3,559 research outputs found

    A note on stability conditions for planar switched systems

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    This paper is concerned with the stability problem for the planar linear switched system x˙(t)=u(t)A1x(t)+(1−u(t))A2x(t)\dot x(t)=u(t)A_1x(t)+(1-u(t))A_2x(t), where the real matrices A1,A2∈R2×2A_1,A_2\in \R^{2\times 2} are Hurwitz and u(⋅)[0,∞[→{0,1}u(\cdot) [0,\infty[\to\{0,1\} is a measurable function. We give coordinate-invariant necessary and sufficient conditions on A1A_1 and A2A_2 under which the system is asymptotically stable for arbitrary switching functions u(⋅)u(\cdot). The new conditions unify those given in previous papers and are simpler to be verified since we are reduced to study 4 cases instead of 20. Most of the cases are analyzed in terms of the function \Gamma(A_1,A_2)={1/2}(\tr(A_1) \tr(A_2)- \tr(A_1A_2)).Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Local properties of almost-Riemannian structures in dimension 3

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    A 3D almost-Riemannian manifold is a generalized Riemannian manifold defined locally by 3 vector fields that play the role of an orthonormal frame, but could become collinear on some set \Zz called the singular set. Under the Hormander condition, a 3D almost-Riemannian structure still has a metric space structure, whose topology is compatible with the original topology of the manifold. Almost-Riemannian manifolds were deeply studied in dimension 2. In this paper we start the study of the 3D case which appear to be reacher with respect to the 2D case, due to the presence of abnormal extremals which define a field of directions on the singular set. We study the type of singularities of the metric that could appear generically, we construct local normal forms and we study abnormal extremals. We then study the nilpotent approximation and the structure of the corresponding small spheres. We finally give some preliminary results about heat diffusion on such manifolds

    Targeting the Structural Balance

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    This paper discusses whether a country should conduct fiscal policy by targeting a structural (or cyclically adjusted) fiscal balance. The paper is divided into three sections. The first section discusses the concept of cyclically adjusted balance (CAB) and points out practical and conceptual problems related to the interpretation and the measurement of a CAB. The second section discusses the theoretical rationale for having a fiscal rule in general and a rule defined in terms of a cyclically adjusted balance in particular. The third section discusses conceptual and practical problems with adopting fiscal rules and rules that target the structural balance.

    Indagini dirette e fonti amministrative: dall'alternativa all'ancora incompiuta integrazione

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    The focus of the paper is about the relationships between registers (an censuses) and surveys in the in the Italian official statistics. After a brief introduction on the historical background, marked by a polarization between the two strategies of data collection, the focus is on the 1980s and early '90s. Under the presidency of Guido M. Rey a new strategy is embraced, based on the integration of different data sources. The main accomplishments, and shortcomings, of this strategy are presented and discussed. The final part of the paper is devoted to a critical assessment of the still unsatisfactory state of the art today, and to broad suggestions for a reasonable way out

    Preparation and voltammetric characterization of electrodes coated with Langmuir-Schaefer ultrathin films of NafionÂź

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    Ultrathin films of NafionÂź perfluorinated polymer were deposited on indium-tin oxide electrodes (ITO) by using Langmuir-Schaefer (LS) technique, after optimization of the subphase composition conditions. Morphological characteristics of these coatings were obtained by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). NafionÂź LS films showed a good uniformity and complete coverage of the electrode surface, however a different organization degree of the polymer layer was evidenced with respect to thin films deposited by spin-coating. ITO electrodes modified with NafionÂź LS coatings preconcentrate by ion-exchange electroactive cations, such as Ru[(NH3)6]3+, dissolved in diluted solutions. The electroactive species is retained by the NafionÂź LS coated ITO also after transfer of the modified electrode into pure supporting electrolyte. This allowed the use of the ruthenium complex as voltammetric probe to test diffusion phenomena within the NafionÂź LS films. Apparent diffusion coefficients (Dapp) of Ru[(NH3)6]3+ incorporated in NafionÂź LS films were obtained by voltammetric measurements. Dapp values decrease slightly by increasing the amount of ruthenium complex incorporated in the ultrathin film. They are significantly lower than values typical for recasted NafionÂź films, in agreement with the highly condensed nature of the NafionÂź LS fims. Filmes ultrafinos do polĂ­mero perfluorado NafionÂź foram depositados em eletrodos de Ăłxido Ă­ndio-titĂąnio (ITO) usando a tĂ©cnica de Langmuir-Scaefer (LS), depois da otimização das condiçÔes de composição da subfase. As caracterĂ­sticas morfolĂłgicas das camadas foram obtidas por Microscopia de Força AtĂŽmica (AFM). Filmes de NafionÂź LS mostraram boa uniformidade e cobertura completa da superfĂ­cie do eletrodo. No entanto, diferentes graus de organização das camadas polimĂ©ricas ficaram evidentes com respeito a filmes finos depositados por revestimento rotacional. Eletrodos ITO modificados com camadas de NafionÂź LS, prĂ©-concentrados por cĂĄtions eletroativos de troca iĂŽnica, como o Ru[(NH3)6]3+, dissolveram-se em soluçÔes diluĂ­das. A espĂ©cie eletroativa foi retida pelo ITO com camada de NafionÂź LS, mesmo depois da mudança do eletrodo modificado para eletrodo de suporte purificado. Isto possibilitou o uso do complexo de rutĂȘnio como padrĂŁo voltamĂ©trico para o teste do fenĂŽmeno de difusĂŁo nos filmes de NafionÂź LS. Os coeficientes de difusĂŁo aparentes (Dapp) do Ru[(NH3)6]3+ incorporado no filme de NafionÂź LS foram obtidos por medidas voltamĂ©tricas. Os valores de Dapp diminuĂ­ram levemente com o aumento da quantidade de complexo de rutĂȘnio incorporado no filme ultrafino e foram significativamente mais baixos do que os valores para filmes de NafionÂź recapados, em acordo com a natureza altamente condensada dos filmes de NafionÂź LS

    Light Logics and the Call-by-Value Lambda Calculus

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    The so-called light logics have been introduced as logical systems enjoying quite remarkable normalization properties. Designing a type assignment system for pure lambda calculus from these logics, however, is problematic. In this paper we show that shifting from usual call-by-name to call-by-value lambda calculus allows regaining strong connections with the underlying logic. This will be done in the context of Elementary Affine Logic (EAL), designing a type system in natural deduction style assigning EAL formulae to lambda terms.Comment: 28 page


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    This chapter reviews the recent advances taking place in the field of polymer based electrochemical sensors, in particular nanoelectrode ensembles (NEEs). In these sensors the polymer plays a crucial role in determining the specific characteristics and analytical performances. Synthetic approaches as well as principles of functioning and specific advantages and limits of NEEs are critically discussed. Useful examples of application to determinations of trace and ultratrace concentrations of inorganic and organic electroactive molecules of interest for environmental and biomedical analysis are given along with prospects in the future development of polymer based electrochemical sensors
