802 research outputs found

    Electronic and structural distortions in graphene induced by carbon vacancies and boron doping

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    We present an ab initio study on the structural and electronic distortions of modified graphene by creation of vacancies, inclusion of boron atoms, and the coexistence of both, by means of thermodynamics and band structure calculations. In the case of coexistence of boron atoms and vacancy, the modified graphene presents spin polarization only when B atoms locate far from vacancy. Thus, when a boron atom fills single- and di-vacancies, it suppresses the spin polarization of the charge density. In particular when B atoms fill a di-vacancy a new type of rearrangement occurs, where a stable BC4 unit is formed inducing important out of plane distortions to graphene. All these findings suggest that new chemical modifications to graphene and new type of vacancies can be used for interesting applications such as sensor and chemical labeling.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures and 3 table

    Estrategias analgésicas en el postoperatorio de la artroplastia total de rodilla: anestesiología y reanimación

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    [ES] La artroplastia total de rodilla (ATR) es la intervención quirúrgica que reemplaza la articulación de la rodilla por una prótesis artificial. Es bien sabido que esta operación asocia un intenso dolor agudo postoperatorio (DAP), sobre todo las primeras 24-72h, el cual los pacientes sometidos a esta cirugía lo clasifican como moderado o severo según la escala del dolor analógica EVA, por lo que el manejo analgésico debe ser adecuado para comenzar una deambulación precoz. En un marco multimodal junto con fármacos opioides y AINEs, el bloqueo de nervios periféricos, sobre todo del nervio femoral, es considerado el gold standard para el correcto abordaje del DAP. Sin embargo, desde hace ya varios años que se asocia la técnica LIA (Local Infiltration Analgesia) intraarticular e intraoperatoriamente como una estrategia alternativa o combinada con las demás. Así como otras estrategias locorregionales, como el bloqueo del canal aductor, el bloqueo del nervio ciático o la crioneurolisis, que también deben ser evaluadas para orientar sobre la técnica más segura y eficaz

    Polémica para la definición de feminicidio como violencia de género

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    Definition of femicide in relation to gender-based violence [GBV] implies, on the one hand, the recognition of what is relevant to the context of discrimination and aggression that ends with addressing violence against women for being or for gender identity and, on the other hand, a polemical element that differentiates this type of violence against the breadth of the concept of gender equally open to the range of possibilities to be understood with equity when it comes to other people who by their condition are equallyviolent. This paper makes a breakthrough in research for the discussion of the concepts gender, gender, orientation, identity and gender expression, to take into account the scope  of gender-based violence in contrast to the legal definition Contained for femicide in Colombian legislation.La definición del feminicidio en relación con la violencia basada en género [VBG] implica, por una parte, el reconocimiento de lo pertinente con el contexto de discriminación y de agresión que termina con el direccionamiento de la violencia en contra de la mujer por el hecho de serlo o por su identidad de género, y por otro, un elemento polémico que antepone de manera diferenciada tal tipo de violencia frente a la amplitud del concepto de género abierto igualmente al abanico de posibilidades para ser comprendido con equidadcuando se trata de otras personas quienes por su condición padecen igualmente violencias. En el presente documento se realiza un avance en la investigación para la exposición de los conceptos sexo, género, orientación, identidad y expresión de género, para tener en cuenta el alcance de las violencias basadas en el género en contraste con la definición legal contenida para el feminicidio en la legislación colombiana

    Ética: la misión más significativa en el plano docente Reflexión para formadores de vida y de conducta en Colombia

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    Observando, analizando y comparando dos artículosque coincidencialmente encontré en los periódicosEl Tiempo y El Espectador («En vez de tierras,repartir palo» de Daniel Samper Pizano, y «Patria yPatriotería» de Héctor Abad Faciolince), reconsideréíntimamente la formación educativa en mi paísy redacté este escrito que tiende a ser subjetivo, yahonda en el conocimiento apropiado por mí comodocente practicante y en ejercicio de formación

    Polémica para la definición de feminicidio como violencia de género

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    Definition of femicide in relation to gender-based violence [GBV] implies, on the one hand, the recognition of what is relevant to the context of discrimination and aggression that ends with addressing violence against women for being or for gender identity and, on the other hand, a polemical element that differentiates this type of violence against the breadth of the concept of gender equally open to the range of possibilities to be understood with equity when it comes to other people who by their condition are equallyviolent. This paper makes a breakthrough in research for the discussion of the concepts gender, gender, orientation, identity and gender expression, to take into account the scope  of gender-based violence in contrast to the legal definition Contained for femicide in Colombian legislation.La definición del feminicidio en relación con la violencia basada en género [VBG] implica, por una parte, el reconocimiento de lo pertinente con el contexto de discriminación y de agresión que termina con el direccionamiento de la violencia en contra de la mujer por el hecho de serlo o por su identidad de género, y por otro, un elemento polémico que antepone de manera diferenciada tal tipo de violencia frente a la amplitud del concepto de género abierto igualmente al abanico de posibilidades para ser comprendido con equidadcuando se trata de otras personas quienes por su condición padecen igualmente violencias. En el presente documento se realiza un avance en la investigación para la exposición de los conceptos sexo, género, orientación, identidad y expresión de género, para tener en cuenta el alcance de las violencias basadas en el género en contraste con la definición legal contenida para el feminicidio en la legislación colombiana

    Epilithic diatoms of springs and spring–fed streams in Majorca Island (Spain) with the description of a new diatom species Cymbopleura margalefii sp. nov.

