11 research outputs found

    Agroforestry Based Education for Forest Edge Communities (Analysis of Agroforestry Education in MTs Pakis, Banyumas Regency)

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    Education is a right for every individual, but sometimes not everyone can get the education as expected. Forest edge communities residing in Pesawahan Hamlet, Gunung Lurah Village, Banyumas Regency are examples of people who cannot enjoy the beauty of education properly. The condition of remote areas, with access to transportation that is quite difficult, and the absence of telecommunications signals increasingly makes it difficult for forest edge communities to obtain proper education. MTs Pakis is a school that was built in the area of Pesawahan Hamlet as an effort to provide better education services for forest edge communities. The school has two methods of education and learning, namely formal education and learning methods and agroforestry education and learning methods. The agroforestry education method is carried out because of the condition of students who must continue to help their parents in the fields and rice fields even though they attend school. With agroforestry education, students not only receive subject matter indoors, but also gain expertise and skills related to agriculture and animal husbandry. This is done so that students get provisions for their daily lives


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    ABSTRAK Para pengguna media sosial telah menyadari bahwa informasi yang mereka unggah merupakan konsumsi umum serta terdapat kekhawatiran penyalahgunaan data, maka mereka membutuhkan privasi. Instagram merupakan media sosial yang populer di masyarakat, ini dikarenakan terdapat fitur yang menarik salah satunya adalah fitur close friend. Fitur ini memungkinkan penggunanya untuk membagikan aktivitas mereka kepada orang-orang terdekat saja. Melalui fitur ini, mereka bebas berekspresi di media sosial tanpa sadar akan dampaknya. Artinya, terdapat motif yang dilakukan sehingga para pengguna tetap menggunakan media sosial Instagram terutama di fitur close friend. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik penentuan informannya menggunakan purposive sampling, dengan kriteria informan yaitu merupakan mahasiswa S1 FISIP Unsoed, mempunyai akun Instagram dengan minimal 1000 pengikut, dan menggunakan fitur close friend (minimal 4 kali dalam seminggu). Metode pengambilan data yaitu observasi, wawancara, serta dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan simpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat 3 motif penggunaan fitur close friend yaitu motif arsip untuk memilah orang yang dapat melihat unggahan tersebut sehingga dapat dikenang kembali, motif kenyamanan yang digunakan untuk meraih kenyamanan saat bermain Instagram, dan motif privasi untuk memilah orang yang bisa masuk ke privasi pengguna akun Instagram. Kata Kunci: Fitur close friend, media sosial, Instagram, motif, dan mahasiswa.   ABSTRACT Social media users have realized that the information they upload is for public consumption and there are concerns about data misuse, so they need privacy. Instagram is a popular social media in the community, this is because there are interesting features, one of which is the close friend feature. This feature allows users to share their activities with the people closest to them. Through this feature, they are free to express themselves on social media without being aware of the impact. That is, some motives are carried out so that users continue to use Instagram social media, especially in the close friend feature. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method. The technique of determining the informant used purposive sampling, with the criteria of the informant being an undergraduate student at FISIP Unsoed, having an Instagram account with a minimum of 1000 followers, and using the close friend feature (at least 4 times a week). Data collection methods are observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used are data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The motive for using the close friend feature is the archival motive to sort out people who can see the upload so that it can be recalled, the comfort motive used to gain comfort when playing Instagram, and the privacy motive to sort out people who can enter the privacy of Instagram account users. Keywords : Features close friends, social media, Instagram, motives, and student

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Berkebutuhan Khusus (Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Disabilitas Fisik di Linggasari, Kembaran, Banyumas)

