1,342 research outputs found

    Optical Levitation of a Droplet under Linear Increase of Gravitational Acceleration

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    Optical levitation of a liquid droplet in gas phase was investigated under timedependent change of the gravitational acceleration with specific flight pattern of an airplane. Through multiple trials under linear increase of effective gravitational acceleration, we performed the experiment of ptical trapping of a droplet from 0.3g_0 to 0.9g_0, where g_0 = 9.8 m/s^2. During such change of the effective gravitational acceleration, the trapping position on a droplet with the radius of 14 μm was found to be lowered by ca. 100 μm. The essential feature of the change of the trapping position is reproduced by a theoretical calculation under the framework of ray optics. As far as we know, the present study is the first report on optical levitation under time-dependent gravitational change

    Measure of the path integral in lattice gauge theory

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    We show how to construct the measure of the path integral in lattice gauge theory. This measure contains a factor beyond the standard Haar measure. Such factor becomes relevant for the calculation of a single transition amplitude (in contrast to the calculation of ratios of amplitudes). Single amplitudes are required for computation of the partition function and the free energy. For U(1) lattice gauge theory, we present a numerical simulation of the transition amplitude comparing the path integral with the evolution in terms of the Hamiltonian, showing good agreement.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Toward a better understanding of the mid-infrared emission in the LMC

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    In this paper we aim to constrain for the first time the dust emission in the mid-to-far infrared domain, in the LMC, with the use of the Spitzer IRS and MIPS SED data, combined with Herschel data. We also consider UV extinction predictions derived from modeling. We selected 10 regions observed as part of the SAGE-Spec program, to probe dust properties in various environments (diffuse, molecular and ionized regions). All data were smoothed to the 40arcsec angular resolution. The SEDs were modeled with DustEM models, using the standard Mathis RF, as well as three additional RFs, with stellar clusters ages ranging from 4 Myr to 600 Myr. Standard dust models used to reproduce the Galactic diffuse medium are clearly not able to reproduce the dust emission in the MIR wavelength domain. This analysis evidences the need of adjusting parameters describing the dust size distribution and shows a clear distinct behavior according to the type of environments. In addition, whereas the small grain emission always seems to be negligible at long wavelengths in our Galaxy, the contribution of this small dust component could be more important than expected, in the submm-mm range, in the LMC averaged SED. Properties of the small dust component of the LMC are clearly different from those of our Galaxy. Its abundance, significantly enhanced, could be the result of large grains shattering due to strong shocks or turbulence. In addition, this grain component in the LMC systematically shows smaller grain size in the ionized regions compared to the diffuse medium. Predictions of extinction curves show significantly distinct behaviors depending on the dust models but also from one region to another. Comparison of model predictions with the LMC mean extinction curve shows that no model gives satisfactory agreement using the Mathis radiation field while using a harder radiation field tends to improve the agreementComment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Language control and parallel recovery of language in individuals with aphasia

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    Background: The causal basis of the different patterns of language recovery following stroke in bilingual speakers is not well understood. Our approach distinguishes the representation of language from the mechanisms involved in its control. Previous studies have suggested that difficulties in language control can explain selective aphasia in one language as well as pathological switching between languages. Here we test the hypothesis that difficulties in managing and resolving competition will also be observed in those who are equally impaired in both their languages even in the absence of pathological switching. Aims: To examine difficulties in language control in bilingual individuals with parallel recovery in aphasia and to compare their performance on different types of conflict task. Methods & procedures: Two right-handed, non-native English-speaking participants who showed parallel recovery of two languages after stroke and a group of non-native English-speaking, bilingual controls described a scene in English and in their first language and completed three explicit conflict tasks. Two of these were verbal conflict tasks: a lexical decision task in English, in which individuals distinguished English words from non-words, and a Stroop task, in English and in their first language. The third conflict task was a non-verbal flanker task. Outcomes & Results: Both participants with aphasia were impaired in the picture description task in English and in their first language but showed different patterns of impairment on the conflict tasks. For the participant with left subcortical damage, conflict was abnormally high during the verbal tasks (lexical decision and Stroop) but not during the non-verbal flanker task. In contrast, for the participant with extensive left parietal damage, conflict was less abnormal during the Stroop task than the flanker or lexical decision task. Conclusions: Our data reveal two distinct control impairments associated with parallel recovery. We stress the need to explore the precise nature of control problems and how control is implemented in order to develop fuller causal accounts of language recovery patterns in bilingual aphasia

    Variations of the spectral index of dust emissivity from Hi-GAL observations of the Galactic plane

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    Original article can be found at: http://www.aanda.org/ Copyright The European Southern ObservatoryContext. Variations in the dust emissivity are critical for gas mass determinations derived from far-infrared observations, but also for separating dust foreground emission from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Hi-GAL observations allow us for the first time to study the dust emissivity variations in the inner regions of the Galactic plane at resolution below 1°. Aims. We present maps of the emissivity spectral index derived from the combined Herschel PACS 160 ÎŒm, SPIRE 250 ÎŒm, 350 ÎŒm, and 500 ÎŒm data, and the IRIS 100 ÎŒm data, and we analyze the spatial variations of the spectral index as a function of dust temperature and wavelength in the two science demonstration phase Hi-GAL fields, centered at l = 30° and l = 59°. Methods. Applying two different methods, we determine both dust temperature and emissivity spectral index between 100 and 500 ÎŒm, at an angular resolution (Ξ) of 4'. Results. Combining both fields, the results show variations of the emissivity spectral index in the range 1.8–2.6 for temperatures between 14 and 23 K. The median values of the spectral index are similar in both fields, i.e. 2.3 in the range 100–500 ÎŒm, while the median dust temperatures are equal to 19.1 K and 16.0 K in the l = 30° and l = 59° field, respectively. Statistically, we do not see any significant deviations in the spectra from a power law emissivity between 100 and 500 ÎŒm. We confirm the existence of an inverse correlation between the emissivity spectral index and dust temperature, found in previous analyses.Peer reviewe

