2,105 research outputs found


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    Castile and León has important resources that allow tourism development, such as the Castilla Canal, a hydraulic infrastructure that has become a key element of the Spanish industrial heritage of the 18th-19th centuries. This research analyzes the Castilla Canal as a tourist resource and its level of innovation as a smart tourism destination, where communication technologies play a key role in the management and planning of available resources, in a territory that is in a regression socioeconomic status for decades.Castilla y León cuenta con importantes recursos que permiten el desarrollo turístico, como el Canal de Castilla, una infraestructura hidráulica que se ha convertido en un elemento clave del patrimonio industrial español de los siglos XVIII-XIX. En esta investigación se analiza el Canal de Castilla como recurso turístico y su nivel de innovación como destino de turismo inteligente, donde las tecnologías de la comunicación juegan un papel clave en la gestión y planificación de los recursos disponibles, en un territorio que se encuentra en regresión socioeconómica desde hace décadas


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    Wine tourism is a growing economic activity in Castilla y León. More and more people are interested in knowing the ins and outs of the world of wine, so wine is becoming one of the pillars of rural development in the plains of the Duero. In order to achieve this key role in the territory, this activity has had to adapt to changes in the tastes of consumers and, especially, to faster and more direct new forms of communication. This paper aims to outlook the existing situation in the wineries of Castilla y León in the field of new technologies and, especially, of websites and social networks, two key tools for the development of wine tourism.El enoturismo es una actividad económica en crecimiento en Castilla y León. Cada vez son más las personas interesadas en conocer el mundo de la vid y el vino, convirtiéndose en uno de los pilares del desarrollo rural en las llanuras del Duero. Para lograr este papel clave en el territorio, esta actividad ha tenido que adaptarse a los cambios en los gustos de los consumidores y, en especial, a las nuevas formas de comunicación digital, más rápidas y directas. Con este trabajo se pretende ver la situación existente en las bodegas castellano-leonesas en el ámbito de las nuevas tecnologías y, en especial, de las páginas web y redes sociales, dos herramientas claves para el desarrollo del turismo enológico

    Manganese Dioxide Supported on Porous Biomorphic Carbons as Hybrid Materials for Energy Storage Devices

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    A facile and low-cost method has been employed to fabricate MnO2/C hybrid materials for use as binder-free electrodes for supercapacitor applications. Biocarbon monoliths were obtained through pyrolysis of beech wood, replicating the microstructure of the cellulosic precursor, and serve as 3D porous and conductive scaffolds for the direct growth of MnO2 nanosheets by a solution method. Evaluation of the experimental results indicates that a homogeneous and uniform composite material made of a carbon matrix exhibiting ordered hierarchical porosity and MnO2 nanosheets with a layered nanocrystalline structure is obtained. The tuning of the MnO2 content and crystallite size via the concentration of KMnO4 used as impregnation solution allows to obtain composites that exhibit enhanced electrochemical behavior, achieving a capacitance of 592 F g−1 in electrodes containing 3 wt % MnO2 with an excellent cyclic stability. The electrode materials were characterized before and after electrochemical testing.Peer reviewe

    Benefits of a dance group intervention on institutionalized elder people: A Bayesian network approach

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    The present study aims to explore the effects of an adapted classical dance intervention on the psychological and functional status of institutionalized elder people using a Bayesian network. All participants were assessed at baseline and after the 9 weeks period of the intervention. Measures included balance and gait, psychological well-being, depression, and emotional distress. According to the Bayesian network obtained, the dance intervention increased the likelihood of presenting better psychological well-being, balance, and gait. Besides, it also decreased the probabilities of presenting emotional distress and depression. These findings demonstrate that dancing has functional and psychological benefits for institutionalized elder people. Moreover it highlights the importance of promoting serious leisure variety in the daily living of institutionalized elder adults

    Synthesis of gold functionalised nanoparticles with the eranthis hyemalis lectin and preliminary toxicological studies on caenorhabditis elegans

