4,914 research outputs found

    Atomic-level characterization and cilostazol affinity of poly(lactic acid) nanoparticles conjugated with differentially charged hydrophilic molecules

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    Indexación: Scopus.M.F.M. acknowledges support from CONICYT-PFCHA/Doctorado Nacional/2014-21140225. M.M.M. thanks the FONCyT PICT-2015-2191, CONICET PIP 11220110100992, Secyt, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. C.V. acknowledges support from CONICYT under FONDECYT #1161438 and BASAL Grant FB0807, MECESUP PMI-UAB1301, and H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016 #734801 MAGNAMED. The authors thank the High-Performance Computational Center (CCAD UNC) and Escuela de Ingeniería Civil en Bioinformática (Universidad de Talca) for access to supercomputers.Nanotherapeutics is a promising field for numerous diseases and represents the forefront of modern medicine. In the present work, full atomistic computer simulations were applied to study poly(lactic acid) (PLA) nanoparticles conjugated with polyethylene glycol (PEG). The formation of this complex system was simulated using the reactive polarizable force field (ReaxFF). A full picture of the morphology, charge and functional group distribution is given. We found that all terminal groups (carboxylic acid, methoxy and amino) are randomly distributed at the surface of the nanoparticles. The surface design of NPs requires that the charged groups must surround the surface region for an optimal functionalization/charge distribution, which is a key factor in determining physicochemical interactions with different biological molecules inside the organism. Another important point that was investigated was the encapsulation of drugs in these nanocarriers and the prediction of the polymer-drug interactions, which provided a better insight into structural features that could affect the effectiveness of drug loading. We employed blind docking to predict NP-drug affinity testing on an antiaggregant compound, cilostazol. The results suggest that the combination of molecular dynam ics ReaxFF simulations and blind docking techniques can be used as an explorative tool prior to experiments, which is useful for rational design of new drug delivery systems. © 2018 Matus et al.https://www.beilstein-journals.org/bjnano/articles/9/12

    Advances in understanding alkali-activated materials

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    Alkali activation is a highly active and rapidly developing field of activity in the global research and development community. Commercial-scale deployment of alkali-activated cements and concretes is now proceeding rapidly in multiple nations. This paper reviews the key developments in alkali-activated materials since 2011, with a particular focus on advances in characterisation techniques and structural understanding, binder precursors and activation approaches, durability testing and design, processing, and sustainability. The scientific and engineering developments described in this paper have underpinned the on-going scale-up activities. We also identify important needs for future research and development to support the optimal and appropriate utilisation of alkali activated materials as a component of a sustainable future construction materials industry

    Evaluación de la transformación del matorral del Parque Nacional de Doñana como medida de gestión y su impacto sobre la comunidad de micromamíferos.

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    Una de las principales medidas de gestión que se realizan en el Parque Nacional de Doñana dentro del Plan de manejo del lince (Lynx pardina) y del águila imperial (Aquila adalberti) es el desbroce de matorral, con ob- jeto de crear zonas abiertas de alimentación para el conejo (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Esta medida de gestión está produciendo una profunda modificación en la estructura de la vegetación, y aunque afecta positiva- mente a los conejos, se desconoce su efecto sobre otras especies características de este hábitat como son los micromamíferos, cuya comunidad podría estar sufriendo importantes procesos de cambio. En concreto una de las especies más características de esta comunidad, el lirón careto atlántico, Eliomys quercinus lusitanicus, abundante en el pasado es ahora extremadamente rara, e incluso podría haber desparecido del área. Este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar el efecto de la eliminación del matorral, mediante quema con- trolada, sobre la comunidad de micromamíferos. Para ello hemos analizado la riqueza y abundancia es- pecíficas y la evolución temporal de estos parámetros en parcelas quemadas de diferente antigüedad y en zonas no sometidas a tratamiento. La toma de datos se realizó mediante captura-recaptura en pe- riodos estacionales, desde el verano de 2005 a la primavera de 2007. Los resultados mostraron que la riqueza específica fue muy baja, con tan solo 4 especies capturadas (Mus spretus, Apodemus sylvaticus, Crocidura russula y Eliomys quercinus). La abundancia presentó valo- res muy variables dependiendo de la especie, la época del año y el tipo de parcela; aunque se observa que la especie más abundante es Mus spretus con mucha diferencia sobre las demás. En general, el otoño y el invierno fueron las estaciones con mayor abundancia, y ésta se hace muy escasa durante el verano. La quema controlada del matorral mediterráneo senescente en el Parque Nacional de Doñana favorece la presencia de especies y su abundancia, no tanto en la propia parcela sometida a tratamiento, como en el matorral que la bordea. Mus es la especie dominante en todos los ambientes. Apodemus muestra mecanis- mos de evitación espacial y temporal con Mus. Eliomys quercinus no ha desaparecido de Doñana, aunque su abundancia es escasísima y aparece asociada al borde de parcelas quemadas de cuatro años de antigüedad. El proceso de colonización de las parcelas quemadas parece alcanzar la abundancia más alta y la mayor riqueza específica a los tres-cuatro años tras la quema. Esta colonización no sigue una pauta regular en el tiempo, sino que se encuentra condicionada por otros factores, entre los que parece encontrarse la pre- cipitación anual.Peer Reviewe

