321 research outputs found

    Supporting personalization in a web-based course through the definition of role-based access policies

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    Role-based access policies model the users domain by means of complex structures where roles, which represent jobs or responsibilities assumed by users, are specialized into more concrete subroles which inherit properties and authorizations from their parents. Such an approach can be applied within the context of educational applications, where different roles are easily identified each of which has different views of the same information items and different capabilities to modify them. Moreover, even though this approach, has only been oriented towards modeling security requirements, it can be extended to support personalized access to the information. In this paper, we describe how to combine the basic principles of RBAC policies and adaptation with a view of providing personalized access to the different types of users of a web-based course. Moreover, we also present Courba, a platform to generate personalized web-based courses using XML to support the definition of access policies.Role-based access policies model the users domain by means of complex structures where roles, which represent jobs or responsibilities assumed by users, are specialized into more concrete subroles which inherit properties and authorizations from their parents. Such an approach can be applied within the context of educational applications, where different roles are easily identified each of which has different views of the same information items and different capabilities to modify them. Moreover, even though this approach, has only been oriented towards modeling security requirements, it can be extended to support personalized access to the information. In this paper, we describe how to combine the basic principles of RBAC policies and adaptation with a view of providing personalized access to the different types of users of a web-based course. Moreover, we also present Courba, a platform to generate personalized web-based courses using XML to support the definition of access policies

    Business cycles and investment in intangibles : evidence from Spanish firms

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    This paper tests the opportunity-cost theory using a panel of Spanish firms during the period 1991-2010. Under this theory, productivity-enhancing activities, such as R&D investment, should increase during downturns because of the fall in their relative cost – in terms of forgone output –. This would imply that business cycles may have a (positive) long-term impact on productivity growth. In the spirit of Aghion et al. (2007) we allow the impact of the cycle on R&D to vary between firms with different access to credit, finding that credit constraints may reverse the countercyclicality of R&D, even if it is optimal for them. We go one step further and explore whether other productivity-enhancing activities, like on-the-job training and the purchase of patents, follow a similar pattern. We find that on-the-job training expenditures are countercyclical and, unlike R&D investment, credit constraints seem not to affect their cyclical behaviour. Investments in other intangibles, such as patent purchases, are found to be acyclical, also irrespective of financial constraints, which could suggest some kind of substitution between R&D and patent purchases over the cycle. Finally, complementarities between the different intangible investments and the traditional productive factors (labour and capital) are also investigated via production function estimates, in order to assess potential indirect effects of the cycle on long-run growthEste trabajo contrasta la teoría del coste de oportunidad utilizando un panel de empresas españolas para el período 1991-2010. Según esta teoría, las actividades que mejoran la productividad empresarial, como por ejemplo la inversión en I+D, deberían aumentar durante la fase baja del ciclo, ya que su coste relativo en términos del producto final que se deja de producir cae. Este hecho podría implicar que los ciclos económicos pueden tener un impacto (positivo) sobre el crecimiento de la productividad a largo plazo. En línea con la importante contribución de Aghion et al. (2007), realizamos un ejercicio empírico en el que permitimos que el efecto del ciclo económico sobre el gasto en I+D varíe entre empresas con distinta capacidad de acceder a la financiación externa, y encontramos que las restricciones crediticias pueden llegar a revertir la contraciclicidad de la I+D, aunque ello no sea lo óptimo para la empresa. En este trabajo se da un paso más y se explora si existen otras actividades beneficiosas para la productividad empresarial, como el gasto en formación o la adquisición del derecho de uso de patentes, que siguen un patrón cíclico similar al de la I+D. Los resultados apuntan a que el gasto en formación de las empresas es contracíclico y, a diferencia de la inversión en I+D, dicho patrón no parece verse afectado por la presencia de restricciones financieras. La inversión en otros activos intangibles, como las compras de patentes, resulta ser acíclica, también con independencia de las restricciones de crédito, lo que podría sugerir cierto grado de sustituibilidad entre la inversión en I+D y las compras de patentes a lo largo del ciclo económico. Finalmente, también se estudian las complementariedades entre los diferentes tipos de inversión en activos intangibles y los factores productivos tradicionales (trabajo y capital físico) mediante la estimación de una función de producció

    Supporting personalization in a web-based course through the definition of role-based access policies

