911 research outputs found

    Robot-friendly connector

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    Robot friendly connectors, which, in one aspect, are truss joints with two parts, a receptacle and a joint, are presented. The joints have a head which is loosely inserted into the receptacle and is then tightened and aligned. In one aspect, the head is a rounded hammerhead which initially is enclosed in the receptacle with sloppy fit provided by the shape, size, and configuration of surfaces on the head and on the receptacle

    Calculation of Helium Inventory in LHC Arcs from Geometry and Comparison with Observations

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    This report estimates the helium inventory inside the 1.9K cryogenic circuit of the LHC arcs. The assessment is based on geometrical considerations obtained from the construction files of the cold masses and its result is compared with test results and the specified design value

    Assessment of Static Heat Loads in the LHC Arc, from the Commissioning of Sector 7-8

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    This note presents first estimates of the static heat loads in the LHC arc cryostats, evaluated experimentally during the commissioning of sector 7-8 in April 2007. Heat loads to the thermal shielding are estimated from the non-isothermal cooling of the supercritical helium in line E, while heat loads to the 1.9K level of the cold masses are estimated from the internal energy balance during a natural warm-up of the sector in the absence of active cooling. A comparison of the measured heat loads with the budgeted heat loads is then presented and discussed

    Static Heat Loads in the LHC Arc Cryostats: Final Assessment

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    This note presents the final assessment of the static heat loads in the LHC arc cryostats, using different experimental methods during the first commissioning period in 2007. This assessment further develops and completes previous estimates made during the commissioning of sector 7_8 [1]. The estimate of the helium inventory, a prerequisite for the heat load calculation, is also presented. Heat loads to the cold mass are evaluated from the internal energy balance during natural as well as powered warm-ups of the helium baths in different subsector. The helium inventory is calculated from the internal energy balance during powered warm-ups and matched with previous assessments. Furthermore, heat loads to the thermal shield are estimated from the non-isothermal cooling of the supercritical helium in line E. The comparison of measured heat loads with previous estimates and with budgeted values is then presented, while their correlation with some important parameters like insulation vacuum pressure and some heat interception temperatures is proposed and discussed

    Una aproximación hacia la equidad en las penas en materia de niños, niñas y adolescentes imputados por la ley penal en Mendoza

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    Desde la presente investigación se trató de corroborar la medida en la que los factores de riesgo asociados a la deprivación socio-cultural en los menores, inciden en la comisión de delitos graves. Con este propósito, en la primer etapa del trabajo, se analizó la totalidad de casos en los que menores de entre 16 y 18 años de edad, cometieron homicidios en la provincia de Mendoza, entre los años 2003 y 2007. En una segunda etapa de trabajo, se analizó también, una muestra de casos con características similares, pero esta vez, de jóvenes que cometieron el delito de abuso sexual.

    X-ray-emitting Atmospheres of B2 Radio Galaxies

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    We report ROSAT PSPC spatial and spectral analysis of the eight B2 radio galaxies NGC 315, NGC 326, 4C 35.03, B2 0326+39, NGC 2484, B2 1040+31, B2 1855+37, and 3C 449, expected to be representative of the class of low-power radio galaxies. Multiple X-ray components are present in each, and the gas components have a wide range of linear sizes and follow an extrapolation of the cluster X-ray luminosity/temperature correlation, implying that there is no relationship between the presence of a radio galaxy and the gas fraction of the environment. No large-scale cooling flows are found. There is no correlation of radio-galaxy size with the scale or density of the X-ray atmosphere. This suggests that it is processes on scales less than those of the overall gaseous environments which are the major influence on radio-source dynamics. The intergalactic medium is usually sufficient to confine the outer parts of the radio structures, in some cases even to within 5 kpc of the core. In the case of NGC 315, an extrapolation suggests that the pressure of the atmosphere may match the minimum pressure in the radio source over a factor of about 40 in linear size (a factor of about 1600 in pressure).Comment: 34 pages, including 10 figures, using aasms4.sty To appear in the Ap

    Improved semiclassical dynamics through adiabatic switching trajectory sampling

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    We introduce an improved semiclassical dynamics approach to quantum vibrational spectroscopy. In this method, a harmonic-based phase space sampling is preliminarily driven toward non-harmonic quantization by slowly switching on the actual potential. The new coordinates and momenta serve as initial conditions for the semiclassical dynamics calculation, leading to a substantial decrease in the number of chaotic trajectories to deal with. Applications are presented for model and molecular systems of increasing dimensionality characterized by moderate or high chaoticity. They include a bidimensional Henon-Heiles potential, water, formaldehyde, and methane. The method improves accuracy and precision of semiclassical results and it can be easily interfaced with all pre-existing semiclassical theories

    Body odors (even when masked) make you more emotional: behavioral and neural insights

