86 research outputs found

    FUSCA3 from barley unveils a common transcriptional regulation of seed-specific genes between cereals and Arabidopsis.

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    Accumulation of storage compounds in the embryo and endosperm of developing seeds is a highly regulated process that allows seedling growth upon germination until photosynthetic capacity is acquired. A critical regulatory element in the promoters of seed storage protein (SSP) genes from dicotyledonous species is the RY box, a target of B3-type transcription factors. However, the functionality of this motif in the transcriptional regulation of SSP genes from cereals has not been fully established. We report here the identification and molecular characterization of barley FUSCA3, a B3-type transcription factor as yet uncharacterized in monocotyledonous plants. Our results show that both the barley and Arabidopsis FUS3 genes maintain a conserved functionality for the regulation of SSP genes and anthocyanin biosynthesis in these two distantly related phylogenetic groups. Complementation of the loss-of-function mutant fus3 in Arabidopsis by the barley HvFus3 gene resulted in restored transcription from the At2S3 gene promoter and normal accumulation of anthocyanins in the seed. In barley, HvFUS3 participates in transcriptional activation of the endosperm-specific genes Hor2 and Itr1. HvFUS3, which specifically binds to RY boxes in EMSA experiments, trans-activates Hor2 and Itr1 promoters containing intact RY boxes in transient expression assays in developing endosperms. Mutations in the RY boxes abolished the HvFUS3-mediated trans-activation. HvFus3 transcripts accumulate in the endosperm and in the embryo of developing seeds, peaking at mid maturation phase. Remarkably, HvFUS3 interacts with the Opaque2-like bZIP factor BLZ2 in yeast, and this interaction is essential for full trans-activation of the seed-specific genes in plant

    Evolution of the Plant Reproduction Master Regulators LFY and the MADS Transcription Factors: The Role of Protein Structure in the Evolutionary Development of the Flower.

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    International audienceUnderstanding the evolutionary leap from non-flowering (gymnosperms) to flowering (angiosperms) plants and the origin and vast diversification of the floral form has been one of the focuses of plant evolutionary developmental biology. The evolving diversity and increasing complexity of organisms is often due to relatively small changes in genes that direct development. These "developmental control genes" and the transcription factors (TFs) they encode, are at the origin of most morphological changes. TFs such as LEAFY (LFY) and the MADS-domain TFs act as central regulators in key developmental processes of plant reproduction including the floral transition in angiosperms and the specification of the male and female organs in both gymnosperms and angiosperms. In addition to advances in genome wide profiling and forward and reverse genetic screening, structural techniques are becoming important tools in unraveling TF function by providing atomic and molecular level information that was lacking in purely genetic approaches. Here, we summarize previous structural work and present additional biophysical and biochemical studies of the key master regulators of plant reproduction - LEAFY and the MADS-domain TFs SEPALLATA3 and AGAMOUS. We discuss the impact of structural biology on our understanding of the complex evolutionary process leading to the development of the bisexual flower

    JASPAR 2016: a major expansion and update of the open-access database of transcription factor binding profiles.

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    International audienceJASPAR (http://jaspar.genereg.net) is an open-access database storing curated, non-redundant transcription factor (TF) binding profiles representing transcription factor binding preferences as position frequency matrices for multiple species in six taxonomic groups. For this 2016 release, we expanded the JASPAR CORE collection with 494 new TF binding profiles (315 in vertebrates, 11 in nematodes, 3 in insects, 1 in fungi and 164 in plants) and updated 59 profiles (58 in vertebrates and 1 in fungi). The introduced profiles represent an 83% expansion and 10% update when compared to the previous release. We updated the structural annotation of the TF DNA binding domains (DBDs) following a published hierarchical structural classification. In addition, we introduced 130 transcription factor flexible models trained on ChIP-seq data for vertebrates, which capture dinucleotide dependencies within TF binding sites. This new JASPAR release is accompanied by a new web tool to infer JASPAR TF binding profiles recognized by a given TF protein sequence. Moreover, we provide the users with a Ruby module complementing the JASPAR API to ease programmatic access and use of the JASPAR collection of profiles. Finally, we provide the JASPAR2016 R/Bioconductor data package with the data of this release

    JASPAR 2016: a major expansion and update of the open-access database of transcription factor binding profiles.

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    International audienceJASPAR (http://jaspar.genereg.net) is an open-access database storing curated, non-redundant transcription factor (TF) binding profiles representing transcription factor binding preferences as position frequency matrices for multiple species in six taxonomic groups. For this 2016 release, we expanded the JASPAR CORE collection with 494 new TF binding profiles (315 in vertebrates, 11 in nematodes, 3 in insects, 1 in fungi and 164 in plants) and updated 59 profiles (58 in vertebrates and 1 in fungi). The introduced profiles represent an 83% expansion and 10% update when compared to the previous release. We updated the structural annotation of the TF DNA binding domains (DBDs) following a published hierarchical structural classification. In addition, we introduced 130 transcription factor flexible models trained on ChIP-seq data for vertebrates, which capture dinucleotide dependencies within TF binding sites. This new JASPAR release is accompanied by a new web tool to infer JASPAR TF binding profiles recognized by a given TF protein sequence. Moreover, we provide the users with a Ruby module complementing the JASPAR API to ease programmatic access and use of the JASPAR collection of profiles. Finally, we provide the JASPAR2016 R/Bioconductor data package with the data of this release

    Conservation versus divergence in LEAFY and APETALA functions between Arabidopsis thaliana and Cardamine hirsuta

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    International audienceA conserved genetic toolkit underlies the development of diverse floral forms among angiosperms. However, the degree of conservation vs divergence in the configuration of these gene regulatory networks is less clear. We addressed this question in a parallel genetic study between the closely related species Arabidopsis thaliana and Cardamine hirsuta. We identified leafy (lfy) and apetala1 (ap1) alleles in a mutant screen for floral regulators in C. hirsuta. C. hirsuta lfy mutants showed a complete homeotic conversion of flowers to leafy shoots, mimicking lfy ap1 double mutants in A. thaliana. Through genetic and molecular experiments, we showed that AP1 activation is fully dependent on LFY in C. hirsuta, by contrast to A. thaliana. Additionally, we found that LFY influences heteroblasty in C. hirsuta, such that loss or gain of LFY function affects its progression. Overexpression of UNUSUAL FLORAL ORGANS also alters C. hirsuta leaf shape in an LFY-dependent manner. We found that LFY and AP1 are conserved floral regulators that act nonredundantly in C. hirsuta, such that LFY has more obvious roles in floral and leaf development in C. hirsuta than in A. thaliana

    Mais qu'est ce qui fait fleurir les plantes?

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