45 research outputs found

    Educar la imaginació dels infants (0-6 anys) des de la sorpresa davant la realitat

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    Educar la imaginació dels infants d'entre 0 i 6 anys implica -segons les idees proposades per Maria Montessori i Catherine L'Ecuyer-, per una banda, educar amb realisme, i per l'altra, basar l'educació en la sorpresa davant la realitat que ens envolta. L'infant triangula entre la realitat i la persona que estima, i és d'aquesta manera que aprèn. Per tant, la presència d'un educador excel·lent, que comprengui la importància d'aquest contacte amb la realitat, serà essencial per a desenvolupar la imaginació

    Leadership and e-leadership in the life histories of educational leaders throughout the world

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    El liderazgo en los centros educativos ha de tener cada vez más en cuenta el papel de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, como medio para mejorar las organizaciones. En consecuencia, el objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar las historias de vida de 5 líderes educativos en 5 contextos diferentes: España, Guatemala, Chile, Kazajistán y Estados Unidos; y describir cómo las nuevas tecnologías se engarzan con sus prácticas de liderazgo. La metodología es cualitativa usando como instrumento entrevistas semiestructuradas recogidas entre 2012 y 2018 en los distintos entornos. Se ofrecen ejemplos de líderes, sus prácticas de liderazgo y, particularmente, el papel de los medios tecnológicos en su gestión del cambio. Los resultados revelan prácticas directivas similares y ajustadas a lo descrito previamente por la literatura académica, y muestran asimismo cómo liderazgo y tecnología se afectan mutuamente.Leadership in educational centers must increasingly consider the role of advanced information technologies to improve organizations. Consequently, the objective of this research is to analyze the life histories of 5 educational leaders in 5 different contexts: Spain, Guatemala, Chile, Kazakhstan and the United States; and describe how new technologies are linked with their leadership practices. The methodology is qualitative using as instrument semi-structured interviews collected between 2012 and 2018 in different environments. Examples of leaders, their leadership practices and, mainly, the role of technological media in their change management are offered. The results reveal similar management practices and adjusted to what was previously described by the academic literature, and also show how leadership and technology affect each other

    Temporal trends in concentrations and total serum burdens of organochlorine compounds from birth until adolescence and the role of breastfeeding

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    Introduction: The aims of the present study are to assess the temporal trends of organochlorine compounds (OCs) concentrations and total serum burdens from birth until adolescence and the influence of breastfeeding in these temporal trends. Methods: In 1997 two birth cohort studies were set up in Ribera d'Ebre (N=102) and the island of Menorca (N=482), Spain. Concentrations (ng/mL) of OCs [pentachlorobenzene (PeCB), four isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (4,4'-DDT), dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (4,4'-DDE) and seven polychlorobiphenyl congeners (σ7PCBs)] were measured in cord blood and at the age of 4 and 14years. The total serum burdens (ng) of these compounds were estimated based on the total blood volume (mL) of children at the different ages. We compared median concentrations and total serum burdens of these OCs at the different time-points of follow-up between children of Ribera d'Ebre and Menorca and between breastfed and non-breastfed children. Results: From birth until adolescence concentrations of all OCs drastically reduced. These reductions were mainly derived from the dilution of OCs, associated to an increase in total blood volume of children at the age of 4 and 14years. Despite the reduction in OCs concentrations, the total serum burdens of 4,4'-DDE and σ7PCBs, were higher in adolescents than at birth. Increases in OCs total serum burden occurred both in breastfed and non-breastfed children, but were significantly higher in the first. Conclusions: Even after decades of banning OCs production and use, current young generations in westernized countries are still bioaccumulating these compounds. Given the potential health effects of OCs, especial attention should be paid in the control of secondary emissions in the environment and in the control of food production and contamination. In countries with endemic malaria it is important to work towards effective alternatives to the use of DDT. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.This study was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Health (FIS-97/1102, FIS 97/0588, 00/0021-2, PI061756, PS0901958 and FIS PS09/00362), the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Red INMA G03/176 and CB06/02/0041), Fundació La Caixa (97/009-00 and 00/077-00), and the Generalitat de Catalunya-CIRIT 1999SGR 00241. Finally, the authors would like to be grateful to the families in Flix and Menorca participating in the study, to the high school management team of Flix for their interest and collaboration, and to Rosa Maria Sabaté, the nurse of the health center of Flix, for her support and commitment.Peer reviewe

