522 research outputs found

    Diseño de un nuevo sensor de Ca²+ y su aplicación a los orgánulos intracelulares "ex vivo e in vivo"

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    El retículo endoplasmático (RE) es el principal depósito de Ca2+ celular y contribuye activamente a la señalización del Ca2+ citosólico, por lo que es esencial monitorizar la homeostasis del Ca2+ directamente desde el lumen de este orgánulo para entender la fisiología celular. Nuestro grupo ha desarrollado una nueva clase de sensores de Ca2+ de baja afinidad para medir en el lumen del RE, mediante la mutación de los sitios de unión a Ca2+, obteniendo GAP2. Además, mediante nuevas sustituciones se consiguió GAP3, la cual era dos veces más fluorescente que GAP2. Ambos sensores eran ratiométricos de excitación, insensibles a pH o Mg2+, tenían un amplio rango dinámico, y un coeficiente de Hill de 1. Se realizaron medidas ex vivo e in vivo con ambos sensores dirigidos al RE en ratones y moscas transgénicos, donde ambos sensores registraron las liberaciones del Ca2+ reticular provocados por estímulos fisiológicos.Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular y FisiologíaInstituto de Biología y Genética Molecula

    Trabajo final de máster profesional. Máster Universitario en Traducción Médico-Sanitaria (2017/2018)

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    Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Traducció Medicosanitària. Codi: SBA031. Curs: 2017/201

    Hacia una perspectiva de la enseñanza de la ciencia escolar que fomente la curiosidad del alumnado y su utilidad para la vida cotidiana

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    El presente Trabajo Fin de Grado defiende la enseñanza de las Ciencias en Educación Primaria a través de la investigación científica. Está enfocado hacia un aprendizaje activo y participativo que permite al alumnado descubrir y crear conocimiento que satisfaga sus curiosidades personales y resulte útil para la vida cotidiana. MÉTODO. Tras un análisis de las concepciones iniciales de un grupo de niños/as, se diseña y lleva a cabo una propuesta didáctica basada en el huerto escolar. A continuación, se estudia la evolución de las ideas tras implementar la intervención. Para, un año después, volver a examinarlas y comprobar si el aprendizaje ha sido efectivo y cómo el conocimiento permanece o no. RESULTADO. Se ha podido observar la evolución notoria de las concepciones iniciales tras la intervención pedagógica. A su vez, se verifica cómo, con el paso del tiempo, hay contenido que se pierde. Positivamente, me encuentro con otros contenidos muy asimilados por los estudiantes, los cuáles responden a las experiencias más prácticas. DISCUSIÓN. Compruebo que es posible mejorar la aplicación o estudio de las ciencias en el aula. De igual modo, la intervención y propuesta educativa, ya que el contenido no asimilado corresponde a actividades menos dinámicas y participativas.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Educación Primari

    Análisis comparativo de algoritmos para la optimización de formación de células de producción

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    En este documento se aborda un estudio y comparación de algunos algoritmos para la optimización de la organización de procesos en forma de células de fabricación, es decir, a partir de los datos de entrada que son las máquinas disponibles y los trabajos a realizar se optimiza su distribución para un mejor rendimiento del proceso productivo. Para ello se han seleccionado dos tipos de metaheurísticas, en primer lugar, el Algoritmo de Selección Clonal, basado en el comportamiento de clonación y memoria de los anticuerpos del sistema inmunológico, del cual se han realizado varias modificaciones para la observación de los cambios en los resultados. Por otra parte, se ha escogido el algoritmo Iterated Greedy, que está formado principalmente por dos fases y es utilizado normalmente para problemas de programación de operaciones. Para llevar a cabo el análisis, se procederá a la resolución de una batería de problemas a través de los códigos realizados en el software Codeblocks. Posteriormente se pasará a una exposición de los resultados con su correspondiente comparación entre algoritmos. Al final del documento se explicarán las conclusiones identificadas tras el análisis y la observación de los cálculos obtenidos.This paper discusses a study and comparison of some algorithms for the optimization of process organisation in the form of manufacturing cells, that is to say, from the input data that are the available machines and the tasks to be performed, its distribution is optimized for a better performance of the production process. For this purpose, two types of metaheuristics have been selected, first, the Clonal Selection Algorithm, based on the cloning and memory behaviour of antibodies in the immune system, of which several modifications have been made for the observation of changes in results. On the other hand, the iterated greedy algorithm has been chosen, which consists mainly of two phases and is normally used for operations programming problems. To carry out the analysis, a battery of problems will be resolved through the codes made in the Codeblocks software. The results will then be presented with a corresponding comparison between algorithms. The conclusions identified after the analysis and observation of the calculations obtained shall be explained at the end of the document.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería de las Tecnologías Industriale

