1,123 research outputs found

    Clinical activities suspended: How the COVID-19 affected the self-confidence of Italian dental students

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    Introduction: COVID-19 emergency caused several effects on the dental educational system, especially affecting courses including practical activities. The study aims to evaluate the impact of the suspension of dental clinical activities on the Italian dental students' self-confidence. Furthermore, the other purpose of the research is to find an integrative didactics solution to improve the clinical training of dentistry during the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and methods: A questionnaire was administered to evaluate the impact of the suspension of clinical activities on dental students' self-confidence. A 67-questions survey tested the students' self-confidence in several dental disciplines (Conservative Dentistry, Endodontics, Oral Surgery and Dental Emergency). The study reached a sample of 193 dental students and the answers from 9 different Italian dental schools were analysed. Results: The degree of students' self-confidence for all the dental disciplines investigated was found statistically different between the periods before and after the interruption of clinical activities. The students proposed, as a potential solution to improve their practice during the COVID-19 pandemic, to combinate the use of a video tutorials and dental simulators. Conclusion: The interruption of the training in clinical practice significantly affected the educational career and the self-confidence of students. An alternative teaching method involving the use of video tutorials as support in teaching clinical procedures deserves to be considered

    Proposal for Introducing a Digital Aesthetic Dentistry Course in Undergraduate Program: Contents and Ways of Administration

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    Background: Nowadays, digital dentistry is a fundamental skill that dentists need to acquire at this time. The digital workflow has gained acceptance and is widely used in most disciplines of dentistry. For this reason, it might be advisable to include this content in the undergraduate curriculum. The aim of this work was to create a course in digital aesthetic dentistry and evaluate its effectiveness. Methods: Dental students at the University of Verona (from third to sixth year) participated in a 2-h course on photography, digital aesthetic analysis, and digitally planned rehabilitations. Students were randomly divided into two groups, the first group attending the course with video tutorials and the second group attending the traditional class with slides. The students’ ability to perform digital aesthetic analysis and rehabilitation was tested. In addition, a questionnaire was completed to determine student satisfaction with the course and method of delivery. Statistical analysis was performed. Results: The course was highly appreciated, especially by the students who received the video tutorials. Good results were obtained in the performance of digital analysis and rehabilitation, which were better in the first group. Conclusions: Digital aesthetic dentistry was a success in terms of newly acquired skills. From this point of view, the proposal of a course on this subject in the undergraduate curriculum deserves a close evaluation. The video tutorial method seems to be a good way to teach operative digital procedure

    Digital Dental Models: Is Photogrammetry an Alternative to Dental Extraoral and Intraoral Scanners?

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    Background: 3D models are nowadays part of daily clinical practice. Photogrammetry is a brand-new method for transforming small objects into 3D models while keeping their original shape and size. The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy, in terms of precision and trueness, of a digital dental model acquired with photogrammetry compared with those obtained using extraoral scanners and intraoral scanners, starting from the same plaster model. Methods: A plaster model was converted into a digital model using photogrammetry, an extraoral scanner and an intraoral scanner. Different references were measured twice at a distance of 30 min for each model, on the digital models using the software Blender and on the plaster model using a calibre. The Interclass Correlation Coefficient was calculated for each pair of measurements. A volumetric analysis was performed by superimposing the digital models. The coefficient of variation was calculated. A two-way ANOVA test was conducted. Results: For each reference, the coefficient of variation was less than 3%, and the two ANOVA tests resulted in a non-significant value in both cases (p > 0.05). The volumetric analysis demonstrated good agreement between the models derived from the different acquisition methods. Conclusions: Photogrammetry seems to be a good method for acquiring digital models starting from a plaster model, all the methods tested seem to be good for obtaining an accurate three-dimensional digital model. Other studies are needed to evaluate clinical efficacy

    Aesthetic Dentistry, How You Say and How You See: A 500-People Survey on Digital Preview and Color Perception

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    Purpose: Digital technologies have improved ways to perform aesthetic dentistry in the last few years. The aims of this survey were to investigate the most preferred way to preview the result of an aesthetic dental rehabilitation among a population of dental professionals and laypeople and to compare aesthetic standards of the general population and dentists in terms of the color of teeth for aesthetic dental rehabilitations. Patients and Methods: A questionnaire was sent to the subjects (dentists and laypeople) during a 1-year period and, together with their demographic data, different ways to preview the result of an aesthetic rehabilitation were submitted, such as digital smile design, dental wax-up and oral explanation. Furthermore, an additional section of the questionnaire inves-tigated the most suitable color for an aesthetic rehabilitation based on the colors of the VITA Scale. Results were statistically analyzed (with Chi-square of independence and Mann\u2013 Whitney U-test) highlighting differences of answers based on age groups, educational attainment, gender, and belonging or not to the dental field. Results: Findings showed that digital smile design (digital preview) is a high-appreciated method for previewing and communicating with patients both by dental professionals and laypeople. Furthermore, lighter colors were found to be more valued by laypeople and significant differences were highlighted between the two populations assessed. Conclusion: It seems to be viable to use digital preview for dentists and laypeople to improve previewing and communicating ways. It might be advisable to better motivate patients in recognizing aesthetical features and to raise their awareness in preferring more mimetic aesthetic results. Great opportunities are opened up by digital smile design in teaching, learning, and routine practic