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    ABSTRAK Banyaknya jumlah disabilitas fisik di Indonesia menjadikan setiap daerah untuk memberikan pemberdayaan kepada penyandang disabilitas fisik. Pemberdayaan tersebut sangat penting, sehingga memerlukan perhatian dari berbagai lapisan masyarakat. Salah satu pihak yang mempunyai peran penting dalam proses pemberdayaan penyandang disabilitas fisik adalah pemerintah desa. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui, mendeskripsikan, dan menjelaskan tentang pemberdayaan bagi penyandang disabilitas fisik dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan disabilitas fisik di Linggasari, Kembaran, Banyumas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif sehingga dapat memperoleh data mendalam sesuai tujuan penelitian. Sumber data yang digunakan berupa data primer (hasil wawancara dan observasi) dan data sekunder (literatur dan hal lain yang mendukung data penelitian). Sasaran penelitian ini adalah disabilitas fisik, perangkat desa, masyarakat sekitar, dan Kasi Rehabilitasi Sosial Dinas Sosial Kabupaten Banyumas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, penyandang disabilitas mendapatkan pemberdayaan dari pemerintah pusat dan kabupaten dalam berbagai bentuk. Bentuk bantuan pemberdayaan para disabilitas seperti barang dan pelatihan. Adapun barang yang diberikan seperti sembako, tongkat, kursi roda, kasur, magic com, karpet. Adapun disabilitas fisik yang mengikuti pelatihan keterampilan di Solo, Yogyakarta, Purworejo, dan Semarang. Pemerintah Desa Linggasari memiliki peran sebagai penyalur bantuan dari dinas sosial kabupaten, memperbarui data disabilitas, mengajukan permintaan bantuan untuk disabilitas ke dinas sosial kabupaten dan kementerian sosial. Kata kunci: Disabilitas, Pemberdayaan, Kesejahteraan


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    Desa Gununglurah, di Kecamatan Cilongok, Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah merupakan wilayah yang hingga tahun 2011 masih sangat terkurung oleh lebatnya hutan dan lekuk-lekuk Gunung Slamet. Akses masyarakat setempat kepada pendidikan sangatlah rendah. Namun demikian, hingga kurun waktu setahun setelah itu, di tengah masih kuatnya kegagahan alam, MTs (Madrasah Tsanawiyah) PAKIS –Piety, Achievement, Knowledge, Integrity, Sincerity – dibangun dan dikembangkan oleh warga setempat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pendidikan. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kiprah MTs PAKIS di desa Gununglurah selama ini serta mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan upaya pengembangan sekolah komunitas itu sendiri. Penelitian yang mendasari tulisan ini dilaksanakan secara kualitatif dan data diperoleh melalui focused group discussion bersama murid dan para relawan MTs PAKIS serta orang tua murid MTs PAKIS. Sebagai sebuah lembaga pendidikan, MTs PAKIS meberikan layanan pendidikan melalui pemberian pelajaran-pelajaran umum sebagaimana di sekolah-sekolah SMP. Namun demikian, metode pembelajarannya tidak murni instruksional layaknya pendidikan formal. Belajar mandiri, membaca, dan berdiskusi adalah model pembelajaran utamanya. Bersamaan dengan itu, MTs PAKIS juga mengajak murid-muridnya untuk bercocok tanam, beternak, dan memelihara ikan di kolam. Hal ini dilakukan agar para murid mengenal lingkungan geografis, sosial, dan kultural wilayahnya sendiri. MTs PAKIS tentulah sekolah non-formal namun ia bukanlah model pendidikan masyarakat atau pusat kegiatan belajar masyarakat namun gabungan secara eklektik keduanya dan merupakan sekolah yang dibangun oleh-untuk-bagi masyarakat: sebuah sekolah komunitas. Meskipun model pendidikan tersebut tidak dikenal di dunia pendidikan namun merupakan alternatif lain bagi masyarakat dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas hidup dan kesejahteraannya sendiri di tengah keterbatasannya.  Gununglurah village, in Cilongok district, Banyumas regency, Central Java, is an area which in 2011 still surrounded by thick forest and valley of Slamet volcano. Its community has low access on education. However, a year later, in the middle of mighty surroundings, they build MTs (Madrasah Tsanawiyah) PAKIS –Piety, Achievement, Knowledge, Integrity, Sincerity – to cope with their need of education. The purpose of this article is to describe and explain educational process in MTs PAKIS and its developing progress as community school. The research as the basis of this article accomplished through qualitatuve method and the data collected through focused group discussion with MTs PAKIS volunteers, its students and their parents. As an educational institution, MTs PAKIS delivers educational service through general courses as in formal junior high school (SMP). However, its method of delivering such courses is not instructional as in formal school of SMP. Self taught by reading, learning, and discussion is the main method of MTs PAKIS in delivering educational activities. MTs PAKIS also brought the students to learn and practice farming, raising livestock, and home-fishing activities. These activities carried out in order to familiarized students with their surroundings. MTs PAKIS is non-formal school. However, it is not community education services or center of community learning activity. MTs PAKIS is an eclectic mix of them and a school build by-to-for the community: a community school. It is hardly to find its recognizeable definitions in the realm of education. Nevertheless, it is an alternative or complementory way for community to increase their quality of life and well-being in their own inadequacy.Key words: education, MTs PAKIS, Community schoo