    Efectes de l'administració de tpa combinat amb dipyridamole sobre cèl·lules endotelials cerebrals humanes sotmeses a deprivació d'oxigen i glucosa

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    El DP és un agent usat de forma comú en la prevenció secundària de l'ictus per les seves propietats antiplaquetars. Ha estat proposat com a possible teràpia coadjuvant del tractament trombolític en fase aguda de l'ictus isquèmic amb rtPA neuroprotector per les seves propietats neuroprotectores, antiinflamatòries i antioxidants. En el present treball s'analitza la toxicitat de l'administració d'rtPA en cèl·lules endotelials cerebrals humanes sotmeses a isquèmia, així com els seus efectes sobre l'activació de MMPs. Posteriorment es combina l'administració d'rtPA amb Dipyridamole i s'analitzen els efectes en la toxicitat cel·lular i l'expressió d'MMPs

    El ingreso hospitalario de desintoxicación en pacientes graves en programa de mantenimiento con metadona: resultados a corto y medio plazo

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    Introducción: Se analiza naturalísticamente la evolución durante seis meses de pacientes graves en Programas de Mantenimiento con Metadona (PMM) que presentan recaídas en el consumo de opiáceos y/o cocaína y requieren un ingreso hospitalario de desintoxicación. El diseño es prospectivo y la estadística descriptiva. Resultados: Se realiza el seguimiento de 15 personas que cumplían los criterios de inclusión durante 18 meses consecutivos. La mayoría de los pacientes (11:15) recaen precozmente en el consumo de drogas. El patrón de reinicio de consumo es similar: primero reinician el consumo de cocaína y posteriormente de opiáceos. El tiempo medio de recaída en cocaína es de 1.8 meses, y de heroína es de 2.8 meses. Conclusiones: La efectividad a corto y medio plazo del ingreso hospitalario de desintoxicación en PMM, que han recaído en el consumo de drogas es baja. El patrón de nuevas recaídas es predecible y típico

    Oral antibiotic prophylaxis lowers surgical site infection in elective colorectal surgery: results of a pragmatic cohort study in Catalonia

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    Background: The role of oral antibiotic prophylaxis (OAP) and mechanical bowel preparation (MBP) in the prevention of surgical site infection (SSI) after colorectal surgery is still controversial. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of a bundle including both measures in a National Infection Surveillance Network in Catalonia. Methods: Pragmatic cohort study to assess the effect of OAP and MBP in reducing SSI rate in 65 hospitals, comparing baseline phase (BP: 2007-2015) with implementation phase (IP: 2016-2019). To compare the results, a logistic regression model was established. Results: Out of 34,421 colorectal operations, 5180 had SSIs (15.05%). Overall SSI rate decreased from 18.81% to 11.10% in BP and IP, respectively (OR 0.539, CI95 0.507-0.573, p < 0.0001). Information about bundle implementation was complete in 61.7% of cases. In a univariate analysis, OAP and MBP were independent factors in decreasing overall SSI, with OR 0.555, CI95 0.483-0.638, and OR 0.686, CI95 0.589-0.798, respectively; and similarly, organ/space SSI (O/S-SSI) (OR 0.592, CI95 0.494-0.710, and OR 0.771, CI95 0.630-0.944, respectively). However, only OAP retained its protective effect at both levels at multivariate analyses. Conclusions: oral antibiotic prophylaxis decreased the rates of SSI and O/S-SSI in a large series of elective colorectal surger

    Espai de millora contínua dels plans locals de prevenció de drogues 2018. Orientacions aplicades per a la millora dels plans municipals de drogues

