16 research outputs found


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    Abstract. This research deals with the production of fillers used by teacher and lecturer in the teaching process. The study involved two subjects: one female teacher and one female lecturer in Surabaya. The problems to be examined in the study were the types, the frequency of occurrences and the functions of fillers used by the two subjects. In the study, the writer mainly adopted Rose’s (1998) theory on the types of fillers, combined with similar notions on the types and functions of fillers from Stenström (1994) and Baalen (2001). The the study adopts a descriptive qualitative approach, focusing on the types and the functions of fillers. As the source of data, the writer took two class meetings, in which each teaching process was done by the two subjects. In the data analysis, the writer found that the female lecturer produces fewer fillers than the female teacher. The female teacher produced 346 fillers in the teaching process, while the female lecturer produced 665 fillers in the teaching process. Secondly, the data showed that both the female teacher and lecturer produced more unlexicalized than the lexicalized fillers. In the function of the fillers, the writer found that the types of fillers produced by both the female teacher and lecturer had the functions as a holder the turn, as a mark of hesitation, as empathizers, as time-creating devices, and as an editing term. As a conclusion, the writer concludes that the situation in the teaching process affects the types and the functions of the fillers. Key words: spoken discourse, classroom interaction, types and functions of filler

    The Vitality of Balantak Language in a Multilingual Society at Banggai Regency

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    The primary aim of this paper is to examine the degree of language vitality in the Banggai District by analysing patterns of language usage and intergenerational language transmission within the family domain. Luwuk Banggai serves as the primary hub for educational and commercial activities within the Banggai Regency. The presence of diverse languages in the Banggai Region has resulted in a multilingual society. The Malay Manado language is frequently employed as a lingua franca in addition to the Indonesian language and the three other indigenous languages. The prevalence of these two languages has been contributing to the gradual decline or potential extinction of the Balantak, Banggai, and Saluan languages in the near future. The Balantak Language warrants greater attention due to its relatively small number of speakers in comparison to the two other indigenous languages. This study examines the factors that influence the preservation of local languages within the family domain, as well as the specific areas in which these languages are maintained. Additionally, the obstacles encountered in this preservation process are explored. The research employs a qualitative methodology. The data are acquired by the utilisation of observation, interviews, and document analysis techniques. The present study has identified multiple elements that provide obstacles in the preservation and upkeep of this particular language


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    This research aims to describe the distribution of verb and verbal morphological elements of Balantak language in Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi. Balantak as one of the local languages in this regency used by the people as a local language spread into 3 sub districts, such as North Balantak, Central Balantak, and South Balantak, but nowadays there are only under 3.000 speakers who speak this language actively from the total of the citizen is 354.402 and it is dying nowdays. Moreover, this local language is surrounded by other local languages, such as Manado, Bajo, Saluan and Andio, also Indonesian language as a national language. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach. Technique of data collection in this research is direct method. Researcher himself collects the data from the field of the research, which has 34 villages. The findings are very interesting, because this is the very first research on verb and verbal morphology of Balantak language, such as stative verbs, intransitive verbs, transitive verbs and modes

    The Reduplication Process of Balantak Language: A Minority Austronesian Language of Eastern Sulawesi

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    Indonesia has many local languages. One of the local languages used in Indonesia is Balantak language. It is used by people who live in 5 (five) sub-districts in Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi. In Balantak language, there are a number of words which are formed by using reduplication. Reduplication is found in many languages but is quite diverse as a process and in its. Due to reduplicated words in Balantak language, the writers are interested in analyzing the problem statement about: What are the forms of reduplicated words in Balantak language? Reduplication is the repetition of an entire word or part of the word. According to Haspelmath and Sims (2010), reduplications are a very common morphological operation, whereby part of the base orthe complete base is copied and attached to the base (either preceding or following it). In Balantak language both forms of reduplication are found full reduplication and partial reduplication, and each form consists of various kind of words

    UJI FITOKIMIA, ANTIOKSIDAN, DAN TOKSISITAS DARI EKSTRAK DAUN KENTANG (Solanum tuberosum) DENGAN METODE 1.1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) dan Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT)