    Persistence of Covalent Bonding in Liquid Silicon Probed by Inelastic X-ray Scattering

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    Metallic liquid silicon at 1787K is investigated using x-ray Compton scattering. An excellent agreement is found between the measurements and the corresponding Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics simulations. Our results show persistence of covalent bonding in liquid silicon and provide support for the occurrence of theoretically predicted liquid-liquid phase transition in supercooled liquid states. The population of covalent bond pairs in liquid silicon is estimated to be 17% via a maximally-localized Wannier function analysis. Compton scattering is shown to be a sensitive probe of bonding effects in the liquid state.Comment: 5pages, 3 postscript figure

    Revisiting the dust properties in the molecular clouds of the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    Context. Some Galactic molecular clouds show signs of dust evolution as compared to the diffuse interstellar medium, most of the time through indirect evidence such as color ratios, increased dust emissivity, or scattering (coreshine). These signs are not a feature of all Galactic clouds. Moreover, molecular clouds in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) have been analyzed in a previous study based on Spitzer and IRIS data, at 4' angular resolution, with the use of one single dust model, and did not show any signs of dust evolution. Aims. In this present analysis we investigate the dust properties associated with the different gas phases (including the ionized phase this time) of the LMC molecular clouds at 1' angular resolution (four times greater than the previous analysis) and with a larger spectral coverage range thanks to Herschel data. We also ensure the robustness of our results in the framework of various dust models. Methods. We performed a decomposition of the dust emission in the infrared (from 3.6 to 500 mu m) associated with the atomic, molecular, and ionized gas phases in the molecular clouds of the LMC. The resulting spectral energy distributions were fitted with four distinct dust models. We then analyzed the model parameters such as the intensity of the radiation field and the relative dust abundances, as well as the slope of the emission spectra at long wavelengths. Results. This work allows dust models to be compared with infrared data in various environments for the first time, which reveals important differences between the models at short wavelengths in terms of data fitting (mainly in the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon bands). In addition, this analysis points out distinct results according to the gas phases, such as dust composition directly affecting the dust temperature and the dust emissivity in the submillimeter and different dust emission in the near-infrared (NIR). Conclusions. We observe direct evidence of dust property evolution from the diffuse to the dense medium in a large sample of molecular clouds in the LMC. In addition, the differences in the dust component abundances between the gas phases could indicate different origins of grain formation. We also point out the presence of a NIR-continuum in all gas phases, with an enhancement in the ionized gas. We favor the hypothesis of an additional dust component as the carrier of this continuum.Peer reviewe

    Elevated Levels of Trace Elements in Cores of Otoliths and Their Potential for Use as Natural Tags

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    Variation in the chemical composition of fish otoliths has been used in recent years to address a range of ecological questions, including levels of stock mixing, variation in habitat use, and rates of larval exchange. While some of these questions have been answered with varying success, the degree to which discrete populations are connected via larval exchange remains unknown. To identify larval sources using natural variation in otolith chemistry, we must distinguish and measure the chemical composition of the otolith core, the portion of the otolith formed at the spawning site. Using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS), we found that the core regions of otoliths from 6 different species of fishes were highly enriched in manganese (Mn), and elevated in magnesium (Mg) and barium (Ba), relative to adjacent regions of the otolith. These patterns were consistent for species drawn from different taxonomic groups, which inhabit temperate and tropical regions, are found in marine and freshwater, and utilize a variety of spawning modes. Variation among species in Mn concentration in the core also corresponds to maternal investment, measured by egg size. These data suggest that core enrichment may be a general characteristic of otoliths, and that the chemical composition of the otolith core is fundamentally different from other regions of the otolith. The localized elemental enrichment of the core underscores the importance of methods that analyze the core region in small, discrete samples if otolith chemistry is used to address questions of larval exchange among populations

    Bottom-trawling along submarine canyons impacts deep sedimentary regimes

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    Unidad de excelencia MarĂ­a de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552Many studies highlight that fish trawling activities cause seafloor erosion, but the assessment of the remobilization of surface sediments and its relocation is still not well documented. These impacts were examined along the flanks and axes of three headless submarine canyons incised on the Barcelona continental margin, where trawling fleets have been operating for decades. Trawled grounds along canyon flanks presented eroded and highly reworked surface sediments resulting from the passage of heavy trawling gear. Sedimentation rates on the upper canyon axes tripled and quadrupled its natural (i.e. pre-industrialization) values after a substantial increase in total horsepower of the operating trawling fleets between 1960s and 1970s. These impacts affected the upper canyon reaches next to fishing grounds, where sediment resuspended by trawling can be transported towards the canyon axes. This study highlights that bottom trawling has the capacity to alter natural sedimentary environments by promoting sediment-starved canyon flanks, and by enhancing sedimentation rates along the contiguous axes, independently of canyons' morphology. Considering the global mechanisation and offshore expansion of bottom trawling fisheries since the mid-20th century, these sedimentary alterations may occur in many trawled canyons worldwide, with further ecological impacts on the trophic status of these non-resilient benthic communities
