2,395 research outputs found

    Reflection of plane waves from the flat boundary of a micropolar elastic halfspace

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    Microstructure effect on wave propagation, and plane wave reflection from stress free flat surface in micropolar elastic half-spac

    Mechanisms of nonstoichiometry in HfN<sub>1-<i>x</i></sub>

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    Density functional theory is used to calculate defect structures that can accommodate nonstoichiometry in hafnium nitride: HfN1-x, 0 ≤ X ≤ 0.25. It is predicted that a mechanism assuming simple distributions of nitrogen vacancies can accurately describe the variation in the experimentally observed lattice parameter with respect to the nitrogen nonstoichiometry. Although the lattice parameter changes are remarkably small across the whole nonstoichiometry range, the variations in the bulk modulus are much greater

    A study of the time evolution of GERB shortwave calibration by comparison with CERES Edition-3A data

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    This study examines the evolution of the GERB-2 and GERB-1 Edition 1 shortwave radiance calibration between 2004-2007 and 2007-2012 respectively, through comparison with CERES instrument FM1 Edition 3A SSF instantaneous radiances. Two periods when simultaneous observations from both GERB-2 and GERB-1 were available, January 13th to February 11th 2007 and May 1st to May 10th 2007, are also compared. For these two overlap periods respectively, averaged over all CERES ‘unfiltered-to-filtered radiance ratio’ subsets, the GERB-1/CERES unfiltered radiance ratio is on average found to be 1.6% and 1.9% lower than the associated GERB-2/CERES unfiltered radiance ratio. Over the two longer time series the GERB/CERES unfiltered radiance ratio shows a general decrease with time for both GERB-2 and GERB-1. The rate of decrease varies through time but no significant seasonal dependence is seen. Averaged over all subsets the GERB-2/CERES unfiltered radiance ratio showed a decrease of 1.9% between June 2004 and June 2006. Between June 2007 and June 2012, the corresponding decrease in the GERB-1/CERES unfiltered radiance ratio was 6.5%. The evolution of the GERB/CERES unfiltered radiance ratio for both GERB-2 and GERB-1 shows a strong dependence on the CERES unfiltered-to-filtered radiance ratio, indicating that it is spectrally dependent. Further time-series analysis and theoretical work using simulated spectral radiance curves suggests that for GERB-1 the evolution is consistent with a darkening in the GERB shortwave spectral response function which is most pronounced at the shortest wavelengths. For GERB-2, no single spectral cause can be identified, suggesting that the evolution is likely due to a combination of several different effects

    Investigation of bone resorption within a cortical basic multicellular unit using a lattice-based computational model

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    In this paper we develop a lattice-based computational model focused on bone resorption by osteoclasts in a single cortical basic multicellular unit (BMU). Our model takes into account the interaction of osteoclasts with the bone matrix, the interaction of osteoclasts with each other, the generation of osteoclasts from a growing blood vessel, and the renewal of osteoclast nuclei by cell fusion. All these features are shown to strongly influence the geometrical properties of the developing resorption cavity including its size, shape and progression rate, and are also shown to influence the distribution, resorption pattern and trajectories of individual osteoclasts within the BMU. We demonstrate that for certain parameter combinations, resorption cavity shapes can be recovered from the computational model that closely resemble resorption cavity shapes observed from microCT imaging of human cortical bone.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, 1 table. Revised version: paper entirely rewritten for a more biology-oriented readership. Technical points of model description now in Appendix. Addition of two new figures (Fig. 5 and Fig. 9) and removal of former Fig.

    In-situ and invasive carcinoma within a phyllodes tumor associated with lymph node metastases

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    BACKGROUND: Phyllodes tumors (cystosarcoma phyllodes) are uncommon lesions in the female breast. Rarely, the occurrence of carcinoma within a phyllodes tumor has been reported in the literature, but has never been associated with lymph node metastases. CASE PRESENTATION: A 26-year-old woman presented with a firm, mobile, non-tender mass in the left breast and palpable lymph nodes in the left axilla. The excised lesion appeared well circumscribed and lobulated, with variable fleshy and firm areas. Microscopic examination showed a circumscribed fibroepithelial lesion with a well developed leaf-like architecture, in keeping with a benign phyllodes tumor. The epithelial component showed extensive high grade ductal carcinoma in-situ (DCIS) and invasive carcinoma of no special type, located entirely within the phyllodes tumor. Subsequent axillary lymph node dissection revealed metastatic carcinoma in four lymph nodes. CONCLUSIONS: Although rare, phyllodes tumors may harbor DCIS and invasive carcinoma, with potential for lymph node metastasis

    Superlattice properties of carbon nanotubes in a transverse electric field

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    Electron motion in a (n,1) carbon nanotube is shown to correspond to a de Broglie wave propagating along a helical line on the nanotube wall. This helical motion leads to periodicity of the electron potential energy in the presence of an electric field normal to the nanotube axis. The period of this potential is proportional to the nanotube radius and is greater than the interatomic distance in the nanotube. As a result, the behavior of an electron in a (n,1) nanotube subject to a transverse electric field is similar to that in a semiconductor superlattice. In particular, Bragg scattering of electrons from the long-range periodic potential results in the opening of gaps in the energy spectrum of the nanotube. Modification of the bandstructure is shown to be significant for experimentally attainable electric fields, which raises the possibility of applying this effect to novel nanoelectronic devices.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Avaliação de cultivares de arroz irrigado sob irrigação por aspersão.

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi de avaliar a resposta de cultivares de arroz irrigado em condições de cultivo com irrigação por aspersão em terras altas.Pôster - graduação

    Sistema sulco/camalhão para culturas em rotação ao arroz em áreas de várzeas do Rio Grande do Sul.

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