187 research outputs found

    Re-visiting Vila do Porto marina (Santa Maria, Azores archipelago)

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    ABSTRACT: Harbours and marinas are important places of introduction and spread of non-native organisms, due to local, regional and international shipping activities, both commercial and recreational. Moreover, marina infrastructures are an increasingly common form of artificial habitat, which is likely to increase the recruitment of organisms relative to natural shores. The association of marine wildlife with artificial structures represents, generally, a preliminary indicator of the colonization status of invasive species. Santa Maria island is located in the Eastern Group of the Azores and is the southernmost island of the archipelago.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    A partir do ano de 2017, foi implantada a Reforma Trabalhista e com ela surgiram algumas modificações acerca da aplicação das regras sobre o trabalho e os trabalhadores. Uma dessas alterações está relacionada ao intervalo intrajornada e sua diminuição, sendo que este, por sua vez, está relacionado ao tempo de alimentação e repouso do trabalhador durante as jornadas. Com essa modificação provocada pela dita reforma, a pausa intrajornada, a princípio, por intermediação sindical, passou a poder sofrer redução, sem maiores restrições, para as pessoas que trabalharem mais de 6 (seis) horas por dia, o que fez com que tal intervalo que antes era, no mínimo, de 1 (uma) hora passasse a ser de, ao menos, 30 (trinta) minutos. A partir dessa redução é possível que existam riscos à saúde do empregado, uma vez que a falta de estrutura necessária para permitir essa diminuição de forma adequada pode gerar doenças e acidentes aos trabalhadores, em virtude de não haver recomendações no texto legal para que isso seja evitado. Assim, tal situação pode levar o trabalhador a sofrer dados psicofísicos e nutricionais, o que em alguns casos podem chegar a ser irreversíveis. Dessa forma, devido às mudanças legislativas, resta comprovado que o número de lesões no ambiente profissional pode aumentar, em virtude dos riscos a que estarão submetidos os trabalhadores para o cumprimento de metas necessárias no dia de serviço. A pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa de modo dedutivo, se utilizando de fontes bibliográficas, notícias em sites e legislações


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    O presente artigo apresenta um estudo acerca das mulheres da Associação dos Artesãos de Porto Nacional, o qual tem como objetivo analisar o processo de (des) empoderamento dessas mulheres no espaço do empreendimento. Essa associação acolhe parte dos artesãos/as da região, e tem uma maioria composta por mulheres que buscam nas atividades do empreendimento uma possibilidade para melhorar sua situação social e econômica. Nesse sentido, discute-se o empoderamento dentro de uma perspectiva de gênero, o que permite adentrar a realidade das mulheres envolvidas desde à produção até a gestão do empreendimento, de forma a observar a contribuição desse empreendimento em suas vidas. Foi a partir de suas narrativas que se conseguiu identificar na trajetória dessas mulheres, fatores capazes de impulsionar e/ou inibir o empoderamento destas. Por meio de suas falas, percebeu-se que as mulheres que compõem a Associação dos Artesãos de Porto Nacional, apesar de todas as dificuldades enfrentadas para manterem-se atuantes, vêm experienciando as idas e vindas de um processo de empoderamento, proporcionado por altos e baixos

    Inducible antiviral activity and rapid production of the Ribosome-Inactivating Protein I from Phytolacca heterotepala in tobacco

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    We studied the in vitro and in planta antiviral activity of the PhRIP I, a type 1 Ribosome-Inactivating Protein originally purified from leaves of the Phytolacca heterotepala. This protein inhibited protein translation in a cell-free assay and limited the local lesion formation from PVX infection on tobacco leaves. We used a transient expression system based on leaf infiltration with recombinant Agrobacteria to show that tobacco can produce a correctly processed PhRIP I enzyme that retains its antiviral activity. Hence, it is possible to rapidly yield in plants a type 1 RIP by means of this transient expression system. To analyse the possible increase of virus resistance in plants, Nicotiana tabacum lines that were transformed with the PhRIP I coding sequence under the control of the wound-inducible PGIP promoter were challenged by PVX. A significantly lower number of viral lesions compared to untransformed plants was observed only after the induction of the transgene, indicating that the controlled gene expression of an antiviral protein can increase virus resistance

    Kiss and Run: Promoting Effective and Targeted Cellular Uptake of a Drug Delivery Vehicle Composed of an Integrin-Targeting Diketopiperazine Peptidomimetic and a Cell-Penetrating Peptide

