121 research outputs found

    Analisis Penanganan Carding dan Perlindungan Nasabah dalam Kaitannya dengan Undang- Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik No.11 Tahun 2008

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    Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) secara langsung dan tidaklangsung berpotensi melahirkan kejahatan-kejahatan siber (Cybercrime)khususnya Carding. UU ITE No.11 tahun 2008 merupakan jaminankepastian hukum yang akan membuat seluruh aktivitas pemanfaatanTIK di dalam negeri terlindungi dengan baik dari potensi kejahatan danpenyalahgunaan teknologi. Kepastian hukum ini juga harus dirasakanoleh pelaku industri kartu kredit termasuk kastemer. Dengan cara inimaka bertransaksi di internet dengan menggunakan kartu kredit sebagaialat pembayaran dapat berlangsung secara aman dan nyaman.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatifdengan tambahan analisa data statistik untuk mengkaji penanganancarding di Bank X. Pada prakteknya UU ITE No.11 tahun 2008 dapatmenjadi landasan penegakan hukum yang baru di bidang kartu kredityang pemakaiannya dalam bidang pembayaran sudah semakin meluasterutama pada perdagangan elektronik (e-commerce). Untuk itu perlusegera diupayakan sosialisasi UU ITE No.11 tahun 2008 ke seluruhpemangku kepentingan untuk melindungi industri kartu kredit darikejahatan kerah putih

    Aktivitas Antivirus Beberapa Ekstrak Tanaman Terhadap Bean Common Mosaic Virus Strain Black Eye Cowpea (BCMV-BIC) Pada Kacang Panjang

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    Antivirus actitivity of several plant extracts against Bean common mosaic virus strain Black eye cowpea (BCMV-BlC) on Yard long bean. Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) is an important virus on yard long bean and it is difficult to control. One of control effort way by utilizing antiviral substances of plant origin. The research was done to select and test the effectiveness of plant extracts in suppressing BCMV infection on yard long bean. Twenty two plant extracts were selected by (1) spraying the crude extract to Chenopodium amaranticolor leaves, then plant inoculated by BCMV 1 hour after spraying, and (2) mixturing the crude extract with sap containing BCMV, then inoculated mechanically to C. amaranticolor. Local necrotic lesion number and inhibition percentage are measured. All plant extract treatments were able to reduce Necrotic lokal lesion formation significantly compared to untreatment control. Further, fifteen plant extracts were selected to test their effectiveness in controlling BCMV on yard long bean in green house trial. The results showed that except geranium and red ginger treatment, other extract treatments were able to reduce significantly the disease incidence and severity, symptoms, and BCMV titer, respectively. Among tested extracts, Bougainvillea spectabilis, Mirabilis jalapa, and Celosia cristata are the most effective crude extracts in suppressing BCMV infection

    Pola Warna Hasil Persilangan Kambing Boer dengan Kambing Jawarandu

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    : This research aims to know the pattern of Boerja goat color which is the result of the crossbreeding of Boer goats with Jawarandu goats. This research was conducted at the Edrian Bulle Farm, Lampung. The object of this research used livestock material of 303 Boerja goats which consists of 217 F1, 56 F2, 19 F3, and 11 F4. The parameters include the color composition of the body part Boerja goat. The data that has been collected is processed and analyzed descriptively. The result of this research illustrates that the color that appears in Boerja goat are brown and white. The Boerja goat has a brown and white head and neck, while the Boerja goat has white fur on the surface of the body, legs, and tail. In general, the Boerja goat's color is a combination of Jawarandu goat color that spread following the pattern of Boer goat color.: This research aims to know the pattern of Boerja goat color which is the result of the crossbreeding of Boer goats with Jawarandu goats. This research was conducted at the Edrian Bulle Farm, Lampung. The object of this research used livestock material of 303 Boerja goats which consists of 217 F1, 56 F2, 19 F3, and 11 F4. The parameters include the color composition of the body part Boerja goat. The data that has been collected is processed and analyzed descriptively. The result of this research illustrates that the color that appears in Boerja goat are brown and white. The Boerja goat has a brown and white head and neck, while the Boerja goat has white fur on the surface of the body, legs, and tail. In general, the Boerja goat's color is a combination of Jawarandu goat color that spread following the pattern of Boer goat color


