152 research outputs found

    Utilization of fish trash for increasing yield and quality of milk in cattle

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    The difference between cost of milk production and Its telling price Is very thin and Is getting thinner due to cumulative increase in cattle food prices on one side and limitations on marketing price of milk on the other. Possible utilization of trash fish converted to liquid silage a* a part of cattle food resulting In Increased yield of milk and fat concern are discussed in this paper. The development of silage and field trials on milking catties were carried out by Gujarat Fisheries Aquatic Sciences Research Institute, Okha

    High Energy Properties of X-ray Sources observed with BeppoSAX

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    We report on highlight results on celestial sources observed in the high energy band (>20 keV) with BeppoSAX. In particular we review the spectral properties of sources that belong to different classes of objects, i.e. stellar coronae (Algol), supernova remnants (Cas A), low mass X-ray binaries (Cygnus X-2 and the X-ray burster GS1826-238), black hole candidates (Cygnus X-1) and Active Galactic Nuclei (Mkn 3). We detect, for the first time, the broad-band spectrum of a stellar corona up to 100 keV; for Cas A we report upper limits to the ^44Ti line intensities that are lower than those available to date; for Cyg X-2 we report the evidence of a high energy component; we report a clear detection of a broad Fe K line feature from Cygnus X-1 in soft state and during its transition to hard state; Mkn 3 is one of several Seyfert 2 galaxies detected with BeppoSAX at high energies, for which Compton scattering process is important.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 1997 Conference on 'The Active X-ray Sky: Results from BeppoSAX and Rossi-XTE' eds. L. Scarsi, F. Fiore and P. Giomm

    Survival Analysis Part I: Basic concepts and first analyses

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    Survival analysis is a collection of statistical procedures for data analysis where the outcome variable of interest is time until an event occurs. Because of censoring - the nonobservation of the event of interest after a period of follow-up - a proportion of the survival times of interest will often be unknown. It is assumed that those patients who are censored have the same survival prospects as those who continue to be followed, that is, the censoring is uninformative. Survival data are generally described and modelled in terms of two related functions, the survivor function and the hazard function. The survivor function represents the probability that an individual survives from the time of origin to some time beyond time t. It directly describes the survival experience of a study cohort, and is usually estimated by the KM method. The logrank test may be used to test for differences between survival curves for groups, such as treatment arms. The hazard function gives the instantaneous potential of having an event at a time, given survival up to that time. It is used primarily as a diagnostic tool or for specifying a mathematical model for survival analysis. In comparing treatments or prognostic groups in terms of survival, it is often necessary to adjust for patient-related factors that could potentially affect the survival time of a patient. Failure to adjust for confounders may result in spurious effects. Multivariate survival analysis, a form of multiple regression, provides a way of doing this adjustment, and is the subject the next paper in this series

    Psychophysiological effects of a web-based stress management system: A prospective, randomized controlled intervention study of IT and media workers [ISRCTN54254861]

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of the present study was to assess possible effects on mental and physical well-being and stress-related biological markers of a web-based health promotion tool. METHODS: A randomized, prospectively controlled study was conducted with before and after measurements, involving 303 employees (187 men and 116 women, age 23–64) from four information technology and two media companies. Half of the participants were offered web-based health promotion and stress management training (intervention) lasting for six months. All other participants constituted the reference group. Different biological markers were measured to detect possible physiological changes. RESULTS: After six months the intervention group had improved statistically significantly compared to the reference group on ratings of ability to manage stress, sleep quality, mental energy, concentration ability and social support. The anabolic hormone dehydroepiandosterone sulphate (DHEA-S) decreased significantly in the reference group as compared to unchanged levels in the intervention group. Neuropeptide Y (NPY) increased significantly in the intervention group compared to the reference group. Chromogranin A (CgA) decreased significantly in the intervention group as compared to the reference group. Tumour necrosis factor α (TNFα) decreased significantly in the reference group compared to the intervention group. Logistic regression analysis revealed that group (intervention vs. reference) remained a significant factor in five out of nine predictive models. CONCLUSION: The results indicate that an automatic web-based system might have short-term beneficial physiological and psychological effects and thus might be an opportunity in counteracting some clinically relevant and common stress and health issues of today

    A Role for Drosophila dFoxO and dFoxO 5′UTR Internal Ribosomal Entry Sites during Fasting

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    One way animals may cope with nutrient deprivation is to broadly repress translation by inhibiting 5′-cap initiation. However, under these conditions specific proteins remain essential to survival during fasting. Such peptides may be translated through initiation at 5′UTR Internal Ribosome Entry Sites (IRES). Here we show that the Drosophila melanogaster Forkhead box type O (dFoxO) transcription factor is required for adult survival during fasting, and that the 5′UTR of dfoxO has the ability to initiate IRES-mediated translation in cell culture. Previous work has shown that insulin negatively regulates dFoxO through AKT-mediated phosphorylation while dFoxO itself induces transcription of the insulin receptor dInR, which also harbors IRES. Here we report that IRES-mediated translation of both dFoxO and dInR is activated in fasted Drosophila S2 cells at a time when cap-dependent translation is reduced. IRES mediated translation of dFoxO and dInR may be essential to ensure function and sensitivity of the insulin signaling pathway during fasting