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    Role-based access policies model the users domain by means of complex structures where roles, which represent jobs or responsibilities assumed by users, are specialized into more concrete subroles which inherit properties and authorizations from their parents. Such an approach can be applied within the context of educational applications, where different roles are easily identified each of which has different views of the same information items and different capabilities to modify them. Moreover, even though this approach, has only been oriented towards modeling security requirements, it can be extended to support personalized access to the information. In this paper, we describe how to combine the basic principles of RBAC policies and adaptation with a view of providing personalized access to the different types of users of a web-based course. Moreover, we also present Courba, a platform to generate personalized web-based courses using XML to support the definition of access policies.Role-based access policies model the users domain by means of complex structures where roles, which represent jobs or responsibilities assumed by users, are specialized into more concrete subroles which inherit properties and authorizations from their parents. Such an approach can be applied within the context of educational applications, where different roles are easily identified each of which has different views of the same information items and different capabilities to modify them. Moreover, even though this approach, has only been oriented towards modeling security requirements, it can be extended to support personalized access to the information. In this paper, we describe how to combine the basic principles of RBAC policies and adaptation with a view of providing personalized access to the different types of users of a web-based course. Moreover, we also present Courba, a platform to generate personalized web-based courses using XML to support the definition of access policies

    Organization of comprehensive nuptial events specialized in catholic and civil rites

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    Treball Final de Grau en Publicitat i Relacions Públiques. Codi: PU0932. Curs: 2014/2015En el presente trabajo hemos elegido el sector nupcial como cuna para la creación de nuestra empresa: “Serena y Blair”. Tras haber investigado este nicho de mercado hemos visto en él la oportunidad de abrir un nuevo negocio que nos permitirá, por un lado, estar siempre en contacto con nuestros clientes y tener así una buena relación con ellos, lo que nos dará opción de trabajar conjuntamente y llegar siempre de forma satisfactoria al cumplimiento de nuestros objetivos; por otro lado, de esta manera podremos disfrutar con y trabajar en aquello que siempre nos ha gustado, que es la organización de eventos. Pensamos que la cercanía y la confianza son valores necesarios con los que debemos trabajar día a día. Crearemos una empresa dedicada a la organización de eventos nupciales integrales, es decir, planificaremos todo lo que engloba este tipo de celebraciones. Sin embargo, nos diferenciaríamos del resto de nuestros competidores en dos aspectos: la realización de eventos complementarios a las nupcias (despedidas de soltero/a, viaje de luna de miel y pedida de mano) y la especialización en ritos católicos y civiles, con el objetivo de ampliar nuestro público a parejas homosexuales o de otras religiones que se quieran casar por lo civil. La empresa estará integrada por dos socias y dispondrá de un local en el centro de Valencia, ya que su actividad se desarrollaría en la Comunidad Valenciana.In the present work we have chosen the bridal industry as a cradle for the establishment of our company, "Serena and Blair". After having researched this niche market we have seen therein the opportunity to open a new business that will allows us, on the one hand, to maintain the contact with our customers and to have a good relationship with them in order to work together and to meet always successfully our objectives; on the other hand, it will also allow us to enjoy and work in the business we have always liked, that is organizing events. We think that closeness and trust are values we need to work every day. We will create a company dedicated to the organization of comprehensive bridal events, that is, we will plan everything including this type of celebrations. Furthermore, we differ from the rest of our competitors in two aspects: the realization of events associated to marriages (bachelor parties/the honeymoon travel and the betrothal) and the specialization in Catholic and civil rituals, aiming to expand our target to couples being homosexual or having other religions who desire to get married in a civil ceremony. The company will be composed by two partners and will have a local in the center of Valencia, as its activity is developed in Valencia

    Estudio comparativo de la eliminación de debris y smear layer con láser de ND: YAG y ER,CR: YSGG. Análisis in vitro mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido.

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    Introducción: La tecnología láser en endodoncia tiene un efecto positivo en cuanto a limpieza mecánica y desinfección. En este estudio hemos querido estudiar el efecto de dos tipos de láser, el láser de Nd:YAG y el láser de Er,Cr:YSGG, en la limpieza de las paredes dentinarias y, en concreto, sobre la apertura de los túbulos dentinarios y la presencia o no de debris y barrillo dentinario. Material y Método: Se escogió una muestra de 60 dientes unirradiculares que se dividieron en 5 grupos según el protocolo de irrigación utilizado, utilizando EDTA al 17%, Láser de Nd:YAG, Láser de Er,Cr:YSGG, EDTA al 17% y Láser de Nd:YAG y EDTA al 17% y Láser de Er,Cr:YSGG. Las muestras fueron observadas al microscopio electrónico de barrido para su análisis de presencia de debris y barrillo dentinario en los tercios apical y medio del conducto. Resultados: En el análisis del tercio apical, no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas al comparar ninguno de los grupos a estudio. En el análisis del tercio medio, encontramos diferencias estadísticamente significativas al comparar el grupo irrigado con EDTA al 17% y el grupo irrigado con Láser de Er,Cr:YSGG, al comparar el grupo irrigado con EDTA al 17% y el grupo irrigado con EDTA al 17% y láser de Er,Cr:YSGG y al compara el grupo irradiado con Láser de Nd:YAG y el grupo irrigado con láser de Er,Cr:YSGG. Conclusiones: En cuanto a la remoción de debris y barrillo dentinario, el láser de Nd:YAG no es eficaz a la hora de eliminar el barrillo dentinario. Sin embargo, el láser de Er,Cr:YSGG sí es eficaz a la hora de eliminar debris ybarrillo dentinario. La combinación del láser de Nd:YAG con EDTA al 17% no mejora la limpieza de la superficie dentinaria. Sin embargo, la combinación del láser de Er,Cr:YSGG y EDTA al 17%, esta combinación resulta en superficies más limpias en el tercio medio, al ser comparadas con el EDTA al 17%, con diferencias estadísticamente significativas

