95 research outputs found

    Jóvenes construyendo(se) aquí y ahora

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    Trabajo Final para optar al grado académico de Licenciado en Comunicación Social, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Calificación 10 (diez)Este trabajo final busca indagar y reconstruir, desde una mirada comunicacional, las nociones acerca de la construcción y ejercicio de la ciudadanía, por parte de las y los jóvenes del Ciclo Orientado en el marco del Instituto Nuestra Señora de Loreto. Los objetivos generales que guían nuestro trabajo son: a) Reconocer las nociones de construcción y ejercicio ciudadano de la perspectiva de las y los educandos. b) Identificar la propuesta educativa del Instituto Nuestra Señora de Loreto para la conformación y del ejercicio de la ciudadanía. Nos posicionamos desde una perspectiva teórica que comprende a la comunicación como procesos de intercambio entre diversos actores, quienes a través de sus manifestaciones son capaces de crear, construir y transformar su propia realidad, proceso que excede el modelo que la considera algo meramente lineal. En relación a ello, nos situamos en el campo comunicación/educación que se constituye como un campo estratégico que configura prácticas transformadoras de sujetos, relaciones y modos de producción material y simbólica, para la construcción de un pensamiento crítico. Este campo posibilita hablar de una educación liberadora. La metodología que se empleó para llevar a cabo nuestro trabajo ha sido del tipo cualitativa, lo que nos permitió realizar un estudio in situ. Esto se realizó a partir de entrevistas a los distintos actores, observaciones no participantes de clases desarrolladas en el Ciclo Orientado y talleres con los y las educandos., a partir de esto, consideramos la producción de sentidos por parte de los distintos sujetos e interpretamos las distintas prácticas, perspectivas y significados

    Acetaminofen vs ibuprofen for the pain from episiotomy in the 42 hours of postpartum care

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    Objetivo: Evaluación de la eficacia analgésica para el dolor de la episiotomía entre el paracetamol y el Ibuprofeno, en las primeras 42 horas postparto. Método: Estudio cuasi-experimental (prospectivo y simple ciego) en mujeres que dieron a luz en el HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO CENTRAL DE ASTURIAS (OVIEDO), excluyendo alérgicas, patologías asociadas ó aquellas que el idioma impidiese un correcto entendimiento. Dos grupos: 1) Paracetamol 1 gr; 2) Ibuprofeno 600 mg. Tamaño de muestra: 110 por grupo para alcanzar mínimo de 80. Variable principal: grado de dolor según puntuación de escala (0 a 3). Otras variables: edad de paciente, semanas de gestación, peso neonatal, paridad, inicio del parto, anestesia epidural, tipo de parto, desgarro, inflamación y enrojecimiento, hematoma, hemorroides, necesidad de sondaje evacuador, aplicación de hielo y solicitud de analgesia. Tamaño final de la muestra: 88 grupo paracetamol y 97 grupo ibuprofeno. La escala de dolor se midió a las 2 horas postparto (previo al tratamiento) y, posteriormente, cada 8 hasta 42 horas. Se realizó análisis descriptivo y comparación entre grupos. Resultados: No encontramos diferencias significativas en la escala de dolor entre ambos fármacos, ni en los subgrupos analizados, salvo en el subgrupo de partos eutócicos, donde el ibuprofeno fue superior al paracetamol. En el global de la serie, el grupo de paracetamol solicitó hielo y otra medicación con mayor frecuencia que el grupo de ibuprofeno. Conclusiones: El ibuprofeno 600 mg y el paracetamol de 1 gr obtienen una respuesta similar en las primeras 42 horas postparto, si bien el ibuprofeno parece tener algunas ventajas adicionales.Objective: Assessment of the analgesic effectiveness of acetaminofen and ibuprofen in cases of epsiotomy, within the first 42 hours pospartum. Methods: Quasi-experimental research (prospective,singel-blind trial) on women who gave birth at the HUCA (Oviedo), excluding those who suffered from allergies or associated pathologies and the ones whose language skills in Spanish led to misunderstanding. Two groups: 1) Acetaminofen 1 gr; 2) Ibuprofen 600mg. Sample size: 110 per group to amount to a minimum of 80. Main variable: The degree of pain, which was marked on a rating scale (0 to 3). Other variables: The age of the patient, gestational age, neonatal weight, parity, onset of labour, epidural anesthesia, type of delivery, inflammation and reddening, tears, hematoma or hemorrhoids, need for catheter evacuation, application of ice and request for analgesia. Final sample size: 88 group acetaminofen and 97 group ibuprofen. Pain levels were measured through the scale 2 hours after delivery (previous to the treatment), afterwards, every 8 within the first 42 hours postpartum. A descriptive research was carried out and there was a comparison drawn between both groups. Results: The pain scale did not reveal any significant difference between both drugs. The result was the same in the analized subgroups; except for that of eutocic deliveries, where ibuprofen was superior to acetaminofen. The overall series results show that the request for ice and additional medication was more frequent among group acetaminofen. Conclusions: Ibuprofen 600 mg and acetaminofen 1gr get a similar response within the first 42 hours after delivery, even though ibuprofen seems to have some extra advantages

