6 research outputs found

    Ecological speciation in sympatric palms: 2. Pre- and post-zygotic isolation

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    We evaluated reproductive isolation in two species of palms (Howea) that have evolved sympatrically on Lord Howe Island (LHI, Australia). We estimated the strength of some pre- and post-zygotic mechanisms in maintaining current species boundaries. We found that flowering time displacement between species is consistent across in and ex situ common gardens and is thus partly genetically determined. On LHI, pre-zygotic isolation due solely to flowering displacement was 97% for Howea belmoreana and 80% for H. forsteriana; this asymmetry results from H. forsteriana flowering earlier than H. belmoreana and being protandrous. As expected, only a few hybrids (here confirmed by genotyping) at both juvenile and adult stages could be detected in two sites on LHI, in which the two species grow intermingled (the Far Flats) or adjacently (Transit Hill). Yet, the distribution of hybrids was different between sites. At Transit Hill, we found no hybrid adult trees, but 13.5% of younger palms examined there were of late hybrid classes. In contrast, we found four hybrid adult trees, mostly of late hybrid classes, and only one juvenile F1 hybrid in the Far Flats. This pattern indicates that selection acts against hybrids between the juvenile and adult stages. An in situ reciprocal seed transplant between volcanic and calcareous soils also shows that early fitness components (up to 36 months) were affected by species and soil. These results are indicative of divergent selection in reproductive isolation, although it does not solely explain the current distribution of the two species on LHI

    Ecological speciation in sympatric palms: 1. Gene expression, selection and pleiotropy

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    Ecological speciation requires divergent selection, reproductive isolation and a genetic mechanism to link the two. We examined the role of gene expression and coding sequence evolution in this process using two species of Howea palms that have diverged sympatrically on Lord Howe Island, Australia. These palms are associated with distinct soil types and have displaced flowering times, representing an ideal candidate for ecological speciation. We generated large amounts of RNA-Seq data from multiple individuals and tissue types collected on the island from each of the two species. We found that differentially expressed loci as well as those with divergent coding sequences between Howea species were associated with known ecological and phenotypic differences, including response to salinity, drought, pH and flowering time. From these loci, we identified potential 'ecological speciation genes' and further validate their effect on flowering time by knocking out orthologous loci in a model plant species. Finally, we put forward six plausible ecological speciation loci, providing support for the hypothesis that pleiotropy could help to overcome the antagonism between selection and recombination during speciation with gene flow

    Ecological speciation in sympatric palms : 3. Genetic map reveals genomic islands underlying species divergence in Howea

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    Although it is now widely accepted that speciation can occur in the face of continuous gene flow, with little or no spatial separation, the mechanisms and genomic architectures that permit such divergence are still debated. Here, we examined speciation in the face of gene flow in the Howea palms of Lord Howe Island, Australia. We built a genetic map using a novel method applicable to long‐lived tree species, combining it with double digest restriction site–associated DNA sequencing of multiple individuals. Based upon various metrics, we detected 46 highly differentiated regions throughout the genome, four of which contained genes with functions that are particularly relevant to the speciation scenario for Howea, specifically salt and drought tolerance

    Rapid parallel adaptation to anthropogenic heavy metal pollution

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    The impact of human-mediated environmental change on the evolutionary trajectories of wild organisms is poorly understood. In particular, species’ capacities to adapt rapidly (in hundreds of generations or less), reproducibly and predictably to extreme environmental change is unclear. Silene uniflora is predominantly a coastal species, but it has also colonised isolated, disused mines with phytotoxic, zinc-contaminated soils. To test whether rapid, parallel adaptation to anthropogenic pollution has taken place, we used reduced representation sequencing (ddRAD) to reconstruct the evolutionary history of geographically proximate mine and coastal population pairs and found largely independent colonisation of mines from different coastal sites. Furthermore, our results show that parallel evolution of zinc tolerance has occurred without gene flow spreading adaptive alleles between mine populations. In genomic regions where signatures of selection were detected across multiple mine-coast pairs, we identified genes with functions linked to physiological differences between the putative ecotypes, although genetic differentiation at specific loci is only partially shared between mine populations. Our results are consistent with a complex, polygenic genetic architecture underpinning rapid adaptation. This shows that even under a scenario of strong selection and rapid adaptation, evolutionary responses to human activities (and other environmental challenges) may be idiosyncratic at the genetic level and, therefore, difficult to predict from genomic data

    Desarrollo de las habilidades de expresión oral mediante los juegos verbales en los estudiantes de la I.E. Nº 45 del Distrito de Pachacútec, Ica.

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    Trabajo academicoEl presente proyecto de innovación es de naturaleza pedagógica porque consiste en aplicar los juegos verbales para mejorar la expresión oral en los estudiantes, ya que la comunicación oral es la entrada a la socialización y al medio a través del cual los niños y niñas pueden manifestar sus ideas, opiniones, propuestas, dudas, inquietudes y sentimientos, así como transmitir información y conocimientos. Durante el proceso de planificación y ejecución del proyecto se abordará la dimensión institucional porque estará colocado en un objetivo estratégico del Proyecto Educativo Institucional (PEI) y las actividades y acciones en el Plan Anual de Trabajo (PAT). En la dimensión administrativa las actividades serán financiadas con aporte de la institución, en la dimensión pedagógica se capacitará a los docentes, los mismos que planificarán y ejecutarán sesiones de aprendizaje con estrategias innovadoras para los estudiantes, también se fortalecerán con los círculos de interaprendizaje, donde los docentes intercambiarán sus experiencias pedagógicas. Habrá recojo, análisis y sistematización de información durante el monitoreo y acompañamiento a las docentes. Esto nos ayudará a tomar decisiones pertinentes para resolver el problema. Asimismo, en la dimensión comunitaria se involucrará a los padres de familia en las actividades educativas de sus hijos y a otros aliados estratégicos que nos apoyen a mejorar los aprendizajes

    Molecular Clocks and Archeogenomics of a Late Period Egyptian Date Palm Leaf Reveal Introgression from Wild Relatives and Add Timestamps on the Domestication

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    The date palm, Phoenix dactylifera, has been a cornerstone of Middle Eastern and North African agriculture for millennia. It was first domesticated in the Persian Gulf, and its evolution appears to have been influenced by gene flow from two wild relatives, P. theophrasti, currently restricted to Crete and Turkey, and P. sylvestris, widespread from Bangladesh to the West Himalayas. Genomes of ancient date palm seeds show that gene flow from P. theophrasti to P. dactylifera may have occurred by ∼2,200 years ago, but traces of P. sylvestris could not be detected. We here integrate archeogenomics of a ∼2,100-year-old P. dactylifera leaf from Saqqara (Egypt), molecular-clock dating, and coalescence approaches with population genomic tests, to probe the hybridization between the date palm and its two closest relatives and provide minimum and maximum timestamps for its reticulated evolution. The Saqqara date palm shares a close genetic affinity with North African date palm populations, and we find clear genomic admixture from both P. theophrasti, and P. sylvestris, indicating that both had contributed to the date palm genome by 2,100 years ago. Molecular-clocks placed the divergence of P. theophrasti from P. dactylifera/P. sylvestris and that of P. dactylifera from P. sylvestris in the Upper Miocene, but strongly supported, conflicting topologies point to older gene flow between P. theophrasti and P. dactylifera, and P. sylvestris and P. dactylifera. Our work highlights the ancient hybrid origin of the date palms, and prompts the investigation of the functional significance of genetic material introgressed from both close relatives, which in turn could prove useful for modern date palm breeding