623 research outputs found

    Pex3-mediated peroxisomal membrane contact sites in yeast

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    Cell organelles are compartments that occur in eukaryotic cells (for instance plant, animal or fungal cells). Recent studies indicated that cell organelles do not function in isolation, but extensively communicate and collaborate with each other. For these processes membrane contact sites are very important. Membrane contact sites are regions where two membranes form tight physical associations. These contact sites play roles in multiple important cellular processes, such as transport of various molecules like lipids, organelle formation and fission, organelle positioning and degradation. Peroxisomes are cell organelles that occur in almost all eukaryotic cells. Peroxisomes have been implicated in multiple functions including the detoxification of hydrogen peroxide and cellular lipid metabolism. In human, defects in peroxisome formation or function cause various symptoms and often are lethal. The research described in this thesis focuses on peroxisomal contact sites, using yeast as model organism. The research resulted in the identification of two novel contact sites, namely peroxisome-vacuole and peroxisome-plasma membrane contact sites. These contacts are important for peroxisomal membrane expansion and peroxisomal anchoring, respectively. The formation of both contacts require the peroxisomal membrane protein Pex3


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    AbstractThe Law No 30 of 1999 on Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution contains provisions primarily on domestic arbitration. The provisions on international arbitration is scarce: it contains only 5 (five) articles which mostly regulate the international arbitration awards. This article suggested that Indonesia need a Law on International Commercial Arbitration.Keywords: Law, International Arbitration.AbstrakUU Nomor 30 Tahun 1999 Tentang Arbitrase dan Alternatif PenyelesaianSengketa memuat ketentuan-ketentuan yang sebagian besar mengenaiarbitrase nasional. Ketentuan mengenai arbitrase internasional hanyaditemukan di dalam 5 (lima) pasalnya yaitu ketentuan mengenai putusanarbitrase internasional. Tulisan ini menyarankan agar Indonesia perlu segeramembuat UU Arbitrase Internasional.Kata Kunci: Undang-Undang, Arbitrase Internasiona

    The Indonesian Trade Law of 2014: the Provision on the Annulment of International Trade Agreement

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    In March 2014, the Government of the Republic Indonesia promulgated the Law No. 7 of 2014 on Trade. The Law is a new legislation. No law on trade has ever been promulgated before. The Law contains various issues on Trade. One of the controversial provisions embodied in the Law is the provision on the status of International trade agreement in Indonesia. The Law as embodied in Article 85, states that the government with the approval of the parliament, may review and annul the International trade agreements which have been signed by Indonesia. This provision is controversial because, the International agreement, including the International trade agreement, is the product of the consensus of the states participating in it. With the promulgation of the Law and especially the provision of article 85, can the Law be effectively implemented in the future


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    Penyalahgunaan narkotika di lingkungan personel Polri merupakan suatu bentuk pelanggaran berat. Kode etik bagi profesi kepolisian tidak hanya didasarkan pada kebutuhan profesionalisme, tetapi juga diatur secara normaif dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2002 tentang Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia yang ditindaklanjuti dengan Peraturan Kapolri No.Pol. : 14 Tahun 2011 tentang Kode Etik Profesi Polri Adapun permasalahan Bagaimanakah kendala penyidik proppam dalam menerapkan kode etik profesi polri terhadap oknum anggota polri yang menyalahgunakan Narkotika dan Bagaimanaka upaya Polri dalam penegakkan hukum terhadap anggota Polri yang menyalahgunakan Narkotika. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode pendekatan yuridis normatif, yaitu menetapkan standar norma tertentu terhadap suatu fenomena dengan mengkaji data-data sekunder berdasarkan Undang-Undang No 35 Tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika dan Perkapolri No. 14 Tahun 2011 tentang Kode Etik Profesi Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia. Sedangkan analisis data  menggunakan metode yuridis kualitatif, yaitu bersumber dari studi kepustakaan dan studi lapangan, kemudian disusun secara sistematis, setelah dianalisa disajikan secara diskriptif. Penelitian lebih menekankan pada kajian analisis data sekunder atau studi kepustakaan yang ditunjang dengan data primer yaitu studi dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa Penegakkan hukum terhadap oknum anggota Polri yang menyalahgunakan narkotika dilaksanakan sanksi melalui dua tahapan yaitu melalui mekanisme pidana dan Kode etik profesi. Sanksi pidana yang diterapkan terhadap anggota polri yang menyalahgunakan       narkotika sesuai dengan ketentuan Undang – Undang No. 35 Tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika dikarenakan anggota Polri merupakan penegak hukum maka dapat diterapkan hukuman pemberatan 1/3 dari hukuman masyarakat biasa. Terkait sanksi kode etik terhadap anggota Polri yang menyalahgunakan maka akan diproses sesuai dengan ketentuan Perkapolri No. 14 Tahun 2011 tentang Kode Etik Profesi Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia, dengan hukuman terberat  yaitu Pemberhentian dengan tidak hormat. Kendala yang dihadapi oleh apparat Provam dalam menerapkan sanksi kode etik profesi Polri, yaitu aspek lingkungan bagaimanapun juga mereka berada satu lingkungan tentunya ada ikatan emosional di antara mereka, aspek lainnya Provam hanya bertugas melakukan penyelidikan dan penyidikan sampai kepersidangan sementara putusannya diserahkan ke Ankum nya masing-masing sehingga dimungkinkan kasus yang sama sanksinya berbeda- beda tergantung subyektifitas Ankum. Disamping itu harus menunggu dulu proses pidananya sampai memiliki kekuatan hukum tetap, baru dapat diterapkan sanksi kode etik profesi Polri.   Kata Kunci : Penegakkan hukum, oknum anggota Polri penyalahguna Narkotika, sanksi pidana Kode Eti