    Clinical Efficacy and Safety of Fanhdi®, a Plasma-Derived VWF/Factor VIII Concentrate, in von Willebrand Disease in Spain: A Retrospective Study

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    Prophylaxis; Von willebrand diseaseProfilaxis; Enfermedad de von willebrandProfilaxi; Malaltia de von willebrandObjective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of a plasma-derived factor VIII concentrate containing von Willebrand Factor (pdVWF/FVIII) in standard clinical practice in von Willebrand Disease (VWD) patients. Methods A retrospective, multicentric, observational study of VWD patients treated with Fanhdi®, a pdVWF/FVIII concentrate, from January 2011 to December 2017 was conducted at 14 centers in Spain. Efficacy and safety were evaluated for acute bleeding episodes, for prevention of bleeding in surgeries, and for secondary long-term prophylaxis. Results Seventy-two eligible patients, type 1, 2, 3 VWD (25%/38.9%/36.1%) were treated for spontaneous and traumatic bleeding (140 episodes, n = 41 patients), to prevent surgical bleeding (69 episodes, n = 43 patients); and for secondary long-term prophylaxis (18 programs, n = 13 patients). Replacement therapy with pdVWF/FVIII showed an excellent to good clinical efficacy in 96.7% of the bleeding episodes, 100% during surgical procedures and 100% during prophylaxis. No adverse events (AEs), nor serious AEs related to the product were observed. Conclusions Fanhdi® was effective, safe and well tolerated in the management of bleeding episodes, the prevention of bleeding during surgeries, and for secondary long-term prophylaxis in VWD patients.This work was supported by Grifols, manufacturer of the pdVWF/FVIII, Fanhdi®

    Psychological Impact of the Lockdown Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic in University Workers: Factors Related to Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

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    This study aims to explore the psychological impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19)-related lockdown in university workers, and to analyse the factors related to their levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. A cross-sectional study was conducted between 8-22 April 2020, 3.5 weeks after the COVID-19-related lockdown in Spain. We collected sociodemographic and occupational data, in addition to housing, work and health conditions. Coping strategies (Brief COPE-28); level of anxiety, stress, and depression (Depression Anxiety Stress Scales DASS-21); perception of the disease (COVID-19) (Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire BIPQ); and perceived level of social support (Escala Multidimensional de Apoyo Social EMAS) were measured. Multiple linear regression models were fitted to explore the factors related to the level of anxiety, depression, and stress. The sample included 677 subjects. Higher scores in depression, anxiety, and stress occurred among females, younger subjects, administration and service workers; and subjects with a smaller home, as well as those with worse health status, worse quality of sleep, and dysfunctional coping strategies. The COVID-19-related lockdown had a great impact on the mental health of university workers. The participants with specific sociodemographic and occupational characteristics, clinical disorders, and dysfunctional coping strategies were more at risk

    Differences in physical and psychological health in patients with chronic low back pain: A national survey in general Spanish population