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    Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) have emerged as powerful tools in terms of drug delivery. Those short, often cationic peptides are characterized by their usually low toxicity and their ability to transport diverse cargos inside almost any kinds of cells. Still, one major drawback is their nonselective uptake making their application in targeted cancer therapies questionable. In this work, we aimed to combine the power of a CPP (sC18) with an integrin-targeting unit (c[DKP-f3-RGD]). The latter is composed of the Arg-Gly-Asp peptide sequence cyclized via a diketopiperazine scaffold and is characterized by its high selectivity toward integrin \u3b1v\u3b23. The two parts were linked via copper-catalyzed alkyne-azide click reaction (CuAAC), while the CPP was additionally functionalized with either a fluorescent dye or the anticancer drug daunorubicin. Both functionalities allowed a careful biological evaluation of these novel peptide-conjugates regarding their cellular uptake mechanism, as well as cytotoxicity in \u3b1v\u3b23 integrin receptor expressing cells versus cells that do not express \u3b1v\u3b23. Our results show that the uptake follows a "kiss-and-run"-like model, in which the conjugates first target and recognize the receptor, but translocate mainly by CPP mediation. Thereby, we observed significantly more pronounced toxic effects in \u3b1v\u3b23 expressing U87 cells compared to HT-29 and MCF-7 cells, when the cells were exposed to the substances with only very short contact times (15 min). All in all, we present new concepts for the design of cancer selective peptide-drug conjugates

    Body mass index influence in female urinary incontinence

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    PURPOSE: to evaluate and compare the effects of body mass index (BMI) on the severity of female urinary incontinence (UI) using the quality of life questionnaire King's Health Questionnaire (KHQ), variables of urodynamic studies and the medical history taken. METHODS: cross-sectional clinical study. We selected 65 patients with stress urinary incontinence (SUI) who were divided into three groups: Group I (BMI: 18-25 kg/m²), Group II (BMI: 25-30 kg/m²) and Group III (BMI>30 kg/m²). The KHQ domains were compared between these groups. In addition, some clinical history urodynamic data (presence of nocturia, enuresis, urgency and urge incontinence) were also related to BMI by calculating the Odds Ratio (OR). The BMI in the presence and absence of non-inhibited detrusor contractions and Valsalva leak point pressure (VLPP) 60 cmH2O were evaluated. Finally, the correlation between BMI and the nine KHQ domains has been tested in order to detect some association. RESULTS: the KHQ did not record deterioration of quality of life in women with UI with increasing BMI in any of its areas. The OR for the presence of enuresis in relation to a BMI was 1.003 [CI: 0.897-1.121], p=0.962. The OR for nocturia was 1.049 [CI: 0.933-1.18], p=.425. The OR for urgency was 0.975 [CI: 0.826-1.151], p=0.762, and the OR for incontinence was 0.978 [CI: 0.85-1.126], p=0.76. We studied the BMI in patients with and without non-inhibited detrusor contractions and detected medians of 26.4±4.8 and 28.3±5.7 kg/m², respectively (p=0.6). Similarly, the median BMI values for the groups with VLPP 60 cmH2O were 29.6±4.1 and 27.7±5.7 kg/m², respectively (p=0.2). Finally, we failed to demonstrate an association between BMI and any of the nine KHQ domains by means of the Spearman correlation. CONCLUSION: there was no association of KHQ scores with BMI. There was also no correlation between the parameters of clinical history and of the urodynamic study with BMI.OBJETIVOS: avaliar e comparar os efeitos do índice de massa corporal (IMC) sobre severidade da incontinência urinária (IU) feminina por meio do questionário de qualidade de vida King's Health Questionnaire (KHQ), variáveis do estudo urodinâmico e dados da anamnese. MÉTODOS: estudo clínico transversal. Foram selecionados 65 pacientes com incontinência urinária de esforço (IUE) que foram divididas em três grupos: Grupo I (IMC entre 18 e 25 kg/m²); Grupo II (IMC entre 25 e 30 kg/m²) e Grupo III (IMC>30 kg/m²). Os domínios do KHQ foram comparados entre esses grupos. Além disso, alguns dados da anamnese e do estudo urodinâmico (presença de noctúria, enurese, urgência e urge-incontinência) foram também relacionados ao IMC calculando-se o OR (Odds Ratio). O IMC, na presença e na ausência de contrações não inibidas do detrusor, bem como no VLPP (valsalva leak point pressure) 60 cmH2O foi avaliado. Por fim, foram realizados testes de correlação do IMC com os nove domínios do KHQ a fim de se evidenciar alguma associação. RESULTADOS: o KHQ foi incapaz de registrar, em qualquer um de seus domínios, deterioração da qualidade de vida das mulheres com IU na medida em que ocorreu elevação do IMC. Encontramos OR para a presença de enurese em relação ao IMC de 1,003 [IC: 0,897-1,121], valor p=0,962. Para a noctúria, o OR foi de 1,049 (IC: 0,933-1,18), valor p=0,425. O valor de OR=0,975 (IC: 0,826-1,151), valor p=0,762 foi encontrado para a urgência. No que se refere à urge-incontinência, encontrou-se OR=0,978 (IC: 0,85-1,126), valor p=0,76. Estudou-se o IMC nos grupos com e sem contrações não-inibidas do músculo detrusor e foram encontradas, respectivamente, medianas de 26,4±4,8 e 28,3±5,7 kg/m² (p=0,6). De forma semelhante, as medianas do IMC nos grupos com VLPP60 cmH2O foram, respectivamente, de 29,6±4,1 e 27,7±5,7 kg/m² (p=0,2). Finalmente, não tivemos êxito em demonstrar associação do IMC com qualquer um dos nove domínios do KHQ por meio da correlação de Spearman. CONCLUSÃO: não houve associação dos escores do KHQ com o IMC. Também não houve correlação entre os parâmetros clínicos da anamnese e do estudo urodinâmico com o IMC.Faculdade de Medicina do ABC Departamento de Obstetrícia e Ginecologia Setor de Uroginecologia e Cirurgia VaginalUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de PediatriaUNIFESP, Depto. de PediatriaSciEL

