116 research outputs found

    Caminantes entre dos mundos: los apoderados indígenas en Bolivia (siglo XIX)

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    The object of this article is to comprehend the fight undertaken by the legal indigenous attorney (apoderado indígena) for the defence of the lands wrested from the indians through the application of liberal policies in the 19th Century. These apoderados entered into political alliances with those elite faction that agreed to support their demands of land recovery. The success of the first alliance in 1871 was the landmark that opened the way to a later alliance with the Liberal Party in the 1899 civil war. It is also analyzed the mediation of the local powers that facilitated the encounter.El artículo tiene como finalidad entender la lucha librada por la figura legal del apoderado indígena en defensa de sus tierras arrebatadas por las políticas de carácter liberal (siglo XIX). Los apoderados entablaron alianzas políticas con la facción de la elite dispuesta a incorporar sus demandas de restitución de tierras. El éxito de la primera alianza en 1871 fue el hito histórico para que, más tarde, éstos se alíen con los miembros del Partido Liberal en la guerra civil de 1899. El artículo analiza también la mediación de los poderes locales que posibilitaron las alianzas

    Revolución, federalismo y violencia ritual en el gobierno indígena de Peñas (1899)

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    The following article deals with the political events taken place in Peñas (Oruro) during the so-called Federal War (1899) in Bolivia   between the political elites, the liberals from the northern region of La Paz, and the conservatives from the southern department of Chuquisaca for the political control of the country. The Aymara indigenous from the north, under the leadership of Pablo Zárate Willka, fought in defense of their ancestral territories. As a consequence, an indigenous government led by Juan Lero was established in Peñas. During that period, the indigenous tried to establish a form of federalism with aboriginal characteristics: a form of communal self-government under the concern of the to-be liberal Republic. At the same time, they executed a system of communal justice characterized by some forms of ritual violence. In this way, Peñas people used simultaneous and intertwined political and ritual strategies to legitimate their movement.The following article deals with the political events taken place in Peñas (Oruro) during the so-called Federal War (1899) in Bolivia   between the political elites, the liberals from the northern region of La Paz, and the conservatives from the southern department of Chuquisaca for the political control of the country. The Aymara indigenous from the north, under the leadership of Pablo Zárate Willka, fought in defense of their ancestral territories. As a consequence, an indigenous government led by Juan Lero was established in Peñas. During that period, the indigenous tried to establish a form of federalism with aboriginal characteristics: a form of communal self-government under the concern of the to-be liberal Republic. At the same time, they executed a system of communal justice characterized by some forms of ritual violence. In this way, Peñas people used simultaneous and intertwined political and ritual strategies to legitimate their movement.El artículo pretende entender los hechos ocurridos en la localidad de Peñas, en Oruro, Bolivia, durante el conflicto conocido como la Guerra Federal de 1899, que enfrentó a liberales y conservadores y que fue parte de la pugna que se desato entre las elites de Sucre y de La Paz por el poder político. En la contienda participaron, como aliados de los liberales, los indígenas del altiplano boliviano, quienes, dirigidos por Pablo Zárate Willka, lucharon por la defensa de sus tierras de comunidad. Ello trajo como consecuencia que, en Peñas, se organice el llamado gobierno indígena de Peñas, liderado por Juan Lero. Durante este evento, los comunarios ensayaron un federalismo en clave indígena, es decir, como una forma de autogobierno comunal bajo el amparo de una futura república liberal. Al mismo tiempo, ejercieron formas de justicia comunal que se caracterizaron por la violencia ritual. De este modo, los habitantes de Peñas utilizaron, de manera simultánea y entrelazada, estrategias políticas y rituales para legitimar su movimiento

    De la alianza a la confrontación : Pablo Zárate Willka y la rebelión indígena de 1899 en Bolivia

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    La investigación se propone analizar un hecho histórico concreto: la rebelión indígena de Pablo Zárate, más conocido como el Willka que fue, sin lugar a dudas, una de las más importante rebeliones de la historia de la República de Bolivia. Esta rebelión se produjo dentro del contexto más amplio de la guerra civil que sacudió a Bolivia en 1899 y que se conoce como la Guerra o Revolución Federal. Se trata de un momento histórico de mucha importancia ya que el país entró en una profunda crisis política que desembocó en un conflicto armado de grandes proporciones siendo la primera guerra civil por la que atravesó Bolivia desde su fundación. La guerra civil fue el resultado de una acumulación histórica de contradicciones políticas, regionales, económicas y étnicas en un país que todavía mantenía características coloniales no resueltas. Confluyeron en este contexto dos conflictos que se dieron de forma simultánea y entrelazada. De manera resumida, la llamada Guerra Federal tiene que ver con el estallido violento de las fricciones entre dos élites en pugna por el poder y con conflictos relacionados con las comunidades indígenas en la lucha por la recuperación de sus tierras usurpadas por causa de las políticas estatales que pretendían su desaparición.Tesi