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    UJI FITOKIMIA, ANTIOKSIDAN, DAN TOKSISITAS DARI EKSTRAK DAUN KENTANG (Solanum tuberosum) DENGAN METODE 1.1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) dan Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT)   Steven A. Pamolango1), Widdi Bodhi1), A. C. Wullur1) 1)Program Studi Farmasi FMIPA UNSRAT Manado, 95116   ABSTRACT Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) is only used for it’s tuber, otherwise it’s leaves and the other parts just be a waste, whereas the potato plants in previous research is having potential use as antioxidants that contain high anthocyanin, makes potatos have strong antioxidants activity, so the other parts of potatoes which is the leaves also potentially have similar content. This research aims to determine the potential of the leaves of potato based on it’s phytochemical content, the ability of antioxidant activity, and toxicity, so that later the leaves of potato is not only to be a waste but can be processed and used. Result of this research showed that ethanol extract of the potatoes leaves contains flavonoids and tanins which potentially as an antioxidant, despite it’s low value of Concetration Inhibition 50 (IC50) was 266,69 µg/mL based on tested by the method of 1.1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), potatoes leaves have a high toxicity values, the value of Lethality Concentration 50 (LC50) was 44,46 µg/mL tested using Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT) methods. Keywords : Potatoes leaves, Phytochemical, Antioxidant, Toxicity, DPPH, BSLT, IC50, LC50.   ABSTRAK Pengolahan kentang (Solanum tuberosum) terbatas pada umbinya saja, bagian lainnya seperti daun hanya menjadi limbah, padahal tanaman kentang merupakan tanaman yang memiliki potensi sebagai bahan antioksidan dengan kandungan antosianin yang tinggi yang membuat kentang mempunyai aktivitas antioksidan kuat pada penelitian sebelumnya, sehingga bagian dari tanaman kentang lainnya yakni bagian daun juga  berpotensi memiliki kandungan serupa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi dari daun kentang berdasarkan kandungan fitokimia, kemampuan aktivitas antioksidan, dan toksisitasnya, agar nantinya daun kentang tidak hanya menjadi limbah melainkan dapat diolah dan dimanfaatkan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol daun kentang memiliki kandungan flavonoid dan tanin yang berpotensi sebagai antioksidan walaupun hanya memiliki nilai Inhibisi Concetration 50 (IC50) yang rendah yakni, 266,69 µg/mL berdasarkan pengujian dengan metode 1.1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), daun kentang mempunyai nilai toksisitas yang tinggi, yakni nilai Lethality Concetration 50 (LC50) sebesar 44,46 µg/mL yang dilakukan dengan metode pengujian Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT).     Kata kunci : Daun Kentang, Fitokimia, Antioksidan, Toksisitas, DPPH, BSLT, IC50, LC50.


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    Abstrak. This article explores the dialectology of Saluan language. There are 24vowelphonemes, but only2vowels and 5consonantsvariants arescatteredin the districts ofPagimana, Lobuand Bualemo, such as/a/and/e/, /Ê”/and/k/, /l/and/n/and/r/and/l/. Thedistributionof the lexicalvariations is also diverse, such as the distribution between districts, then the spread between two districts, and a random distribution in each district. Both thephonologicalandlexicaldistributionsindicatethat thedifferencesthat occurinspoken Saluanis still great. ThusSaluanlanguagecan be maintainedas aliving regional languageand has not yet shown any indication towards extinction.Furtherstudiesonthis languagealsoneeds to be done, especiallyin theother areas oflinguistics. Kata kunci: Saluanlanguage, dialect geography, dialectometry,Â