    A locally adaptive kernel regression method for facies delineation

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    Facies delineation is defined as the separation of geological units with distinct intrinsic characteristics (grain size, hydraulic conductivity, mineralogical composition). A major challenge in this area stems from the fact that only a few scattered pieces of hydrogeological information are available to delineate geological facies. Several methods to delineate facies are available in the literature, ranging from those based only on existing hard data, to those including secondary data or external knowledge about sedimentological patterns. This paper describes a methodology to use kernel regression methods as an effective tool for facies delineation. The method uses both the spatial and the actual sampled values to produce, for each individual hard data point, a locally adaptive steering kernel function, self-adjusting the principal directions of the local anisotropic kernels to the direction of highest local spatial correlation. The method is shown to outperform the nearest neighbor classification method in a number of synthetic aquifers whenever the available number of hard data is small and randomly distributed in space. In the case of exhaustive sampling, the steering kernel regression method converges to the true solution. Simulations ran in a suite of synthetic examples are used to explore the selection of kernel parameters in typical field settings. It is shown that, in practice, a rule of thumb can be used to obtain suboptimal results. The performance of the method is demonstrated to significantly improve when external information regarding facies proportions is incorporated. Remarkably, the method allows for a reasonable reconstruction of the facies connectivity patterns, shown in terms of breakthrough curves performance

    Eficacia de la terapia de aceptación y compromiso centrada en pensamiento negativo repetitivo en fibromialgia: Un diseño de línea base múltiple aleatorizado

