50 research outputs found

    Students’ Literacy and Articles’ Quality Improvement in the Faculty of Da’wa and Communication in Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

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    The aim of this article is to investigate student interest in accessing online platform of academic journals in the Faculty of Da’wah and Communication, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta. This research applied survey method with quantitative technique to analyse collected data. The results show that all variables tested by conclusions are accepted. This means, after processing the data from the results of questionnaires, it can be seen that the data tested with simple linear regression methods have a positive value so it shows that students’ interest in accessing online journal has an effect on improving quality of their articles. Meanwhile, student interest in accessing online journal survey was still minimal, with 42.2% answered that they do not know the existence of the academic journals. However, 98% of students answered that the internet is a primary need. Unfortunately, the internet, as a tool to access online journals, is mostly used to find entertainment contents with a percentage of 56%. This value is obtained from the average access to the internet; 38% in between 1-3 hours, 30.4% in between 4-6 hours, 22.8% in between 7-10 hours, 4.8% in between 11-13%, ad 4% in > 14 hours.Keywords: Online academic journals, student interest, and survey

    Dakwah Muslim Progresif Dalam Menyikapi Kesetaraan Gender

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    Women has long been in a relatively less beneficial position in society compared to their male couterparts. In the Muslim world, this situation has also long been a source of serious discussions among ulamas (experts), especially since Islam is founded upon the spirit of equality and anti-oppression. This paper, thus, deals with ideas from the camp of Progressive Muslims regarding gender equality, especially on the implementation of Islamic Da’wa (proselytizing) to promote gender equality according the perspective of Progressive Muslim. Utilizing literary approach, this paper argues that the implementation of the Da’wa of Progressive Muslims stresses on several aspects such as the importance of critical thinking, being no too textual, being moderate, not being apologetic, and being open about gender issues.Keywords: Da’wa, gender equality, progressive Muslims, and Omid Safi

    Deconstructing the Meaning of Structural Da'wah: A Study of the Safari Subuh Berjama’ah by the Government of Ponorogo Regency

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    Safari Subuh Berjama'ah is a structural da'wah effort carried out by the Ponorogo Regency Government to suppress people's immorality behavior. However, religious and political relations in the form of structural da'wah continue to be debated. The purpose of this study was to elaborate on the motives of political interests in the structural da'wah framework of Safari Subuh Berjama'ah. The research method used a descriptive qualitative approach. The approach used is a narrative approach by analyzing the text to deconstruct the da'wah motive from the news on the online media portal. The results showed that the purpose of the Safari Subuh Berjama'ah is to increase religiosity, build brotherhood bonds and village views as an effort to find out the development and problems of society. But on the other hand, there is a hidden motive behind the activity, which is to use it as a method of political communication to gain popular votes or campaigns. Uncompetitive political and religious relations tend to be more dominant in the political element. So that the values of da'wah which should be oriented towards Islamic teachings have shifted contradictory to the interests of politicians.Keyword: Structural Da'wah, Deconstruct, Political

    Social Media as a Medium of Da’wah: Religious Transformation among Online Da’wah Audience on TikTok Platform

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    This study aims to examine the da’wah activities movement in the Tik Tok application, and the religious transformation that is felt by listeners of Da’wa in the Tik Tok application. This study used a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Data collection was carried out through interview techniques, observation, questionnaire distribution, and in-depth review of previous research literature. The results of this study indicate that the Tik Tok media has been colored by creative Islamic da’wah video content so that it can attract a lot of attention from Tik Tok users, as well as being a breakthrough to eliminate negative justifications that are often pinned generally on Tik Tok . The creativity carried out by Da’wa Tik Tokers can be classified as a modern reconstruction of da’wah, so that the message conveyed seems more relaxed and in accordance with the times. Meanwhile, with the presence of da’wah content on Tik Tok, listeners have experienced several religious transformations, such as getting closer to Allah, avoiding bad deeds, gaining mental peace, and increasing spiritual values. The religious transformation experienced by listeners of Da’wa on Tik Tok is not only caused by the da’wah content on Tik Tok but may also be caused by other external factors. The results of this research are expected to be useful as an inspiration to da’wah activists to try to do da’wah activities in creative and innovative ways, one of which is through the Tik Tok application. In addition, this research is expected to be able to add literature in the field of Islamic studies, especially in the field of da’wah. Keywords: Da’wah, religious transformation, and Tik Tok.