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    This paper aims to analyze the position of the Judicial Commission in the constitutional system according to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia from 1945. This research is normative, legal research, with historical and philosophical approaches. The research results showed that the position of the Judicial Commission in the Indonesian constitutional system is a state institution that has the same position as other high institutions. The existence of the Judicial Commission in the judicial authority system is an auxiliary and supporting body that promotes the implementation of the judicial power to uphold the law and justice carried out by the Judicial Commission and the Supreme Court. Thus, the Judicial Commission is not an institution that runs judicial power, but a state institution that assists the implementation of judicial power by the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court of Indonesia. &nbsp

    Novel Peroxisome–Vacuole Contacts in Yeast

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    Peroxisomes are important organelles and present in almost all eukaryotic cells. Close associations between peroxisomes and other cell compartments are known for several decades. The first molecular details of physical contacts between peroxisomes and various other organelles are now beginning to emerge. We recently described a novel contact between peroxisomes and vacuoles in the yeast Hansenula polymorpha, which develops during conditions of strong peroxisome proliferation. At such conditions, Pex3-GFP forms focal patches at the peroxisome–vacuole contacts, while overproduction of Pex3 promotes their formation. These results reveal a novel function for Pex3 in the formation of these contacts, where it might act as a tethering protein. We speculate that the peroxisome–vacuole contact is important for membrane lipid transfer at conditions of strong organellar expansion.</p

    The Legal Concept of Construction Dispute Resolution through Adjudication in Indonesia: A Comparative Study

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    This study aims to analyze (1) the dispute of construction service through adjudication in Malaysia and New South Wales, Australia; and (2) the legal conception of construction dispute through adjudication in Indonesia. The methodology used in this research was the normative legal jurisdiction with the statute, conceptual, comparison, and comparative approach. The results show that (1) the dispute of construction service through adjudication in Malaysia and New South Wales, Australia, is a legal process where the appointed adjudicator is responsible to solve the dispute between the conflicted parties. Furthermore, the adjudication process is carried out by assigning a dispute adjudication board. Since there is no obstruction in the fieldwork when this process is applied, therefore it is considered more effective; and (2) the legal conception of construction dispute through adjudication in Indonesia is preferable to reflect on CIPAA 2012 which is successfully applied in Malaysia


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    This paper elaborated clauses of corporate social responsibility as government policy and its implication to the international investment agreement. It is also explores the main sets of ideas and the theoretical framework that form the basis of CSR as introduced in article 15 of Investment Law. The analysis exposes the role of social responsibility and environmental management as an obligation in protecting the interest of the states; investors; peoples and comparing it with the Prohibition of Performance Requirement (PPR) as mostly introduced in the international investment agreement, particularly in investment chapter under FTA

    Hukum Internasional Sebagai Lex Causae oleh Badan Arbitrase Komersial Internasional

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    This article discusses whether international law may be applied as lex causae by arbitral body. The international instrument used as comparative study are the Model Arbitration Law 1985, UNCITRAL Arbitration RUles, the ICC Rules of Arbitration the ICSID Convention and the Indonesian National Law on Arbitration. The article suggest that although international law seems inappropriate to deal with commercial matters, in certain circumstances, it is possible

    Clauses of corporate social responsibility in the Indonesia national law in the perspective of international investment agreement

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    This paper elaborated clauses of corporate social responsibility as government policy and its implication to the international investment agreement. It is also explore the main sets of ideas and the theoretical framework that form the basis of CSR as introduced in article 15 of Investment Law. The analysis exposes the role of social responsibility and environment management as an obligation in protecting the interest of the states; investors; peoples and comparing it with the Prohibition of Performance Requirement (PPR) as mostly introduced in international investment agreement, particularly in investment chapter under FTA
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