    Comparative genomic analysis of carbon and nitrogen assimilation mechanisms in three indigenous bioleaching bacteria: predictions and validations

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Carbon and nitrogen fixation are essential pathways for autotrophic bacteria living in extreme environments. These bacteria can use carbon dioxide directly from the air as their sole carbon source and can use different sources of nitrogen such as ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, or even nitrogen from the air. To have a better understanding of how these processes occur and to determine how we can make them more efficient, a comparative genomic analysis of three bioleaching bacteria isolated from mine sites in Chile was performed. This study demonstrated that there are important differences in the carbon dioxide and nitrogen fixation mechanisms among bioleaching bacteria that coexist in mining environments.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we probed that both <it>Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans </it>and <it>Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans </it>incorporate CO<sub>2 </sub>via the Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle; however, the former bacterium has two copies of the Rubisco type I gene whereas the latter has only one copy. In contrast, we demonstrated that <it>Leptospirillum ferriphilum </it>utilizes the reductive tricarboxylic acid cycle for carbon fixation. Although all the species analyzed in our study can incorporate ammonia by an ammonia transporter, we demonstrated that <it>Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans </it>could also assimilate nitrate and nitrite but only <it>Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans </it>could fix nitrogen directly from the air.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The current study utilized genomic and molecular evidence to verify carbon and nitrogen fixation mechanisms for three bioleaching bacteria and provided an analysis of the potential regulatory pathways and functional networks that control carbon and nitrogen fixation in these microorganisms.</p

    Systematic Analysis of Transrectal Prostate Biopsies Using an Ink Method and Specific Histopathologic Protocol: A Prospective Study

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    Background. Transrectal prostate biopsy is the standard protocol for the screening for prostate cancer. It helps to locate prostatic adenocarcinoma and plan treatment. However, the increasing number of prostate biopsies leads to considerably greater costs for the pathology laboratories. In this study, we compare the traditional method with an ink method in combination with a systematic histopathologic protocol. Methods. Two hundred consecutive transrectal prostate biopsy specimens were received from the radiology department. They were separated into two groups: one hundred were processed as six different specimens in the usual manner. The other one hundred were submitted in six containers, the apex, base, and middle section of which were stained different colours. The samples subject to the ink method were embedded in paraffin and placed in two cassettes which were sectioned using a specific protocol. Results. The comparative study of the nonink and ink methods for histopathologic diagnosis showed no statistical differences as far as diagnostic categories were concerned (P  value < .005). The number of PIN diagnoses increased when the ink method was used, but no statistical differences were found. The ink method led to a cost reduction of 48.86%. Conclusions. Our ink method combined with a specific histopathologic protocol provided the same diagnostic quality, tumor location information as the traditional method, and lower pathology expenses

    Insights on the structure and stability of Licanantase: a trimeric acid-stable coiled-coil lipoprotein from Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans

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    Licanantase (Lic) is the major component of the secretome of Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans when grown in elemental sulphur. When used as an additive, Lic improves copper recovery from bioleaching processes. However, this recovery enhancement is not fully understood. In this context, our aim is to predict the 3D structure of Lic, to shed light on its structure-function relationships. Bioinformatics analyses on the amino acid sequence of Lic showed a great similarity with Lpp, an Escherichia coli Lipoprotein that can form stable trimers in solution. Lic and Lpp share the secretion motif, intracellular processing and alpha helix structure, as well as the distribution of hydrophobic residues in heptads forming a hydrophobic core, typical of coiled-coil structures. Cross-linking experiments showed the presence of Lic trimers, supporting our predictions. Taking the in vitro and in silico evidence as a whole, we propose that the most probable structure for Lic is a trimeric coiled-coil. According to this prediction, a suitable model for Lic was produced using the de novo algorithm “Rosetta Fold-and-Dock”. To assess the structural stability of our model, Molecular Dynamics (MD) and Replica Exchange MD simulations were performed using the structure of Lpp and a 14-alanine Lpp mutant as controls, at both acidic and neutral pH. Our results suggest that Lic was the most stable structure among the studied proteins in both pH conditions. This increased stability can be explained by a higher number of both intermonomer hydrophobic contacts and hydrogen bonds, key elements for the stability of Lic’s secondary and tertiary structure

