679 research outputs found

    Aristotle’s Analysis of Perception

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    This paper examines Aristotle’s assertion found in Posterior Analytics II 19 that perception is of the universal. Through a study of De Anima II 6 and III 6-8, where Aristotle describes the objects of perception and of intellect, the author argues that, for Aristotle, human perception is always of the universal as it is found in the particular because the unity of the individual substance guarantees the unity of the act of perception. Consequently, the analysis into three perceptible objects is merely the result of Aristotle’s analytical method used to study the act of perception.Ce texte examine l’affirmation d’Aristote qui se trouve dans les Seconds Analytiques II 19, que la perception porte sur l’universel. L’examen s’effectuera par le biais du De Anima II 6 et III 6-8 oĂč Aristote dĂ©crit les objets de la perception et de l’intellect. L’auteur soutient que selon Aristote, la perception humaine porte toujours sur l’universel contenu dans le particulier parce que l’unitĂ© de la substance individuelle est garante de l’unitĂ© de l’acte de perception. Par consĂ©quent, l’analyse en termes de trois objets de perception n’est que le rĂ©sultat de la mĂ©thode analytique qu’Aristote emploie afin d’étudier l’acte de perception

    Admiring intuition : an examination of nous in Aristotle's Posterior Analytics II. 19

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    Bien que la noĂ©tique aristotĂ©licienne soit Ă  l’origine de nombreux travaux et commentaires Ă  travers les siĂšcles, trĂšs peu d'entre eux font une lecture articulĂ©e du nous tel que prĂ©sentĂ© dans les Seconds analytiques d’Aristote. Cette dissertation a pour but d* en faire 1'analyse Ă  partir du chapitre H. 19, ou Aristote parle d’un Ă©tat du nous exprimant les principes de la science rĂ©sultant d’une induction prenant racine dans les sens et la connaissance sensible. En comparant le nous avec la science et les opĂ©rations discursives Ă©tudiĂ©es en logique d’une part, avec les sens et la connaissance sensible, surtout l’expĂ©rience humaine, d'autre part, la nature du nous est ainsi Ă©clairĂ©e. Il est montrĂ© que le nous signifie une opĂ©ration intuitive de l’intellect humain par laquelle l'ĂȘtre humain acquiert une connaissance, principalement de l’essence d’une substance

    Variability analysis of interconnect structures including general nonlinear elements in SPICE-type framework

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    A stochastic modelling method is developed and implemented in a SPICE framework to analyse variability effects on interconnect structures including general nonlinear element

    The admission experience survey italian version (I-AES). a factor analytic study on a sample of 156 acute psychiatric in-patients

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    Coercive treatments are often regarded as an inevitable and yet highly debated feature of psychiatric care. Perceived coercion is often reported by patients involuntarily committed as well as their voluntary counterparts. The Admission Experience Survey (AES) is a reliable tool for measuring perceived coercion in mental hospital admission. We developed the Italian AES (I-AES) through translation back-translation and administered it to 156 acutely hospitalized patients (48% women, 69% voluntarily committed) in two university hospitals in Rome (Policlinico Umberto I, Sant'Andrea Hospital). A principal component analysis (PCA) with equamax rotation was conducted. The I-AES showed good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.90); Guttmann split-half relia- bility coefficient was 0.90. AES total score significantly differed between voluntary and involuntary committed patients (5.08 ± 4.1 vs. 8.1 ± 4.9, p < .05). PCA disclosed a three-factor solution explaining 59.3 of the variance. Some discrepancies were found between the factor structure of the I-AES and the original version. I- AES total score was positively associated with numbers of previous involuntarily hospitalization (r = 0.20, p < .05) and psychiatric symptoms' severity (r = 0.22, p < .02). I-AES and its proposed new factor structure proved to be reliable to assess perceived coercion in mental hospital admission. Consequently, it may represent a helpful instrument for the study and reduction of patients' levels of perceived coercion

    Politica linguistica, democrazia e plurilinguismo: quali prospettive?

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    From the point of view of political philosophy, the relationship between literacy and democracy appears quite problematic, if the issue of linguistic diversity is set aside. The debate between equalitarian liberals and multiculturalists emerging with the rise of multiculturalism as a theoretical paradigm has highlighted that the historical affirmation of the Western nation-state has been built upon the negation of internal linguistic diversity, favoring some languages over others, a trend which has not lost its strength with the advent of democracy. However, one of the main results of such debate, largely indebted to the Rawlsian conception of justice, has been seemingly the idea that the extended promotion of plurilingualism (that is, a kind of promotion which does not aim to support second or third language acquisition only for the benefit of the so called ‘minority’ or ‘disadvantaged’ groups and languages) could not be a viable alternative for contemporary democratic theory to ameliorate its performance. Drawing upon the field of language policy, this article envisages showing that such a result is tied to a certain number of theoretical assumptions concerning language, which are controversial both in political philosophy and in linguistic theory. In the final section, the article tries to provide some suggestions to develop a reflection more open towards the extended promotion of plurilingualism and to acknowledge the human ability to learn more than one linguistic code

    On time-horizons based post-processing of flow forecasts

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    Post-processing raw stream flow forecasts are generally understood as estimating the univariate predictive density of stage or discharge values at selected future time steps, which is conditional on a single or multiple streamflow forecasts and observations up to the forecast start time to. The predictive density indicates to a forecaster in the most comprehensive way which flood level is likely to be expected. To this end, a variety of post-processing methods were proposed, which have respective strengths and weaknesses. These methods focus near-exclusively on the probabilistic forecast of the predictand at a single set future time ti, without addressing the predictive capability over the sequence of temporal sub-horizons (to, t1] ⊂ (to, t2] ⊂ 
 ⊂ (to, tk] nested into the overall forecast horizon. Here, we demonstrate the advantages of time-horizon dependent processing of streamflow forecasts, which evaluates the evolution of the predictive density over the sub-horizons by considering the temporal correlation among forecast ensemble members in addition to their cross-correlation with observations. The resulting probabilistic forecast consists of a multivariate distribution of stages and/or discharges at lagged forecasting times. These multivariate predictive distributions have the advantage of providing the likelihood of exceeding a critical threshold during the forecasting horizon while simultaneously offering valuable insights into the expected time of such exceedance. This approach supports not only decisions on issuing timely flood warnings but also the planing and roll-out of mitigating actions

    Beyond the Weakly Hard Model: Measuring the Performance Cost of Deadline Misses

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    Most works in schedulability analysis theory are based on the assumption that constraints on the performance of the application can be expressed by a very limited set of timing constraints (often simply hard deadlines) on a task model. This model is insufficient to represent a large number of systems in which deadlines can be missed, or in which late task responses affect the performance, but not the correctness of the application. For systems with a possible temporary overload, models like the m-K deadline have been proposed in the past. However, the m-K model has several limitations since it does not consider the state of the system and is largely unaware of the way in which the performance is affected by deadline misses (except for critical failures). In this paper, we present a state-based representation of the evolution of a system with respect to each deadline hit or miss event. Our representation is much more general (while hopefully concise enough) to represent the evolution in time of the performance of time-sensitive systems with possible time overloads. We provide the theoretical foundations for our model and also show an application to a simple system to give examples of the state representations and their use

    Beyond the Weakly Hard Model: Measuring the Performance Cost of Deadline Misses (Artifact)

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    This document provides a brief description of the artifact material related to the paper "Beyond the Weakly Hard Model: Measuring the Performance Cost of Deadline Misses". The code provided in the artifact implements the algorithms presented in the paper and all the experimental tests
