35 research outputs found

    Uhplc-hrms and gc-ms screening of a selection of synthetic cannabinoids and metabolites in urine of consumers

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    Background and Objectives: The use of synthetic cannabinoids has increased around the world. As a result, the implementation of accurate analysis in human biological matrices is relevant and fundamental. Two different analytical technologies, ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-high-resolution mass spectrometry (UHPLC-HRMS) and high-sensitivity gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) were used for the determination of three synthetic cannabinoids JWH-122, JWH 210, UR-144 and their metabolites in urine of consumers. Materials and Methods: Sample preparation included an initial hydrolysis with β-glucuronidase and liquid-liquid extraction. The UHPLC-HRMS method included a Kinetex 2.6 u Biphenyl 100A (100 × 2.1 mm, 2.6 µm) (Phenomenex, Italy) column with a gradient mobile phase consisting of mobile phase A (ammonium formate 2mM in water, 0.1% formic acid) and mobile phase B (ammonium formate 2mM in methanol/acetonitrile 50:50 (v/v), 0.1% formic acid) and a full-scan data-dependent MS2 (ddMS2) mode was used (mass range 100–1000 m/z). The GC-MS method employed an ultra-Inert Intuvo GC column (HP-5MS UI, 30 m × 250 µm i.d, film thickness 0.25 µm; Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA) and electron-impact (EI) mass spectra were recorded in total ion monitoring mode (scan range 40–550 m/z). Results: Both methods have been successfully used for screening of parent synthetic cannabinoids and their metabolites in urine samples of consumers. Conclusions: The screening method applied JWH-122, JWH-210, UR-144 and their metabolites in urine of consumers can be applied to other compounds of the JWH family

    Health and social problems associated with recent Novel Psychoactive Substance (NPS) use amongst marginalised, nightlife and online users in six European countries.

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    Continued diversification and use of new psychoactive substances (NPS) across Europe remains a public health challenge. The study describes health and social consequences of recent NPS use as reported in a survey of marginalised, nightlife and online NPS users in the Netherlands, Hungary, Portugal, Ireland, Germany and Poland (n = 3023). Some respondents were unable to categorise NPS they had used. Use of ‘herbal blends’ and ‘synthetic cannabinoids obtained pure’ was most reported in Germany, Poland and Hungary, and use of ‘branded stimulants’ and ‘stimulants/empathogens/nootropics obtained pure’ was most reported in the Netherlands. Increased heart rate and palpitation, dizziness, anxiety, horror trips and headaches were most commonly reported acute side effects. Marginalised users reported substantially more acute side effects, more mid- and long-term mental and physical problems, and more social problems. Development of country-specific NPS awareness raising initiatives, health and social service needs assessments, and targeted responses are warranted

    The dark side of drugs in films

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    The present article analyzes five popular movies with the aim of showing the non medical use of drugs, as well as the interest in the teaching of pharmacology. We have chosen three examples to illustrate them: the chemical submission, the lethal injection and the improvement of sexual performance. For the first case, we analyzed Buscando a Miguel (2007), Revenge (1990) and Murder, My Sweet (1944), Dead Man Walking (1995) for the second, and Something’s Gotta Give (2003) for the third. It is concluded that popular movies are an interesting option to illustrate the use of drugs for non medical purposes and allow the analysis of side effects and the consequences of its utilization.</p

    Dose-response pharmacological study of mephedrone and its metabolites: pharmacokinetics, serotoninergic effects, and impact of CYP2D6 genetic variation

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    Mephedrone (MEPH), the most widely consumed synthetic cathinone, has been associated with acute toxicity episodes. The aim of this report was to study its metabolic disposition and the impact of genetic variation of CYP2D6 on MEPH metabolism, in a dose range compatible with its recreational use. A randomized, crossover, phase I clinical trial was performed. Subjects received 50 and 100 mg (n = 3) and 150 and 200 mg (n = 6) of mephedrone and were genetically and phenotypically characterized for the CYP2D6 allelic variation. Our results showed a linear kinetics of mephedrone at the dose range assayed: plasma concentrations, cardiovascular and subjective effects, and blood serotonin concentrations all correlated in a dose-dependent manner. Mephedrone metabolic disposition is mediated by CYP2D6. Mephedrone pharmacology presented a linear dose-dependence within the range of doses tested. The metabolism of mephedrone by CYP2D6 implies that recreational users with no or low CYP2D6 functionality are exposed to unwanted acute toxicity episodes

    Neurocognitive performance following acute mephedrone administration, with and without alcohol

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    Recreational use of mephedrone, alone and in combination with alcohol, has increased over the past years. Pharmacological properties of mephedrone share similarities with methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), but its effect on neurocognitive function has not been well established in humans. The present study assessed the effect of mephedrone alone and after co-administration with alcohol on neurocognitive function. It was hypothesised that mephedrone would improve psychomotor performance but impair memory performance, when administered alone. Neurocognitive performance was expected to be impaired following mephedrone when combined with alcohol. Eleven participants received single doses of 200 mg mephedrone or placebo combined with 0.8 g/kg alcohol or placebo. Neurocognitive performance was assessed at baseline (T0), at one hour (T1) and four hours after (T2) mephedrone administration, by means of the Divided Attention Task (DAT), Critical Tracking Task (CTT), and the Spatial Memory Test (SMT). Mephedrone intoxication impaired short-term spatial memory at T1 and improved critical tracking performance at T2 Mephedrone alone did not affect divided attention, but did show an interaction with alcohol on reaction time at T2 Reaction time decreased when mephedrone was combined with alcohol as compared to alcohol alone. Alcohol intoxication impaired both short- and long-term spatial memory at T1 and divided attention at T1 and T2 Critical tracking performance was not affected by alcohol intoxication. The current findings support the hypothesis that mephedrone improves psychomotor performance, impairs spatial memory and does not affect divided attention performance. Stimulatory effects of mephedrone were not sufficient to compensate for the impairing effects of alcohol on most performance parameters