    Boosting multiple sclerosis lesion segmentation through attention mechanism

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    Magnetic resonance imaging is a fundamental tool to reach a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis and monitoring its progression. Although several attempts have been made to segment multiple sclerosis lesions using artificial intelligence, fully automated analysis is not yet available. State-of-the-art methods rely on slight variations in segmentation architectures (e.g. U-Net, etc.). However, recent research has demonstrated how exploiting temporal-aware features and attention mechanisms can provide a significant boost to traditional architectures. This paper proposes a framework that exploits an augmented U-Net architecture with a convolutional long short-term memory layer and attention mechanism which is able to segment and quantify multiple sclerosis lesions detected in magnetic resonance images. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation on challenging examples demonstrated how the method outperforms previous state-of-the-art approaches, reporting an overall Dice score of 89% and also demonstrating robustness and generalization ability on never seen new test samples of a new dedicated under construction dataset

    Mid-Holocene relative sea-level changes along Atlantic Patagonia: new data from Camarones, Chubut, Argentina

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    This paper concerns the relative sea-level changes associated with the Atlantic Patagonian coast derived from sea-level index points whose elevation was determined by a differential global position system (DGPS). Bio encrustations from outcrops located near Camarones, Chubut, Argentina, consist of autochthonous deposits characterized by Austromegabalanus psittacus (Molina, 1782), encrusting acer vulinid foraminifera, coralline red algae and bryozoans. The association of the different organisms is interpreted as being associated with an intertidal environment, and they have been used as index points to establish the relative sea-level position. The main conclusion is that the relative sea-level between c. 7000 and 5300 cal. yr BP was in the range ofc. 2?4 m a.s.l., with a mean value of c. 3.5 m a.s.l. Our data seem to support the existence of different rates of relative sea-level fall in different sectors of Atlantic Patagonia during the Holocene and highlight the importance of a more precise and accurate relative sea-level estimation by producing new data and revisiting the indicative meaning of most of the indicators so far used in the area.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    An EARLINET early warning system for atmospheric aerosol aviation hazards

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    A stand-alone lidar-based method for detecting airborne hazards for aviation in near real time (NRT) is presented. A polarization lidar allows for the identification of irregular-shaped particles such as volcanic dust and desert dust. The Single Calculus Chain (SCC) of the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET) delivers high-resolution preprocessed data: the calibrated total attenuated backscatter and the calibrated volume linear depolarization ratio time series. From these calibrated lidar signals, the particle backscatter coefficient and the particle depolarization ratio can be derived in temporally high resolution and thus provide the basis of the NRT early warning system (EWS). In particular, an iterative method for the retrieval of the particle backscatter is implemented. This improved capability was designed as a pilot that will produce alerts for imminent threats for aviation. The method is applied to data during two diverse aerosol scenarios: first, a record breaking desert dust intrusion in March 2018 over Finokalia, Greece, and, second, an intrusion of volcanic particles originating from Mount Etna, Italy, in June 2019 over Antikythera, Greece. Additionally, a devoted observational period including several EARLINET lidar systems demonstrates the network’s preparedness to offer insight into natural hazards that affect the aviation sector.ACTRIS-2 654109ACTRIS preparatory phase 739530EUNADICS-AV 723986E-shape (EuroGEOSS Showcases: Applications Powered by Europe) 820852Ministry of Research and Innovation, Ontario 19PFE/17.10.2018Romanian National Core Program 18N/2019European Commission European Commission Joint Research Centre 72569

    D3.1 - Architettura dell'infrastruttura 3DLab-Sicilia e del "liquid lab"

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    Questo documento definisce due elementi fondamentali per il Progetto 3DLab-Sicilia sui quali si costruiscono le numerose applicazioni e i casi d’uso applicativi che sono stati discussi con ampio dettaglio nel deliverable “D4.1 – Analisi dettagliata dei requisiti dei casi d’uso“. Tali elementi sono rappresentati da: l’infrastruttura del progetto, comprensiva dei relativi elementi hardware e software; il “liquid lab”. Un ulteriore punto di contatto tra il presente rapporto e il deliverable D4.1 è rappresentato dall’adozione condivisa trasversalmente della tassonomia dell’hardware e del software relativi al progetto 3DLab-Sicilia. Per la descrizione dettagliata della tassonomia in oggetto si rimanda alla Sezione 2.1 e all’Appendice 1 del deliverable D4.1. Il presente documento è organizzato come segue. La Sezione 2 tratta, insieme ad una introduzione ai contenuti e alle finalità del presente deliverable, la descrizione dello stato dell’arte delle soluzioni oggetto di analisi in queste pagine. La Sezione 3 dettaglia ad alto livello l’architettura dell’infrastruttura del progetto per la Realtà Virtuale nelle 3 sedi selezionate in 3DLab-Sicilia: Catania, presso SWING:IT; Palermo, presso lo IEMEST; e Troina (EN), presso l’IRCCS-OASI. Nella Sezione 4 la descrizione e l’analisi tecnica dell’infrastruttura sono illustrate approfonditamente, ponendo il fuoco sui diversi elementi compresi al suo interno. Sono state analizzate le caratteristiche tecniche delle VR CAVE e dei Visori per Realtà Virtuale (VR) nonché dei dispositivi per la Realtà Aumentata (AR), i laser scanner 3D per i rilievi, i droni, il videocapillaroscopio e l’archivio digitale. La Sezione 5 dettaglia, infine, gli obiettivi, l’architettura e le caratteristiche del “liquid lab” che sarà realizzato nell’ambito del progetto
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