30 research outputs found

    HCN emission from translucent gas and UV-illuminated cloud edges revealed by wide-field IRAM 30m maps of Orion B GMC: Revisiting its role as tracer of the dense gas reservoir for star formation

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    We present 5 deg^2 (~250 pc^2) HCN, HNC, HCO+, and CO J=1-0 maps of the Orion B GMC, complemented with existing wide-field [CI] 492 GHz maps, as well as new pointed observations of rotationally excited HCN, HNC, H13CN, and HN13C lines. We detect anomalous HCN J=1-0 hyperfine structure line emission almost everywhere in the cloud. About 70% of the total HCN J=1-0 luminosity arises from gas at A_V < 8 mag. The HCN/CO J=1-0 line intensity ratio shows a bimodal behavior with an inflection point at A_V < 3 mag typical of translucent gas and UV-illuminated cloud edges. We find that most of the HCN J=1-0 emission arises from extended gas with n(H2) < 10^4 cm^-3, even lower density gas if the ionization fraction is > 10^-5 and electron excitation dominates. This result explains the low-A_V branch of the HCN/CO J=1-0 intensity ratio distribution. Indeed, the highest HCN/CO ratios (~0.1) at A_V < 3 mag correspond to regions of high [CI] 492 GHz/CO J=1-0 intensity ratios (>1) characteristic of low-density PDRs. Enhanced FUV radiation favors the formation and excitation of HCN on large scales, not only in dense star-forming clumps. The low surface brightness HCN and HCO+ J=1-0 emission scale with I_FIR (a proxy of the stellar FUV radiation field) in a similar way. Together with CO J=1-0, these lines respond to increasing I_FIR up to G0~20. On the other hand, the bright HCN J=1-0 emission from dense gas in star-forming clumps weakly responds to I_FIR once the FUV radiation field becomes too intense (G0>1500). The different power law scalings (produced by different chemistries, densities, and line excitation regimes) in a single but spatially resolved GMC resemble the variety of Kennicutt-Schmidt law indexes found in galaxy averages. As a corollary for extragalactic studies, we conclude that high HCN/CO J=1-0 line intensity ratios do not always imply the presence of dense gas.Comment: accepted for publication in A&A. 24 pages, 18 figures, plus Appendix. Abridged Abstract. English language not edite

    Gas kinematics around filamentary structures in the Orion B cloud

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    Context. Understanding the initial properties of star-forming material and how they affect the star formation process is key. From an observational point of view, the feedback from young high-mass stars on future star formation properties is still poorly constrained. Aims. In the framework of the IRAM 30m ORION-B large program, we obtained observations of the translucent (2 ≤ AV &lt; 6 mag) and moderately dense gas (6 ≤ AV &lt; 15 mag), which we used to analyze the kinematics over a field of 5 deg2 around the filamentary structures. Methods. We used the Regularized Optimization for Hyper-Spectral Analysis (ROHSA) algorithm to decompose and de-noise the C 18 O(1−0) and 13CO(1−0) signals by taking the spatial coherence of the emission into account. We produced gas column density and mean velocity maps to estimate the relative orientation of their spatial gradients. Results. We identified three cloud velocity layers at different systemic velocities and extracted the filaments in each velocity layer. The filaments are preferentially located in regions of low centroid velocity gradients. By comparing the relative orientation between the column density and velocity gradients of each layer from the ORION-B observations and synthetic observations from 3D kinematic toy models, we distinguish two types of behavior in the dynamics around filaments: (i) radial flows perpendicular to the filament axis that can be either inflows (increasing the filament mass) or outflows and (ii) longitudinal flows along the filament axis. The former case is seen in the Orion B data, while the latter is not identified. We have also identified asymmetrical flow patterns, usually associated with filaments located at the edge of an H II region. Conclusions. This is the first observational study to highlight feedback from H II regions on filament formation and, thus, on star formation in the Orion B cloud. This simple statistical method can be used for any molecular cloud to obtain coherent information on the kinematics

    HCN emission from translucent gas and UV-illuminated cloud edges revealed by wide-field IRAM 30m maps of Orion B GMC: Revisiting its role as tracer of the dense gas reservoir for star formation