    Mining Patterns for Web-based Emergency Management Systems

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    6 pages, 1 figure.-- Contributed to: 4th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM2007, Delft, the Netherlands, May 13-16, 2007).Design patterns describe problems that occur recurrently, and specify the core of the solution in such a way that we can (re)use it in different contexts and applications. Although, web-based Emergency Management Systems domain is still in its nascent stages, there are design principles, real systems and design patterns from other related areas that can be a valuable source of knowledge to mine design patterns. From these sources we have created a patterns catalogue to assist novice designers on discovering what issues should be addressed to develop useful and successful systems. In this paper, we present the mining process and some patterns as example.This work is supported by the ARCE++ project (TSI2004-03394) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education (MEC) and a cooperation agreement between "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid" and "Dirección General de Protección Civil y Emergencias" (Ministry of the Interior).Publicad

    IWARN: A people-centered approach for early warning

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    Early warning is the activity of the mitigation phase concerned with monitoring precursors of a potential hazard to decide whether it is evolving to real risk and eventually initiate an early response. The first step consists of collecting updated and reliable data to support situational awareness from emergency operators. Data-centered Early Warning Systems (EWS) are focused on gathering data and run simulations to support decision-makers. A more sustainable approach consists of a people-centered EWS that takes profit from citizens who act as intelligent sensors collecting and sharing purposeful information. This people-centered approach can contribute to raising community awareness of the local environment and its vulnerabilities. In this paper, we introduce iWarn, a system relying upon mobile to integrate citizens in this process. The system has been developed following an action research approach to involve different stakeholders, including professionals, volunteers and citizens

    Visualization of Lipid Droplets in the Alveolar Macrophage Cell Line MH-S with Live-cell Imaging by 3D Holotomographic Microscopy (Nanolive)

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    Lipid droplets (LD), triglycerides and sterol esters among them, are well known for their capacity as lipid storage organelles. Recently, they have emerged as critical cytoplasmic structures involved in numerous biological functions. LD storage is generated de novo by the cell and provides an energy reserve, lipid precursors, and cell protection. Moreover, LD accumulation can be observed in some pathologies as obesity, atherosclerosis, or lung diseases. Fluorescence imaging techniques are the most widely used techniques to visualize cellular compartments in live cells, including LD. Nevertheless, presence of fluorophores can damage subcellular components and induce cytotoxicity, or even alter the dynamics of the organelles. As an alternative to fluorescence microscopy, label-free techniques such as stimulated Raman scattering and coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering microscopy offer a solution to avoid the undesirable effects caused by dyes and fluorescent proteins, but are expensive and complex. Here, we describe a label-free method using live-cell imaging by 3D holotomographic microscopy (Nanolive) to visualize LD accumulation in the MH-S alveolar macrophage cell line after treatment with oleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid that promotes lipid accumulation.We are grateful to Instituto de Salud Carlos III for financial support to S.H.(PI20CIII/00018). A. Pérez-Montero is supported by Comunidad de Madrid (PEJ-2020-AI/BMD-17651).S

    Designing and implementing interactive and realistic augmented reality experiences

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    In this paper, we propose an approach for supporting the design and implementation of interactive and realistic Augmented Reality (AR). Despite the advances in AR technology, most software applications still fail to support AR experiences where virtual objects appear as merged into the real setting. To alleviate this situation, we propose to combine the use of model-based AR techniques with the advantages of current game engines to develop AR scenes in which the virtual objects collide, are occluded, project shadows and, in general, are integrated into the augmented environment more realistically. To evaluate the feasibility of the proposed approach, we extended an existing game platform named GREP to enhance it with AR capacities. The realism of the AR experiences produced with the software was assessed in an event in which more than 100 people played two AR games simultaneously.This work is supported by the project CREAx and PACE funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (TIN2014-56534-R and TIN2016-77690-R)