113 research outputs found

    Potential applications of biomolecular archaeology to the ecohistory of sea turtles and groupers in Levant coastal antiquity

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    Humans have been exploiting marine resources along the Levantine coast for millennia. Advances in biomolecular archaeology present novel opportunities to understand the exploitation of these taxa in antiquity. We discuss the potential insights generated by applying collagen peptide fingerprinting, ancient DNA analysis, and stable isotope analysis to groupers (Serranidae) and sea turtles (Chelonia mydas and Caretta caretta) in the Levant. When combined with traditional zooarchaeological techniques, biomolecular archaeology offers utility to further investigate human impacts on marine ecosystems

    Linking genetic kinship and demographic analyses to characterize dispersal:Methods and application to Blanding's turtle

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    Characterizing how frequently, and at what life stages and spatial scales, dispersal occurs can be difficult, especially for species with cryptic juvenile periods and long reproductive life spans. Using a combination of mark-recapture information, microsatellite genetic data, and demographic simulations, we characterize natal and breeding dispersal patterns in the long-lived, slow-maturing, and endangered Blanding's turtle (Emydoidea blandingii), focusing on nesting females. We captured and genotyped 310 individual Blanding's turtles (including 220 nesting females) in a central Wisconsin population from 2010 to 2013, with additional information on movements among 3 focal nesting areas within this population available from carapace-marking conducted from 2001 to 2009. Mark-recapture analyses indicated that dispersal among the 3 focal nesting areas was infrequent (<0.03 annual probability). Dyads of females with inferred first-order relationships were more likely to be found within the same nesting area than split between areas, and the proportion of related dyads declined with increasing distance among nesting areas. The observed distribution of related dyads for nesting females was consistent with a probability of natal dispersal at first breeding between nearby nesting areas of approximately 0.1 based on demographic simulations. Our simulation-based estimates of infrequent female dispersal were corroborated by significant spatial genetic autocorrelation among nesting females at scales of <500 m. Nevertheless, a lack of spatial genetic autocorrelation among non-nesting turtles (males and females) suggested extensive local connectivity, possibly mediated by male movements or long-distance movements made by females between terrestrial nesting areas and aquatic habitats. We show here that coupling genetic and demographic information with simulations of individual-based population models can be an effective approach for untangling the contributions of natal and breeding dispersal to spatial ecology

    DNA methylation markers of age(ing) in non-model animals.

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    Inferring the chronological and biological age of individuals is fundamental to population ecology and our understanding of ageing itself, its evolution, and the biological processes that affect or even cause ageing. Epigenetic clocks based on DNA methylation (DNAm) at specific CpG sites show a strong correlation with chronological age in humans, and discrepancies between inferred and actual chronological age predict morbidity and mortality. Recently, a growing number of epigenetic clocks have been developed in non-model animals and we here review these studies. We also conduct a meta-analysis to assess the effects of different aspects of experimental protocol on the performance of epigenetic clocks for non-model animals. Two measures of performance are usually reported, the R2 of the association between the predicted and chronological age, and the mean/median absolute deviation (MAD) of estimated age from chronological age, and we argue that only the MAD reflects accuracy. R2 for epigenetic clocks based on the HorvathMammalMethylChip4 was higher and the MAD scaled to age range lower, compared with other DNAm quantification approaches. Scaled MAD tended to be lower among individuals in captive populations, and decreased with an increasing number of CpG sites. We conclude that epigenetic clocks can predict chronological age with relatively high accuracy, suggesting great potential in ecological epigenetics. We discuss general aspects of epigenetic clocks in the hope of stimulating further DNAm-based research on ageing, and perhaps more importantly, other key traits

    Diversity of Wadden Sea macrofauna and meiofauna communities highest in DNA from extractions preceded by cell lysis

