428 research outputs found

    Correlating magnetic fabrics with finite strain : comparing results from mudrocks in the Variscan and Appalachian Orogens

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    New magnetic anisotropy data from Variscan mudstones collected in the Cantabrian Arc, N Spain constrain the corresponding strain (shortening). The results are based on our previous study of mudrocks from the Valley and Ridge Province (Appalachians) where independent strain quantification of pencil structures permitted a correlation between magnetic fabric and tectonic strain. An exponential relationship between the AMS shape parameter T and tectonic shortening was found for the interval of 10-25% shortening: shortening (%)=17*exp(T), relationship that appears to be supported by tectonic strains up to 40%. The T parameter describes the shape of the magnetic susceptibility ellipsoid, which in pelitic rocks appears more sensitive to strain than the degree of anisotropy parameter P (or P'). In mudrocks from the Cantabrian Arc a positive correlation between T parameter and deformation intensity, reflected by cleavage domains spacing, is observed. Using the above relationship, we estimate the range of tectonic shortening for the Cantabrian mudstones. The correlation between strain and AMS offers a robust estimate of strain magnitude of 10-40% in weakly to moderately deformed clay-rich rocks, where other strain indicators are often lacking or are poorly preserved

    Magnetoestratigrafía de las sucesiones pliocénicas del Baix Llobregat: Aproximación preliminar

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    Preliminary stratigraphic analysis of the outcropping sedimentary successions of the Baix Llobregat Pliocene marine embayment (catalan continental margin, Northeastern Spain, Northwestern Mediterranean) indicates that this sedimentary record was deposited in a single transgressive pulse. The magnetostratigraphic analysis shows that al1 the studied sections have reverse polarity, a fact that supports their correlation and suggests that al1 of them were deposited during a time span included in a single reverse chron. The available chronological data to anchor this single reverse magnetozone to the GPTS allow to refuse its correlation to the chron C2Ar and suggest as more likely its correlation either with the latest part of chron C3r (between 5.32 and 5.23 Ma) or with some of the reverse subchrons of chron C3n (between 4.98 and 4.29 Ma). Taking into account the overall features of the stratigraphic record and the regional evolution of the Mediterranean during the Early Pliocene, the first attribution would be the most likely and would mean that the outcropping Pliocene sedimentary record of the Baix Llobregat was deposited during the early stages of the Zanclian transgression

    Datos paleomagnéticos del sustrato rocoso de la isla de Livingston (Península Antártica): implicaciones tectónicas en la evolución neógena

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    Se presentan resultados paleomagnéticos de la Fo rmación Miers Bluff y de los diques terciarios y andesitas de la Isla de Livingston (Islas Shetland del Sur, Península A n t á rtica). La mayoría de las rocas estudiadas son portadoras de magnetización estable, que reside en una fase de baja coercividad, probablemente Ti-Magnetita. La restitución tectónica progresiva de las direcciones de magnetización remanente característica revela que la magnetización en las turbiditas de la Fm. Miers Bluff fue adquirida después del plegamiento. Las direcciones medias de los diques y de la Fm. Miers Bluff no ofrecen una diferencia significativa, sugiriendo una misma edad para la magnetización. Se propone que el origen de la misma es una remagnetización de edad terciaria. Asimismo, la posición de los polos paleomagnéticos obtenidos sugiere un basculamiento tectónico que estaría relacionado con la apertura y extensión en el Estrecho de Bransfield.We report paleomagnetic results from the Miers Bluff Formation and Tertiary dykes and andesites in Livingston Island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctic Peninsula). Most of the samples carry stable magnetization, residing in a low coercivity phase, most likely (Ti)magnetite. Progressive untilting of the Characteristic Remanent Magnetization directions reveals that the magnetization of the turbidites (Miers Bluff Fm.) is post-folding. Miers Bluff and the dyke mean directions do not show any significant difference, suggesting the same magnetization age. Thus, a local Cenozoic remagnetization is proposed. Also, the paleomagnetic poles suggest a tectonic tilting that would explain the observed discrepancies between the produced paleopoles and the APWP for the Antarctic Peninsula