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    The purpose of this research is to know the understanding about the cross of Christbased on John 19:17-25. This research was focused on Rawamangun CongregationChurch, East Jakarta.This research has three main basic indicators, the definition of the cross of Christbased on the Greece as the original language in the New Testament, the cause achange of the cross in Christianity and the use of symbol of cross that isincompatible with the Bible especially that derived from paganism.This research is divided into two parts, theoretical research and field research. Theresult of the theoretical research is about the notion of the cross of Christ based onGreek as the original language of the New Testament Bible, the cause a change ofthe cross in Christianity and the usage of the cross which is incompatible with theBible, especially from the unbelief.This research consisted of three parts: (1) What is the original word of cross in theBible? Some experts stated that the word of cross in the Bible originated from theword ‘stauros’ and ‘xulon.’These words have similar meaning that is a stud insteadof cross; (2) Definition of the cause a change of the cross in Christianity. Expertsstated that cross is a religious symbol that existed before the Christianity appeared.The symbol of cross is not used by the early church. Until to the 3rd century,Constantine, sun worshiper, brought symbol of the cross to Christianity as his statedvow, and; (3) The use of symbol of cross that is incompatible with the Bibleespecially that derived from paganism is something that is not very relevant becausecross is not a tool that is charged to Christ, then His people also do not use and lift upthe death tool that actually was not charged to Christ.The result of this research by using questionnaire that was shared to 40 GMAHKmembers of Rawamangun Congregation, where this questionnaire consisted of 24statements, yielded a data that can be concluded that the respondents have a goodunderstanding in answering the indicators. This happened because before theresearcher shared the questionnaire, firstly, the researcher explained about this lessonin a seminar

    Strategi Bertahan Hidup Anak Jalanan : Kasus Anak Jalanan di Kota Bogor, Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    The objective of this research is to understand how street children build their survival of strategy to continue their living. The method used for the research is survey method conducted in Bogor city of West Java. The study reveals that three forms of survival of strategies are usually built by street children. They range from simple form, middle form up to complex form. The forms of survival of strategy are strongly related to a number of factors, namely: age, sex, education level, and the reason why the children turn on the street (socio-psychological characteristic of street children). This research found some interesting findings that could provide a useful basis for formulating empowerment program targeting to street children. The findings can help increase the accuracy of empowerment program, since it can reduce incorrect assumption when the program is to be run

    Morphological and Structural Changes in Microcrystalline Cellulose from OPEFB by Mechanical Grinding

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    Microcrystalline cellulose derived from oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) was grinded in planetary ball mill with dry state (without solvent) and solvent-assisted (ethanol and acetone). The effect of dry state and solvent-assisted on morphological and structural changes of microcrystalline cellulose were investigated. The structure changes, including particle size, powder morphology, crystalline structure, and molecular structure during the mechanical grinding were investigated by Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer, SEM, XRD and FT-IR, respectively. The original fibrous microcrystalline cellulose was changed into irregular shape with finer micronized particles by dry state and solvent-assisted. SEM results showed that solvent-assisted significantly prevented the agglomeration phenomena during the grinding process, compared to dry state. The crystallinity after 4h solvent-assisted grinding showed fairly low crystallinity, while amorphous characteristic was observed with dry state grinding. The solvent-assisted led the hydrophilic parts of microcrystalline cellulose become stiff during the grinding that might be less deformed, leading to a fairly retain in crystallinity. The finer micronized particles were obtained under acetone-assisted and its crystallinity was fairly kept. XRD results indicated that crystalline form of origin microcrystalline was not changed by mechanical grinding

    Uji Cemaran Bakteriologis pada Jamu Tradisional yang Dijajakan secara Asongan di Kecamatan Medan Selayang

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    Jamu tradisional merupakan jamu yang perlu diketahui tingkat cemaran bakteri yang menjadi salah satu faktor cemaran suatu produk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis bakteri yang mencemari jamu tradisional yang dijajakan secara asongan di Kecamatan Medan Selayang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh sampel jamu tercemar oleh bakteri Bacillus subtilis sebagai flora normal udara bebas. 11 dari 16 sampel tercemar bakteri patogen yaitu Escherichia coli, Klebsiella oxytoca, Proteus mirabillis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa dan Staphylococcus aureus. Sedangkan 2 sampel tercemar Staphylococcus epidermidis.Traditional herbal medicine is a herbal medicine that needs to know the level of bacterial contamination which is one of the contaminating factors for a product. This study of study research is determine the types of bacteria that contaminate traditional herbal medicine sold in the street in Medan Selayang District. The results showed that all samples of traditional herbal medicine were contaminated by Bacillus subtilis as normal flora of free air. 11 of 16 samples were contaminated with pathogenic bacteria is Escherichia coli, Klebsiella oxytoca, Proteus mirabillis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. While 2 samples were contaminated with Staphylococcus epidermidis
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