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    Purpose To estimate the prevalence of diagnosed and undiagnosed chronic low back pain (CLBP-D and CLBP-UD, respec tively) in the general adult population in Spain and to compare the characteristics of these two groups with subjects without CLBP symptoms (No-CLBP). To establish CLBP-D patient sub-groups according to their self-perceived health status, mental health, level of pain and the impact of their pain on daily activities. Methods Data were obtained from the National Health Survey of Spain 2017 with a sample of 23,089 adults. Three groups were defned: CLBP-D, CLBP-UD and No-CLBP. In the CLBP-D group, a cluster analysis was performed to identify sub groups. A multinomial regression model was constructed to determine the factors associated with each of the sub-groups identifed. Results The prevalence of CLBP-D was 22% (95% CI 21.5–22.5) and that of CLBP-UD was 1.4% (95% CI 1.2–1.5). CLBP-D was more common in middle-aged females with a low educational level. They have a worse perceived health status, report more comorbidities, have worse mental health and more limitations in comparison with the populations without CLBP and with CLBP-UD. Three sub-groups of CLBP-D subjects were identifed. Women and older subjects with a lower educational level, more occupational stress, less social support and with more physical limitations were the most likely subjects to be included in the group worst-afected. Conclusions There is a high prevalence of CLBP among the adult population in Spain. Occupational stress and a lack of social support are common factors among subjects’ worst-afected of CLBP-D and identifying the subjects with these risks is therefore a recommended strategy for improving the healthcare provided to CLBP patients

    Knowledge of COVID-19 and prevention measures among university workers. Identification of subgroups through cluster analysis

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    Introduction: The knowledge of COVID-19 and the recommended preventive measures for controlling the disease have been widely studied in the general population, but little is known about whether the University workers as educators and transmitters of knowledge have appropriate knowledge and take preventive measures for COVID-19. This study aims to analyze the knowledge of COVID-19 and the recommended preventive measures in university workers, to identify groups according to the preventive practices they adopt, and to analyze the factors associated with these practices. Material and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 677 university workers in the University of Cádiz, Spain. A questionnaire with sociodemographic variables, housing, health conditions, knowledge of COVID-19 and preventive measures were administered. The information was collected between 8th and 22nd April, 2020. A cluster analysis was performed to identify subgroups depending on the preventive measures. Associated factors were tested with binary logistic regression. Results: Two groups were identified. Group 1 included 513 subjects who took preventive measures most frequently (means 2.59-4.83). Group 2 included 164 subjects who took preventive measures less frequently (means 1.59-4.22). Men (OR = 1.39), the Teaching and research personnel (OR = 1.49) and individuals with a chronic illness (OR = 1.60) were more likely to belong to the group 2. Those with more knowledge about isolation prevention (OR = 0.167) and early treatment (OR = 0.665) were more likely to belong to group 1. Conclusion: In order to reduce the transmission of the disease, it is necessary to promote the knowledge and use of preventive measures among the group of individuals identified as less engaged in preventive measures. © 2022 The Author

    Understanding the impact of the COVID-19-related lockdown in university workers. Identifying groups through cluster analysis.

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    Objective: To analyse the COVID-19-related lockdown impact on University workers, to identify groups based on this information, and to study the factors associated with each group. Study design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: A survey was conducted 3.5 weeks after COVID-19-related lockdown in University workers in Spain. Sociodemographic variables, housing, work, health conditions, levels of anxiety, stress and depression (DASS-21), and social support (MSPSS) were collected. A cluster analysis was performed to identify groups depending on the impact of the lockdown. Differences between groups were tested using Chi-square and Mann-Whitney-U tests, and associated factors with binary logistic regression. Results: We identified two groups of workers. "G1: Consequences in the daily life routine" was mainly composed of men, Research and Teaching Personnel (RTP) with more stable professional categories, higher income level, and bigger houses than people in G2. Participants in "G2: Concerns for the current and future well-being" presented worse intensity of pain than before the lockdown, more anxiety, depression, stress and less social support than people in G1. ASP (Administration and Services Personnel) had more risk of belonging to G2 than RTP (OR = 5.863). A higher number of people living at home decreased the risk of being in G2 (OR = 0.439). People with lower pain intensity had less risk of being in G2 (OR = 0.014), and this risk decreased as friends support increased (OR = 0.833). Conclusions: In G1, the consequences were immediately reflected in the stress resulting from changes in their daily work routine. In G2, the concerns were related to their professional future, with worse mental health, greater intensity of pain and less social support

