5 research outputs found

    A GWAS in Latin Americans identifies novel face shape loci, implicating VPS13B and a Denisovan introgressed region in facial variation

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    To characterize the genetic basis of facial features in Latin Americans, we performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of more than 6000 individuals using 59 landmark-based measurements from two-dimensional profile photographs and ~9,000,000 genotyped or imputed single-nucleotide polymorphisms. We detected significant association of 32 traits with at least 1 (and up to 6) of 32 different genomic regions, more than doubling the number of robustly associated face morphology loci reported until now (from 11 to 23). These GWAS hits are strongly enriched in regulatory sequences active specifically during craniofacial development. The associated region in 1p12 includes a tract of archaic adaptive introgression, with a Denisovan haplotype common in Native Americans affecting particularly lip thickness. Among the nine previously unidentified face morphology loci we identified is the VPS13B gene region, and we show that variants in this region also affect midfacial morphology in mice

    Phenotypic prediction from genotype data : applications to pigmentation in forensics, anthropology and genetic mapping

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    La pigmentation humaine est Ă©tudiĂ©e dans un contexte mĂ©dico-lĂ©gal, anthropologique et clinique. La prĂ©diction de la pigmentation a Ă©tĂ© principalement limitĂ©e aux cohortes d'ascendance europĂ©enne. Dans cette thĂšse, mes principaux objectifs sont (1) de prĂ©dire les phĂ©notypes de pigmentation dans une population gĂ©nĂ©tiquement Ă©loignĂ©e des Ă©tudes prĂ©cĂ©dentes et de fournir une ligne directrice pour d'autres Ă©tudes, (2) de prĂ©dire la pigmentation d’échantillons d'ADN ancien du monde entier, et (3) d’investiguer donnĂ©es transcriptomiques pour l’ensemble des gĂšnes associĂ©s Ă  la pigmentation. Sur base de la cohorte CANDELA (>7000 individus mĂ©tissĂ©s d’AmĂ©rique Latine), j’ai gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© de nouveaux sets de SNPs aptes Ă  prĂ©dire la pigmentation (quantitative) de la peau et celle (catĂ©gorique) des yeux et des cheveux d’une population mĂ©tisse d’une meilleure façon que les sets existants. DeuxiĂšmement, j'ai adaptĂ© ces sets de SNPs prĂ©disant la couleur de la peau et des yeux pour prendre en compte deux spĂ©cificitĂ©s de l'ADN ancien : la faible couverture et la pseudo-haploĂŻdie, et j'ai amĂ©liorĂ© les modĂšles de prĂ©diction pour prendre en compte l'ascendance mal reprĂ©sentĂ©e dans la cohorte CANDELA. J’ai validĂ© la mĂ©thode sur des donnĂ©es publiques contemporaines et l’ai ensuite appliquĂ©e Ă  ~3600 Ă©chantillons d’ADN ancien disponibles publiquement (base de donnĂ©es AADR). TroisiĂšmement, j'ai explorĂ© l'expression des gĂšnes de pigmentation Ă  partir de l'ensemble de donnĂ©es GTEx et rĂ©alisĂ© des tests d'association phĂ©notype-transcriptome Ă  l'aide des mĂ©thodes S-MultiXcan, ce qui a permis d’identifier une nouvelle association entre CACNA2D2 et l'indice de mĂ©lanine.Human pigmentation is studied in a forensic, anthropological and clinical context. Pigmentation prediction has been primarily limited to cohorts of European ancestry. In thisthesis, my main objectives are (1) to predict pigmentation phenotypes in a population genetically distant from previous studies and provide a guideline for further studies, ( thesis, my main objectives are (1) to predict pigmentation phenotypes in a population genetically distant from previous studies and provide a guideline for further studies, ( 2) to predict pigmentation in ancient DNA samples from around the world, and (3) to investigate transcriptomic data for the set of genes associated with pigmentation. Based on the CANDELA cohort cohort (>7000 admixed Latin American), I generated new sets of SNPs that can predict skin (quantitative) and eye/hair (categorical) pigmentation in a mestizo population better than the population in a better way than the existing sets. Second, I adapted these sets of SNPs predicting skin and eye color to take into account two specificities of ancient DNA: low-coverage and pseudo-haploidy, and I improved the prediction models to take into account the poorly represented ancestry in the CANDELA cohort. I validated the method on co ntemporary data and then applied it to ~3600 publicly available ancient DNA samples (AADR database). Third, I explored the expression of pigmentation genes from the GTEx and AADR datasets. mble of GTEx data and performed phenotype-transcriptome association tests using S-MultiXcan methods, which identified a novel association between CACNA2D2 and melanin index