vector Machine (SVM) and exploits fixed-point arithmetic for computational cost reduction. A comparison with the traditional SVM shows a significant improvement in terms of computational costs while maintaining similar accuracy, which can contribute to develop more sustainable systems for AmI.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Lumbrineridae (Polychaeta) del cañón de Capbretón (Golfo de Vizcaya, Atlántico NE) con la descripción de dos nuevas especies

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    During the Capbreton 1988 to 1990 cruises, samples of benthic macrofauna were taken at 37 stations situated along the continental slope (from 480 to 1113 m depth), on both sides of the Capbreton Canyon and in its axis. Lumbrinerid polychaetes were collected in 20 of these samples. This work includes the description of eight species belonging to six genera. Six of the species have already been described in the region: Abyssoninoe scopa (Fauchald, 1974), Augeneria algida (Wirén, 1901), Lumbrinerides amoureuxi Miura, 1980, Lumbrineris aniara Fauchald, 1974, Lumbrineris futilis Kinberg, 1865, and Ninoe armoricana Glémarec, 1968. The other two are described as new species belonging to the genera Augeneria and Lumbricalus. Some type-material of these species was revised and some notes also included.Durante las campañas Capbretón 1988 a 1990, fueron tomadas muestras de la macrofauna bentónica en 37 estaciones situadas en el talud continental (de 480 a 1113 m profundidad), a ambos lados del cañón de Capbretón y en su eje. Se recolectaron poliquetos lumbrinéridos en 20 de estas estaciones. En este trabajo se describen ocho especies pertenecientes a seis géneros. Seis de las especies ya habían sido descritas en la región: Abyssoninoe scopa (Fauchald, 1974), Augeneria algida (Wirén, 1901), Lumbrinerides amoureuxi Miura, 1980, Lumbrineris aniara Fauchald, 1974, Lumbrineris futilis Kinberg, 1865, y Ninoe armoricana Glémarec, 1968. Las dos restantes se describen como especies nuevas y pertenecen a los géneros Augeneria y Lumbricalus. Se realizó la revisión de algunos materiales tipos de estas especies y se incluyen algunas notas taxonómicas. &nbsp

    Impacto de las redes de distribución de gas natural en la confiabilidad de sistemas de distribución de energía eléctrica con generación distribuida

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    En este trabajo se desarrolla una metodología que permite cuantificar el impacto de la confiabilidad del sistema de gas natural sobre la con fiabilidad del sistema eléctrico. El impacto se mide mediante una relación entre la energía no suministrada por contingencias en la red de gas natural con la energía no suministrada por las contingencias en la red eléctrica, donde se consideran posibles valores para tasas de fallas y tiempos de reparación de la red de gas natural. Los resultados numéricos indican que en sistemas de distribución con alta penetración de generación distribuida la con fiabilidad de la red de gas natural impacta fuertemente la confiabilidad del sistema eléctrico