    El espacio público como espacio de cuidados colectivos. Análisis de los diferentes modelos de ciudad, del espacio público y sus características dentro de cada una de ellas, y reflexiones entorno a su uso desde una perspectiva feminista

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    [ES] Análisis de los diferentes modelos de ciudad y reflexiones entorno a ellos desde una perspectiva feminista. El espacio público y todas sus características marcan como la gente lo utiliza. Los diferentes estilos de vida que hemos conocido relativos a los cuidados y los espacios de convivencia han sido a su vez marcados por las economías y las formas de producción. Ahora que la mujer, sobre la que siempre han recaído las tareas de cuidados, se incorpora al mercado laboral de forma masiva, profesionalizada y, a veces, sin pretender renunciar a sus logros por cuidar de otras personas, encontramos carencias en el campo de los cuidados. Ese hecho, sumado al proceso de individualización que ha sufrido la población, da lugar a que haya muchos casos de personas mayores, dependientes o infantes que no tienen todos los cuidados que necesitan. Es por ello que una de las vías pasaría por repensar las ciudades y los espacios colectivos para facilitar una convivencia conjunta, digna, feminista, inclusiva y ecológica.[EN] Analysis of the different city models and reflections around them from a feminist perspective. The public space and all its characteristics mark how people use it. The different lifestyles that we have known about care and living spaces have been marked by economies and forms of production. Now that the woman, on whom the care tasks have always fallen, enters the labor market in a massive, professionalized way and, sometimes, without pretending to renounce her achievements for taking care of other people, we find deficiencies in the field of care. This fact, added to the process of individualization that the population has suffered, gives rise to many cases of elderly, dependent or infants who do not have all the care they need. That is why one of the ways would go through rethinking cities and collective spaces to facilitate a joint, dignified, feminist, inclusive and ecological coexistence.Navarro Martínez, P. (2019). El espacio público como espacio de cuidados colectivos. Análisis de los diferentes modelos de ciudad, del espacio público y sus características dentro de cada una de ellas, y reflexiones entorno a su uso desde una perspectiva feminista. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/130825TFG

    La evolución de la relación entre marcas e influencers españolas de moda tras la pandemia.

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    In March 2020, the new SARS-CoV-2 virus arrived to stay amongst us, bringing the most important global pandemic known up to now. The entire world was affected by a health crisis that spread to all sectors of society, leading to company clousures, rises in unemployment rates and many changes in ordinary lifestyle. This pandemic has also had an impact on changes in society's consumption habits and a relevant increase in the use of social networks due to the months of lockdown, which has leaded to important changes in various areas and, specifically, in the fashion and  influencers sector. In addition to the pandemic problem, there is the trouble of adapting to the new Spanish regulation, code of conduct on social networks, from January 2021. This research aims to analyze, using a mixed methodology, the changes produced in fashion influencers jobs before, during and after the pandemic, the evolution of fashion brands in digital media and new trends in influencer marketing that have been caused by this new situation. To do so, we have performed a content analysis and interviews with professionals from the fashion sector. Conclusions show a greater control of content, an increase in number of followers and a closer link with brands. Comparisons with the dynamic in other international markets, as well as the future adaptation of the professional activity to current regulations, are the most relevant questions to be addressed in order to be able to expand the study in the future.In March 2020, the new SARS-CoV-2 virus arrived to stay amongst us, bringing the most important global pandemic known up to now. The entire world was affected by a health crisis that spread to all sectors of society, leading to company clousures, rises in unemployment rates and many changes in ordinary lifestyle. This pandemic has also had an impact on changes in society's consumption habits and a relevant increase in the use of social networks due to the months of lockdown, which has leaded to important changes in various areas and, specifically, in the fashion and  influencers sector. In addition to the pandemic problem, there is the trouble of adapting to the new Spanish regulation, code of conduct on social networks, from January 2021. This research aims to analyze, using a mixed methodology, the changes produced in fashion influencers jobs before, during and after the pandemic, the evolution of fashion brands in digital media and new trends in influencer marketing that have been caused by this new situation. To do so, we have performed a content analysis and interviews with professionals from the fashion sector. Conclusions show a greater control of content, an increase in number of followers and a closer link with brands. Comparisons with the dynamic in other international markets, as well as the future adaptation of the professional activity to current regulations, are the most relevant questions to be addressed in order to be able to expand the study in the future.La llegada del virus SARS-CoV-2 trajo consigo una pandemia mundial y una crisis sanitaria que iba a extenderse a todos los ámbitos de la sociedad, desembocando en cierre de empresas, pérdidas de millones de empleos y numerosas alteraciones en el estilo de vida de los individuos, además de provocar cambios de consumo en la sociedad y un aumento del uso de las redes sociales debido a los meses de confinamiento, lo que supuso un punto de inflexión en diversos ámbitos y, concretamente, en el sector de la moda y de las influencers. Con la presente investigación se pretende analizar, mediante metodología mixta, los cambios producidos antes, durante y después de la pandemia en el trabajo de las influencers de moda, la evolución de las marcas de este sector en los medios digitales y las nuevas tendencias en el marketing de influencia que se han generado a raíz de esta nueva situación. Para ello, se realizará un análisis de contenido y una entrevista a profesionales del sector

