129 research outputs found

    Economic Valuation of the Nature tourism Area of Pulau Redang Marine Park, Terengganu, Malaysia

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    Natural areas as recreational sites are increasingly recognized as important assets in conserving natural resources and generating economic growth via ecotourism development. The demand for tourism related to nature is quite substantial and is fast expanding. To cope with the increasing demand for ecotourism in Malaysia, the authorities need to provide adequate and high quality infrastructures. Decision-makers face difficulties in allocating scarce resources among competing uses. For recreational resources, it is not easy to obtain their monetary values because recreational experiences are not traded in the competitive market. Hence, with economic valuation of recreational resources that planners could rely on, more rational decisions or policies can be made for efficient management of resources. The purpose of the thesis is to estimate the values of Pulau Redang Marine Park (PRMP) in Malaysia, through usersā€™ willingness to pay (WTP) and examine the perceptions and attributes of visitorsā€™ satisfaction with the recreation facilities and services provided at PRMP. This study also evaluates the relationship between visitorsā€™ characteristics and attributes of PRMP. In this study, the contingent-valuation method (CVM) was employed to estimate the economic value of conserving the marine park using the face-to-face interview technique. The WTP was elicited from a total of 308 respondents. The respondents were asked whether they would be willing to contribute a conservation fee to preserve PRMP as a recreational site. The average WTP for all respondents was estimated to range between RM10.86 and RM28.69 per visit. Using the total number of visitors to PRMP in 2008, a contribution of between RM1.6 million and RM4.3 million in aggregate was derived for the same year. In addition, there are the differences between the mean and median WTP for different models and also between foreign and local respondents. In all models, except for the log-normal model, the mean WTP values for foreign respondents are higher than the mean given by local respondents. The differences between the foreign and local WTP are larger with the mean WTP for foreign respondents being RM19.33 compared with that for local respondents of RM8.25 for the logistic model. In the log-logistic model the mean WTP for foreign respondents was RM13.12, while that for local respondents was RM10.73. For linear models, OLS and the Tobit, the mean WTP values for foreign respondents were RM12.59 and RM12.72, while the local respondents give RM7.06 and RM7.15 respectively. In recreation, visitorsā€™ level of satisfaction with the facilities and services provided is also important in long-term ecotourism development. Most visitors to PRMP found the recreation facilities at a less satisfactory level. This is indicated by an average index of 1.55 for the recreation facilities evaluated which is below the intensity discrete value of 2.5 for positive perceptions. The visitors perceived the services provided at PRMP to be satisfactory with an average index of services of 2.77. The results also showed an overall perception index of 2.16. This means that the visitors who came and enjoyed PRMP were generally less satisfied with the recreational facilities provided. The study also showed that a total of six satisfaction attributes were significant predictors of overall satisfaction, accounting for 59 percent of the variance associated with overall satisfaction. This is a high amount of variance for a satisfaction model in the field of outdoor recreation. Of all the satisfaction attributes, efficiency of services, signs and directions/sign postings, locations of the facilities: convenience/setting, and freedom from obstruction by buildings/being in a natural place proved to be the best predictors of overall satisfaction. This shows that the management of PRMP should look at these items within specific recreation areas to ensure that they are meeting the visitorsā€™ expectations. Perfecting these satisfaction attributes could help increase visitorsā€™ overall experience, which could lead to repetition visits. The study also gathered information about the visitorsā€™ perceptions, their expectations about the park and their assessments of its importance. They were asked to state their levels of satisfaction in terms of how they regard the destination by listing their own values. The majority of the respondents viewed the park as very valuable as a site for participating in recreational activities, with an average mean score of 4.00. Conservation was also important, as indicated by an average mean score of 3.83 for the conservation opportunities evaluated. The respondents agreed that PRMP should be conserved. The results are in line with the objective of establishing marine parks in Malaysia, i.e. to conserve and protect marine ecosystem and manage it for biodiversity research, educational purposes and the development of recreational and ecotourism activities that are sustainable. On their experiences while visiting the park, most of the respondents showed positive perceptions, indicated by an average mean score of more than 3.00 for the question asked. Being able to participate in the activities provided and enjoying the experiences with friends or family were the most satisfying things that they got from their trips to PRMP. This was followed by the feeling that the trips allowed them to escape from their normal routines and experience something new and different. That the trips allowed people to develop their own skills was the least important. On the visitorsā€™ expectations of the park, most (94.8%) of the visitors regarded PRMP as a suitable site for recreation. In terms of crowdedness, the majority (87%) of the respondents said that the park was crowded and 79.9% of the respondents agreed that the park was attractive

