24 research outputs found

    Actitudes Posturales de la extremidad inferior en los escolares durante las clases: Estudio Observacional

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    Introduction: The Human being and due to the developments, is developing skeletal muscle disorders of the lower limb directly associated with a bad attitude in postural sedestatión, children spend a large part of your life sitting in the classroom. Objectives: To evaluate the position taken at the lower extremity in seated posture of a group of schoolchildren during the period of attention to the teacher in the classroom; compare the different positions of children of different ages and gender. Materials and methods: direct and cross-sectional study of schoolchildren between 10 and 11 years belonging to a college in Early Childhood Education, Primary and Secondary Education in Madrid. The data was collected through observation sheet postural attitudes of spine, lower limb and foot at more sedestación to identify frequent according to gender. Results and Conclusions: There are differences in the way of sitting of children and girls, because girls are the attitudes presented with a higher proportion of lower limb rotational, while children took greater proportion of harmful attitudes in the foot. In conclusion we find it necessary to provide health education and hygiene for postural lower limb in schools and urge schools to have ergonomic furniture to minimize adverse effects on lower limb.Introduccion: El ser humano y debido a la evolución, está desarrollando alteraciones músculo esqueléticas de la extremidad inferior directamente relacionadas con una mala actitud postural en sedestación, los niños pasan una gran parte de su vida sentados en el aula. Objetivos: Valorar la posición que adopta la extremidad inferior en postura sedente de un grupo de escolares durante el periodo de atención al profesor en el aula; Comparar las diferentes posturas sedentes de niños de diferentes edades y género. Material y Métodos: Estudio observacional directo y transversal a escolares de entre 10 y 11 años pertenecientes a un colegio de Educación Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria de Madrid. La recogida de los datos fue a través de ficha de observación de actitues posturales de raquis, miembro inferior y pies en sedestación para determinar las mas frecuentes en función al género. Resultados y Conclusiones: Existen diferencias entre la forma de sentarse de los niños y de las niñas, ya que las niñas son la que con mayor proporción presentaron actitudes rotacionales de la extremidad inferior, en tanto los niños adoptaron mayor proporción de actitudes nocivas en el pie. Como conclusión encontramos necesario proporcionar educación sanitaria e higiene postural para la extremidad inferior en el ámbito escolar e instar a que los centros escolares a que dispongan de mobiliario ergonómico para minimizar efectos adversos en la extremidad inferior

    The mentally ill. History and care since Medieval times

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    El presente trabajo plasma la evolución de la locura en España, en un contexto histórico, social y cultural. La sucesión de acontecimientos y la interrelación de los sistemas sociales han hecho que "el trato", "el cuidado" y "la atención médica" caminen hacia una mejora en la comprensión de las necesidades del paciente y en la aplicación de nuevas teorías médicas. La labor de enfermería, existente desde el principio de los tiempos, refleja una disciplina ganada con el esfuerzo y la participación de todos aquellos que proporcionaron cuidados a través de los siglos. Por otro lado, la política social en el desempeño de su labor integradora, ha ido adaptando la locura al contexto cultural. En el desarrollo del texto se puede observar cómo "el loco" se ha ido acomodando a las diferentes formas de institucionalización y desinstitucionalización hasta llegar a su situación actual.The present work reflects the evolution of insanity in the Spanish cultural, social and historical context. The sequence of events and the interrelation of social systems have improved "assistance", "care" and "medical attention" towards an understanding of the patient's needs and the application of new medical theories. Nursing role reflects -since the beginning of times- a discipline build by the effort and participation of all those who cared during centuries. On the other hand, social policies in their integrating role have made insanity adapt to cultural contexts. Throughout the article it is shown how the "insane" have adapted to different forms of institutionalization and disinstitutionalization leading to the current situation

    Association among presence of cancer pain, inadequate pain control, and psychotropic drug use