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    Metabarcoding of genetic material in environmental samples has increasingly been employed as a means to assess biodiversity, also of marine benthic communities. Current protocols employed to extract DNA from benthic samples and subsequent bioinformatics pipelines differ considerably. The present study compares three commonly deployed metabarcoding approaches against a morphological approach to assess benthic biodiversity in an intertidal bay in the Dutch Wadden Sea. Environmental DNA was extracted using three different approaches; extraction of extracellular DNA, extraction preceded by cell lysis of a sieved fraction of the sediment, and extraction of DNA directly from small amounts of sediment. DNA extractions after lysis of sieved sediment fractions best recovered the macrofauna diversity whereas direct DNA extraction of small amounts of sediment best recovered the meiofauna diversity. Extractions of extracellular DNA yielded the lowest number of OTUs per sample and hence an incomplete view of benthic biodiversity. An assessment of different bioinformatic pipelines and parameters was conducted using a mock sample with a known species composition. The RDP classifier performed better than BLAST for taxonomic assignment of the samples in this study. Novel metabarcodes obtained from local specimens were added to the SILVA 18S rRNA database to improve taxonomic assignment. This study provides recommendations for a general metabarcoding protocol for marine benthic surveys in the Wadden Sea

    PHFinder: assisted detection of point heteroplasmy in Sanger sequencing chromatograms

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    Heteroplasmy is the presence of two or more organellar genomes (mitochondrial or plastid DNA) in an organism, tissue, cell or organelle. Heteroplasmy can be detected by visual inspection of Sanger sequencing chromatograms, where it appears as multiple peaks of fluorescence at a single nucleotide position. Visual inspection of chromatograms is both consuming and highly subjective, as heteroplasmy is difficult to differentiate from background noise. Few software solutions are available to automate the detection of point heteroplasmies, and those that are available are typically proprietary, lack customization or are unsuitable for automated heteroplasmy assessment in large datasets. Here, we present PHFinder, a Python-based, open-source tool to assist in the detection of point heteroplasmies in large numbers of Sanger chromatograms. PHFinder automatically identifies point heteroplasmies directly from the chromatogram trace data. The program was tested with Sanger sequencing data from 100 humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) tissue samples with known heteroplasmies. PHFinder detected most (90%) of the known heteroplasmies thereby greatly reducing the amount of visual inspection required. PHFinder is flexible and enables explicit specification of key parameters to infer double peaks (i.e., heteroplasmies)

    Guidelines for genetic data analysis

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    The IWC Scientific Committee recently adopted guidelines for quality control of DNA data. Once data have been collected, the next step is to analyse the data and make inferences that are useful for addressing practical problems in conservation and management of cetaceans. This is a complex exercise, as numerous analyses are possible and users have a wide range of choices of software programs for implementing the analyses. This paper reviews the underlying issues, illustrates application of different types of genetic data analysis to two complex management problems (involving common minke whales and humpback whales), and concludes with a number of recommendations for best practices in the analysis of population genetic data. An extensive Appendix provides a detailed review and critique of most types of analyses that are used with population genetic data for cetaceans.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The population genomic structure of green turtles (<i>Chelonia mydas</i>) suggests a warm-water corridor for tropical marine fauna between the Atlantic and Indian oceans during the last interglacial

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    The occasional westward transport of warm water of the Agulhas Current, “Agulhas leakage”, around southern Africa has been suggested to facilitate tropical marine connectivity between the Atlantic and Indian oceans, but the “Agulhas leakage” hypothesis does not explain the signatures of eastward gene flow observed in many tropical marine fauna. We investigated an alternative hypothesis: the establishment of a warm-water corridor during comparatively warm interglacial periods. The “warm-water corridor” hypothesis was investigated by studying the population genomic structure of Atlantic and Southwest Indian Ocean green turtles (N = 27) using 12,035 genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) obtained via ddRAD sequencing. Model-based and multivariate clustering suggested a hierarchical population structure with two main Atlantic and Southwest Indian Ocean clusters, and a Caribbean and East Atlantic sub-cluster nested within the Atlantic cluster. Coalescent-based model selection supported a model where Southwest Indian Ocean and Caribbean populations diverged from the East Atlantic population during the transition from the last interglacial period (130–115 thousand years ago; kya) to the last glacial period (115–90 kya). The onset of the last glaciation appeared to isolate Atlantic and Southwest Indian Ocean green turtles into three refugia, which subsequently came into secondary contact in the Caribbean and Southwest Indian Ocean when global temperatures increased after the Last Glacial Maximum. Our findings support the establishment of a warm-water corridor facilitating tropical marine connectivity between the Atlantic and Southwest Indian Ocean during warm interglacials

