199 research outputs found

    A MALDI-TOF MS library for rapid identification of human commensal gut bacteria from the class Clostridia

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    INTRODUCTION: Microbial isolates from culture can be identified using 16S or whole-genome sequencing which generates substantial costs and requires time and expertise. Protein fingerprinting via Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) is widely used for rapid bacterial identification in routine diagnostics but shows a poor performance and resolution on commensal bacteria due to currently limited database entries. The aim of this study was to develop a MALDI-TOF MS plugin database (CLOSTRI-TOF) allowing for rapid identification of non-pathogenic human commensal gastrointestinal bacteria. METHODS: We constructed a database containing mass spectral profiles (MSP) from 142 bacterial strains representing 47 species and 21 genera within the class Clostridia. Each strain-specific MSP was constructed using >20 raw spectra measured on a microflex Biotyper system (Bruker-Daltonics) from two independent cultures. RESULTS: For validation, we used 58 sequence-confirmed strains and the CLOSTRI-TOF database successfully identified 98 and 93% of the strains, respectively, in two independent laboratories. Next, we applied the database to 326 isolates from stool of healthy Swiss volunteers and identified 264 (82%) of all isolates (compared to 170 (52.1%) with the Bruker-Daltonics library alone), thus classifying 60% of the formerly unknown isolates. DISCUSSION: We describe a new open-source MSP database for fast and accurate identification of the Clostridia class from the human gut microbiota. CLOSTRI-TOF expands the number of species which can be rapidly identified by MALDI-TOF MS

    Placental syncytiotrophoblast constitutes a major barrier to vertical transmission of Listeria monocytogenes.

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    Listeria monocytogenes is an important cause of maternal-fetal infections and serves as a model organism to study these important but poorly understood events. L. monocytogenes can infect non-phagocytic cells by two means: direct invasion and cell-to-cell spread. The relative contribution of each method to placental infection is controversial, as is the anatomical site of invasion. Here, we report for the first time the use of first trimester placental organ cultures to quantitatively analyze L. monocytogenes infection of the human placenta. Contrary to previous reports, we found that the syncytiotrophoblast, which constitutes most of the placental surface and is bathed in maternal blood, was highly resistant to L. monocytogenes infection by either internalin-mediated invasion or cell-to-cell spread. Instead, extravillous cytotrophoblasts-which anchor the placenta in the decidua (uterine lining) and abundantly express E-cadherin-served as the primary portal of entry for L. monocytogenes from both extracellular and intracellular compartments. Subsequent bacterial dissemination to the villous stroma, where fetal capillaries are found, was hampered by further cellular and histological barriers. Our study suggests the placenta has evolved multiple mechanisms to resist pathogen infection, especially from maternal blood. These findings provide a novel explanation why almost all placental pathogens have intracellular life cycles: they may need maternal cells to reach the decidua and infect the placenta

    Dynamic Imaging of the Effector Immune Response to Listeria Infection In Vivo

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    Host defense against the intracellular pathogen Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) requires innate and adaptive immunity. Here, we directly imaged immune cell dynamics at Lm foci established by dendritic cells in the subcapsular red pulp (scDC) using intravital microscopy. Blood borne Lm rapidly associated with scDC. Myelomonocytic cells (MMC) swarmed around non-motile scDC forming foci from which blood flow was excluded. The depletion of scDC after foci were established resulted in a 10-fold reduction in viable Lm, while graded depletion of MMC resulted in 30–1000 fold increase in viable Lm in foci with enhanced blood flow. Effector CD8+ [CD8 superscript +] T cells at sites of infection displayed a two-tiered reduction in motility with antigen independent and antigen dependent components, including stable interactions with infected and non-infected scDC. Thus, swarming MMC contribute to control of Lm prior to development of T cell immunity by direct killing and sequestration from blood flow, while scDC appear to promote Lm survival while preferentially interacting with CD8+ [CD8 superscript +] T cells in effector sites.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant P01AI-071195

    A Gamma Interferon Independent Mechanism of CD4 T Cell Mediated Control of M. tuberculosis Infection in vivo

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    CD4 T cell deficiency or defective IFNγ signaling render humans and mice highly susceptible to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection. The prevailing model is that Th1 CD4 T cells produce IFNγ to activate bactericidal effector mechanisms of infected macrophages. Here we test this model by directly interrogating the effector functions of Th1 CD4 T cells required to control Mtb in vivo. While Th1 CD4 T cells specific for the Mtb antigen ESAT-6 restrict in vivo Mtb growth, this inhibition is independent of IFNγ or TNF and does not require the perforin or FAS effector pathways. Adoptive transfer of Th17 CD4 T cells specific for ESAT-6 partially inhibited Mtb growth while Th2 CD4 T cells were largely ineffective. These results imply a previously unrecognized IFNγ/TNF independent pathway that efficiently controls Mtb and suggest that optimization of this alternative effector function may provide new therapeutic avenues to combat Mtb through vaccination

    Listeriolysin O Is Strongly Immunogenic Independently of Its Cytotoxic Activity

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    The presentation of microbial protein antigens by Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) molecules is essential for the development of acquired immunity to infections. However, most biochemical studies of antigen processing and presentation deal with a few relatively inert non-microbial model antigens. The bacterial pore-forming toxin listeriolysin O (LLO) is paradoxical in that it is cytotoxic at nanomolar concentrations as well as being the source of dominant CD4 and CD8 T cell epitopes following infection with Listeria monocytogenes. Here, we examined the relationship of LLO toxicity to its antigenicity and immunogenicity. LLO offered to antigen presenting cells (APC) as a soluble protein, was presented to CD4 T cells at picomolar to femtomolar concentrations- doses 3000–7000-fold lower than free peptide. This presentation required a dose of LLO below the cytotoxic level. Mutations of two key tryptophan residues reduced LLO toxicity by 10–100-fold but had no effect on its presentation to CD4 T cells. Thus there was a clear dissociation between the cytotoxic properties of LLO and its very high antigenicity. Presentation of LLO to CD8 T cells was not as robust as that seen in CD4 T cells, but still occurred in the nanomolar range. APC rapidly bound and internalized LLO, then disrupted endosomal compartments within 4 hours of treatment, allowing endosomal contents to access the cytosol. LLO was also immunogenic after in vivo administration into mice. Our results demonstrate the strength of LLO as an immunogen to both CD4 and CD8 T cells