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    Introduction Pain is a common symptom in cancer patients, and its control and management are complex. Despite the high concomitant use of psychotropic drugs among such patients, the association among pain, inadequate pain control, and psychotropic drug use has not been fully determined. This study examined the prevalence of cancer pain and inadequate pain control and the association with psychotropic drug use. Materials and methods In this cross-sectional study, we investigated 402 medical records obtained by simple random sampling of oncology patients at a hospital in northern Spain from July 2012 to July 2014. Adjusted odds ratios (ORs) were estimated together with their 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) by unconditional logistic regression for each type of psychotropic drug (anxiolytics, hypnotics, and antidepressants). Results The mean patient age was 61.17 (standard deviation ± 13.14) years; 57.5% were women, 42.5% men. Pain was present in 18.4% of patients and inadequate pain control in 54.2%. We found a statistically significant association between the presence of cancer pain and anxiolytic use (adjusted OR, 3.15; 95% CI, 1.49±6.68) and hypnotic use (adjusted OR, 5.19; 95% CI, 1.77±15.25). Inadequate pain control was associated to a greater extent with the use of those drugs: adjusted OR for anxiolytic use, 4.74 (95% CI, 1.91±11.80); adjusted OR for hypnotic use, 6.09 (95% CI, 1.74±21.32). By contrast, no association was found between pain and antidepressant use (adjusted OR, 0.99). Conclusion The presence of pain and (to a greater extent) poor pain control were associated with increased use of certain psychotropic drugs, such as anxiolytics and hypnotics. There appeared to be no association between pain and antidepressant use

    Theoretical and perceived balance of power inside Spanish public hospitals

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    BACKGROUND: The hierarchical pyramid inside Spanish public hospitals was radically changed by the Health Reform Law promulgated in 1986. According to it, the manpower of the hospitals was divided into three divisions (Medical, Nursing, General Services/Administration), which from then on occupied the same level, only subject to the general manager. Ten years after the implementation of the law, the present study was designed in order to investigate if the legal changes had indeed produced a real change in the balance of power inside the hospitals, as perceived by the different workers within them. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A questionnaire was administered to 1,027 workers from four different public hospitals (two university-based and two district hospitals). The participants belonged to all divisions, and to all three operative levels (staff, supervisory and managerial) within them. The questionnaire inquired about the perceived power inside each division and hierarchical level, as well as about that of the other divisions and hierarchical levels. RESULTS: Every division attributed the least power to itself. The Nursing and the Administrative division attributed the highest power to the physicians, and these attributed the highest power to the General Services/Administrative division. All hierarchical levels (including the formal top of the pyramid) attributed significantly more power to the other than to them. CONCLUSIONS: More than ten years after the implementation of the new law, the majority of workers still perceive that the real power within the hospitals is held by the physicians (whereas these feel that it has shifted to the administrators). No division or hierarchical level believes it holds any significant degree of power, and this carries with it the danger of also not accepting any responsibility

    The impact of muscle relaxation techniques on the quality of life of cancer patients, as measured by the FACT-G questionnaire

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    Introduction Patients with cancer frequently suffer from emotional distress, characterized by psychological symptoms such as anxiety or depression. The presence of psychological symptoms combined with the complex nature of oncology processes can negatively impact patients' quality of life. We aimed to determine the impact of a relaxation protocol on improving quality of life in a sample of oncological patients treated in the Spanish National Public Health System. Materials and methods We conducted a multicenter interventional study without a control group. In total, 272 patients with different oncologic pathologies and showing symptoms of anxiety were recruited from 10 Spanish public hospitals. The intervention comprised abbreviated progressive muscle relaxation training, according to Bernstein and Borkovec. This was followed by weekly telephone calls to each patient over a 1-month period. We collected sociodemographic variables related to the disease process, including information about mental health and the intervention. Patients' quality of life was assessed using the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General (FACT-G) questionnaire. Bivariate and univariate analyses were performed, along with an analysis of multiple correspondences to identify subgroups of patients with similar variations on the FACT-G. Results Patients showed statistically significant improvements on the FACT-G overall score (W = 16806; p<0.001), with an initial mean score of 55.33±10.42 and a final mean score of 64.49±7.70. We also found significant improvements for all subscales: emotional wellbeing (W = 13118; p<0.001), functional wellbeing (W = 16155.5; p<0.001), physical wellbeing (W = 8885.5; p<0.001), and social and family context (W = ?1840; p = 0.037). Conclusions Patients with cancer who learned and practiced abbreviated progressive muscle relaxation experienced improvement in their perceived quality of life as measured by the FACT-G. Our findings support a previous assumption that complementary techniques (including relaxation techniques) are effective in improving the quality of life of patients with cancer