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    Bidang dalam Hak Kekayaan Intelektual yang berkaitan dengan teknologi adalah hak paten. Dalam hak paten selalu berkaitan dengan inventor dan invensi, di Indonesia invensi diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2016 tentang Paten. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengkaji pengaturan invensi yang dapat diberi paten serta invensi yang tidak dapat diberi paten berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2016 Tentang Paten dan jika invensi dihasilkan oleh beberapa orang secara bersama-sama dan menjadi hak para inventor. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode normatif. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini pengaturan invensi yang dapat diberi paten dan invensi yang tidak dapat diberi paten berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2016 Tentang Paten. Invensi yang dapat diberi paten, merupakan Invensi yang dianggap dianggap baru, jika pada tanggal penerimaan, Invensi tersebut tidak sama dengan teknologi yang diungkapkan sebelumnya. Teknologi yang diungkapkan, merupakan teknologi yang telah diumumkan di Indonesia atau di luar Indonesia dalam suatu tulisan, uraian lisan atau melalui peragaan, penggunaan, atau dengan cara lain yang memungkinkan seorang ahli untuk melaksanakan invensi tersebut sebelum tanggal penerimaan atau tanggal prioritas dalam hal permohonan diajukan dengan hak prioritas dan Jika invensi dihasilkan oleh beberapa orang secara bersama-sama dan menjadi hak para inventor Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2016 Tentang Paten, mengatur mengenai jika invensi dihasilkan oleh beberapa orang secara bersama-sama dan menjadikan hak para inventor. Pihak yang berhak memperoleh paten adalah inventor atau orang yang menerima lebih lanjut hak inventor yang bersangkutan dan jika Invensi dihasilkan oleh beberapa orang secara bersama-sama, hak atas invensi dimiliki secara bersama-sama oleh para inventor yang bersangkutan bisa membawa kasus hukum ini ke ranah pengadilan guna mendapatkan kepastian hukum bagi pihak yang sedang mencari keadilan. Kata Kunci : Hak Kekayaan Intelektual, Invensi, Inventor, Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2016 tentang Paten

    Hubungan Riwayat Diabetes Mellitus Pada Keluarga Dengan Kejadian Diabetes Mellitus Gestasional Pada Ibu Hamil Di Pkm Bahu Kec. Malalayang Kota Manado

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    : Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a mild carbohydrate intolerance (impaired glucose tolerance) or severe, occurred or was first known as the pregnancy progresses. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship of family history of diabetes mellitus on the incidence of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnant Women in PKM Bahu Malalayang sub district Manado. This research is a descriptive analytic with purposive design. The sampling method used to total sampling that consist 0f 40 respondents. Research instrument used of blood sugar measurement tools and genogram. the data that already collected is being analized using the Chi-square test and counted by SPSS program. The result of this research which is gain the trusted level of 90% show value p=0,370. This p-value is smaller than α = 0,1. Conclusions from this research that there is no relationship in the family history of Diabetes Mellitus with events Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnant Women in PKM Bahu Malalayang sub district Manado


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    This research describes the study of Gricecooperative principles in conversations of tenants at KampoengInggris Pare, Kediri. This study aims at finding out if the conversations of the tenants meet Grice’s four maxims. From the analysis, it can be concluded that every conversation of tenants at Kampoeng English Pare Kediri meets Grice cooperative principles.The results of this study also show that the conversations in KampoengInggrisPare, Kediri adhere to the maxim of relevance. The speech act shows the attempt to contribute relevant information. In the conversation, the tenants also have to speak their mind to use a clear and coherent narrative. The speech acts of tenantsindicate that the implementation of the principle of cooperation adheres to the maxim of manner. Kata Kunci: cooperative principles, tenant, Kampoeng Inggris Par

    Communication strategies of English native speaker teacher in the teaching and learning process in a kindergarten

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    In Dyatmika Kindergarten, the students came from different cultural backgrounds and nations. They were taught by English native speaker teacher in English sessions. The students sometimes might understand the intention of the teacher; however, sometimes they might not understand at all. Therefore, the teacher should know how they communicate with the students to avoid misunderstanding. This study aimed at identifying, describing and explaining communication strategies used by English native speaker teacher at Dyatmika Kindergarten during English sessions of the teaching and learning process. This study used descriptive qualitative design, and the data collected through observation and interview. The data were analyzed using taxonomy of communication strategies by Dornyei and Scott (1995). The result indicated there were thirteen communication strategies used by the English native speaker teacher in teaching and learning process. The use of communication strategies by English native speaker teacher was expected to inspire other teachers inside and outside Dyatmika Kindergarten when they communicate with students and make the students understand the message conveyed by the teachers