    Punk's not dead : fungi for tinder at the Neolithic site of La Draga (NE Iberia)

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    This paper presents the study of the fungi remains preserved in the waterlogged deposits of the Neolithic site of La Draga. These resources had the potential of being used as food and medicine, but also as tinder. Fire was without a doubt one of the most important resources for past people. It was used for lighting, heating, processing food and other materials, cooking and protection, and also possessed social and ritual significance. Hearths are one of the most common features at archaeological sites, but very often little attention is paid to the question of how these fires were lit, and they are seldom reflected in the archaeological record. In order to produce fire by percussion, an intermediate material is required between the sparks and the fuel. Fruiting bodies of fungi are a potential form of tinder, but are less inclined to be well-preserved than other materials. This paper presents the fungal fruiting bodies found at the Neolithic site of La Draga and discusses the meaning of their presence within the archaeological context of the site and European Prehistor

    TTBK1 and CK1 inhibitors restore TDP-43 pathology and avoid disease propagation in lymphoblast from Alzheimer’s disease patients

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    IntroductionTDP-43 proteinopathy in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients is recently emerging as a relevant pathomolecular event that may have been overlooked. Recent results in immortalized lymphocytes from AD patients have shown not only an increase of post-translational modifications in TDP-43, such as hyperphosphorylation and fragmentation, but also its prionic behaviour and cell-to-cell disease transmission. With the main goal to advance therapeutic interventions, we present in this work different kinase inhibitors with potential to restore this pathological mechanism.MethodologyWe have used immortalized lymphocytes from healthy controls and AD severe patients to evaluate the correction of TDP-43 pathology after the treatment with previously synthetized TTBK1 and CK1 inhibitors. Moreover we used the conditioned mediums of these cells to perform different disease propagation experiments.ResultsTDP-43 pathology observed in lymphoblasts from severe AD patients is reduced after the treatment with TTBK1 and CK1 inhibitors (decreasing phosphorylation and increasing nuclear localisation), Furthermore, the significant increase in TDP-43 phosphorylation, cytoplasmic accumulation and aberrant F-actin protrusions (TNT-like structures) observed in control cells growing in CM from AD lymphoblasts were abolished when the CM from AD lymphoblasts treated with previously reported TTBK1 and CK1 inhibitors were used. In addition, the cytosolic transport mediated by molecular motors of the receptor cells was altered with the induced TDP-43 pathology, but it was not produced with the abovementioned pretreated CMs.ConclusionTTBK1 and CK1 inhibitors, specially VNG1.47 and IGS2.7 compounds, restore TDP-43 pathology and avoid cell-to-cell propagation in immortalized lymphocytes from AD patients, being excellent candidates for the future therapy of this prevalent and devastating disease

    Predicción del riesgo de ruptura de aneurismas de aorta abdominal

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    Producción CientíficaLa ruptura de los aneurismas de aorta abdominal (AAAs) es una de las principales causas de muerte en el mundo. Es un fenómeno muy complejo que usualmente ocurre de forma preventiva. Los actuales criterios clínicos empleados para evaluar el riesgo de ruptura (diámetro máximo y tasa de crecimiento) no pueden ser considerados como predictores fiables. Con el objetivo de mejorar la predicción del riesgo de ruptura de AAAs, se ha desarrollado un método simple donde los principales parámetros geométricos del aneurisma han sido relacionados en seis factores biomecánicos, los cuales han sido combinados para obtener un índice numérico y personalizado del riesgo de ruptura, IR(t). La concepción para el desarrollo de este indicador, que ha sido implementado en una herramienta computacional, es que sea de fácil comprensión, permita identificar los aneurismas que sean potencialmente peligrosos de romper aún cuando su diámetro máximo sea menor que el valor umbral e identificar aquellos casos donde la ruptura no debe ocurrir evitando que el paciente se someta al procedimiento quirúrgico de reparación. En el presente trabajo se presentan los fundamentos del método propuesto, así como los resultados de la validación inicial, los cuales fueron diseñados atendiendo a diferentes estrategias de acuerdo a los datos disponibles por el facultativo. Los resultados de esta validación muestran que esposible realizar la evaluación clínica del riesgo de ruptura de AAA a través de sus parámetros geométricos