30 research outputs found

    Felföldy Lajos (1920–2016)

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    Felföldy Lajos (1920–2016) magyar botanika és hidrobiológia egyik legsokoldalúbb és legeredetibb egyénisége volt. Pályáját Soó Rezső irányításával kezdte, 1938 és 1946 között aktívan részt vett a debreceni és 1941–1942 között a kolozsvári Tudományegyetem Növénytani Tanszékén folyó geobotanikai kutatásokban. Számos tudományterületen maradandót alkotott. A légszennyezésnek az epifiton zuzmókra gyakorolt hatását vizsgáló kutatásai (1942) világviszonylatban is az elsők közé tartoznak. A Raunkiaer-féle növényi életforma-rendszeren belül elkülönítette a kétévesek (Hemitherophyta) életforma-típusát az egyévesekétől (1942). Úttörő szerepet játszott Magyarországon a vadon élő növényfajok citológiai (kariológiai) vizsgálatában (1947–1949). Foglalkozott növényélettannal (1951–1959), vizekben folyó primer produkcióval és algatenyésztéssel (1958–1960). 1972-ban életre hívta és 1990-ig szerkesztette a Vízügyi Hidrobiológia sorozatot. Megalapozta a magyarországi vízminőség-védelmet, amely a mai napig meghatározza a magyar hidrobiológusok szemléletét. 14 és 89 éves kora között legalább tízezer herbáriumi lapot gyűjtött. Nyugdíjba vonulása után a MTM Növénytár és az ELTE Füvészkert herbáriumi anyagának rendezésével, revíziójával foglalkozott, aktívan részt vett az Új Magyar Füvészkönyv elkészítésének munkálataiban. Munkáira egyszerre jellemző a természet iránti mély tisztelet, az elméleti megalapozottság és a gyakorlatiasság.</jats:p

    Autologous Adipocyte Derived Stem Cells Favour Healing in a Minipig Model of Cutaneous Radiation Syndrome

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    Cutaneous radiation syndrome (CRS) is the delayed consequence of localized skin exposure to high doses of ionizing radiation. Here we examined for the first time in a large animal model the therapeutic potential of autologous adipose tissue-derived stroma cells (ASCs). For experiments, Göttingen minipigs were locally gamma irradiated using a 60Co source at the dose of 50 Gy and grafted (n = 5) or not (n = 8). ASCs were cultured in MEM-alpha with 10% fetal calf serum and basic fibroblast growth factor (2 ng.mL−1) and post irradiation were intradermally injected on days 25, 46, 67 and finally between days 95 and 115 (50×106 ASCs each time) into the exposed area. All controls exhibited a clinical evolution with final necrosis (day 91). In grafted pigs an ultimate wound healing was observed in four out of five grafted animals (day 130 +/− 28). Immunohistological analysis of cytokeratin expression showed a complete epidermis recovery. Grafted ASCs accumulated at the dermis/subcutis barrier in which they attracted numerous immune cells, and even an increased vasculature in one pig. Globally this study suggests that local injection of ASCs may represent a useful strategy to mitigate CRS

    Fungal systematics and evolution : FUSE 6

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    Fungal Systematics and Evolution (FUSE) is one of the journal series to address the “fusion” between morphological data and molecular phylogenetic data and to describe new fungal taxa and interesting observations. This paper is the 6th contribution in the FUSE series—presenting one new genus, twelve new species, twelve new country records, and three new combinations. The new genus is: Pseudozeugandromyces (Laboulbeniomycetes, Laboulbeniales). The new species are: Albatrellopsis flettioides from Pakistan, Aureoboletus garciae from Mexico, Entomophila canadense from Canada, E. frigidum from Sweden, E. porphyroleucum from Vietnam, Erythrophylloporus flammans from Vietnam, Marasmiellus boreoorientalis from Kamchatka Peninsula in the Russian Far East, Marasmiellus longistipes from Pakistan, Pseudozeugandromyces tachypori on Tachyporus pusillus (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) from Belgium, Robillarda sohagensis from Egypt, Trechispora hondurensis from Honduras, and Tricholoma kenanii from Turkey. The new records are: Arthrorhynchus eucampsipodae on Eucampsipoda africanum (Diptera, Nycteribiidae) from Rwanda and South Africa, and on Nycteribia vexata (Diptera, Nycteribiidae) from Bulgaria; A. nycteribiae on Eucampsipoda africanum from South Africa, on Penicillidia conspicua (Diptera, Nycteribiidae) from Bulgaria (the first undoubtful country record), and on Penicillidia pachymela from Tanzania; Calvatia lilacina from Pakistan; Entoloma shangdongense from Pakistan; Erysiphe quercicola on Ziziphus jujuba (Rosales, Rhamnaceae) and E. urticae on Urtica dioica (Rosales, Urticaceae) from Pakistan; Fanniomyces ceratophorus on Fannia canicularis (Diptera, Faniidae) from the Netherlands; Marasmiellus biformis and M. subnuda from Pakistan; Morchella anatolica from Turkey; Ophiocordyceps ditmarii on Vespula vulgaris (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) from Austria; and Parvacoccum pini on Pinus cembra (Pinales, Pinaceae) from Austria. The new combinations are: Appendiculina gregaria, A. scaptomyzae, and Marasmiellus rodhallii. Analysis of an LSU dataset of Arthrorhynchus including isolates of A. eucampsipodae from Eucampsipoda africanum and Nycteribia spp. hosts, revealed that this taxon is a complex of multiple species segregated by host genus. Analysis of an SSU–LSU dataset of Laboulbeniomycetes sequences revealed support for the recognition of four monophyletic genera within Stigmatomyces sensu lato: Appendiculina, Fanniomyces, Gloeandromyces, and Stigmatomyces sensu stricto. Finally, phylogenetic analyses of Rhytismataceae based on ITS–LSU ribosomal DNA resulted in a close relationship of Parvacoccum pini with Coccomyces strobi.http://www.sydowia.at/index.htmpm2021Medical Virolog