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    The lectin found in the tubers of the Winter Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis) plant (EHL) is a Type II Ribosome Inactivating Protein (RIP). Type II RIPs have shown anti-cancer properties and have great potential as therapeutic agents. Similarly, colloidal gold nanoparticles are successfully used in biomedical applications as they can be functionalised with ligands with high affinity and specificity for target cells to create therapeutic and imaging agents. Here we present the synthesis and characterization of gold nanoparticles conjugated with EHL and the results of a set of initial assays to establish whether the biological effect of EHL is altered by the conjugation. Gold nanoparticles functionalised with EHL (AuNPs@EHL) were successfully synthesised by bioconjugation with citrate gold nanoparticles (AuNPs@Citrate). The conjugates were analysed by UV-Vis spectroscopy, Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Zeta Potential analysis, and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). Results indicate that an optimal functionalisation was achieved with the addition of 100 µL of EHL (concentration 1090 ± 40 µg/mL) over 5 mL of AuNPs (concentration [Au0] = 0.8 mM). Biological assays on the effect of AuNPs@EHL were undertaken on Caenorhabditis elegans, a free-living nematode commonly used for toxicological studies, that has previously been shown to be strongly affected by EHL. Citrate gold nanoparticles did not have any obvious effect on the nematodes. For first larval stage (L1) nematodes, AuNPs@EHL showed a lower biological effect than EHL. For L4 stage, pre-adult nematodes, both EHL alone and AuNPs@EHL delayed the onset of reproduction and reduced fecundity. These assays indicate that EHL can be conjugated to gold nanoparticles and retain elements of biocidal activity

    Radiocarbon dates for the late Pleistocene and Early Holocene occupations of Cova Rosa (Ribadesella, Asturias, Spain)

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    Four excavations have been performed at the archaeological site of Cova Rosa (Asturias, Cantabrian Spain): three of them in the second half of last century and the other in this decade. Although little of the archaeological material found in those excavations has been published, here we attempt the stratigraphic correlation of sections revealed by the different excavations and we present 22 new radiocarbon dates for bones and marine shells, built in a Bayesian statistical model. This has enabled the documentation of occupations that mainly took place during the Last Glacial period, in the Solutrean (middle and upper phases) and Magdalenian (archaic, lower, and upper phases), and also in the early Holocene (Mesolithic). These occupations are compared with the record at other sites in Cantabrian Spain in general and in Asturias, in particular.Introduction Cova Rosa Cave - Geographical and Geological Setting - History of Research - Stratigraphy Radiocarbon dates at Cova Rosa - Method - Validity Analysis - Results and Critical Assessment - Solutrean - Magdalenian - Mesolithic Discussion: 14C chronology of Cova Rosa Conclusion

    Presentación de las actividades que lleva a cabo el grupo ORIÓN de investigación del área de óptica de la Universidad de Extremadura

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    Per ser conseqüents amb la nostra línia de treball d'innovació en l’ensenyament de la física i amb la línia editorial d'aquesta revista, aquest article sobre els treballs d'innovació i investigació educativa del nostre grup Orión d’investigació, es presenta en forma de mapa conceptual. La millor manera de llegir-lo és, si es té instal·lat el CmapTools a l'ordinador, visitar el lloc Cmap Universitat d'Extremadura (Espanya) i entrar a la carpeta Investigaciones del Grupo Orión. Encara que d'una forma una mica més limitada (no es podran obrir els Post-its aclaridors que hi apareixen), també pot llegir-se anant a l'adreça web: <http://grupoorion.unex.es:8001> i entrant a la carpeta indicada. Per qualsevol d'aquests dos procediments s'arriba al mapa conceptual que apareix més endavant i que resumeix les activitats del nostre grup. En aquest mapa apareixen multitud de vincles que porten als resultats dels diferents treballs duts a terme.Para resultar consecuentes con nuestra línea de trabajo de Innovación en la Enseñanza de la Física y con la línea editorial de esta revista, este artículo sobre los trabajos de Innovación e Investigación Educativa de nuestro Grupo Orión de Investigación, se presenta en forma de Mapa Conceptual. La mejor forma de leerlo es, si se tiene instalado CmapTools en el ordenador, visitar el Sitio Cmap “Universidad de Extremadura (España)” y entrar en la carpeta “Investigaciones del Grupo Orión”. Aunque de una forma algo más limitada (no se podrán abrir los post-it aclaratorios que aparecen), también puede leerse yendo a la dirección Web: http://grupoorion.unex.es:8001 y entrando en la carpeta antes indicada. Por cualquiera de estos 2 procedimientos se llega al mapa conceptual que aparece más adelante y que resume las actividades de nuestro grupo. En dicho mapa aparecen multitud de vínculos que llevan a los resultados de los diferentes trabajos llevados a cabo