    Individual, Language and writing : a neurolinguistics study

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    Orientador: Maria Irma Hadler CoundryDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da LinguagemResumo: A pesquisa "Sujeito, linguagem e escrito: um estudo Neurolinguístico" trata sobre o acompanhamento longitudinal de dois garotos, MO e DC de 17 e 16 anos, respectivamente, encaminhados pela escola para o Laboratório de Neurolinguística (LABONE/IEL/UNICAMP) com a queixa de dificuldades de aprendizagem. Para tanto, tivemos como objetivos: (i) o estudo de questões que envolvem o processo de aquisição e uso da leitura/escrita junto aos sujeitos; (ii) compreender a relação de MO e DC com a fala, com o exercício da linguagem e com o escrito/lido baseando-se nas suas histórias de vida, e escolar, para conduzir o acompanhamento longitudinal fonoaudiológico - material de análise desta pesquisa. Para tal, foram realizadas comparações entre seus escritos na escola (material escaneado de cadernos escolares) e seus escritos em sessões fonoaudiológicas individuais (material transcrito e escaneado) com a finalidade de mostrar o estado e o andamento do processo de aquisição e uso da leitura/escrita, com suas especificidades e com a que pode vir a (re)estabelecer, dado o cuidado terapêutico a eles dedicado. Este trabalho baseia-se em pressupostos teórico-metodológicos de uma neurolinguística discursiva (COUDRY, 1986/1988), fundamentada em uma concepção histórica de linguagem (FRANCHI, 1977), em que esta se apresenta como lugar da interação humana e de interlocução, como trabalho e atividade constitutiva da subjetividade, da alteridade e de si própria como objeto de reflexão. Diferentemente do que acontece na escola e na área da saúde, em que se ignoram aspectos fundamentais, sobretudo no início do processo como a variedade de fala na qual a criança adquiriu a linguagem oral e o trânsito (normal) do oral para o escrito e marcas do letramento construídas na vida em sociedade, essa pesquisa analisa e considera o processo de aquisição e usos sociais da escrita, em sua dinâmica própria de funcionamento. No percurso contrário ao do discurso homogêneo e patologizante presente na área da Fonoaudiologia, este trabalho pretende mostrar que quando olhamos para os sujeitos de maneira singular, com histórias de vidas singulares, é possível traçar uma nova história para eles através da escrita, pois é através da linguagem que o sujeito se constitui e elabora sua relação com o grupo (ORLANDI, 2006) Os dados presentes na pesquisa revelam tais processos e ainda denunciam o lugar de marginalidade que jovens como MO e DC ficaram ao longo dos anos que passaram no banco da escola. À margem do sistema escolar, de crianças com dificuldades na leitura e na escrita, MO e DC, hoje, praticamente adultos, assumiram (tanto eles quanto suas famílias) uma posição de fracasso e desânimo diante da vida, pois a marca de não saber ler e escrever é tão forte que acabam correspondendo a ela, acreditando nisso.Abstract:The research "Individual, Language and writing: a neurolinguistics study" deals with the accompaniment of two boys, MO and DC 17 and 16 years respectively, the school sent to the Laboratory of Neurolinguistics (LABONE / IEL /UNICAMP) with complaints of learning difficulties. To this end, we had the following objectives: (i) the study of issues surrounding the acquisition and use of read / write with the individuals, (ii) understand the relationship between MO and DC with speech, with the exercise of language and with the writing / reading based on their life stories, and school, to drive the longitudinal speech - for analysis of this research. To this end, comparisons were made between his writing at school (used books scanned from school) and his writings on individual speech therapy sessions (the transcribed and scanned) in order to show the status and progress of the acquisition and use of reading / writing with their specific and that can come to (re) establish, given the therapeutic care devoted to them. This work is based on theoretical and methodological assumptions of a discursive neurolinguistics (COUDRY, 1986/1988), based on a historical conception of language (FRANCHI, 1977), as it presents itself as a place of human interaction and dialogue, as work activity and constitutive of subjectivity, of otherness and of itself as object of reflection. Unlike what happens in school and in health, which ignore key issues, especially at the beginning of the process as a variety of speech in which the child has acquired language and oral transit (normal) of the oral and the written marks constructed literacy in society, this research analyzes and considers the process of acquisition and social uses of writing in their own dynamic operation. On the way contrary to the speech pathologic homogeneous and present in the area of speech therapy, this study aims to show that when we look at the subject in a unique way, with stories of individual lives, it is possible to draw a new story for them through writing, because it is through the language that the subject is constituted and develops its relationship with the group (ORLANDI, 2006) The data in the study reveal such procedures, and also complain about the place of marginalized young people like MO and DC were over the years they spent in the school. Outside the school system, children with difficulties in reading and writing, MO and DC, today, almost adults, taken (both they and their families) a position of failure and discouragement about life, because the mark of not read and writing is so strong that end corresponding to it, believing it.MestradoLinguisticaMestre em Linguístic