    A Detailed Analysis of the Murine TAP Transporter Substrate Specificity

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    The transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) supplies cytosolic peptides into the endoplasmic reticulum for binding to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. Its specificity therefore influences the repertoire of peptides presented by MHC molecules. Compared to human TAP, murine TAP's binding specificity has not been characterized as well, even though murine systems are widely used for basic studies of antigen processing and presentation.We performed a detailed experimental analysis of murine TAP binding specificity by measuring the binding affinities of 323 peptides. Based on this experimental data, a computational model of murine TAP specificity was constructed. The model was compared to previously generated data on human and murine TAP specificities. In addition, the murine TAP specificities for known epitopes and random peptides were predicted and compared to assess the impact of murine TAP selectivity on epitope selection.Comparisons to a previously constructed model of human TAP specificity confirms the well-established differences for peptide substrates with positively charged C-termini. In addition these comparisons show that several residues at the N-terminus of peptides which strongly influence binding to human TAP showed little effect on binding to murine TAP, and that the overall influence of the aminoterminal residues on peptide affinity for murine TAP is much lower than for the human transporter. Murine TAP also partly prefers different hydrophobic amino acids than human TAP in the carboxyterminal position. These species-dependent differences in specificity determined in vitro are shown to correlate with the epitope repertoire recognized in vivo. The quantitative model of binding specificity of murine TAP developed herein should be useful for interpreting epitope mapping and immunogenicity data obtained in humanized mouse models

    BKV Agnoprotein Interacts with α-Soluble N-Ethylmaleimide-Sensitive Fusion Attachment Protein, and Negatively Influences Transport of VSVG-EGFP

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    Background: The human polyomavirus BK (BKV) infects humans worldwide and establishes a persistent infection in the kidney. The BK virus genome encodes three regulatory proteins, large and small tumor-antigen and the agnoprotein, as well as the capsid proteins VP1 to VP3. Agnoprotein is conserved among BKV, JC virus (JCV) and SV40, and agnoprotein-deficient mutants reveal reduced viral propagation. Studies with JCV and SV40 indicate that their agnoproteins may be involved in transcription, replication and/or nuclear and cellular release of the virus. However, the exact function(s) of agnoprotein of BK virus remains elusive. Principal Findings: As a strategy of exploring the functions of BKV agnoprotein, we decided to look for cellular interaction partners for the viral protein. Several partners were identified by yeast two-hybrid assay, among them a-SNAP which is involved in disassembly of vesicles during secretion. BKV agnoprotein and a-SNAP were found to partially co-localize in cells, and a complex consisting of agnoprotein and a-SNAP could be co-immunoprecipitated from cells ectopically expressing the proteins as well as from BKV-transfected cells. The N-terminal part of the agnoprotein was sufficient for the interaction with a-SNAP. Finally, we could show that BKV agnoprotein negatively interferes with secretion of VSVG-EGFP reporter suggesting that agnoprotein may modulate exocytosis. Conclusions: We have identified the first cellular interaction partner for BKV agnoprotein. The most N-terminal part of BKV agnoprotein is involved in the interaction with a-SNAP. Presence of BKV agnoprotein negatively interferes with secretion of VSVG-EGFP reporter

    Third-party fecal microbiota transplantation following allo-HCT reconstitutes microbiome diversity

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    We hypothesized that third-party fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) may restore intestinal microbiome diversity after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (allo-HCT). In this open-label single-group pilot study, 18 subjects were enrolled before allo-HCT and planned to receive third-party FMT capsules. FMT capsules were administered no later than 4 weeks after neutrophil engraftment, and antibiotics were not allowed within 48 hours before FMT. Five patients did not receive FMT because of the development of early acute gastrointestinal (GI) graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) before FMT (n = 3), persistent HCT-associated GI toxicity (n = 1), or patient decision (n = 1). Thirteen patients received FMT at a median of 27 days (range, 19-45 days) after HCT. Participants were able to swallow and tolerate all FMT capsules, meeting the primary study endpoint of feasibility. FMT was tolerated well, with 1 treatment-related significant adverse event (abdominal pain). Two patients subsequently developed acute GI GVHD, with 1 patient also having concurrent bacteremia. No additional cases of bacteremia occurred. Median follow-up for survivors is 15 months (range, 13-20 months). The Kaplan-Meier estimates for 12-month overall survival and progression-free survival after FMT were 85% (95% confidence interval, 51%-96%) and 85% (95% confidence interval, 51%-96%), respectively. There was 1 nonrelapse death resulting from acute GI GVHD (12-month nonrelapse mortality, 8%; 95% confidence interval, 0%-30%). Analysis of stool composition and urine 3-indoxyl sulfate concentration indicated improvement in intestinal microbiome diversity after FMT that was associated with expansion of stool-donor taxa. These results indicate that empiric third-party FMT after allo-HCT appears to be feasible, safe, and associated with expansion of recipient microbiome diversity. This trial was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as #NCT02733744