400 research outputs found


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    This study deals with similarities and differences of The Scarlet Letter in the novel and the movie version. This research paper is aimed at analyzing the structural elements in both the novel and the movie version by finding out the similarities and differences between them. The present writer uses the theory of structural elements of novel and movie version. This research paper is conducted by using the following methods. The type of the study is qualitative study that is comparing The Scarlet Letter in the novel and movie version. The type of data is a text and movie scene. The methods of data collection are library research and documentation. The techniques of data analysis are descriptive and comparative. The object of this research is The Scarlet Letter both the novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne and the movie version directed by Roland Joffe. The outcomes of the study as follows: (1) there are similarities and differences between the novel and the movie version. The similarities of both versions lie in characters and characterization, setting of place, plot and diction. The differences found in this comparison lie in the limitation characters and characterization, the point of view, mise-en-scene and editing. (2) The director still keeps some of the certain elements within this film because he wants to show the scene of the original version. (3) The director successfully adapts from the novel versions into a brilliant movie. He can also make the movie not only consumption for teenagers, but also for adults

    Public Transport Options for East Asian Mega-cities

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    This paper provides insights of the current state of public transport in East Asian Mega-cities, their characteristics that make them different with other public transport systems in other parts of the world. A combination of high percentage of public transport use, existence of para-transit, poor service quality to respond with high level of motorizations are some of the features of urban public transport in East Asian developing cities. Data from Tokyo, Shanghai, Seoul, Taipei, Ho Chi Minh City, Manila, Jakarta, and Bangkok are analyzed to develop a thorough understanding on the specific features of public transport in the East Asian Mega-cities. Several reform policies and strategies are proposed, including promoting public transport technology to shift the competition from costs to quality, fare integration, suitable financing options, and an appropriate implementation timing, as well as developing a public transport hierarchy to suit the increasing demand for urban mobility


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    Abstract This paper provides insights of the current state of public transport in East Asian Mega-cities, their characteristics that make them different with other public transport systems in other parts of the world. A combination of high percentage of public transport use, existence of para-transit, poor service quality to respond with high level of motorizations are some of the features of urban public transport in East Asian developing cities. Data from Tokyo, Shanghai, Seoul, Taipei, Ho Chi Minh City, Manila, Jakarta, and Bangkok are analyzed to develop a thorough understanding on the specific features of public transport in the East Asian Mega-cities. Several reform policies and strategies are proposed, including promoting public transport technology to shift the competition from costs to quality, fare integration, suitable financing options, and an appropriate implementation timing, as well as developing a public transport hierarchy to suit the increasing demand for urban mobility.Keywords: East Asia, urban area, public transport, reform strategy

    Tree species distribution along the environmental gradients in Pananjung Pangandaran Nature Reserve, West Java

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    The research of tree species distribution along the environmental gradients in Lowland Tropical Rainforest Pananjung Pangandaran Nature Reserve had been conducted. The study aimed to elucidate the relationship between tree species distribution with ≥10 cm dbh and some measured environmental gradients, namely soil pH and moisture, soil depth, litter thickness, light intensity, altitude, slope, and the distance of plot from coastal line. A number of 125 of 10x10 m2 quadrats were established randomly in four transects. The results indicated that Rhodamnia cinerea was the species having the highest presence. Ordination technique using Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) suggested that tree species were less evenly distributed along the measured environmental factors with Eigenvalue 0,387. Altitude was the most important environmental factor affected tree species distribution, soil moisture as well as light intensity


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    Abstract This paper provides insights of the current state of public transport in East Asian Mega-cities, their characteristics that make them different with other public transport systems in other parts of the world. A combination of high percentage of public transport use, existence of para-transit, poor service quality to respond with high level of motorizations are some of the features of urban public transport in East Asian developing cities. Data from Tokyo, Shanghai, Seoul, Taipei, Ho Chi Minh City, Manila, Jakarta, and Bangkok are analyzed to develop a thorough understanding on the specific features of public transport in the East Asian Mega-cities. Several reform policies and strategies are proposed, including promoting public transport technology to shift the competition from costs to quality, fare integration, suitable financing options, and an appropriate implementation timing, as well as developing a public transport hierarchy to suit the increasing demand for urban mobility.Keywords: East Asia, urban area, public transport, reform strategy


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    This study examines the relation between women and agroforestry in Cijedil and Wangunjaya Villages, Cugenang District, Cianjur Regency, West Java. The study of the dynamics of agroforestry management, which is an agricultural practice carried out on forest land or land that resembles a forest, is carried out using an ecofeminist perspective. The study was conducted in two villages in Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia. These two villages are representatives of agroforestry land variations, which consist of forest, agroforestry, and agricultural land. This land type represents the level of human intervention in forest land management. The research was conducted using quantitative and qualitative research methods, using interviews and observation as key data collection instruments. The results of the study found that the division of labor based on gender in agroforestry practices has changed. Significant changes were also found in the relations between women and agroforestry, as well as gender relations in the decision-making process related to agroforestry in farmer households. From an eco-feminist perspective, this study shows that the dynamics of women in managing agroforestry not only increases the role of women, but also strengthens the position of women as employers in their own agroferestry land

    Bionanomedicine: A “Panacea” In Medicine?