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    35 pags., 28 figs., 14 tabs.We present 5 deg^2 (~250 pc^2) HCN, HNC, HCO+, and CO J=1-0 maps of the Orion B GMC, complemented with existing wide-field [CI] 492 GHz maps, as well as new pointed observations of rotationally excited HCN, HNC, H13CN, and HN13C lines. We detect anomalous HCN J=1-0 hyperfine structure line emission almost everywhere in the cloud. About 70% of the total HCN J=1-0 luminosity arises from gas at A_V < 8 mag. The HCN/CO J=1-0 line intensity ratio shows a bimodal behavior with an inflection point at A_V < 3 mag typical of translucent gas and UV-illuminated cloud edges. We find that most of the HCN J=1-0 emission arises from extended gas with n(H2) ~< 10^4 cm^-3, even lower density gas if the ionization fraction is > 10^-5 and electron excitation dominates. This result explains the low-A_V branch of the HCN/CO J=1-0 intensity ratio distribution. Indeed, the highest HCN/CO ratios (~0.1) at A_V < 3 mag correspond to regions of high [CI] 492 GHz/CO J=1-0 intensity ratios (>1) characteristic of low-density PDRs. Enhanced FUV radiation favors the formation and excitation of HCN on large scales, not only in dense star-forming clumps. The low surface brightness HCN and HCO+ J=1-0 emission scale with I_FIR (a proxy of the stellar FUV radiation field) in a similar way. Together with CO J=1-0, these lines respond to increasing I_FIR up to G0~20. On the other hand, the bright HCN J=1-0 emission from dense gas in star-forming clumps weakly responds to I_FIR once the FUV radiation field becomes too intense (G0>1500). The different power law scalings (produced by different chemistries, densities, and line excitation regimes) in a single but spatially resolved GMC resemble the variety of Kennicutt-Schmidt law indexes found in galaxy averages. As a corollary for extragalactic studies, we conclude that high HCN/CO J=1-0 line intensity ratios do not always imply the presence of dense gas.M.G.S.M. and J.R.G. thank the Spanish MICINN for funding support under grant PID2019-106110GB-I00. This work was supported by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche through the DAOISM grant ANR-21-CE31–0010, and by the Programme National “Physique et Chimie du Milieu Interstellaire” (PCMI) of CNRS/INSU with INC/INP, co-funded by CEA and CNES. Part of this research was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (80NM0018D0004).Peer reviewe

    Observation of gravitational waves from the coalescence of a 2.5–4.5 M ⊙ compact object and a neutron star

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    We report the observation of a coalescing compact binary with component masses 2.5–4.5 M ⊙ and 1.2–2.0 M ⊙ (all measurements quoted at the 90% credible level). The gravitational-wave signal GW230529_181500 was observed during the fourth observing run of the LIGO–Virgo–KAGRA detector network on 2023 May 29 by the LIGO Livingston observatory. The primary component of the source has a mass less than 5 M ⊙ at 99% credibility. We cannot definitively determine from gravitational-wave data alone whether either component of the source is a neutron star or a black hole. However, given existing estimates of the maximum neutron star mass, we find the most probable interpretation of the source to be the coalescence of a neutron star with a black hole that has a mass between the most massive neutron stars and the least massive black holes observed in the Galaxy. We provisionally estimate a merger rate density of 55−47+127Gpc−3yr−1 for compact binary coalescences with properties similar to the source of GW230529_181500; assuming that the source is a neutron star–black hole merger, GW230529_181500-like sources may make up the majority of neutron star–black hole coalescences. The discovery of this system implies an increase in the expected rate of neutron star–black hole mergers with electromagnetic counterparts and provides further evidence for compact objects existing within the purported lower mass gap

    Observation of gravitational waves from the coalescence of a 2.5−4.5 M⊙ compact object and a neutron star

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    Measurements Process of Vertically Polarized Electromagnetic Surface-Waves Over a Calm Sea in the HF Band over a Spherical Earth

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    International audienceA HF surface-wave experimentation across a 220 km sea water path is carried out at 5, 10, and 20 MHz in order to evaluate the relative field strength attenuation with distance and beyond the horizon with a low measurement uncertainty. Although the theories are well known, the experimentation is described from the transmitter's implementation until the RF equipment in order to improve the signal to noise ratio. The measurement setup described proves the reliability of the data

    Measurements Process of Vertically Polarized Electromagnetic Surface-Waves Over a Calm Sea in the HF Band over a Spherical Earth

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    International audienceA HF surface-wave experimentation across a 220 km sea water path is carried out at 5, 10, and 20 MHz in order to evaluate the relative field strength attenuation with distance and beyond the horizon with a low measurement uncertainty. Although the theories are well known, the experimentation is described from the transmitter's implementation until the RF equipment in order to improve the signal to noise ratio. The measurement setup described proves the reliability of the data

    Enarrationum quadragesimalium thesaurus nouus : ad christianæ decus pietatis denuò recognitus, huic accessit index rerum memorabilium locupletissimus / [Pierre de la Palud].

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    Existe emisión con mención de responsabilidad en port.Marca tip. en port.Sign.: A-Z8, 2A-2P8, 2Q6.Errores de fol., pasa de h. 99 a 200, de 403 a 414, de 414 a 417, de 417 a 316 y de 317 a 328.Hojas imp. por ambas caras.Índice a dos col.Capitular grab. xil