89 research outputs found

    Development of a defined compost system for the study of plant-microbe interactions

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    Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria can improve plant health by providing enhanced nutrition, disease suppression and abiotic stress resistance, and have potential to contribute to sustainable agriculture. We have developed a sphagnum peat-based compost platform for investigating plant-microbe interactions. The chemical, physical and biological status of the system can be manipulated to understand the relative importance of these factors for plant health, demonstrated using three case studies: 1. Nutrient depleted compost retained its structure, but plants grown in this medium were severely stunted in growth due to removal of essential soluble nutrients - particularly, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. compost nutrient status was replenished with the addition of selected soluble nutrients, validated by plant biomass; 2. When comparing milled and unmilled compost, we found nutrient status to be more important than matrix structure for plant growth; 3. In compost deficient in soluble P, supplemented with an insoluble inorganic form of P (Ca3(PO4)2), application of a phosphate solubilising Pseudomonas strain to plant roots provides a significant growth boost when compared with a Pseudomonas strain incapable of solubilising ca3(PO4)2. Our findings show that the compost system can be manipulated to impose biotic and abiotic stresses for testing how microbial inoculants influence plant growth

    A new method to trace colloid transport pathways in macroporous soils using X‐ray computed tomography and fluorescence macrophotography

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    The fast and deep percolation of particles through soil is attributed to preferential flow pathways, and their extent can be critical in the filtering of particulate pollutants in soil. Particle deposition on the pore walls and transport between the pores and matrix modulate the preferential flow of particulate pollutants. In the present research, we developed a novel method of combining fluorescence macrophotography and X‐ray computed tomography (CT) to track preferential pathways of colloidal fluorescent microspheres (MS) in breakthrough experiments. We located accumulations of MS by fluorescence imaging and used them to delimit the deposition structures along the preferential colloid pathways by superimposing these images on the 3‐D pore network obtained from CT. Advection–diffusion with transport parameters from the dual‐porosity equation correlated with preferential pathway features across different soil management techniques. However, management did not influence the morphology of the MS preferential pathways. Preferential flow occurred in only a small fraction of the total pore network and was controlled by pores connected to the soil surface and by matrix density

    Bypass and hyperbole in soil science:A perspective from the next generation of soil scientists

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    International audienceWe, the co‐authors of this letter, are an international group of soil scientists at early career stages, from PhD students to postdoctoral researchers, lecturers, and research fellows with permanent positions. Here, we present our collective musings on soil research challenges and opportunities and, in particular, the points raised by Philippe Baveye (Baveye, 2020a, 2020b) and Johan Bouma (Bouma, 2020) on bypass and hyperbole in soil science. Raising awareness about these issues is a first and necessary step. To this end, we would like to thank Philippe Baveye and Johan Bouma for initiating this debate.......

    Particle Leaching Rates from a Loamy Soil Are Controlled by the Mineral Fines Content and the Degree of Preferential Flow

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    The mobilization and transport of colloid particles in soils can have negative agronomic and environmental effects. This work investigates the controls of particle release and transport from undisturbed soil columns sampled from an agricultural, loamy field with clay and silt contents of 0.05 to 0.14 and 0.07 to 0.16 kg kg−1, respectively. Forty-five soil columns (20 × 20 cm) were collected from the field and exposed to a constant irrigation of 10 mm h−1 for 8 h. The accumulated mass of particles in the outflow from each column was highly correlated (r = 0.88) with the volumetric mass of fines (MFvol). The MFvol is defined as the sum of clay and fine silt (<20 ÎŒm) multiplied by the soil bulk density and divided by the particle density of the mineral fines. Thereby, MFvol represents both the particle source available for mobilization and leaching and an indicator of soil structure. The particle release process showed two linear particle release rates. Although the two particle release rates were distinctly different, both were strongly correlated with MFvol. The difference between the two rates was related to the degree of preferential flow characterized by the 5% arrival time of an applied tracer pulse. Soil columns with a longer 5% arrival time (less preferential flow) showed a distinct difference between the two rates, whereas soil columns with a short 5% arrival time and fast water transport showed resemblance between the two particle release rates. Thus, the combined effects of particle source, type, and pathways (via soil structure and compaction) need consideration to understand and predict particle transport dynamics through intact topsoi