    Co-encapsulation of probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus and Reishi medicinal mushroom (Ganoderma lingzhi) extract in moist calcium alginate beads

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    Abstract Probiotic L. acidophilus La-14 cells were co-encapsulated with Ganoderma lingzhi extract to prolong the viability of the cells under simulated gastrointestinal (SGI) condition and to protect the active ingredients of Reishi mushroom during the storage period. Combinations of distinctive reagents (sodium alginate, chitosan, maltose, Hydroxyethyl-cellulose (HEC), hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), and calcium lactate) were tested. Optimal double layer Ca-alginate hydrogel beads were fabricated with significantly improved characteristics. The incorporation of maltose significantly decreases the release rate of mushrooms’ phenolics, antioxidants, and β-glucan during the storage time. Significant improvement in probiotic cells viability under SGI condition has been found and confirmed by confocal laser microscopy in maltose containing double layer coated calcium alginate beads variants. The encapsulation of newly formulated prebiotic Reishi extract and probiotic L. acidophilus is creating a new potential food application for such medicinal mushrooms and natural products with unpleasant taste upon oral consumption

    Species diversity of Basidiomycota

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    Fungi are eukaryotes that play essential roles in ecosystems. Among fungi, Basidiomycota is one of the major phyla with more than 40,000 described species. We review species diversity of Basidiomycota from five groups with different lifestyles or habitats: saprobic in grass/forest litter, wood-decaying, yeast-like, ectomycorrhizal, and plant parasitic. Case studies of Agaricus, Cantharellus, Ganoderma, Gyroporus, Russula, Tricholoma, and groups of lichenicolous yeast-like fungi, rust fungi, and smut fungi are used to determine trends in discovery of biodiversity. In each case study, the number of new species published during 2009–2020 is analysed to determine the rate of discovery. Publication rates differ between taxa and reflect different states of progress for species discovery in different genera. The results showed that lichenicolous yeast-like taxa had the highest publication rate for new species in the past two decades, and it is likely this trend will continue in the next decade. The species discovery rate of plant parasitic basidiomycetes was low in the past ten years, and remained constant in the past 50 years. We also found that the establishment of comprehensive and robust taxonomic systems based on a joint global initiative by mycologists could promote and standardize the recognition of taxa. We estimated that more than 54,000 species of Basidiomycota will be discovered by 2030, and estimate a total of 1.4–4.2 million species of Basidiomycota globally. These numbers illustrate a huge gap between the described and yet unknown diversity in Basidiomycota

    Fungal Systematics and Evolution: FUSE 6

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    With only 138,000 formally described fungal species (Kirk 2019) out of an estimated 2.2–3.8 million (Hawksworth & Lücking 2017) to 6 million (Taylor et al. 2014), between 97.7 and 93.7% of fungal species are left to be characterized. These may be discovered in poorly studied habitats and geographic areas (e.g., tropical rainforests), as molecular novelties, within cryptic taxa, in fungal collections (e.g., new species hidden under current names and in unidentified material), and during studies of plant and insect collections (Hawksworth & Lücking 2017, Wijayawardene et al. 2020). This large discrepancy between described and undescribed species needs to be addressed and recent work has shown that mycologists are nowhere near levelling off the curve in describing new species (Hyde et al. 2020b). Together with other series—Fungal Biodiversity Profiles (Rossi et al. 2020), Fungal Diversity Notes (Hyde et al. 2020a), Fungal Planet (Crous et al. 2020a), Mycosphere Notes (Pem et al. 2019), New and Interesting Fungi (Crous et al. 2020b)—the Fungal Systematics and Evolution series published by Sydowia contributes to a much-needed acceleration of discovery and description of fungal diversity. The present paper is the sixth contribution in the FUSE series published by Sydowia, after Crous et al. (2015), Hernández-Restrepo et al. (2016), KrisaiGreilhuber et al. (2017), Liu et al. (2018), and Song et al. (2019). Altogether, one family, six genera, 67 species, and 22 combinations have been introduced in the FUSE series.publishedVersio