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    El present document és el resultat final de 'l'espai de millora contínua dels plans locals de prevenció de drogues 1', un espai de formació gestionat per la Subsecció de Projectes i Programes del Servei de Suport de Programes Socials de l'Àrea d'Atenció a les Persones de la Diputació de Barcelona i executat per la Unitat de Polítiques de Drogues de la Facultat de Psicologia de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. La finalitat d'aquest espai és proveir d'eines tant conceptuals com pràctiques a les i els professionals responsables d'un pla municipal o supramunicipal de drogues de la demarcació de Barcelona, per a millorar l'execució, l'aplicació, la qualitat, l'eficàcia i l'eficiència de tota activitat preventiva aplicada en l'àmbit municipa

    Learning context effects: Study abroad, formal instruction and international immersion classrooms

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    This book deals with the effects of three different learning contexts mainly on adult, but also on adolescent, learners’ language acquisition. The three contexts brought together in the monograph include i) a conventional instructed second language acquisition (ISLA) environment, in which learners receive formal instruction in English as a Foreign Language (EFL); ii) a Study Abroad (SA) context, which learners experience during mobility programmes, when the target language is no longer a foreign but a second language learnt in a naturalistic context; iii) the immersion classroom, also known as an integrated content and language (ICL) setting, in which learners are taught content subjects through the medium of the target language—more often than not English, used as the Lingua Franca (ELF). The volume examines how these contexts change language learners’ linguistic performance, and also non-linguistic, that is, it throws light on how motivation, sense of identity, interculturality, international ethos, and affective factors develop. To our knowledge, no publication exists which places the three contexts on focus in this monograph along a continuum, as suggested in Pérez-Vidal (2011, 2014), with SA as ‘the most naturalistic’ context on one extreme, ISLA on the other, and ICL somewhere in between, while framing them all as international classrooms. Concerning target languages, the nine chapters included in the volume analyze English, and one chapter deals with Spanish, as the target language. As for target countries in SA programmes, data include England, Ireland, France, Germany, and Spain in Europe, but also Canada, China, and Australia. While the main bulk of the chapters deal with tertiary level language learners, a language learning population which has received less attention by research thus far, one chapter deals with adolescent learners. Carmen Pérez-Vidal, Sonia López, Jennifer Ament and Dakota Thomas-Wilhelm all served on the organizing committee for the EUROSLA workshop held at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, in May 2016. It is from this workshop that this monograph was inspire

    Learning context effects: Study abroad, formal instruction and international immersion classrooms

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    This book deals with the effects of three different learning contexts mainly on adult, but also on adolescent, learners’ language acquisition. The three contexts brought together in the monograph include i) a conventional instructed second language acquisition (ISLA) environment, in which learners receive formal instruction in English as a Foreign Language (EFL); ii) a Study Abroad (SA) context, which learners experience during mobility programmes, when the target language is no longer a foreign but a second language learnt in a naturalistic context; iii) the immersion classroom, also known as an integrated content and language (ICL) setting, in which learners are taught content subjects through the medium of the target language—more often than not English, used as the Lingua Franca (ELF). The volume examines how these contexts change language learners’ linguistic performance, and also non-linguistic, that is, it throws light on how motivation, sense of identity, interculturality, international ethos, and affective factors develop. To our knowledge, no publication exists which places the three contexts on focus in this monograph along a continuum, as suggested in Pérez-Vidal (2011, 2014), with SA as ‘the most naturalistic’ context on one extreme, ISLA on the other, and ICL somewhere in between, while framing them all as international classrooms. Concerning target languages, the nine chapters included in the volume analyze English, and one chapter deals with Spanish, as the target language. As for target countries in SA programmes, data include England, Ireland, France, Germany, and Spain in Europe, but also Canada, China, and Australia. While the main bulk of the chapters deal with tertiary level language learners, a language learning population which has received less attention by research thus far, one chapter deals with adolescent learners. Carmen Pérez-Vidal, Sonia López, Jennifer Ament and Dakota Thomas-Wilhelm all served on the organizing committee for the EUROSLA workshop held at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, in May 2016. It is from this workshop that this monograph was inspire