    Image of immigration through scientific literature

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    Objetivo: Conocer la imagen que tiene la comunidad científica sobre la salud de los inmigrantes a través de la bibliografía española en las principales bases documentales de Ciencias de la Salud . Material y métodos: En la primera fase del estudio se ha realizado un análisis bibliométrico, que abarca el periodo 1980 -2001. Las bases de datos consultadas han sido Medline e Indice Médico Español (IME). La segunda fase del estudio, consistió en la localización de las fuentes primarias y su posterior análisis del discurso dominante en cada uno de los artículos recuperados. Resultados: Se registraron un total de 80 publicaciones que cumplieran los criterios marcados de la búsqueda bibliográfica de los cuales 72 publicaciones se encuentran indizadas en la base de datos Medline, y los 8 restantes pertenecen a la base de datos IME. Respecto al análisis bibliométrico podemos afirmar que las comunidades españolas en las cuales se ha realizado el mayor número de estudios sobre inmigración y salud han sido Cataluña con un 42,1%, seguida muy de cerca por la Comunidad de Madrid con total de 31,57% estudios realizados sobre inmigración. En cuanto a la procedencia de los inmigrantes que formaban parte de los artículos estudiados fue la siguiente: 57% África, 30% Latinoamérica y 13% Asia. Referente al análisis de discurso, podemos decir que existen dos discursos dominantes, que se muestran en los siguientes epígrafes: "La inmigración produce un aumento de las tasas de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Tropicales" “El uso de los servicios de salud por la población inmigrante”. Conclusiones: Existe una clara necesidad para la puesta en marcha de programas interdisciplinarios sociosanitarios que ayuden a superar las barreras culturales e idiomáticas. El inmigrante en sí no constituye un riesgo para la salud pública, sino que son los estilos de vida, las prácticas higiénicas, sanitarias y alimenticias, las que representan un riesgo para la salud pública e individual.Objective: To know the image the scientific community has about the health of immigrants, searching Spanish bibliography through the main Health Sciences databases. Materials and Methods: In a first phase of the study we performed a bibliometric analysis encompassing the period 1980-2001. The searched databases were Medline and Indice Médico Español (IME). A second phase consisted in locating primary sources and analyzing the dominant discourse in each of the retrieved articles. Results: The search resulted in the identification of 80 articles complying with the search criteria (72 from Medline and 8 from IME). Regarding the bibliometric study, the Spanish autonomous region where most studies have been carried out was Catalonia (42.1%), closely followed by Madrid (32.57%). Immigrants came from Africa (57%), Latinamerica (30%) and Asia (13%) The analysis of the dominant discourse within the articles can be summarized in the following two headings: “Immigration results in an increase of infectious and tropical diseases”. “The use of health care services by the immigrants”. Conclusions: There is a clear need for the implementation of interdisciplinary sociosanitary programs which may help to overcome language and cultural barriers. Different lifestyles, and hygienic, sanitary and alimentary practices and not the immigrant himself, represent a hazard for both individuals and public health

    Analysis of professional identity through nurses' educational competence

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    El presente artículo se centra en la percepción que tienen las propias enfermeras sobre sus competencias profesionales, la visión que tienen otros profesionales sanitarios y la visión social que tienen los usuarios sobre este colectivo. Para ello se configuraron dos grupos de discusión formados por enfermeras/os que trabajan en dos hospitales de Madrid, en cuyos ámbitos de trabajo se desarrolla gran parte de nuestro estudio general. Se seleccionaron dos grupos con perfiles diferentes, de manera que sus discursos en muchos aspectos, también son diferentes, como se podrá observar en el análisis y las conclusiones del trabajo. Lo que se pretende es conocer los discursos que elaboraban las enfermeras/os, en interacción con otros compañeros de trabajo del mismo hospital, respecto de su competencia en educación con pacientes crónicos hospitalizados. Analizando los discursos que fluían entorno al rol educativo, se pudo identificar las características que estos grupos de enfermeras/os asignaban a la educación que llevan a cabo en el hospital, así como la problemática derivada de su realización, y los factores que la condicionan. La propia dinámica de los grupos de discusión, facilitó la emergencia de otros discursos que estas enfermeras/os ligaban de manera directa con el desempeño de su rol educativo, como son, el reconocimiento social de la profesión.The present article deals with nurses’ perception of their own professional competence, other health professionals’ view and patients’ social perspective. Two discussion groups integrated by nurses working in two Madrid hospitals were constituted; most of our general study was carried out in these two hospitals. Both groups had different profiles, thus their discourses varied in many aspects, as can be seen in the analysis and conclusions. The aim was to identify discourses elaborated by nurses interacting with other colleagues from the same hospital regarding educational competence towards hospitalised chronic patients. From the analysis of discourses on the educational role, characteristics assigned to education by these two groups of nurses were identified, along with difficulties and conditioning factors. The discussion groups own dynamics facilitated other discourses emerging in connection to the development of their educational role, such as social acknowledgement of the profession