    Barcoding non-indigenous macroalgae in the Azores

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    ABSTRACT: Algae invasions in marine habitats represent a recognized worldwide threat to the integrity of native communities, to economy and even to human health. The em phasis of the present work is on non-indigenous marine macroalgae species in the Azores.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impact of active lifestyle on the primary school children saliva microbiota composition

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    Unlabelled: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of Active or Sedentary lifestyle on saliva microbiota composition in Italian schoolchildren. Methods: Male (114) and female children (8-10 years) belonging to five primary schools in the neighborhoods of Turin were classified as active (A) or sedentary (S) based on PAQ-C-It questionnaire. PCR amplification of salivary DNA targeted the hypervariable V3-V4 regions of the 16S rRNA bacterial genes. DADA2 workflow was used to infer the Amplicon Sequence Variants and the taxonomic assignments; the beta-diversity was obtained by PCoA with the UniFrac method; LEfSe algorithm, threshold at 5%, and Log LDA cutoff at ±0.5 were used to identify differently abundant species in A compared to S saliva sample. Daily food intake was assessed by 3-Days food record. The metabolic potential of microbial communities was assessed by PICRUSt. Results: No significant differences were found in individual's gender distribution (p = 0.411), anthropometry, BMI (p > 0.05), and all diet composition between A and S groups (p > 0.05). Eight species were differently abundant: Prevotella nigrescens (LDA score = -3.76; FDR = 1.5×10-03), Collinsella aerofaciens (LDA score = -3.17; FDR = 7.45×10-03), Simonsiella muelleri (LDA score = -2.96; FDR = 2.76×10-05), Parabacteroides merdae (LDA score = -2.43; FDR = 1.3×10-02) are enriched in the A group; Gemella parahaemolysans, Prevotella aurantiaca (LDA score = -3.9; FDR = 5.27×10-04), Prevotella pallens (LDA score = 4.23; FDR = 1.93×10-02), Neisseria mucosa (LDA score = 4.43; FDR = 1.31×10-02; LDA score = 2.94; FDR = 7.45×10-03) are enriched in the S group. A prevalence of superpathway of fatty acid biosynthesis initiation (E. coli) and catechol degradation II (meta-cleavage pathway) was found in saliva from A compared to S children. Conclusion: Our results showed that active children had an enrichment of species and genera mainly associated with a healthier profile. By contrast, the genera and the species enriched in the sedentary group could be linked to human diseases