    Anti-Angiogenic Therapy Induces Integrin-Linked Kinase 1 Up-Regulation in a Mouse Model of Glioblastoma

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    BACKGROUND: In order to improve our understanding of the molecular pathways that mediate tumor proliferation and angiogenesis, and to evaluate the biological response to anti-angiogenic therapy, we analyzed the changes in the protein profile of glioblastoma in response to treatment with recombinant human Platelet Factor 4-DLR mutated protein (PF4-DLR), an inhibitor of angiogenesis. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: U87-derived experimental glioblastomas were grown in the brain of xenografted nude mice, treated with PF4-DLR, and processed for proteomic analysis. More than fifty proteins were differentially expressed in response to PF4-DLR treatment. Among them, integrin-linked kinase 1 (ILK1) signaling pathway was first down-regulated but then up-regulated after treatment for prolonged period. The activity of PF4-DLR can be increased by simultaneously treating mice orthotopically implanted with glioblastomas, with ILK1-specific siRNA. As ILK1 is related to malignant progression and a poor prognosis in various types of tumors, we measured ILK1 expression in human glioblastomas, astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas, and found that it varied widely; however, a high level of ILK1 expression was correlated to a poor prognosis. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results suggest that identifying the molecular pathways induced by anti-angiogenic therapies may help the development of combinatorial treatment strategies that increase the therapeutic efficacy of angiogenesis inhibitors by association with specific agents that disrupt signaling in tumor cells

    Prediction and Testing of Biological Networks Underlying Intestinal Cancer

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    Colorectal cancer progresses through an accumulation of somatic mutations, some of which reside in so-called “driver” genes that provide a growth advantage to the tumor. To identify points of intersection between driver gene pathways, we implemented a network analysis framework using protein interactions to predict likely connections – both precedented and novel – between key driver genes in cancer. We applied the framework to find significant connections between two genes, Apc and Cdkn1a (p21), known to be synergistic in tumorigenesis in mouse models. We then assessed the functional coherence of the resulting Apc-Cdkn1a network by engineering in vivo single node perturbations of the network: mouse models mutated individually at Apc (Apc1638N+/−) or Cdkn1a (Cdkn1a−/−), followed by measurements of protein and gene expression changes in intestinal epithelial tissue. We hypothesized that if the predicted network is biologically coherent (functional), then the predicted nodes should associate more specifically with dysregulated genes and proteins than stochastically selected genes and proteins. The predicted Apc-Cdkn1a network was significantly perturbed at the mRNA-level by both single gene knockouts, and the predictions were also strongly supported based on physical proximity and mRNA coexpression of proteomic targets. These results support the functional coherence of the proposed Apc-Cdkn1a network and also demonstrate how network-based predictions can be statistically tested using high-throughput biological data

    Naturally Occurring Genetic Variants in Human Chromogranin A (CHGA) Associated with Hypertension as well as Hypertensive Renal Disease

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    Chromogranin A (CHGA) plays a fundamental role in the biogenesis of catecholamine secretory granules. Changes in storage and release of CHGA in clinical and experimental hypertension prompted us to study whether genetic variation at the CHGA locus might contribute to alterations in autonomic function, and hence hypertension and its target organ consequences such as hypertensive renal disease (nephrosclerosis). Systematic polymorphism discovery across the human CHGA locus revealed both common and unusual variants in both the open reading frame and such regulatory regions as the proximal promoter and 3′-UTR. In chromaffin cell-transfected CHGA 3′-UTR and promoter/luciferase reporter plasmids, the functional consequences of the regulatory/non-coding allelic variants were documented. Variants in both the proximal promoter and the 3′-UTR displayed statistical associations with hypertension. Genetic variation in the proximal CHGA promoter predicted glomerular filtration rate in healthy twins. However, for hypertensive renal damage, both end-stage renal disease and rate of progression of earlier disease were best predicted by variants in the 3′-UTR. Finally, mechanistic studies were undertaken initiated by the clue that CHGA promoter variation predicted circulating endothelin-1. In cultured endothelial cells, CHGA triggered co-release of not only the vasoconstrictor and pro-fibrotic endothelin-1, but also the pro-coagulant von Willebrand Factor and the pro-angiogenic angiopoietin-2. These findings, coupled with stimulation of endothelin-1 release from glomerular capillary endothelial cells by CHGA, suggest a plausible mechanism whereby genetic variation at the CHGA locus eventuates in alterations in human renal function. These results document the consequences of genetic variation at the CHGA locus for cardiorenal disease and suggest mechanisms whereby such variation achieves functional effects