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    Morality evolved within specific social contexts that are argued to shape moral choices. In turn, moral choices are hypothesized to be affected by body odors as they powerfully convey socially-relevant information. We thus investigated the neural underpinnings of the possible body odors effect on the participants\u2019 decisions. In an fMRI study we presented to healthy individuals 64 moral dilemmas divided in incongruent (real) and congruent (fake) moral dilemmas, using different types of harm (intentional: instrumental dilemmas, or inadvertent: accidental dilemmas). Participants were required to choose deontological or utilitarian actions under the exposure to a neutral fragrance (masker) or body odors concealed by the same masker (masked body odor). Smelling the masked body odor while processing incongruent (not congruent) dilemmas activates the supramarginal gyrus, consistent with an increase in prosocial attitude. When processing accidental (not instrumental) dilemmas, smelling the masked body odor activates the angular gyrus, an area associated with the processing of people\u2019s presence, supporting the hypothesis that body odors enhance the saliency of the social context in moral scenarios. These results suggest that masked body odors can influence moral choices by increasing the emotional experience during the decision process, and further explain how sensory unconscious biases affect human behavior

    The relevance of molecular biology studies in the genetic counselling of argentine retinoblastoma families

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    Objetivo: Evaluar la importancia de la detección de mutaciones del gen RB1 en el asesoramiento genético de las familias argentinas con retinoblastoma. Métodos: Se incluyeron en este estudio 34 familias argentinas con Retinoblastoma (Rb) bilateral y unilateral. Se analizaron 130 muestras de ADN de leucocitos, tumores y vellosidades coriónicas, por ensayos de Biología Molecular indirectos y directos, como Southern blot, segregación de los polimorfismos BamHI, Rbi4, XbaI y Rb 1.20 (PCR-RFLP, PCR-STR), PCR-heteroduplex y secuenciación del gen RB1. Resultados: El análisis molecular fue informativo en 18 familias de las 34 incluidas en el estudio (53%), el 56% con Rb bilateral y el 44% con Rb unilateral. Se contó con muestras de ADN tumoral de 11 pacientes que se estudiaron para detectar pérdida de heterocigosidad (LOH), que posibilitó identificar el alelo RB1 mutado en 9 pacientes (82%). Cuando no se analizaron las muestras tumorales, los estudios fueron informativos solo en 9 de los 23 pacientes (39%); se utilizó la detección directa en 17 pacientes (41% informativo) e indirecta en 20 (60% informativo). Conclusiones: Los resultados demuestran la necesidad de contar con ADN del tumor, cuando el paciente fue enucleado, y acentúan la importancia de la detección directa de la mutación en familias con Rb esporádico temprano sin muestra tumoral. Los estudios de biología molecular contribuyeron con el adecuado asesoramiento genético de pacientes argentinos y sus familiares y el diseño apropiado de su tratamiento temprano.Objective: Evaluate the relevance of RB1 mutations detection in the genetic counselling of Argentine retinoblastoma families. Methods: We included in this study 34 Argentine families with bilateral and unilateral Retinoblastoma (Rb). 130 DNA samples from leukocytes, tumors and chorionic villus were analyzed by indirect and direct molecular biology assays like Southern blot, segregation of polymorphisms BamHI, Rbi4, XbaI y Rb 1.20 (PCR-RFLP, PCR-STR), PCR-heteroduplex and sequencing of RB1 gene. Results: Molecular biology analysis was informative in 18 out of 34 families studied (53%), 56% with bilateral and 44% with unilateral Rb. DNA tumor samples of 11 patients were available and could be studied by loss of heterozygosity (LOH) detection, that allowed us to identify the mutated RB1 allele in 9 (82%) patients. When tumor samples were not analized, the studies were informative only in 9 out of 23 patients (39%); we used direct mutation detection in 17 (41% informative) and indirect assays in 20 (60% informative) patients. Conclusions: The results prove the necessity to have DNA tumor, when the patient has been enucleated, and emphasize the importance of direct mutation detection in families with early sporadic Rb without tumor sample. The RB1 molecular biology contributed to the adequate genetic counselling of Argentine patients and relatives and their appropriate early treatment planning.Fil: Parma, Diana Lidia. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Dalamon, Viviana Karina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Fernández, C. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Szijan, Irena. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; ArgentinaFil: Damel, A.. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Monitoring of common sole Solea Solea (L) captive broodstock from Northern Adriatic Sea over consecutive spawning seasons

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    The high nutritional quality of common sole Solea solea increases its value for the fishery industry and for the aquaculture sector. To ensure the expansion of its production, it is necessary to implement farming and broodstock management technique to produce high quality eggs and larvae. This work summarizes eight years of study on reproductive performances, growth and parental contribution of a common sole broodstock from the Mediterranean-North Adriatic Sea. The broodstock (11 females and 13 males) reached the peak of fecundity after 5/6 years of captivity, with a production of 296,476 and 376,541 7 103 of total eggs kg 121 female with a fertilization rate of 31.6 \ub1 18.3 and 41.9 \ub1 23.8 %, respectively. Results shows that variations in temperature cycles are pivotal for a successful breeding season, and body condition during the first 3 years of captivity was the most important parameter positively correlated to parental contribution for both males and females. Parental contribution was assessed by eight species-specific microsatellite loci during the first 3 years of reproduction. Although the two sexes displayed different temporal trends, parentage assessment demonstrated an overall increase in the number of active breeders. However, only 13 couples out of 50 produced the 70.4 % of the larvae in year 5, confirming the same reproduction behavioural pattern in Mediterranean common sole than that observed both in Senegalese sole and in common sole of Atlantic origin. This work provides valuable data needed to understand the mechanisms behind the maturation characteristics of this species and support future strategy for the establishment and management of Mediterranean common sole aquaculture