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    Repetitive negative thinking (RNT), in the form of worry and rumination, is a factor that can have a negative impact on the quality of life and symptomatology of patients with fibromyalgia (FM). The present study analyzes the efficacy of a brief Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) protocol focused on reducing RNT in four women diagnosed with FM. A randomized, multiple-baseline design across participants was conducted. Participants completed 4-6 weeks of baseline and subsequently received a 4-session individual intervention. The effect of the intervention was assessed by conducting follow-ups for up to 3 months. All four participants showed clinically significant changes in emotional symptoms as measured by the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale – 21 (DASS-21¸ S. H. Lovibond y P. F. Lovibond, 1995) and the General Health Questionnaire – 12 (Ruiz et al., 2017a). Likewise, participants showed significant improvements in parameters related to sleep quality and improvements in health-related quality of life. As for process measures, all participants showed clinically significant changes in pathological worry, and three of them also in cognitive fusion. Changes in valued actions were more modest. Effect sizes comparable across designs were very large and statistically significant for DASS-Total (d = 1.51), DASS-Depression (d = 1.83), pathological worry (d = 1.79), and cognitive fusion (d = 1.99). These results suggest that brief RNT-focused ACT interventions hold promise for intervention in patients with FM.El pensamiento negativo repetitivo (PNR), en la forma de rumia y preocupación, es un factor que puede generar un impacto negativo sobre la calidad de vida y sintomatología de los pacientes con fibromialgia (FM). El presente estudio analiza la eficacia de un protocolo breve de la Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso (ACT) centrado en reducir PNR en cuatro mujeres con diagnóstico de FM. Se llevó a cabo un diseño de línea de base múltiple entre participantes aleatorizado. Las participantes completaron entre 4 y 6 semanas de línea base y, posteriormente, recibieron una intervención individual de 4 sesiones. El efecto de la intervención se evaluó realizando seguimientos hasta los 3 meses. Las cuatro participantes mostraron cambios clínicamente significativos en síntomas emocionales medidos a través del Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale – 21 (DASS-21¸ S. H. Lovibond y P. F. Lovibond, 1995) y el General Health Questionnaire – 12 (Ruiz et al., 2017a). Asimismo, las participantes mostraron mejoras significativas en parámetros relacionados con la calidad del sueño y mejoras en calidad de vida relacionada con la salud. En cuanto a las medidas de proceso, todas las participantes mostraron cambios clínicamente significativos en preocupación patológica y tres de ellas también en fusión cognitiva. Los cambios en acciones valiosas fueron más modestos. Los tamaños del efecto comparables a través de diseños fueron muy grandes y estadísticamente significativos para DASS-Total (d = 1.51), DASS-Depresión (d = 1.83), preocupación patológica (d = 1.79) y fusión cognitiva (d = 1.99)

    Ultra-broadband polarisation beam splitters and rotators based on 3D-printed waveguides

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    Estudio taxonómico de Mus spretus Lataste, 1883 del norte de Marruecos

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    Analysis of Kerr comb generation in silicon microresonators under the influence of two-photon absorption and free-carrier absorption

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    Kerr frequency comb generation relies on dedicated waveguide platforms that are optimized towards ultralow loss while offering comparatively limited functionality restricted to passive building blocks. In contrast to that, the silicon-photonic platform offers a highly developed portfolio of high-performance devices, but is deemed to be inherently unsuited for Kerr comb generation at near-infrared (NIR) telecommunication wavelengths due to strong two-photon absorption (TPA) and subsequent free-carrier absorption (FCA). Here we present a theoretical investigation that quantifies the impact of TPA and FCA on Kerr comb formation and that is based on a modified version of the Lugiato-Lefever equation (LLE). We find that silicon microresonators may be used for Kerr comb generation in the NIR, provided that the dwell time of the TPA-generated free-carriers in the waveguide core is reduced by a reverse-biased p-i-njunction and that the pump parameters are chosen appropriately. We validate our analytical predictions with time integrations of the LLE, and we present a specific design of a silicon microresonator that may even support formation of dissipative Kerr soliton combs.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to Physical Review

    Analysis of Kerr comb generation in silicon microresonators under the influence of two-photon absorption and fast free-carrier dynamics

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    Kerr frequency comb generation relies on dedicated waveguide platforms that are optimized toward ultralow loss while offering comparatively limited functionality restricted to passive building blocks. In contrast to that, the silicon-photonic platform offers a highly developed portfolio of high-performance devices, but suffers from strong two-photon absorption (TPA) and subsequent free-carrier absorption (FCA) at near-infrared telecommunication wavelengths, thereby rendering Kerr comb generation a challenge. Here we present a model to investigate the impact of TPA and FCA on Kerr comb formation. Our model combines a modified version of the Lugiato-Lefever equation with a refined relation to precisely describe the fast space and time dependence of the free-carrier concentration along the circumference of the microresonator. Using this refined model, we derive conditions for modulation instability, in particular for necessary pump powers depending on TPA parameters and free-carrier lifetimes. We validate our analytical predictions by time integration and study the impact of fast free-carrier dynamics on Kerr comb formation. We find that silicon microresonators may be suitable for Kerr comb generation in the NIR, provided that the dwell time of the TPA-generated free carriers in the waveguide core is reduced by a reverse-biased p-i-n-junction and that the pump parameters are chosen appropriately