    Decadal shift in foraging strategy of a migratory southern ocean predator

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    Rapid anthropogenic environmental change is expected to impact a host of ecological parameters in Southern Ocean ecosystems. Of critical concern are the consequences of these changes on the range of species that show fidelity to migratory destinations, as philopatry is hypothesized to help or hinder adaptation to climate change depending on the circumstances. Many baleen whales show philopatry to feeding grounds and are also capital breeders that meet migratory and reproductive costs through seasonal energy intake. Southern right whales (Eubalaena australis, SRWs) are capital breeders that have a strong relationship between reproductive output and foraging success. The population dynamics of South Africa's population of SRWs are characterized by two distinct periods: the 1990s, a period of high calving rates; and the late 2010s, a period associated with lowered calving rates. Here we use analyses of stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope values from SRW biopsy samples (n = 122) collected during these two distinct periods to investigate foraging ecology of the South African population of SRWs over a time period coincident with the demographic shift. We show that South African SRWs underwent a dramatic northward shift, and diversification, in foraging strategy from 1990s to 2010s. Bayesian mixing model results suggest that during the 1990s, South African SRWs foraged on prey isotopically similar to South Georgia/Islas Georgias del Sur krill. In contrast, in the 2010s, South African SRWs foraged on prey isotopically consistent with the waters of the Subtropical Convergence, Polar Front and Marion Island. We hypothesize that this shift represents a response to changes in preferred habitat or prey, for example, the decrease in abundance and southward range contraction of Antarctic krill. By linking reproductive decline to changing foraging strategies for the first time in SRWs, we show that altering foraging strategies may not be sufficient to adapt to a changing ocean

    A genetic perspective on cetacean evolution

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    Studies of cetacean evolution using genetics and other biomolecules have come a long way—from the use of allozymes and short sequences of mitochondrial or nuclear DNA to the assembly of full nuclear genomes and characterization of proteins and lipids. Cetacean research has also advanced from using only contemporary samples to analyzing samples dating back thousands of years, and to retrieving data from indirect environmental sources, including water or sediments. Combined, these studies have profoundly deepened our understanding of the origin of cetaceans; their adaptation and speciation processes; and of the past population change, migration, and admixture events that gave rise to the diversity of cetaceans found today

    Mind the gut:Genomic insights to population divergence and gut microbial composition of two marine keystone species

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    BACKGROUND: Deciphering the mechanisms governing population genetic divergence and local adaptation across heterogeneous environments is a central theme in marine ecology and conservation. While population divergence and ecological adaptive potential are classically viewed at the genetic level, it has recently been argued that their microbiomes may also contribute to population genetic divergence. We explored whether this might be plausible along the well-described environmental gradient of the Baltic Sea in two species of sand lance (Ammodytes tobianus and Hyperoplus lanceolatus). Specifically, we assessed both their population genetic and gut microbial composition variation and investigated not only which environmental parameters correlate with the observed variation, but whether host genome also correlates with microbiome variation. RESULTS: We found a clear genetic structure separating the high-salinity North Sea from the low-salinity Baltic Sea sand lances. The observed genetic divergence was not simply a function of isolation by distance, but correlated with environmental parameters, such as salinity, sea surface temperature, and, in the case of A. tobianus, possibly water microbiota. Furthermore, we detected two distinct genetic groups in Baltic A. tobianus that might represent sympatric spawning types. Investigation of possible drivers of gut microbiome composition variation revealed that host species identity was significantly correlated with the microbial community composition of the gut. A potential influence of host genetic factors on gut microbiome composition was further confirmed by the results of a constrained analysis of principal coordinates. The host genetic component was among the parameters that best explain observed variation in gut microbiome composition. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings have relevance for the population structure of two commercial species but also provide insights into potentially relevant genomic and microbial factors with regards to sand lance adaptation across the North Sea-Baltic Sea environmental gradient. Furthermore, our findings support the hypothesis that host genetics may play a role in regulating the gut microbiome at both the interspecific and intraspecific levels. As sequencing costs continue to drop, we anticipate that future studies that include full genome and microbiome sequencing will be able to explore the full relationship and its potential adaptive implications for these species
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