    KOMITMEN KEISLAMAN DAN KEBANGSAAN PELAJAR ISLAM INDONESIA (Telaah Terhadap Falsafah Gerakan Pelajar Islam Indonesia

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    Ā Pelajar Islam Indonesia (PII) merupakan gerakan Islam yang lahir pada era pasca kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia, tepatnya pada tanggal 4 Mei 1947. Proyek historis gerakan ini adalah melakukan dua gerakan sekaligus, yaitu melakukan modernisasi (pemahaman) Islam dan Ā Islamisasi modernitas. Proyek ini dilatari oleh kondisi umat Islam di Indonesia yang saat itu terbelah ke dalam perdebatan mengenai hubungan serius antara agama dan kebangsaan serta perdebatan antara superioritas pendidikan agama yang direpresentasikan oleh lembaga pesantren melawan pendidikan umum yang direpresentasikan oleh sekolah-sekolah umum yang didesain oleh pemerintah Kolonial Belanda. Dalam konteks itulah, PII lahir menawarkan pandangan holistik yang mengintegrasikan pandangan keislaman dengan pandangan keindonesiaan menjadi visi gerakan. Ā Ā Ā 

    Ekoteologi Dalam Pemikiran Badiuzzaman Said Nursi

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    Eco-theology (theology of environment) is an area of study regarding the interrelation between theological-philosophical thoughts within religious teachings and the environment. Hence, within this area, discourse on theology is not limited only to merely theological dimensions but also ecological dimensions of God/s. Theologically speaking, crises of environment that is happening today relates to views and behaviours of humankind that, consciously of non-consciously, that may alter the balance of earth ecosystem. This paper aims at investigating the theology of environment proposed by Badi\u27uzzaman Said Nursi. According to Nursi, the nature is a tajalli, a manifestation of God\u27s existence and a representation of His many names. In the same time, the nature is the clearest evidence of God\u27s existence and Humanity is His caliphate and His Manifestation


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    Perkembangan dalam teknologi adalah hal yang tidak lagi abu diimplementasikan karena hal yang tak bisa dientahkan, dalam berbagai kegiatan banyak teknologi yang membantu berjalannya lebih baik kegiatan tersebut agar lebih efisien dalam pengerjaannya. Dalam beberapa dasawarsa terakhir ini perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi terasa semakin cepat, khususnya sebagai akibat berkembangnya teknologi dalam bidang industri elektronika dan informatika, dimana daur hidup produk (product life cycle) semakin memendek. Disamping itu pengembangan teknologi dalam bidang tersebut yang ditandai dengan peningkatan kapasitas yang besar, peningkatan kecepatan serta daya miniaturisasi mempengaruhi pula luas ruang lingkup aplikasinya sehingga memberikan dampak yang sangat luas terhadap perkembangan di sub sektor industri lainnya serta kehidupan kita secara menyeluruh. Oleh karenanya negara-negara industri di dunia berupaya untuk menguasai dan mengembangkan teknologi dengan meningkatkan kegiatan penelitian & pengembangan (research & development) dalam bidang teknologi manufaktur (manufacturing technology) dan teknologi produk (product technology). Pada umumnya negara industri maju menempuh langkah ini dalam rangka meningkatkan daya saing produknya atau paling tidak untuk mempertahankan daya saing produknya di/memasuki pasaran. Sebuah keputusan yang seringkali dihadapi oleh perusahaan maupun organisasi pemerintah adalah apakah aset yang ada saat ini harus dihentikan dari penggunaannya, diteruskan setelah dilakukan perbaikan, atau diganti dengan aset baru. Oleh karena itu, masalah penggantian (replacement problem) memerlukan analisis ekonomi teknik yang sangat hati-hati agar dapat diperoleh informasi yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat keputusan logis yang selanjutnya dapat memperbaiki efisiensi operasi serta posisi persaingan perusahaan. Metode yang digunakan untuk permasalahan diatas dapat menggunakan ekonomi teknik. Metoda ini meliputi tiga tahapan agar implementasi dapat diketahui kelayakannya, metode tersebut berupa NPV (Net Present Value), Payback period dan IRR (Internal Rate of Return) dengan bantuan data historis penjualan lalu data tersebut diforecast untuk menentukan penjualan dimasa yang akan datang. Dari hasil pengolahan maka investasi dapat dikatakan layak atau tidak