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    Recent advances in nanotechnology, biotechnology, bioinformatics, and materials science have prompted novel developments in the field of nanomedicine. Enhancements in the theranostics, computational information, and management of diseases/disorders are desperately required. It may now be conceivable to accomplish checked improvements in both of these areas utilising nanomedicine. This scientific and concise review concentrates on the fundamentals and potential of nanomedicine, particularly nanoparticles and their advantages, nanoparticles for siRNA conveyance, nanopores, nanodots, nanotheragnostics, nanodrugs and targeting mechanisms, and aptamer nanomedicine. The combination of various scientific fields is quickening these improvements, and these interdisciplinary endeavours to have significant progressively outstretching influences on different fields of research. The capacities of nanomedicine are immense, and nanotechnology could give medicine a completely new standpoint

    Tree diversity and forest structure of tropical forest in Mount Geulis, Cianjur

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    This study attempted to describe tree diversityand forest structurein Mount Geulis forest, Cianjur. We placedsixty nested quadrat plots for each category: 20 m x 20 m for trees (>35 cm dbh), 10 m x 10 m for poles (10-35 cm dbh), 5 m x 5 m for saplings (<10 cm dbh), and 2 m x 2 m for seedlings (h<1.5m) in zone I  and zone II (<1000 and >1000 asl). We recorded195 species of woody plants from 60 families. The diameter class showed the inverse J-shape indicating that the forest succession is taking place. The diversity index (?) inboth zones was slightly different indicating the abundant distinction in the growth categories between the zones. The tree, pole, sapling, and seedling were dominated by species indicating lowland forest in zone I, e.g., Moraceae and Euphorbiaceae, and sub-montane in zone II, e.g., Lauraceae and Fagaceae. While the rest of the dominant species were native to the forest, the dominance of Calliandra calothyrsus as an introduced species as part of the administrator’s rehabilitation effort may show that human disturbance was high in this forest. Nevertheless, we concluded that this forest is valuable in terms of tree and wildlife diversity. Further biodiversity conservation effort needs to be carefully addressed despite its size and category as a remnant forest

    Kajian Tentang Pendekatan Saintifik Dalam Pembelajaran PPKn Di SMA (Studi Deskriptif Analitis terhadap Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 di SMA Alfa Centauri Bandung)

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    Penelitian ini menbahas pelaksanaan pembelajaran PPKn dengan menggunakan Pendekatan Saintifik. Kajiannya dilatar belakangi penggunaan pendekatan ilmiah dalam pembelajaran sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam Permendikbud No.81A Tahun 2013 tentang Implementasi Kurikulum 2013, meliputi kegiatan mengamati, menanya, mencoba, menalar, dan mengkomunikasikan untuk semua mata pelajaran termasuk mata pelajaran PPKn. Pendekatan Saintifik diharapkan mampu melahirkan siswa yang produktif, kreatif, inovatif dan afektif melalui penguatan sikap, pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang terintegrasi dan terstruktur. Untuk itu peneliti tertarik untuk menulis penelitian mengenai Pendekatan Saintifik dalam pembelajaran PPKn di SMA Alfa Centauri Bandung. Penelitian ini berupaya mendeskripsikan beberapa rumusan masalah yaitu : (1) Bagaimana Implementasi Pendekatan saintifik pada Pembelajaran PPKn, (2) Bagaimana Evaluasi Pembelajaran PPKn dengan menggunakan Pendekatan Saintifik dilaksanakan,(3) Apa Kendala yang dihadapi dalam penerapan pendekatan saintifik pada pembelajaran ppkn, (4) Bagaimana upaya guru dalam mengatasi kendala pada penerapan pendekatan saintifik. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi,wawancara,studi dokumentasi dan angket. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah guru PPKn dan Siswa Kelas X Mia 2 SMA Alfa Centauri Bandung. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terungkap bahwa Pembelajaran PPKn di SMA Alfa Centauri sudah menggunakan Pendekatan Saintifik sesuai dengan Permendikbud No.65 Tahun 2013. Hal tersebut terlihat dari proses berlangsungnya pembelajaran PPKN di kelas X Mia 2. Langkah langkah pembelajaran saintifik dalam pembelajaran PPKn meliputi kegiatan mengamati, menanya, mengumpulkan informasi, mengasosiasi dan mengkomunikasi. Namum pengaplikasian pendekatan saintifik dalam pembelajaran PPKn di SMA Alfa Centauri masih memiliki beberapa hambatan. Hambatan tersebut adalah ketiadaan buku sumber ajar, siswa masih terlihat pasif dan guru yang kewalahan karena diwaktu bersamaan membimbing dan menilai kegiatan siswa. Kemudian hambatan lain muncul yakni dalam sistem penilaian siswa terkadang merasa kurang puas dalam penilaian sikap yang diberikan oleh teman sesama siswanya. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi hambatan tersebut adalah dengan mencari bahan ajar dari sumber selain buku seperti internet sehingga informasi yang didapat lebih bervariasi.kemudian upaya dalam menghadapi siswa yang masih terlihat pasif guru melakukan bimbingan yang optimal agar siswa dapat termotivasi untuk aktif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Dan upaya guru dalam mengatasi kendala dalam penilaian,guru memberikan penilaian sesuai dengan apa yang telah dicapai oleh siswany