    Policies to Protect Children during the Pandemic in Indonesia: Between Expectation and Reality

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    COVID-19 has affected Indonesia in the health aspect and social, economic, and human rights, especially for vulnerable groups. The pandemic also multiplied the injustice experienced by women, children, persons with disabilities, and the elderly. Hundreds of thousands of Indonesians died, experienced by not only the elderly, the most vulnerable group, but also the productive age population. Children have to face two kinds of threats at once, the threat of COVID-19 exposure and the potential of losing their parents. Abandoned forever by their father, mother, or both parents due to exposure to COVID-19, causing many children to be orphaned. According to the data of the Indonesian COVID-19 Handling Task Force, on July 20, 2021, 11,045 children were orphaned. Another data informed that the number of children exposed to COVID-19 was 350,000 children, and 777 children of that died. There are two main purposes of the study to answer the research problem. First, to identify the problems of children as the victims of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Second, to map out the policies and stakeholders which are able to provide protection for children as the victims of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The results of the study showed that various ministries and national governments have had certain policies to protect children as victims of the COVID-19 pandemic. Still, these policies have not integrated with each other and have not been implemented optimally in the regions.&nbsp

    Sobreturismo en Indonesia después de la pandemia de COVID-19: perspectiva de la psicología social

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    The tourism industry suffered a significant loss from the COVID-19 pandemic. However, in line with decreasing the COVID-19 impacts, recent tourism behavior may be the cause of a phenomenon called as overtourism. The aim of this study was to investigate the unique phenomena of overtourism in Indonesia after the COVID-19 pandemic through a social pyschological approach. By using a critical discourse analysis, this study finds that a negative emotion generated by the COVID-19 pandemic has led to “revenge tourism” caused by two years of isolation. After the transmission effect of COVID-19 is decreasing, people who experience psychological breakdown, vent their tourism interests simultaneously, which in turn causing overtourism. In the perspective of psychology, negative emotion that has been piled up during lockdown may be the reason of overtourism. Meanwhile, overtourism also has negative social impact. From social-psychology perspective, place attachment is one of the basic needs in all human. When the control over their environment was disrupted, this may lead to many problems. Uncontrolled overtourism causes environmental damage and reducing the quality of tourism. Thus, this study suggests that the government and stakeholders collaborate to mitigate tourism disasters to prevent the threat of overtourism to tourism sustainability.La industria del turismo sufrió una pérdida significativa por la pandemia de COVID-19. Sin embargo, en línea con la disminución de los impactos de COVID-19, el comportamiento turístico reciente puede ser la causa de un fenómeno llamado sobreturismo. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar los fenómenos únicos del sobreturismo en Indonesia después de la pandemia de COVID-19 a través de un enfoque psicológico social. Mediante un análisis crítico del discurso, este estudio encuentra que una emoción negativa generada por la pandemia de COVID-19 ha llevado al “turismo de venganza” provocado por dos años de aislamiento. Después de que el efecto de transmisión de COVID-19 está disminuyendo, las personas que experimentan un colapso psicológico ventilan sus intereses turísticos simultáneamente, lo que a su vez provoca un exceso de turismo. Desde la perspectiva de la psicología, la emoción negativa acumulada durante el confinamiento puede ser la razón del exceso de turismo. Mientras tanto, el exceso de turismo también tiene un impacto social negativo. Desde la perspectiva de la psicología social, el apego al lugar es una de las necesidades básicas de todo ser humano. Cuando se interrumpe el control sobre su entorno, esto puede generar muchos problemas. El exceso de turismo descontrolado provoca daños ambientales y reduce la calidad del turismo. Por lo tanto, este estudio sugiere que el gobierno y las partes interesadas colaboren para mitigar los desastres turísticos para prevenir la amenaza del turismo excesivo a la sostenibilidad del turismo