    Analysis Of Factors Affecting Internal Audit Quality With An Understanding Of Information Systems As Moderation Variables

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    This study aims to examine and analyze the relationship between time budget pressure and auditor competence on the quality of internal audit with an understanding of information systems as a moderating variable at the ministry of finance inspectorate. The method used in this study is a comparative causal research method which aims to determine the causal relationship of the independent variables, namely time budget pressure and auditor competence with the dependent variable, namely the quality of internal audit with the moderating variable understanding of information systems. The research population was 374 people with a sample of 87 people who were determined by purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire. Based on hypothesis testing, budget pressure has a positive but not significant effect on the quality of internal audits and auditor competence has a significant positive effect on audit quality. an understanding of the information system as a moderating variable cannot weaken the influence of the budgetary pressure variable on the quality of internal audit and an understanding of the information system as a moderating variable cannot strengthen the influence of auditor competence on the quality of internal audit

    Production, use and trade of gaharu in Peninsular Malaysia

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    Gaharu, known as agarwood, aloeswood, eaglewood, oudh (Arabic), chen-xiang (Chinese) and jinkoh (Japanese), is the resin-impregnated deposits formed in some trees of the family Thymelaeaceae. The fragrant gaharu products are used by Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and Hindus. They are highly demanded in international market. The best grade of gaharu wood is sold as high as RM16,000 in Kuala Lumpur in October 2007. On the production side, there are about 4,100 gaharu harvesters in Peninsular Malaysia in 2007. Local harvesters, comprising Orang Asli, Malay and Thai descendants, practise responsible harvesting. However, since 1980s, with the encroachment of foreign harvesters (especially the Thai), the resources are depleting in our natural forests. Gaharu wood produced is sold to local traders. These local traders then sell the high grade gaharu to other middlemen or export them to Singapore and Middle East. The low grade wood is processed into oil in Kelantan and Terengganu before it is marketed. In some cases, the Arab traders come personally to purchase the wood and oil directly from the local middlemen. There is practically little use of gaharu by the Malaysian population. Processed oil of 12-ml is packed in small bottle and sold at about RM300, which is regarded expensive by many Malaysians. The use of gaharu products lies in the international market. While production of gaharu provides income to local harvesters and traders, it may not be a long term source of income as resources are depleting. There is international demand for gaharu products. It is recommended that the planting of gaharu-producing trees and the processing of gaharu products be encouraged and supported by government research and development. The industry is a potential income-generating activity for the country


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    ABSTRAKArtikel ini membahas mengenai relevansi kesesuaian komptensi dasar dengan materi buku ajar matematika kelas VI SD/MI. Tujuan pada penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesesuaian KD dengan materi ajar matematika tematik integratif untuk siswa kelas VI SD/MI dan mengetahui kelebihan dan kekurangan bahan ajar matematika kelas VI SD/MI. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah library reseach dengan pendekatan kualitatif, teknik pengumpulan data dengan metode dokumentasi dengan cara mengumpulkan data penelitian berdasarkan kesesuain KD dengan bahan ajar matematika. Kesimpulan dari artikel ini yaitu sebagai berikut: 1) bahan ajar matematika kelas VI SD/MI dimulai dari BabĀ  I s/d IV buku guru dan buku siswa dilihat dari aspek kelengkapan materi dan kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan kompetensi dasar yang terdapat pada dokumen kurikulum 2013 sudah terdapatĀ  kesesuaian antara kompetensi dasar dengan isi materiĀ  pada bahan ajar matematika; 2) kelebihan dan kekurangan bahan ajar matematika kelas VI SD/MI, kelebihannya yaitu isi materi menjelaskan ciri-ciri dari masing-masing bangun ruang secara detail dan dikaitkan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari dan buku ajar matematika kelas VI kurikulum 3013 sudah memuat soal HOTS, sedangkan kekuranganya yaitu materi-materi yang terdapat pada buku ajar hanya berpusat pada dua bagian yaitu bentuk bilangan dan ukuran geometri