    Efficiency characterization of a variable speed compressor

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    [EN] Heat pump systems have been spreading into the heating and air conditioning industry as they offer an affordable, efficient and reliable solution. They are considered by the EU as the solution to follow in heating and cooling in order to reach the objectives in reduction of CO2 emissions. As a consequence of that, there is a growing interest in the development of more efficient heat pump systems which has motivated the introduction of many technical innovations in the last 10 years. Among these innovations, the introduction of inverter system has been quite popular. This technology could imply a significant improvement when the system has to work at non-design conditions. However, in the standards there is limited information about the characterization procedure of these systems (i.e. EN 13771-1 only refers to fixed speed or vapour injection compressors) and compressor-inverter system are characterized as a single unit. In that context, it is typical to assume a fixed power loss factor of 3-5% in the inverter. That power loss factor is considered when designing a new system but could differ in the final appliance, especially when the system runs at low speed. In conclusion, the knowledge around variable speed compressors is limited and the system is usually studied as a black box. In this study, the power of a variable speed compressor and its corresponding inverter have been measured separately in a calorimeter test bench according the specifications of the norm EN 13771-1. From these measurements, it has been possible to determine the efficiency of the compressor and the inverter independently. From these results, the aim of the study is to provide a complete analysis of the performance of a variable speed compressor system. The experimental analysis was carried out using the same compressor with two different models of inverter with the same commutation technology. The study consisted in a battery of tests in which the same compression conditions were maintained while the rotation speed of the compressor were modified from 30rps to 120rps. The results of the paper show that the speed of the compressor and the chosen inverter brand has a high effect on the efficiency. Moreover, these results can be applied to get the efficiency curve of an inverter and point out the error that can be made by designers when considering a fixed 3-5% power loss. And last but not least, the study can also set the bases for other investigations involving the reductionOssorio-Santiago, RJ.; Navarro-Peris, E.; Gonzálvez-Maciá, J.; Albaladejo, P.; López-Navarro, A. (2019). Efficiency characterization of a variable speed compressor. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha José Antonio Almendros Ibáñez. 265-275. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/180707S26527

    Cytotoxic effects of two acid solutions and 2.5% sodium hypochlorite used in endodontic therapy

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    Aim: To evaluate the cytotoxicity of 15% citric acid, 5% phosphoric acid and 2.5% NaOCl on cultured fibroblasts using MTT colorimetric assay. Methodology: Irrigating solutions of 5% phosphoric acid, 15% citric acid, and 2.5% NaOCl, diluted at 0.1% and 0.5%, were applied to cell cultures of 3T3L1 fibroblasts. The cell viability was determined by means of MTT colorimetric assay after a period of 1, 6 and 24 hours. Percentages of cell viability were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test for global comparisons and the Mann-Whitney U-test for pairwise comparisons. Results: The percentage of cell viability diminished progressively over a 24 hour period in all solutions at both dilutions. At 0.1% dilution, 2.5% NaOCl (63.39%) and 15% citric acid (53.91%) showed the highest percentage of cell viability (p=0.083). At 0.5% dilution, 2.5% NaOCl again showed the highest cell viability value (48.51%). Conclusions: The irrigating solution with the highest percentage of cell viability was 2.5% NaOCl at both 0.1% and 0.5% dilutions. A very low percentage of cell viability was obtained with 15% citric acid and 5% phosphoric acid at 0.5% dilution

    Servicio de apoyo al empleo ONCE

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    Ponencias de las Terceras Jornadas sobre Empleo y Discapacidad celebradas el 29 de abril de 2009 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridNo publicad