    The children of the guarapo carnival and their social representations around this festival

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    La presente investigación se inscribe en un campo de estudio sociocultural y se sitúa desde la permanencia y conservación del Carnaval del Guarapo como práctica cultural y tradicional de la vereda de Sipirra, enfocándonos principalmente en el papel que tiene la infancia dentro de este proceso de preservación. Así mismo asume el planteamiento de la construcción de sujetos y de sociedad del Énfasis en Historia, Imaginarios y Representaciones Sociales de Infancia de la Maestría en Infancia y Cultura. Para observar cómo la infancia contribuye a la conservación de la práctica cultural, fue necesario interpretar las representaciones sociales del Carnaval del Guarapo que construyen los niños desde su formación y participación en la festividad develando las imágenes, sentimientos y acciones que se generan en la infancia y cómo a partir de estas se construye y salvaguarda su identidad. Se visibiliza también el papel de la comunidad en la transmisión de saberes a los niños y la forma en que ellos los apropian desde sus vivencias cotidianas y la práctica del carnaval. Se identificaron cuatro representaciones sociales que se basan en categorías abstraídas de la teoría de Jodelet desde el punto de vista de las autoras de la presente tesis. Las representaciones fueron homenaje, tradición, unidad social y fiesta, las cuales permitieron vislumbrar la experiencia y vivencia de los niños en el carnaval, ofreciendo una mirada de sus percepciones, representaciones y cómo desde estas construyen sus propias significaciones, brindando un sentido de pertenencia e identidad.The following investigation is based on the sociocultural field of study focusing on the maintenance and conservation of the “Carnaval del Guarapo” as a cultural and traditional practice of the Sipirra village. Our main goal is to highlight the role that childhood has inside of this preservation process. Likewise, it assumes the assumption of the construction of social subject and society from the Emphasis in History, Imaginary, and Social Representations of Childhood of the Culture and Childhood Masters. In order to determine how childhood contributes to the preservation of this cultural practice, it is necessary to interpret the social representations of the Guarapo Carnival constructed by children through their formation and participation during the festivities. This practice will allow to reveal the images, feelings and actions created on the children and how through all the above they can build up and save their own identity. In this research it is possible to visualize the role that community plays in the transmission of knowledge to kids and the way they interiorize all this information through their everyday experiences and their participation in the carnival. Based on the authors interpretation of the Jodelet theory, four social representations were identified and categorized: Social unity, tradition, festivities and honor. These allowed to elucidate the kids experience in the carnival, as well as offering an insight of the perceptions, representations and the reasons why, kids were able to construct significances that developed a sense of belonging and identity

    Restitution judges: A starting point for an agrarian jurisdiction as a guarantee of non-repetition in Colombia

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    The Colombian government and the main guerrilla, the farc, signed a peace agreement in November 2016. The establishment of an agrarian jurisdiction is one of the settlements they have reached. This article evaluates the already existing capacities the Colombian state has developed, based on an analysis of the ongoing land restitution process. Based on an analysis of some judicial decisions taken in the context of this process, and on three in-depth interviews with judicial operators involved in it, the article makes two main findings: the procedural innovations of the land restitution process and the application of the constitutional precept of the effective enjoyment of rights guarantee the effective access to justice for rural populations and to the social rights aimed at protecting and stabilising their property rights. For these reasons, these features will prove to be useful in the establishment of an agrarian jurisdiction in Colombia that will represent a guarantee of non-repetition. © 2017 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands

    Importancia de la educación en la respuesta ante emergencias.

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    En la sociedad, la gestión del riesgo es responsabilidad de todos los habitantes de una región, la comunidad se convierte en el primer respondiente en caso de emergencias debido a que si sucede un evento de gran magnitud, los organismos de socorro demorarían en llegar, por ende, el ministerio de educación, implemento el plan institucional el cual incluye el tema de emergencias como una materia transversal; en algunas empresas y organizaciones, los empleadores implementan acciones de seguridad en el hogar a nivel extra laboral, de modo que los trabajadores no solo cuiden su seguridad en el trabajo sino que lleven estas enseñanzas al hogar. Así, se reducen los riesgos y se garantizan más personas con vida que puedan de una u otra forma volver al equilibrio económico, familiar y emocional. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es dar a conocer la importancia que con lleva la prevención y preparación de una emergencia para toda la sociedad. Sin embargo, la responsabilidad de que esto se lleve a cabo está desde la gobernanza por medio de la gestión de riesgo de desastres, desarrollando acciones que vayan en pro de que las personas estén preparadas ante una emergencia