    Manajemen Dakwah Pesantren Berbasis Daring: Studi pada Kanal Youtube AlamienTV

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    Rapid development in the area of information and communication technology has attracted most organization to move into the digital world. In the world of education, not only contemporary schools but also Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) have also begun to migrate to the digital realm. One of the aspects of Islamic boarding schools that has begun to penetrate the online world is the process of preaching. In the past, Islamic boarding schools was only known as institutions to study classical books and religious laws internally, but nowadays many Islamic boarding schools have started to develop media to expand the reach of their da'wah, one of which is the Al-Amien Prenduan Islamic Boarding School with its Youtube channel called AlamienTV. This study aims to find out how Al-Amien Prenduan uses AlamienTV as an online-based da'wah tool. Using a qualitative approach with framing analysis, this article finds that AlamienTV is a place for Al-Amien Prenduan to preach about religion, education, and culture. Keywords: Management, Da’wah, Online, Boarding Schoo

    Commodification via the New Media: Content, Audience, and Labour in GoJek’s GoFood service

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    The existence of new media makes humans have control over the media they consume only through a smartphone on their hands. GoJek contributes new dynamics because the use of new media in the form of an application has changed most of the life patterns of media behavior. In the context of new media, media behavior is inseparable from the concept of political economy communication. This research uses a qualitative approach by extracting information from users, merchants, and drivers on GoFood service features taken by purposive sampling. The collected data from the result of observations, interviews, and documentation will be associated and analyzed using the political economy communication concept of Vincent Mosco, especially the commodification. Researchers found that the aspects of the commodification of content, commodification of audience, and commodification of labor of GoFood service features resulted in changes in society in adapting internet technology which also affected the welfare of the Indonesian economy.Keywords: GoFood, commodification, political economy of communication, and new medi

    Peran Majelis Ulama Indonesia Kabupaten Enrekang dalam Penyadaran Masyarakat Menunaikan Zakat, Infaq, dan Sedekah

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    The aim of this research is to understand the role of Majelis Ulama Indonesia (Ulama Council of Indonesia, MUI) in promoting the fulfilment of zakat, infaq, and sedekah among Muslims in Enrekang Regency. This paper applied descriptive method with qualitative approach. Findings reveal that the MUI of Enrekang Regency has implemented several strategic steps regarding its’ advising and guiding roles pertaining to the fulfilment of zakat, infaq, and sedekah. Those steps are: (1) Advocating the collection of zakat, infaq, and sedekah funds, (2) educating the community about zakat, infaq, and sedekah gradually, (3) maintaining good cooperation with Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) in the regency, and (4) delivering targeted explanation on the importance of the zakat of profession. Keywords: Infaq, Majelis Ulama Indonesia Enrekang, sedekah, and zakat

    Cultural Preaching on Modern Society: A Phenomenological Study of an Islamic Foundation in Kudus

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    Rapid changes in both rural and urban societies require da’wa to be delivered more creatively. This paper aims at investigating the development of cultural da’wa by analyzing the dynamics of socio-cultural life in an Islamic da’wa institution named Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Kyai Thelingsing (YPIKT). This paper applies a qualitative phenomenological approach. Finding reveals that the cultural da’wa approach to the urban community was manifested in three ways: education, cultural heritage (grave pilgrimage), and recitation. On the education aspect, the YPIKT has four levels. The cultural heritage is shown by Haul Mbah Kyai Thelingsing activity, which attended whether Muslim and non-muslim (Chinese descendent) every Muharram. The recitation aspect has an ultimate goal this activity is happened every day after Maghrib or every Thursday night by the name of tahlilan.Keywords: Da’wa, Cultural, Community, Modern, Educatio

    Strategi Pembinaan Aktivitas Keagamaan Siswa di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendekia (MAN-IC) Kabupaten Paser

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    As an attempt to create a balance between intellectual and spiritual quotients among students, the ministry of religious affairs of Indonesia has initiated a flagship program of Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Unggulan applying boarding school system for all the students. This paper, thus, aims at understanding the strategy of religious coaching at state-funded MA Insan Cendekia in Paser Regency as one of the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs’ pilot program. This paper utilizes qualitative approach in analyzing data acquired through in-depth interviews with teachers and administrators at the school (MAN Insan Cendekia Paser). Findings reveal that the strategy of religious coaching applied by the school is the manifestation of its motto; performance, autonomy, and Islamic piety. The motto is translated into inspirational teacher program aimed at constructing students’ autonomy through religious, organizational, and instructional programs.Keywords: coaching strategy, madrassa students, and religious coaching. 

    Dakwah Di Tengah Pandemi (Studi Terhadap Respons Dai Di Media Sosial)

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    The Covid-19 (Corona Virus Disease-19) outbreak has managed to change the patterns of social life on society, including the change regarding the way Da’wa is performed; from conventional direct Da’wa to mediated Da’wa through internet. This article aims at describing responses of the Da’is (proselytizers) in social media pertaining to the spread of the Covid-19. This article applied qualitative method to analyse Da’wa contents related to Covid-19 on social media. Data were collected through observation and documentation. Findings show that there are at least three types of responses from the Da’is; cognitive, affective, and behavioural responses.  Cognitive response is manifested in the form of delivering information regarding Covid-19 from the general and medical perspective such as promoting frequent hand-washing, maintaining good hygiene, obeying the government measurements, maintaining healthy level of gratitude and praying to God to be saved from the outbreak. Affective response is manifested in the form of promoting empathy, positive thinking, and avoiding panic. Behavioural response is manifested in the form of giving real-life example such as performing online congregation (pengajian online), wearing face mask, applying appropriate disinfection, and helping those heavily affected by the outbreak.Keywords: Covid-19, Dai, responses, and social media.


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