    Nuevos datos magnetoestratigráficos del tránsito Oligoceno-Mioceno en el sector SE de la Cuenca del Ebro (provincia de Lleida, Zaragoza y Huesca, NE de España)

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    The study of two late Oligocene-early Miocene stratigraphic sections of alluvial and shallow lacustrine facies in the SE Ebro Basin has enabled the establishment of a high-resolution magnetostratigraphy for the Oligocene-Miocene boundary. The studied samples include alluvial sandstones and mudstones as well as shallow lacustrine limestones. A total of 121 stratigraphic levels, with an average sample spacing of -2.5 m, were sampled in two sections, using a portable gasoline powered dril1 machine. Core samples were cut in the laboratory into two or three standard specimens of 2.54 cm diameter X 2.1 cm in length. A minimum of two specimens per site were thermally or AF demagnetized in 8-9 steps at intervals of 50°C or 30°C, and intervals of 2.5 mT and 5 mT, respectively. The magnetic polarity zonation of the sections have been correlated to the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale (GPTS) allowing the recognition of Chrons 9r, 9n, 8r and 8n in the Mina Pilar section, and Chrons 6Cr, 6Cn, 6Br, 6Bn and 6AAr in the Valcuerna section. On the basis of magnetostratigraphic correlation it is deduced an interval of sedimentation time of -1.6 Ma for the Mina Pilar section, and 1.7-1.9 Ma for the Valcuerna section

    Error de inclinación paleomagnética en materiales aluviales del Oligoceno superior del sector Suroriental de la Cuenca del Ebro (Región Surpirenaica, NE de España)

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    Alluvial red-beds of two Oligocene succesions in the Southeastem Ebro Basin (Southem Pyrenean foreland, NE Spain) show inclination shallowing, taking into account the reference Oligocene palaeolatitude expected for this region. This fact is interpreted to reflect an inclination error due to either these factors: hydrodynamic control of magnetic particles in the depositional environment, differential compaction of sediment during burial and tectonic deformation. The studied lithofacies are split into five groups: gray sandstones, red sandstones, red siltstones, red mudstones and limestones. A strong positive correlation between the relative amount of phyllosilicates and the magnitude of the inclination error has been established. Lithofacies with low percentage of phyllosilicates (limestones and gray sandstones) display a statistically not significant error of 5" with respect to the magnetic palaeofield inclination, whereas the sediments with a higher phyllosilicate content (siltstones and mudstones) show significant errors of up to 25". This observation has not a major consequence for the interpretation of the magnetic polarity but is crucial for palaeogeographic and palinspastic reconstmctions based on palaeolatitudinal data. The obtained results in this study highlight that the interpretation of paleolatitude based on paleomagnetic data is sometimes not straightfonvard and it requires a detailed evaluation of the rock magnetic parameters (AMS in particular) to reveal the presence of such inclination deflection

    Methodology to quantify clogging coefficients for grated inlets. Application to SANT MARTI catchment (Barcelona)

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    Within the drainage system of a city, the set of inlets is in charge of taking the runoff produced by local storms to the stormwater/sewer. In the drainage system design the selection of appropriate inlet models and their location is one of the fundamental aspects. The hydraulics of these inlets has received great attention within the last years; however, few inlet makers provide the hydraulic capacity of their products. In addition, these data usually consider clean water, while in reality, numerous inlets can be either totally or partially clogged. This aspect should be kept in mind within the design process. In this paper, a methodology to consider the hydraulic effects of clogging phenomena is presented. The work started from a visual inspection of the grated inlets throughout the urban catchment of Sant Martí, Barcelona, as a means of identifying clogging patterns, their repetitive forms and their associated frequency. After that, clogged patterns were reproduced in laboratory testing of typical inlets types, thereby obtaining the real quantity of water that could be captured by each of them. It was shown that the same expression employed to describe the efficiency of clean inlets can be used to assess the efficiency of those clogged. A reduction factor in terms of hydraulic capacity and related to each clogging pattern has been defined for use in hydraulic studies of runoff along streets. Finally, the paper compares the obtained results in terms of clogging coefficient with another experimental campaign carried out in other catchment of the city