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    P. 87-104The Island of Majorca (Spain) is characterized by a Mediterranean climate and a karstic geology that favors the formation of numerous springs and spring–fed streams on the island’s Northwester zone. Water and epilithic diatom samples were collected from two springs and four spring–fed streams, located at altitudes ranging from 0 to 756 m a.s.l., in different seasons between 2005 and 2008. Water chemistry in these systems is characterized by high concentrations of dissolved calcium and pH values ranging from 6.6 to 8.4. A total of 111 diatom taxa belonging to 40 genera were found and the most abundant taxa were illustrated with LM and SEM. The diatom communities of the studied sites were dominated by species such as Achnanthidium minutissimum, A. pyrenaicum, Amphora pediculus, Cymbella vulgata, Diploneis separanda, Encyonopsis minuta, Gomphonema lateripunctatum and Navicula cryptotenella, reflecting the calcareous geological nature of Majorca Island. In the framework of the study 22 diatom taxa, which are new for Balearic Islands were recorded, such as Achnanthidium straubianum, Amphora indistincta, Cymbella lange–bertalotii, Encyonopsis subminuta, Karayevia kolbei, Navicula aff. margalithii, N. reichardtiana and N. subalpina. In addition, a new freshwater diatom species belonging to the genus Cymbopleura, C. margalefii was found in the Torrente of Deià. Cymbopleura margalefii is described as a new species based on LM and SEM observations, and compared with similar taxa. A checklist of the 309 diatom taxa recorded so far from the Balearic Islands is also presentedS

    Aplicación del Modelo CAPM al Laboratorio Clínico Especializado CPL y CIA. LTDA de Villavicencio .

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    85 Hojas.Aplicar el modelo de valoración de activos financieros – CAPM, al Laboratorio Clínico Especializado CPL y Cía. Ltda. de Villavicencio a fin que contribuya a la óptima toma de decisiones para la alta gerencia. Analizar los estados financieros del Laboratorio Clínico Especializado CPL y Cía. Ltda. para los años 2012, 2013 y 2014. Desarrollar el modelo de valoración de activos financieros –CAPM. Aplicar y analizar el indicador Es financieros WACC, EVA, EBITDA.Resultado Final para Obtener el Titulo de Especialista en Finanzas, Tesis (Especialización en Finanzas) Universidad de los Llanos. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Escuela de Ciencias Económicas., 2016.EspecializaciónEspecializaciones en Finanza

    Marine Mammal Brucella Reference Strains Are Attenuated in a BALB/c Mouse Model

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    Brucellosis is a zoonosis of worldwide distribution with numerous animal host species. Since the novel isolation of Brucella spp. from marine mammals in 1994 the bacteria have been isolated from various marine mammal hosts. The marine mammal reference strains Brucella pinnipedialis 12890 (harbour seal, Phoca vitulina) and Brucella ceti 12891 (harbour porpoise, Phocoena phocoena) were included in genus Brucella in 2007, however, their pathogenicity in the mouse model is pending. Herein this is evaluated in BALB/c mice with Brucella suis 1330 as a control. Both marine mammal strains were attenuated, however, B. ceti was present at higher levels than B. pinnipedialis in blood, spleen and liver throughout the infection, in addition B. suis and B. ceti were isolated from brains and faeces at times with high levels of bacteraemia. In B. suis-infected mice serum cytokines peaked at day 7. In B. pinnipedialis-infected mice, levels were similar, but peaked predominantly at day 3 and an earlier peak in spleen weight likewise implied an earlier response. The inflammatory response induced pathology in the spleen and liver. In B. ceti-infected mice, most serum cytokine levels were comparable to those in uninfected mice, consistent with a limited inflammatory response, which also was indicated by restricted spleen and liver pathology. Specific immune responses against all three strains were detected in vitro after stimulation of splenocytes from infected mice with the homologous heat-killed brucellae. Antibody responses in vivo were also induced by the three brucellae. The immunological pattern of B. ceti in combination with persistence in organs and limited pathology has heretofore not been described for other brucellae. These two marine mammal wildtype strains show an attenuated pattern in BALB/c mice only previously described for Brucella neotomea.This work was supported by the grants RTA 2013-00065-C02-01 from The National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA) and agrifood research in Spain (MPJdB) and SAF2014-54763-C2 from the European Social Fund (JP). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Publishe