    Social Capital For Rural Community During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Banyumas Regency

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted Indonesian society. In addition to having an effect on the community’s socioeconomic aspects, it also has an effect on the health aspect. The most important factor in preventing and managing the effects of COVID-19 is how to foster social cohesion and make use of all community resources, especially its social capital. Finding out the social capital of rural communities amid the current COVID-19 outbreak is therefore urgently needed. This study’s specific goal is to examine the social capital that exists in rural Banyumas Regency villages during the COVID-19 pandemic and how such social capital influences local activities and rural populations’ social relations. A case study technique and a descriptive qualitative methodology were used to perform this study. The researcher will conduct in-depth interviews and direct observations to gather data. The Banyumas Regency’s rural settlements will be chosen for the study depending on the researcher’s criteria (purposive sampling). The findings demonstrated that several Banyumas Regency village areas had powerful social capital through social networks and community trust. Still, different things also occurred in several other regions, where the level of trust between community members had decreased since the pandemic. The social network that should exist in the community disintegrates or fails to form due to the drop in confidence. Keywords: Social Capital, Village Community, COVID-19 Pandemi

    Banyumas Local Government’s Failure Regarding the Garbage Management Law and Social Change

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    By the end of 2016, Banyumas local government decided to shut down Tempat Pembuangan Akhir Gunung Tugel. The purpose of this paper is to show the failure of Banyumas local government to deal with the social change they made and to show legal and sociological excess caused by that failure. From a methodological standpoint, this paper operates both normative and socio-legal approaches. The results are, first, Banyumas local government unable to deal with the social change they made. Second, Banyumas local government needs a new Peraturan Daerah to substitute the prior Peraturan Daerah to improve garbage management.A finales de 2016, el gobierno local de Banyumas decidió cerrar Tempat Pembuangan Akhir Gunung Tugel. El propósito de este artículo es mostrar el fracaso del gobierno local de Banyumas para hacer frente al cambio social que hicieron y mostrar el exceso legal y sociológico causado por ese fracaso. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, este trabajo opera con un enfoque tanto normativo como socio-legal. El resultado es, primero, que el gobierno local de Banyumas no puede hacer frente al cambio social que hicieron. En segundo lugar, el gobierno local necesita un nuevo Peraturan Daerah para sustituir al Peraturan Daerah anterior para mejorar la gestión de basura

    Pendekatan Media Alternatif untuk Mendukung Pendidikan Seks yang Komprehensif Bagi Anak

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    Keberadaan pendidikan seks seringkali dianggap sebagai hal yang tabu. Hal ini menjadi tanda bahwa masyarakat tidak terbuka terhadap fenomena yang bisa berdampak pada banyak hal. Sepanjang mempunyai dampak jangka panjang terhadap tumbuh kembang anak, maka pendidikan seksual harus disajikan dalam bentuk yang komprehensif. Tujuan penelitian ini berupaya menelusuri persoalan pendidikan seks di Sekolah Hompimpaa. Proses tersebut nantinya menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana kondisi pendidikan seks di Sekolah Hompimpaa, untuk selanjutnya dibuat media pembelajaran alternatif yang komprehensif. Menggunakan metode kualitatif, artikel ini mengumpulkan data melalui observasi dan wawancara dengan para pendiri, fasilitator dan orang tua di Sekolah Hompimpaa. Artikel ini berlandaskan keprihatinan penulis terhadap kebingungan orang tua dalam menyikapi tumbuh kembang anak seiring berkembangnya arus informasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan seksual sebaiknya dilakukan sejak usia dini. Hal ini dilatarbelakangi oleh maraknya fenomena sosial yang merugikan generasi mendatang. Pemanfaatan media berupa Kokoru dan cerita anak dapat menjadi alternatif pendidikan seksual yang melibatkan sinergi antara orang tua, anak dan fasilitator di sekolah