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    This study aims to determine the performance of librarians in terms of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and obstacles faced by librarians in utilizing SLiMS at UPT Pasundan University Library, Bandung. The method used in this research is qualitative method. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. Informants in this study amounted to two people who are librarians of circulation services. The data analysis technique uses data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that first, the knowledge and understanding of librarians in utilizing SLiMS can be said to be good. Although librarians only know the role of SLiMS in completing their work. Whereas SLiMS can be used in planning the work to be done by the librarian. Second, the skills of circulation service librarians in utilizing SLiMS can be said to be skilled. This can be seen from the ability of librarians to use various features available in SLiMS for borrowing, returning, extending, fines and other activities related to activities in library circulation services. Third, the attitude of the circulation service librarian in utilizing SLiMS can be said to be good. This can be seen from the ease of completing work and satisfaction with the work that has been completed by the librarian. Fourth, the obstacles experienced by circulation service librarians in utilizing SLiMS are difficulties in installing and migrating data to SLiMS because the software previously used was different.Keywords: performance; librarian; senayan library management systemABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja pustakawan dilihat dari aspek pengetahuan, keterampilan, sikap, dan hambatan yang dihadapi pustakawan dalam memanfaatkan SLiMS di UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Pasundan Bandung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Informan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah dua orang yang merupakan pustakawan bagian layanan sirkulasi. Tekink Analisa data menggunakan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa pertama, pengetahuan dan pemahaman pustakawan dalam memanfaatkan SLiMS dapat dikatakan baik. Meskipun pustakawan hanya mengetahui peran SLiMS dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan mereka. Padahal SLiMS bisa digunakan dalam merencanakan pekerjaan yang akan dikerjakan oleh pustakawan. Kedua, Keterampilan pustakawan layanan sirkulasi dalam memanfaatkan SLiMS dapat dikatakan terampil. Hal ini terlihat dari mampunya pustakawan dalam menggunakan berbagai fitur yang ada pada SLiMS untuk kegiatan peminjaman, pengembalian, perpanjangan, denda dan lain sebagainya yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan pada layanan sirkulasi perpustakaan. Ketiga, sikap pustakawan layanan sirkulasi dalam memanfaatkan SLiMS dapat dikatakan baik. Hal ini terlihat adanya kemudahan dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan dan kepuasan akan pekerjaan yang sudah diselesaikan oleh pustakawan. Keempat, hambatan yang dialami oleh pustakawan layanan sirkulasi dalam memanfaatkan SLiMS adalah kesulitan dalam menginstal dan melakukan migrasi data ke SLiMS dikarenakan software yang sebelumnya digunakan berbeda


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    This article reviews the cooperation between lecturers and students in the online learning process. this research uses qualitative approach with reasech library type. Data analysis techniques used are referring to the concept of Milles and Hubermen, namely interactive models that classify data analysis in three langakah, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. This research aims to find out the cooperation between lecturers and students in online learning. The conclusions of this study are: cooperation conducted between lecturers and students on online learning includes: 1) Discussions through zoom and whatsapp groups. Zoom application is an application used as a medium to communicate remotely by combining video conferences, chats, and meetings online, while discussion activities on online learning using whatsapp application can be in the form of problem solving, creating content, creating a work, responding and answering between lecturers and students; 2) make scientific papers. Scientific writing is a work that contains and examines a particular problem by using scientific rules. The scientific paper of a scientifically composed work; and 3) hold webinars. Webinar is a seminar, presentation, teaching or workshop conducted online through internet media and can be attended by many people who are in different areasĀ Keywords: Lecturers, Students, Online Learnin
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