2,952 research outputs found

    Contribution of women and men to feminist psychology: a bibliographical review

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    Treball Final de Grau en Psicologia. Codi: PS1048. Curs: 2018/2019.In the beginnings of psychology, women were not allowed learning, developing their teaching and research on equal terms with men. In this context of discrimination, feminist psychology emerged, with the aim of vindicating and making visible the figure of women in the context of oppression in which they found themselves. Nowadays, college psychology studies are conducted mainly by women. However, this superiority do not replicates in higher scientific or academic positions. Since that the starting academic and social context has evolved, a comparative bibliographical study is proposed in order to know the contributions of women and men to research in current feminist psychology. The variables evaluated are the publications by authorship, by work groups, as well as the issues raised. Through the Scopus database, the journal Feminism and Psychology is reviewed. The selection criteria include all the articles published during the last decade (2009-2018) under the Psychology label. The citations are then exported to Mendeley and a total of 371 articles are analyzed. The results show a higher proportion of women researchers compared to their male counterparts in feminist psychology. Scientific production varies according to the members that consist the research groups. The women-composed groups have the highest number of publications, followed by women and men groups and men-composed groups in the last place. The difference between women who work individually or in same gender groups is not significant. However, men do significatly workingindividually. Women cover a wider variety of topics: the most treated categories are Feminism and Research; men most research topics are the Gender Roles and the LGTBI+ movement.En los inicios de la psicología, a las mujeres no se les permitía formarse, ni desarrollar su labor docente e investigadora en igualdad de condiciones con los hombres. En este contexto de discriminación surgió la psicología feminista, con el objetivo de reivindicar y visibilizar la figura de la mujer en el contexto de opresión en el que se encontraba. En la actualidad, los estudios universitarios de psicología son cursados mayoritariamente por mujeres. Sin embargo, esta superioridad no se traslada a cargos científicos ni académicos más elevados. Dado que el contexto académico y social de partida ha evolucionado, se plantea un estudio bibliográfico comparativo con el objetivo de conocer las aportaciones de mujeres y hombres a la investigación en la psicología feminista actual. Las variables que se han valorado son las publicaciones por autoría, por grupos de trabajo, así como las temáticas planteadas. Mediante la base de datos Scopus se examina la revista. Los criterios de selección incluyen todos los artículos publicados durante la última década (2009-2018) bajo la etiqueta Psychology. Seguidamente, las citas son exportadas a Mendeley y se analizan un total de 371 artículos. Los resultados muestran una mayor proporción de mujeres investigadoras frente a sus homólogos masculinos en psicología feminista. La producción científica varía en función de los miembros que conforman los grupos de investigación. Aquellos grupos compuestos por mujeres son los que cuentan con mayor número de publicaciones, seguidamente de grupos mixtos y hombres en último lugar. La diferencia entre mujeres que trabajan individualmente o en grupos con miembros del mismo género no es significativa. Sin embargo, los hombres sí trabajan de manera individual significativamente. Las mujeres abarcan mayor variedad de temáticas, siendo las categorías más tratadas Feminismo e Investigación, mientras que los hombres abordan los Roles de género y el movimiento LGTBI+

    Assessment of Oxygen Expansion during Internal Bleaching with Enamel and Dentin: A Comparative In Vitro Study

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    Internal bleaching is a conservative, non-invasive, and simple treatment that is frequently performed in daily clinical practice. The present in vitro study analyzes the oxygen expansion of different bleaching agents resulting from the oxidation reaction when interacting with enamel and dentin. Enamel and dentin were crushed separately until obtaining a fine powder with particles of an approximate size between 0.06 and 0.2 mm. Each enamel and dentin sample were mixed with 37% carbamide peroxide (CP 37%), 30% hydrogen peroxide (HP 30%), sodium perborate (SP) combined with HP 30% (HP 30% + SP) and SP with distilled water (SP). A total of 280 1 mm diameter glass tubes were used with 70 for each bleaching agent (30 for powdered enamel evaluation, 30 for powdered dentin evaluation, and 10 controls). The bleaching agents were placed in the prepared tubes immediately after mixing the components. As expansion occurred, the oil inside the tube was displaced, through which the resulting expansion was evaluated and measured for 10 days. A significant expansion was observed that varied in magnitude according to the bleaching agent and the tooth structure used. Student’s t test and Welch’s ANOVA were used to analyze the data obtained. The highest mean expansion of both enamel and dentin was observed with 30% HP (66.6 mm for enamel, 94.5 mm for dentin) followed by HP 30% + SP (48.6 mm for enamel, 52.7 mm for dentin), CP 37% (38.4 mm for enamel, 52.6 mm for dentin) and finally SP with water (12.7 mm for enamel, 4.4 mm for dentin). It was observed that the expansion in the SP group with enamel was significantly lower than in the rest of the groups, while that registered for HP 30% was significantly higher. (p < 0.001). The results with dentin were similar, with a significantly lower expansion for SP and higher for HP 30% (p < 0.001). The oxygen expansion observed as a result of the interaction between bleaching agents and dental tissues could contribute to improving our understanding of bleaching and its results. These results suggest that bleaching agents react with the organic component of the tooth structure.Odontologí

    El concepto de si mismo y la elevación vocacional

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    Carvalho Calero: mitos para un exílio

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    Los agentes psicosociales como moduladores de la motivación en deportistas jóvenes orientados al rendimiento : un modelo causal

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    El apoyo psicosocial percibido influye desde edades tempranas en la adaptación a la competición deportiva, en la motivación para seguir participando y en el estrés competitivo. En este trabajo se investiga la relación entre estas variables en una muestra de deportistas jóvenes, con una clara orientación al rendimiento deportivo. Dicha relación ha sido puesta a prueba mediante un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales, considerando como variable independientes la autoestima y el apoyo psicosocial percibido; como variables dependientes la motivación hacia la tarea y la motivación hacia procesos de comparación social. Los resultados confirman completamente las hipótesis y los signos obtenidos son coherentes con los aspectos substantivos del modelo.Psychosocial support has a particular influence on the adaptation of young athletes to competition, the motivation to participate and its related stress. This paper deals with the relationship among these variables in secondary school pupils of both sexes oriented towards high performance sport. The relation between the variables has been put to the test using a structural equation model, considering perceived psychosocial support and self-steem as independent variables, task orientation and social comparaison processes as dependent variables. The results confirm the hypothesis and the signs of the coefficients obtained are fully coherent with the substantive aspects of the model

    Manuel María, versos de xuventude

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    Les tertúlies literàries dialògiques: Paraules per a transformar

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    Novenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 2003-2004
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